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finishing up the work on datadog integration
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AmineChikhaoui committed Oct 24, 2016
1 parent 048b0b5 commit 469beb3
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Showing 6 changed files with 278 additions and 8 deletions.
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions examples/datadog-screenboard.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
app_key = "ec0...";
api_key = "1b4...";
resources.datadogScreenboards.screenboard-example = { config, ...}:
appKey = app_key;
apiKey = api_key;
boardTitle = "Screenboard created using nixops";
description = "Screenboard created using NixOps";
templateVariables = [
name = "host";
prefix = "host";
default = "*";
widgets = [
(builtins.toJSON {
legend= false;
type= "timeseries";
legend_size= "0";
x= 0;
y= 0;
timeframe= "1h";
title_size= 16;
title= true;
title_align= "left";
title_text= "CPU iowait";
height= 13;
tile_def= {
requests= [
type= "line";
conditional_formats= [];
q= "sum:system.cpu.iowait{$host}";
viz= "timeseries";
width= 54;
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions nix/datadog-screenboard.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
{ config, lib, uuid, name, ... }:

with lib;

options = {

apiKey = mkOption {
default = "";
type = types.str;
description = "The Datadog API Key.";
appKey = mkOption {
default = "";
type = types.str;
description = "The Datadog App Key.";
boardTitle = mkOption {
default = "";
type = types.str;
description = "The name of the dashboard.";
description = mkOption {
default = "";
type = types.str;
description = "A description of the dashboard's content.";
widgets = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = "A list of widget definitions.";
templateVariables = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.optionSet;
description = "A list of template variables for using Dashboard templating.";
options = {
name = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = "The name of the variable.";
prefix = mkOption {
default = null;
type = types.nullOr (types.str);
description = "The tag prefix associated with the variable. Only tags with this prefix will appear in the variable dropdown.";
default = mkOption {
default = null;
type = types.nullOr (types.str);
description = "The default value for the template variable on dashboard load";
width = mkOption {
default = null;
type = types.nullOr (;
description = "Screenboard width in pixels.";
height = mkOption {
default = null;
type = types.nullOr (;
description = "Height in pixels.";
readOnly = mkOption {
default = false;
type = types.bool;
description = "The read-only status of the screenboard.";

config._type = "datadog-screenboard";
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions nix/datadog-timeboard.nix
Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ with lib;
readOnly = mkOption {
default = false;
type = types.bool;
description = "The read-only status of the screenboard.";

config._type = "datadog-timeboard";
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions nix/eval-machine-info.nix
Expand Up @@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ rec {
# Datadog resources
resources.datadogMonitors = evalResources ./datadog-monitor.nix (zipAttrs resourcesByType.datadogMonitors or []);
resources.datadogTimeboards = evalResources ./datadog-timeboard.nix (zipAttrs resourcesByType.datadogTimeboards or []);
resources.datadogScreenboards = evalResources ./datadog-screenboard.nix (zipAttrs resourcesByType.datadogScreenboards or []);

# Azure resources
resources.azureAvailabilitySets = evalAzureResources ./azure-availability-set.nix (zipAttrs resourcesByType.azureAvailabilitySets or []);
Expand Down
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions nixops/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import nixops.util
import nixops.resources
import nixops.datadog_utils
import json

class DatadogScreenboardDefinition(nixops.resources.ResourceDefinition):
"""Definition of a Datadog screenboard."""

def get_type(cls):
return "datadog-screenboard"

def get_resource_type(cls):
return "datadogScreenboards"

def __init__(self, xml):
nixops.resources.ResourceDefinition.__init__(self, xml)
self.api_key = xml.find("attrs/attr[@name='apiKey']/string").get("value")
self.app_key = xml.find("attrs/attr[@name='appKey']/string").get("value")
self.board_title = xml.find("attrs/attr[@name='boardTitle']/string").get("value")
description = xml.find("attrs/attr[@name='description']/string").get("value")
self.description = description if description != "" else None
self.widgets = []
for widget in xml.findall("attrs/attr[@name='widgets']/list"):
widget_entry = json.loads(widget.find("string").get("value"))
self.template_variables = []
tvariables = xml.findall("attrs/attr[@name='templateVariables']/list/attrs")
for variable in tvariables:
template_variable = {}
template_variable['name'] = variable.find("attr[@name='name']/string").get("value")
prefix = variable.find("attr[@name='prefix']/string")
template_variable['prefix'] = prefix.get("value") if prefix != None else None
default = variable.find("attr[@name='default']/string")
template_variable['default'] = default.get("value") if default != None else None
width = xml.find("attrs/attr[@name='width']/int")
self.width = width.get('value') if width != None else None
height = xml.find("attrs/attr[@name='height']/int")
self.height = height.get('value') if height != None else None
read_only = xml.find("attrs/attr[@name='readOnly']/bool").get("value")
self.read_only = True if read_only=="true" else False

def show_type(self):
return "{0}".format(self.get_type())

class DatadogScreenboardState(nixops.resources.ResourceState):
"""State of a Datadog screenboard"""

state = nixops.util.attr_property("state", nixops.resources.ResourceState.MISSING, int)
api_key = nixops.util.attr_property("apiKey", None)
app_key = nixops.util.attr_property("appKey", None)
board_title = nixops.util.attr_property("boardTitle",None)
description = nixops.util.attr_property("description",None)
width = nixops.util.attr_property("width",None)
height = nixops.util.attr_property("height",None)
widgets= nixops.util.attr_property("widgets",[],'json')
template_variables = nixops.util.attr_property("templateVariables",[],'json')
screenboard_id = nixops.util.attr_property("screenboardId", None)
read_only = nixops.util.attr_property("readOnly",None)

def get_type(cls):
return "datadog-screenboard"

def __init__(self, depl, name, id):
nixops.resources.ResourceState.__init__(self, depl, name, id)
self._dd_api = None
self._key_options = None

def show_type(self):
s = super(DatadogScreenboardState, self).show_type()
return s

def resource_id(self):
return self.board_title

def get_definition_prefix(self):
return "resources.datadogScreenboards."

def connect(self, app_key, api_key):
if self._dd_api: return
self._dd_api, self._key_options = nixops.datadog_utils.initializeDatadog(app_key=app_key, api_key=api_key)

def create_screenboard(self, defn, template_variables):
response = self._dd_api.Screenboard.create(
board_title=defn.board_title, description=defn.description, widgets=defn.widgets,
template_variables=template_variables, width=defn.width, height=defn.height, read_only=defn.read_only)
if 'errors' in response:
raise Exception(str(response['errors']))
return response['id']

def screenboard_exist(self, id):
result = self._dd_api.Screenboard.get(id)
if 'errors' in result:
return False
return True

def create(self, defn, check, allow_reboot, allow_recreate):
screenboard_id = None
self.connect(app_key=defn.app_key, api_key=defn.api_key)
tv = defn.template_variables
template_variables = tv if len(tv)>0 else None
if self.state != self.UP:
self.log("creating datadog screenboard '{0}...'".format(defn.board_title))
screenboard_id = self.create_screenboard(defn=defn, template_variables=template_variables)
if self.state == self.UP:
if self.screenboard_exist(self.screenboard_id) == False:
self.warn("datadog screenboard with id {0} doesn't exist anymore.. recreating ...".format(self.screenboard_id))
screenboard_id = self.create_screenboard(defn=defn, template_variables=template_variables)
response = self._dd_api.Screenboard.update(
self.screenboard_id, board_title=defn.board_title, description=defn.description, widgets=defn.widgets,
template_variables=template_variables, width=defn.width, height=defn.height, read_only=defn.read_only)
if 'errors' in response:
raise Exception(str(response['errors']))

with self.depl._db:
self.state = self.UP
self.api_key = defn.api_key
self.app_key = defn.app_key
if screenboard_id != None: self.screenboard_id = screenboard_id
self.board_title = defn.board_title
self.widgets = defn.widgets
self.template_variables = defn.template_variables
self.description = defn.description
self.read_only = defn.read_only

def _destroy(self):
if self.state == self.UP:
if self.screenboard_exist(self.screenboard_id) == False:
self.warn("datadog screenboard with id {0} already deleted".format(self.screenboard_id))
self.log("deleting datadog screenboard ‘{0}’...".format(self.board_title))

def destroy(self, wipe=False):
return True
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions nixops/resources/
Expand Up @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ def __init__(self, xml):
default = variable.find("attr[@name='default']/string")
template_variable['default'] = default.get("value") if default != None else None

read_only = xml.find("attrs/attr[@name='readOnly']/bool").get("value")
self.read_only = True if read_only=="true" else False

def show_type(self):
return "{0}".format(self.get_type())
Expand All @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ class DatadogTimeboardState(nixops.resources.ResourceState):
template_variables = nixops.util.attr_property("templateVariables",[],'json')
timeboard_id = nixops.util.attr_property("timeboardId", None)
url = nixops.util.attr_property("timeboardURL", None)
read_only = nixops.util.attr_property("readOnly",None)

def get_type(cls):
Expand All @@ -67,9 +68,6 @@ def __init__(self, depl, name, id):
self._dd_api = None
self._key_options = None

def _exists(self):
return self.state != self.MISSING

def show_type(self):
s = super(DatadogTimeboardState, self).show_type()
return s
Expand All @@ -95,7 +93,8 @@ def connect(self, app_key, api_key):

def create_timeboard(self, defn, template_variables):
response = self._dd_api.Timeboard.create(
title=defn.title, description=defn.description, graphs=defn.graphs, template_variables=template_variables)
title=defn.title, description=defn.description, graphs=defn.graphs,
template_variables=template_variables, read_only=defn.read_only)
if 'errors' in response:
raise Exception(str(response['errors']))
Expand All @@ -121,11 +120,11 @@ def create(self, defn, check, allow_reboot, allow_recreate):
if self.state == self.UP:
if self.timeboard_exist(self.timeboard_id) == False:
self.warn("datadog timeboard with id {0} doesn't exist anymore.. recreating ...".format(self.timeboard_id))
timeboard_id = self.create_timeboard(defn=defn)
timeboard_id, url = self.create_timeboard(defn=defn, template_variables=template_variables)
response = self._dd_api.Timeboard.update(
self.timeboard_id, title=defn.title, description=defn.description, graphs=defn.graphs,
template_variables=template_variables, read_only=defn.read_only)
if 'errors' in response:
raise Exception(str(response['errors']))
Expand All @@ -141,6 +140,7 @@ def create(self, defn, check, allow_reboot, allow_recreate):
self.template_variables = defn.template_variables
self.description = defn.description
self.url = url
self.read_only = defn.read_only

def _destroy(self):
if self.state == self.UP:
Expand Down

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