- Parser (Locator)
- Printer
- all
curl localhost:8080/people
- a user
curl localhost:8080/people/Writer%20a
- the books:
curl localhost:8080/people/Writer%20a/books
-> see the writer, not annotated reference - assign an address
curl --data "street=Sesame" localhost:8080/people/Writer%20a/address
- see the street (@JsonInclude) a user
curl localhost:8080/people/Writer%20a
- assign a book to another author
curl --data "book=Title aa" localhost:8080/people/Writer%20a/books
- 1..n with aux table - automatic or manually (weight of a reference?)
- 1..n with back reference
- n..n with manual aux table
- shot in the foot with sql keywords
- flat documents
curl http://localhost:8080/solr-debug
- "schemaless" solr schema
- field name generation
curl http://localhost:8080/solr-log-fields
- ObjectCacheRemote
- cluster configuration
- nojpas will communicate with each other directly
- GlobalLockService - locking on a String representation of a model object or a random string
- GlobalLockService.LockedExecutor
curl localhost:6061/cluster-lock/Writer%20a
curl localhost:6062/cluster-lock/Writer%20a