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CLI backup tool. Schedule backups and keep your precious data safe.


Install the rireki cli running the following command:

pip install rireki

You need to call rireki backup in order for backups to be performed, and rireki clean to perform clean up. For example, you could use the following crontab configuration to perform backup checks every hour:

0 * * * * rireki backup >> /var/log/cron-rireki.log 2>> /var/log/cron-rireki.log
10 7 * * * rireki clean >> /var/log/cron-rireki.log 2>> /var/log/cron-rireki.log

Note: Make sure that the crontab can execute the rireki command. That will depend on how you installed the package and which crontab you configure. Also keep in mind that by default the command will read the projects from the home folder of the current user. This can be overriden by setting the RIREKI_HOME environment variable. Also make sure that the /var/log/cron-rireki.log file exists and is writable by the crontab user.


Get detailed information running rireki --help.

There are three core concepts on how rireki manages backups:

  • Projects: A project is something you want to back up. For example a website database or a collection of files.

  • Drivers: A driver is the program used to create the backup files. For example zipping up a folder or dumping a database.

  • Stores: A store is the program used to save the backup files created with a driver. For example copying them to a local folder or uploading them to a 3rd party service.

In order to install a new project to backup, a configuration file can be added to ~/.rireki/projects/{project-name}.conf. This will be a toml configuration file. It can either be created manually or calling rireki add {project-name}.

Additionally, projects can have the following configurations:

property type description
name string Name of the project.
last_backups_retention integer Number of newest backups to retain on cleanup (defaults to 7).
year_backups_retention `"monthly" "weekly"
ancient_backups_retention `"yearly" "monthly"



This driver creates an archive with files copied from the local filesystem. The archive will be a zip file if possible or a tar file.

It needs the following configuration:

property type description
name "files" The name of the driver.
frequency integer The frequency in seconds at which new backups should be made.
paths string[] Folders or files that will be included in the archive.


This driver can be used if backing up a project is not supported by any of the other drivers. It consists of a custom script that will be called to generate the backup artifacts. The backup files should be placed on a path indicated by the RIREKI_BACKUP_PATH env variable.

Once the script has completed, a file named logs.json will also be placed on the path with the standard output and standard error printed by the script.

It needs the following configuration:

property type description
name "custom" The name of the driver.
frequency integer The frequency in seconds at which new backups should be made.
command string Command to call in order to perform backups.
timeout integer Number of seconds where the command will be timed out and the backup will fail.



This store copies the backups to a folder in the same filesystem.

It needs the following configuration:

property type description
name "local" The name of the store.
path string The path of the folder where the backups will be copied.

Amazon Web Services

This store uploads the backups to an AWS S3 instance.

It needs the following configuration:

property type description
name "aws" The name of the store.
region string The region where the S3 instance is located.
access_key string The access key ID.
access_secret string The secret access key.
bucket string The name of the bucket where the files will be uploaded.
path string The path within the bucket where the files will be placed.

Digital Ocean

This store uploads the backups to a Digital Ocean Spaces instance.

It uses the same configuration as the AWS store, with the only exception that the name is "digital-ocean" instead.

An example config file

For example, to backup a project named "Foobar" using the files driver and the local store we would create the following file at ~/.rireki/projects/foobar.conf:




As mentioned before, you could call rireki add foobar to create this file.


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