[ 0.000159]: Longterm timer threshold: 1000 ms [ 0.000174]: mem_actual: 0x400000000 legacy sane_size: 0x3e0000000 [ 0.000182]: PMAP: Supervisor Mode Execute Protection enabled [ 0.000183]: PMAP: Supervisor Mode Access Protection enabled [ 0.000208]: Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Thu Jun 8 22:22:22 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.3~7/RELEASE_X86_64 [ 0.007505]: pmap_startup() delaying init/free of page nums > 0x200000 [ 0.049466]: pmap_startup() init/release time: 41956 microsec [ 0.049470]: pmap_startup() delayed init/release of 2076289 pages [ 0.049472]: vm_page_bootstrap: 1731559 free pages, 2429977 wired pages, (up to 2076289 of which are delayed free) [ 0.050135]: VM boostrap: 73 maps, 153 entries and 128 holes available [ 0.050144]: Maximum number of VM swap files: 100 [ 0.050155]: kext submap [0x - 0x], kernel text [0x - 0x] [ 0.086630]: "vm_compressor_mode" is 4 [ 0.086700]: VM bootstrap done: 57 maps, 110 entries and 117 holes left [ 0.093417]: Long logs support configured: size: 16384 [ 0.094081]: Log queues configured: slot count: 96, per-slot size: 32768, total size: 3145728 [ 0.094085]: OSLog stream configured: stream: 8192 bytes, cache: 2112 bytes [ 0.094148]: Firehose configured: 16 chunks, 8 io pages [ 0.094161]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us [ 0.094162]: standard background quantum is 2500 us [ 0.094446]: mig_table_max_displ = 54 mach_kobj_count = 374 [ 0.119073]: kdp_core zlib memory 0x7000 [ 0.452587]: PMRD: PMTraceWorker 0xb0eb87343274e4fd [ 0.452794]: PMRD: changePowerStateWithTagToPriv(ON_STATE, 10001) [ 0.453074]: ACPI: ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000EC43B014 000024 (v02 _ASUS_)RSDP 0x00000000EC43B014 000024 (v02 _ASUS_) [ 0.453452]: [ 0.453478]: ACPI: ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000EC4D4000 000144 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 01000013)XSDT 0x00000000EC4D4000 000144 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 01000013) [ 0.454098]: [ 0.454195]: ACPI: ACPI: FACP 0x00000000EC430000 000114 (v06 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00010013)FACP 0x00000000EC430000 000114 (v06 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00010013) [ 0.454815]: [ 0.459327]: ACPI: ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000EC426000 009B35 (v02 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 INTL 20120913)DSDT 0x00000000EC426000 009B35 (v02 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 INTL 20120913) [ 0.459819]: [ 0.459841]: ACPI: ACPI: FACS 0x00000000EC71F000 000040FACS 0x00000000EC71F000 000040 [ 0.460059]: [ 0.463303]: Darwin Image4 Validator Version 5.0.0: Thu Jun 8 22:16:43 PDT 2023; root:AppleImage4-202.120.2~703/AppleImage4/RELEASE_X86_64 [ 0.464244]: calling mpo_policy_init for AppleImage4 [ 0.464589]: Security policy loaded: AppleImage4 sysctl hook (AppleImage4) [ 0.464592]: AppleImage4: no options node: 19 [ 0.464944]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af2aad 0x0 [ 0.464948]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af2b4d 0x0 [ 0.464973]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (OFF_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x20064 [ 0.464981]: PMRD: sysPowerDownHandler message kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange [ 0.464982]: PMRD: sysPowerDownHandler cap f -> f (flags 1) [ 0.465002]: PMRD: sysPowerDownHandler message kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange [ 0.465003]: PMRD: sysPowerDownHandler cap f -> f (flags 2) [ 0.465005]: PMRD: tellChangeUp OFF_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.465009]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: OFF_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.465012]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x10001 [ 0.465015]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.465016]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x30064 [ 0.465018]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.465019]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x40064 [ 0.465022]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.466584]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC432000 00728A (v02 AMD AmdTable 00000002 MSFT 02000002)SSDT 0x00000000EC432000 00728A (v02 AMD AmdTable 00000002 MSFT 02000002) [ 0.467038]: [ 0.467134]: ACPI: ACPI: IVRS 0x00000000EC431000 0001A4 (v02 AMD AmdTable 00000001 AMD 00000000)IVRS 0x00000000EC431000 0001A4 (v02 AMD AmdTable 00000001 AMD 00000000) [ 0.467587]: [ 0.467626]: ACPI: ACPI: FIDT 0x00000000EC425000 00009C (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00010013)FIDT 0x00000000EC425000 00009C (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00010013) [ 0.468078]: [ 0.468105]: ACPI: ACPI: MCFG 0x00000000EC424000 00003C (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 MSFT 00010013)MCFG 0x00000000EC424000 00003C (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 MSFT 00010013) [ 0.468556]: [ 0.468584]: ACPI: ACPI: HPET 0x00000000EC423000 000038 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00000005)HPET 0x00000000EC423000 000038 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00000005) [ 0.469035]: [ 0.469160]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC422000 000228 (v01 AMD STD3 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC422000 000228 (v01 AMD STD3 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.469612]: [ 0.477349]: calling mpo_policy_init for AMFI [ 0.477679]: Security policy loaded: Apple Mobile File Integrity (AMFI) [ 0.477892]: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox [ 0.478469]: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox) [ 0.478850]: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine [ 0.479159]: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine) [ 0.481012]: TimeSyncTime is mach_absolute_time nanoseconds [ 0.481678]: Lilu api: @ automatically disabling NVMeFix (109) on an unsupported operating system [ 0.482185]: NVMeFix init: @ parent said we should not continue 4 [ 0.482705]: NootedRed nred: @ Copyright 2022-2023 ChefKiss Inc. If you've paid for this, you've been scammed. [ 0.483656]: Lilu api: @ automatically disabling NoTouchID (104) on an unsupported operating system [ 0.484175]: NoTouchID init: @ parent said we should not continue 4 [ 0.485853]: ACPI: ACPI: VFCT 0x00000000EC414000 00D484 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 00000001 AMD 31504F47)VFCT 0x00000000EC414000 00D484 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 00000001 AMD 31504F47) [ 0.486306]: [ 0.486343]: ACPI: ACPI: TPM2 0x00000000EC412000 00004C (v04 _ASUS_ Notebook 00000001 AMI 00000000)TPM2 0x00000000EC412000 00004C (v04 _ASUS_ Notebook 00000001 AMI 00000000) [ 0.486792]: [ 0.488617]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC40E000 003E88 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 AMD 00000001)SSDT 0x00000000EC40E000 003E88 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 AMD 00000001) [ 0.489064]: [ 0.489417]: ACPI: ACPI: CRAT 0x00000000EC40D000 000BA8 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 AMD 00000001)CRAT 0x00000000EC40D000 000BA8 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 AMD 00000001) [ 0.489862]: [ 0.489887]: ACPI: ACPI: CDIT 0x00000000EC40C000 000029 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 AMD 00000001)CDIT 0x00000000EC40C000 000029 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 AMD 00000001) [ 0.490335]: [ 0.490361]: ACPI: ACPI: BGRT 0x00000000EC413000 000038 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00010013)BGRT 0x00000000EC413000 000038 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00010013) [ 0.490810]: [ 0.491992]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC409000 002874 (v01 OptRf2 Opt2Tabl 00001000 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC409000 002874 (v01 OptRf2 Opt2Tabl 00001000 INTL 20120913) [ 0.492440]: [ 0.492495]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC408000 000139 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC408000 000139 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.492943]: [ 0.493346]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC407000 000D37 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC407000 000D37 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.493797]: [ 0.494302]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC405000 0010A5 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC405000 0010A5 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.494756]: [ 0.495049]: VirtualSMC efend: @ authenticated restart support is unavailable (800000000000000E, 8) [ 0.495557]: VirtualSMC prov: @ legacy mode, most of the features are disabled! [ 0.497241]: AppleCredentialManager: init: inited KE[1] (ready=NO, AVP=NO) -> true. [ 0.497642]: AppleCredentialManager: probe: probed KE[1] (ready=NO) -> true (score=0). [ 0.498074]: AppleCyrus::probe(IOResources) [ 0.498110]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 0.499852]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC401000 0030C8 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC401000 0030C8 (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.500305]: [ 0.500344]: ACPI: ACPI: WSMT 0x00000000EC400000 000028 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00010013)WSMT 0x00000000EC400000 000028 (v01 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00010013) [ 0.500795]: [ 0.500841]: ACPI: ACPI: APIC 0x00000000EC3FF000 0000DE (v03 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00010013)APIC 0x00000000EC3FF000 0000DE (v03 _ASUS_ Notebook 01072009 AMI 00010013) [ 0.501295]: [ 0.503226]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC3FE000 00007D (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC3FE000 00007D (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.503678]: [ 0.505732]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC3FD000 00048F (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC3FD000 00048F (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.506185]: [ 0.508290]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC3FC000 0006DB (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC3FC000 0006DB (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.508804]: [ 0.510732]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC3FB000 00020A (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC3FB000 00020A (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.511186]: [ 0.513226]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC3F9000 00063E (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC3F9000 00063E (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.513678]: [ 0.515602]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC3F8000 0003DF (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913)SSDT 0x00000000EC3F8000 0003DF (v01 AMD AmdTable 00000001 INTL 20120913) [ 0.516056]: [ 0.517825]: ACPI: ACPI: FPDT 0x00000000EC3F7000 000044 (v01 _ASUS_ A M I 01072009 AMI 01000013)FPDT 0x00000000EC3F7000 000044 (v01 _ASUS_ A M I 01072009 AMI 01000013) [ 0.518280]: [ 0.520066]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC4DD000 000061 (v02 VISUAL AMDPNLF 00000000 INTL 20221020)SSDT 0x00000000EC4DD000 000061 (v02 VISUAL AMDPNLF 00000000 INTL 20221020) [ 0.520518]: [ 0.522287]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC4DC000 000084 (v02 ACDT ALS0 00000000 INTL 20200925)SSDT 0x00000000EC4DC000 000084 (v02 ACDT ALS0 00000000 INTL 20200925) [ 0.522740]: [ 0.524481]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC4DB000 0000C0 (v02 DRTNIA dGPU-Off 00000000 INTL 20230331)SSDT 0x00000000EC4DB000 0000C0 (v02 DRTNIA dGPU-Off 00000000 INTL 20230331) [ 0.524933]: [ 0.526644]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC4DA000 0000D1 (v02 CORP HPET 00000000 INTL 20230331)SSDT 0x00000000EC4DA000 0000D1 (v02 CORP HPET 00000000 INTL 20230331) [ 0.527097]: [ 0.528774]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC4D9000 00007D (v02 CORP SsdtEC 00001000 INTL 20230331)SSDT 0x00000000EC4D9000 00007D (v02 CORP SsdtEC 00001000 INTL 20230331) [ 0.529228]: [ 0.530911]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC4D8000 0000D9 (v02 CORP SsdtUsbx 00001000 INTL 20230331)SSDT 0x00000000EC4D8000 0000D9 (v02 CORP SsdtUsbx 00001000 INTL 20230331) [ 0.531363]: [ 0.533098]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC4D7000 00044A (v02 CORP CpuPlugA 00003000 INTL 20230331)SSDT 0x00000000EC4D7000 00044A (v02 CORP CpuPlugA 00003000 INTL 20230331) [ 0.533551]: [ 0.535191]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC4D6000 0001A1 (v02 DRTNIA XOSI 00001000 INTL 20230331)SSDT 0x00000000EC4D6000 0001A1 (v02 DRTNIA XOSI 00001000 INTL 20230331) [ 0.535644]: [ 0.537255]: ACPI: ACPI: SSDT 0x00000000EC4D5000 00014F (v02 DRTNIA SsdtEC 00001000 INTL 20190509)SSDT 0x00000000EC4D5000 00014F (v02 DRTNIA SsdtEC 00001000 INTL 20190509) [ 0.537708]: [ 0.569498]: ACPI: ACPI: 24 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded24 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded [ 0.569941]: [ 0.572417]: pci (build 22:12:01 Jun 8 2023), flags 0xc3080 [ 0.574560]: pci (build 22:12:01 Jun 8 2023), flags 0xc3080 [ 0.575010]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af2bed 0x0 [ 0.575015]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x50064 [ 0.575023]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.575434]: AMDCPUSupport v0.7.1, init [ 0.577185]: AMDCPUSupport::enter dlinking.. [ 0.578856]: vh: 4294967168, vl: 402718720 [ 0.580671]: vh: 4294967168, vl: 402718720 [ 0.582381]: vh: 4294967168, vl: 402718720 [ 0.584064]: vh: 4294967168, vl: 402718720 [ 0.586939]: vh: 4294967168, vl: 402718720 [ 0.588601]: vh: 4294967168, vl: 402718720 [ 0.590244]: vh: 4294967168, vl: 402718720 [ 0.591861]: vh: 4294967168, vl: 402718720 [ 0.593410]: vh: 4294967168, vl: 402718720 [ 0.594900]: AMDCPUSupport::enter link finished. [ 0.596370]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled [ 0.597892]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=1 Enabled [ 0.599499]: cpu_data_alloc(1) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.599507]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=2 Enabled [ 0.600969]: cpu_data_alloc(2) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.600973]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=3 Enabled [ 0.602418]: cpu_data_alloc(3) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.602421]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=4 Enabled [ 0.603862]: cpu_data_alloc(4) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.603865]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=5 Enabled [ 0.605302]: cpu_data_alloc(5) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.605309]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=8 Enabled [ 0.606733]: cpu_data_alloc(6) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.606736]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=9 Enabled [ 0.608120]: cpu_data_alloc(7) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.608124]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=9 LocalApicId=10 Enabled [ 0.609481]: cpu_data_alloc(8) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.609484]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=10 LocalApicId=11 Enabled [ 0.610833]: cpu_data_alloc(9) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.610839]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=11 LocalApicId=12 Enabled [ 0.612161]: cpu_data_alloc(10) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.612165]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=12 LocalApicId=13 Enabled [ 0.613461]: cpu_data_alloc(11) desc_table: ldt: int_stack: 0x-0x [ 0.613464]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=13 LocalApicId=0 Disabled [ 0.614731]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=14 LocalApicId=0 Disabled [ 0.615957]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=15 LocalApicId=0 Disabled [ 0.617155]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=16 LocalApicId=0 Disabled [ 0.619037]: Initializing vnode cacheAppleUserConsent startauck_kext_stubno external trust caches found (segment length is zero) [ 0.620898]: Started cpu 1 (lapic id 00000001) [ 0.621233]: Started cpu 2 (lapic id 00000002) [ 0.621510]: Started cpu 3 (lapic id 00000003) [ 0.621973]: Started cpu 4 (lapic id 00000004) [ 0.622333]: Started cpu 5 (lapic id 00000005) [ 0.622685]: Started cpu 6 (lapic id 00000008) [ 0.622979]: Started cpu 7 (lapic id 00000009) [ 0.623284]: Started cpu 8 (lapic id 0000000a) [ 0.623566]: Started cpu 9 (lapic id 0000000b) [ 0.623890]: Started cpu 10 (lapic id 0000000c) [ 0.624244]: Started cpu 11 (lapic id 0000000d) [ 0.625266]: IOAPIC: Version 0x21 Vectors 88:111 [ 0.625276]: IOAPIC: Version 0x21 Vectors 64:87 [ 0.626014]: ACPI: ACPI: Executed 7 blocks of module-level executable AML codeExecuted 7 blocks of module-level executable AML code [ 0.626024]: [ 0.649115]: ACPI: sleep states S4 S5 [ 0.650142]: PMRD: setSleepSupported(1) [ 0.650176]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af37cd 0x0 [ 0.650191]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x60064 [ 0.650209]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.652959]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.652969]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.653492]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.653503]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.654151]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.654161]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.654232]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.654241]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.655528]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.655537]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.655542]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.659947]: ACPI: cannot translate ACPI object 14 [ 0.662742]: [addMemoryRange()] AppleVTD is not yet installed as gSystem [ 0.664514]: [addMemoryRange()] AppleVTD is not yet installed as gSystem [ 0.664763]: VirtualSMC vsmc: @ ignoring booter rev info due to forced gen 1 [ 0.667896]: [addMemoryRange()] AppleVTD is not yet installed as gSystem [ 0.668503]: RTC: Only single RAM bank (128 bytes) [ 0.668510]: RTC: Only single RAM bank (128 bytes) [ 0.669257]: RTC: lost battery power - time may be invalid [ 0.669260]: RTC: lost battery power - time may be invalid [ 0.669440]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x70064 [ 0.669449]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.669512]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x80064 [ 0.669520]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.670050]: Lilu rtc: @ rtc read failure 1 bytes from 180 E00002C2 [ 0.670057]: VirtualSMC efend: @ no extra rtc memory is present for key erase [ 0.670195]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x90064 [ 0.670202]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.670242]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0xa0064 [ 0.670245]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.670441]: SMCLightSensor alsd: @ No iterator [ 0.671590]: AppleCredentialManager: start: starting KE[1] (ready=NO) -> true. [ 0.671602]: AppleCredentialManager: initImpl: called, KE[1]. [ 0.671665]: AssertMacros: value (value: 0x0), ---, file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleCredentialManager/AppleCredentialManager/Services/ACMKernelService.cpp:182 [ 0.671688]: AppleCredentialManager: initImpl: EOSDevice: 0 [SEP over: KernelRelay=NO SEPManager=NO] [booted into: BaseSystem=NO InternalSystem=NO]. [ 0.671705]: ACM: Env_SetVariableWithParams: set var[6] len=1 <00>. [ 0.671740]: ACM: InitCredentialEngine: Global credential set created, CS[20]. [ 0.671747]: ACM: Env_SetVariableWithParams: set var[5] len=1 <00>. [ 0.671754]: ACM: Env_SetVariableWithParams: set var[23] len=1 <01>. [ 0.671760]: ACM: Env_SetVariableWithParams: set var[24] len=22 <4a756e20203820323032332c2032323a32303a303000>. [ 0.671769]: ACM: Env_SetDataProvider: data provider *set* for var[25]. [ 0.671776]: ACM: Env_SetDataProvider: data provider *set* for var[27]. [ 0.671782]: ACM: Env_SetDataProvider: data provider *set* for var[36]. [ 0.671788]: ACM: Env_SetDataProvider: data provider *set* for var[22]. [ 0.671796]: ACM: Env_SetDataProvider: data provider *set* for var[29]. [ 0.671802]: ACM: Env_SetVariableWithParams: set var[7] len=1 <00>. [ 0.671808]: ACM: Env_SetVariableWithParams: set var[26] len=1 <00>. [ 0.671815]: ACM: Env_SetVariableWithParams: set var[33] len=1 <01>. [ 0.671821]: ACM: Env_SetVariableWithParams: set var[34] len=1 <00>. [ 0.671828]: ACMFirstResponderKernelService: init: called, . [ 0.671851]: ACMTRM-S: init: called, starting PersistentStore service. [ 0.671873]: ACMTRM-A: init: called, starting TRM Analytics service. [ 0.671897]: ACMTRM-C: init: called, starting AccessoryCache service. [ 0.671904]: ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache size = 48 (default). [ 0.671912]: ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache expiration = 2592000 (default). [ 0.671920]: ACM: TRMAccCache_SetupEmpty: called, cacheSize=48 expiration=2592000. [ 0.671952]: ACMTRM: init: called, starting TRM service. [ 0.671957]: ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: policy supported in BaseSystem = 0 (default). [ 0.671966]: ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: config profile = 4294967295 (default). [ 0.671985]: AssertMacros: dtDefaults (value: 0x0), ---, file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleCredentialManager/AppleCredentialManager/Services/ACMRestrictedModeKernelService.cpp:2070 [ 0.671999]: ACMTRM: _getDefaultConfigProfile: config profile: 2 (boot-arg=2 edt-prop=2). [ 0.672009]: ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: policy mode timeout = 604800 (default). [ 0.672018]: ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: grace period (bounded) timeout = 259200 (default). [ 0.672027]: ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: unlocked period timeout = 86400 (default). [ 0.672035]: ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: enabled by default = 1 (default). [ 0.672043]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO* BtArg=NO HW=NO DevT=NO OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 0.672061]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO* HW=NO DevT=NO OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 0.672077]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=NO] (mask=8, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO HW=YES* DevT=NO OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 0.672093]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=NO] (mask=8, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO HW=YES DevT=NO* OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 0.672114]: AssertMacros: data (value: 0x0), 'external-boot' property not found, file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleCredentialManager/AppleCredentialManager/Services/ACMRestrictedModeKernelService.cpp:2025 [ 0.672133]: ACMTRM: _loadDisabledByExternalBoot: disabled by ExternalBoot: NO. [ 0.672140]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=NO] (mask=8, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO HW=YES DevT=NO OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO* | MgCo=NO DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 0.672161]: AssertMacros: data (value: 0x0), 'disable-transport-rm' property not found, file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleCredentialManager/AppleCredentialManager/Services/ACMRestrictedModeKernelService.cpp:1999 [ 0.672178]: ACMTRM: _loadDisabledByOSEnvironment: disabled by OSEnvironment: NO. [ 0.672184]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=NO] (mask=8, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO HW=YES DevT=NO OSEnv=NO* ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 0.672201]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_PolicyTimeout = 604800. [ 0.672211]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_PolicyReason = Unrestricted(0). [ 0.672223]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_UnlockedPeriodTimeout = 86400. [ 0.672234]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(#changes=3) while LOCKED(1), TRM: 604800/U(0) 4294967295/-(255) M=255/4294967295/4294967295 ---(255)/---(255) L=255 BS=255 R=255 UP=86400/255, CUR: U(0) -(255). [ 0.672260]: AppleCredentialManager: initImpl: KE[1] INITED. [ 0.672267]: AppleCredentialManager: initImpl: returning, KE[1] -> true. [ 0.672273]: AppleCredentialManager: startImpl: called, KE[1]. [ 0.672321]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af2c8d 0x0 [ 0.672336]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0xb0064 [ 0.672357]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.673765]: ACMTRM: start: security.mac.acm.root_pivot_occurred sysctl registered. [ 0.673819]: AppleCredentialManager: startImpl: registering notifications. [ 0.673831]: AppleCredentialManager: startImpl: KE[1] STARTED. [ 0.673836]: AppleCredentialManager: startImpl: returning, KE[1] -> true. [ 0.673843]: AppleCredentialManager: start: started KE[1] (ready=YES) -> true. [ 0.673853]: AppleCyrus::start(IOResources) <1> [ 0.673965]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0xc0064 [ 0.673967]: IOGetBootKeyStoreData: data at address 0 size 0 [ 0.673975]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.674048]: AppleKeyStore:330:0: starting (BUILT: Jun 8 2023 22:22:22) (normal variant) [ 0.674059]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0xd0064 [ 0.674064]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.674106]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0xe0064 [ 0.674111]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.674406]: AppleKeyStore:488:0: _kernel_relay_enable = 0 [ 0.674413]: AppleKeyStore:533:0: _sep_enabled = 0 [ 0.674433]: AppleSSE::start called [ 0.674464]: AssertMacros: value (value: 0x0), file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleSSE/AppleSSE/AppleSSE.cpp, line: 49 [ 0.674498]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0xf0064 [ 0.674501]: AppleSSE::start returning, result = 1 [ 0.674502]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.674511]: virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService *)::139:CoreAnalyticsHub start [ 0.674516]: virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService *)::139:CoreAnalyticsHub start [ 0.674574]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x100064 [ 0.674583]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.674704]: Registered CoreAnalyticsHub functions with xnu.virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService *)::218:CoreAnalyticsHub start completed [ 0.674712]: virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService *)::218:CoreAnalyticsHub start completed [ 0.674888]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x110064 [ 0.674894]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.674957]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x120064 [ 0.674963]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.675079]: **** [IOBluetoothFamily][start] -- completed successfully for HIDShim [ 0.676099]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::init created and initing [ 0.676180]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::start starting [ 0.676241]: Assert: orderedLookup->getCount() > 0 (value 0x0 0), file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/TimeSync_kext/IOTimeSyncFamily/IOTimeSyncClockManager.cpp, line: 1097 [ 0.676328]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x130064 [ 0.676337]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.676435]: IOTimeSyncTranslationMach(0xffffffffffffffff): Set lock state to locked. [ 0.676458]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x140064 [ 0.676466]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.677268]: AppleACPIButton:0x10000024f start [ 0.677272]: AppleACPIButton:0x100000250 start [ 0.677380]: AppleACPILid:0x100000251 start [ 0.683412]: HID: Legacy shim 2 [ 0.683430]: virtual bool CoreAnalyticsPipe::checkForWork()::193:starting CoreAnalyticsMessenger [ 0.683446]: HID: Legacy shim 2 [ 0.683454]: bool CoreAnalyticsMessenger::startMessages()::68:startMessage [ 0.683461]: virtual bool CoreAnalyticsMessenger::attach(IOService *)::81:attachingHID: Legacy shim 2 [ 0.683599]: ACPI: no ECDT [ 0.683950]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::start ending [ 0.684335]: ACPI lid state changed: 1 [ 0.684386]: PMRD: Clamshell opened [ 0.684398]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 0.684407]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 0.684794]: PMRD: clamshell tickled 0 lastSleepReason 0 [ 0.691253]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 0.691261]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 0.691838]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 0.691841]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 0.853686]: [addMemoryRange()] AppleVTD is not yet installed as gSystem [ 0.856934]: PMRD: PMTrace found PCI host bridge PCI0->AppleACPIPCI [ 0.856946]: [ PCI configuration begin ] [ 0.856950]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x150064 [ 0.856956]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.856982]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x160064 [ 0.856986]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 0.859845]: IOPCIConfigurator::configure kIOPCIEnumerationWaitTime is 900 [ 0.862910]: kPEDisableScreen -1 [ 0.865647]: Lilu dev: @ pci bridge GPP0 is not configured 0, polling [ 0.865831]: initialize_screen: b=410000000, w=00000780, h=00000438, r=00001E00, d=00000001 [ 0.865917]: kPEEnableScreen 1 [ 0.865918]: console relocated to 0x410000000 [ 0.869019]: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 6, devices 27 ] [ 0.876274]: virtual bool IONVMeController::start(IOService *)::793:IONVMeController::start [ 0.879493]: virtual bool IONVMeController::start(IOService *)::793:IONVMeController::start [ 0.880215]: AppleNVMe Assert failed: ( 0 != data ) ReleaseIDNode file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IONVMeFamily/Common/IONVMeController.cpp line: 6325 [ 0.885401]: AppleNVMe Assert failed: ( 0 != data ) ReleaseIDNode file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IONVMeFamily/Common/IONVMeController.cpp line: 6325 [ 0.890580]: AppleNVMe Assert failed: 0 == (status) Exit file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IONVMeFamily/Common/IONVMeController.cpp line: 6374 [ 0.895931]: static AppleNVMeRequestPool *AppleNVMeRequestPool::Create(AppleNVMeWorkLoop *, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, bool, NVMeBufferAllocator *, lck_mtx_t *, NVMeCGType_t, IOMapper *)::111:NVMe Request Pool Init (External Drive Case). First phase, RequestCount = 1 [ 0.905049]: static AppleNVMeRequestPool *AppleNVMeRequestPool::Create(AppleNVMeWorkLoop *, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, bool, NVMeBufferAllocator *, lck_mtx_t *, NVMeCGType_t, IOMapper *)::111:NVMe Request Pool Init (External Drive Case). First phase, RequestCount = 1 [ 0.905680]: virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::3177:SQ index=0 entrysize=64 [ 0.913458]: virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::3177:SQ index=0 entrysize=64 [ 0.913466]: virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::3177:SQ index=1 entrysize=64 [ 0.921280]: virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::3177:SQ index=1 entrysize=64 [ 0.945460]: virtual bool IONVMeController::start(IOService *)::849:Successfully initialized NVMe drive [ 0.947624]: apfs_module_start:3042: load: com.apple.filesystems.apfs, v2142.120.7, apfs-2142.120.7, 2023/06/08 [ 0.947652]: ktriage_register_subsystem_strings: set subsystem 7 strings [ 0.961231]: virtual bool IONVMeController::start(IOService *)::849:Successfully initialized NVMe drive [ 0.984098]: ApplePS2Controller: Notification consumer published: ApplePS2Controller [ 0.986814]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 1.181343]: ApplePS2Controller: Notification consumer published: ApplePS2Keyboard [ 1.183922]: void CoreAnalyticsHub::handleNagTimerExpiry(IOTimerEventSource *)::751:messageClients of 1 available events [ 1.278730]: VoodooPS2Trackpad: Identify TouchPad command failed [ 1.683532]: ApplePS2ALPSGlidePoint: identify: not an ALPS device. Error getting E6 report [ 1.684132]: void CoreAnalyticsHub::handleNagTimerExpiry(IOTimerEventSource *)::751:messageClients of 1 available events [ 1.688609]: ApplePS2ALPSGlidePoint: identify: not an ALPS device. Invalid E6 report [ 1.692437]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 1.692447]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 1.692452]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 1.714246]: watchdog configured (source: platform configuration) to monitor userspace, SoC watchdog disabled, panic SoC watchdog disabled, halt on SoC watchdog expiration: no, userspace IOKit monitoring disabled, shutdown monitoring enabled [ 1.714306]: Previous shutdown cause: 5 [ 1.715404]: DSMOS has arrived [ 1.715457]: Matched against SMC (started) [ 1.715460]: Generation from SMC report as 1 [ 1.716927]: AMDCPUSupport::start got CPUID: 10 68747541 444D4163 69746E65 [ 1.716934]: AMDCPUSupport::start Family 17h, Model 06h [ 1.716938]: AMDCPUSupport::start L1: 64, L2: 512, L3: 8192 [ 1.716942]: AMDCPUSupport::start CPUID MWait: 40 40 3 11 [ 1.716946]: AMDCPUSupport::start Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 4600H with Radeon Graphics )) [ 1.717063]: MB: FA506ICB ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. [ 1.717067]: AMDCPUSupport::start trying to init PCI service... [ 1.717110]: AMDCPUSupport::getPCIService: succeed! [ 1.717120]: kunc_alert 0 [ 1.717153]: AMDCPUSupport::start, Physical Count: 6, Logical Count 12. [ 1.717192]: AMDCPUSupport::startWorkLoop setting up timerMarking const DATA read-only [ 1.717341]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. [ 1.717488]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::init: enabling legacy matching [ 1.717938]: SMCAMDProcessor: inited, registering VirtualSMC keys... [ 1.718044]: AMDCPUSupport: got vsmc notification [ 1.718046]: AMDCPUSupport: submitted plugin [ 1.718066]: AMDCPUSupport::setupKeysVsmc: VirtualSMCAPI::addKey succeed!. [ 1.718274]: AMDCPUSupport::startWorkLoop initialize serviceMAC Framework successfully initialized [ 1.718398]: AMFI: developer mode is force enabled on this platform [ 1.718404]: AMFI: finished: 1 1 [ 1.718497]: AppleKeyStore:869:0: oy vey [ 1.718503]: AMFIInitializeLocalSigningPublicKey: failed to get local signing public key (e00002bc) [ 1.721195]: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers [ 1.721227]: found RTC service [ 1.721250]: RTC: getGMTTimeOfDay 1689246176 [ 1.721266]: clock_initialize_calendar system does not have monotonic clock [ 1.722132]: ktriage_register_subsystem_strings: set subsystem 8 strings [ 1.722212]: mcache: 12 CPU(s), 64 bytes CPU cache line size [ 1.722604]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 1.722732]: mbinit: done [256 MB total pool size, (170/85) split] [ 1.722853]: SK: netagent is enabled by default for this platform [ 1.723066]: dlil_init: Waiting for all the create dlil kernel threads to get scheduled at least once. [ 1.723082]: dlil_init: All the created dlil kernel threads have been scheduled at least once. Proceeding. [ 1.723528]: Provider is IOSMBusController [ 1.723598]: Clearing out battery data [ 1.723621]: SMCGetKeyInfo cmd 0x9(key ) size 0x2 [ 1.723623]: SMCGetKeyInfo cmd 0xa(key ) size 0x2 [ 1.723625]: SMC key for cmd 0xb is not supported [ 1.723627]: SMC key for cmd 0x76 is not supported [ 1.723628]: SMC key for cmd 0x2 is not supported [ 1.723630]: SMC key for cmd 0x1 is not supported [ 1.723631]: SMCGetKeyInfo cmd 0x16(key ) size 0x2 [ 1.723632]: SMC key for cmd 0x54 is not supported [ 1.723634]: SMC key for cmd 0x8 is not supported [ 1.723635]: SMCGetKeyInfo cmd 0x17(key ) size 0x2 [ 1.723637]: SMC key for cmd 0x12 is not supported [ 1.723638]: SMCGetKeyInfo cmd 0x53(key ) size 0x2 [ 1.723639]: SMC key for cmd 0x9c is not supported [ 1.723641]: SMCGetKeyInfo cmd 0x13(key ) size 0x2 [ 1.723642]: SMC key for cmd 0x8b is not supported [ 1.723644]: SMC key for cmd 0x21 is not supported [ 1.723645]: SMCGetKeyInfo cmd 0xf(key ) size 0x2 [ 1.723646]: SMCGetKeyInfo cmd 0x10(key ) size 0x2 [ 1.723648]: SMC key for cmd 0x18 is not supported [ 1.723651]: BatteryInstalled=1 cells:1 [ 1.723656]: Failed to read shutdown data error flags [ 1.723658]: Failed to clear shutdown data. rc:0x84 [ 1.723671]: Starting poll type 1 [ 1.723672]: Restarting poll type 1 [ 1.723704]: AppleSmartBatteryManager started [ 1.723707]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 1.723714]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723717]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723720]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723722]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723724]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723726]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723729]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723730]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723733]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723734]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723737]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723738]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723741]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723742]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723745]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723746]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723749]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723750]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723753]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723754]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723757]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723759]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723761]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723763]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723765]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723767]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723769]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723771]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723773]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723780]: bsd_autoconf: calling kminit [ 1.723788]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723801]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723805]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723810]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723813]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723820]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723823]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723827]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723829]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723831]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723833]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723835]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723837]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723840]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723841]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723844]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723846]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723848]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723850]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723852]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723854]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723857]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723858]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723861]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723863]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723865]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723867]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723871]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723874]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723876]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723878]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723881]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723883]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723885]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723887]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723890]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723892]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723894]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723896]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723898]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723900]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723903]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723905]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723908]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723909]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723912]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723914]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723916]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723918]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723921]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723923]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723925]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723927]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723929]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723931]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723934]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723938]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723941]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723943]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723945]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723947]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723950]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723952]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723955]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723957]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723959]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723961]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723964]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723966]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723968]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723970]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723973]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723975]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723977]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723979]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723982]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723984]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723986]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723988]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723991]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723993]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.723996]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.723998]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724001]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724002]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724005]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724007]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724010]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724014]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724017]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724019]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724022]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724024]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724026]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724028]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724031]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724033]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724036]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724038]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724041]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724042]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724045]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724047]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724051]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724053]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724056]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724057]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724060]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724062]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724065]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724067]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724069]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724071]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724077]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 1.724081]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724083]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724090]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724092]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724094]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724096]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724099]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724101]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724103]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724105]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724108]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724110]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724112]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724114]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724117]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724119]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724121]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724123]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724126]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724128]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724130]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724132]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724135]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724137]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724140]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724141]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724144]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724146]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724149]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724150]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724153]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724155]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724158]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724160]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724162]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724164]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724167]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724169]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724171]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724173]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724176]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724178]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724181]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724182]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724185]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724187]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724190]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724192]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724195]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724196]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724199]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724201]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724204]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724206]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724209]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724211]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724213]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724215]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724218]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724220]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724223]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724225]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724228]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724229]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724232]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724234]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724237]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724239]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724242]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724244]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724246]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724248]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724251]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724253]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724256]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724258]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724261]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724263]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724266]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724267]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724270]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724272]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724275]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724277]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724280]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724282]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.724285]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 1.724287]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 1.725270]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start [ 1.725657]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start [ 1.726033]: ifnet_attach: All kernel threads created for interface lo0 have been scheduled at least once. Proceeding. [ 1.726159]: ifnet_attach: Waiting for all kernel threads created for interface gif0 to get scheduled at least once. [ 1.726190]: ifnet_attach: All kernel threads created for interface gif0 have been scheduled at least once. Proceeding. [ 1.726296]: skip attaching fsw to lo0 using legacy TX modelReinit'd ND information for interface lo0 [ 1.726534]: ifnet_attach: Waiting for all kernel threads created for interface stf0 to get scheduled at least once. [ 1.726545]: ifnet_attach: All kernel threads created for interface stf0 have been scheduled at least once. Proceeding. [ 1.729279]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 1.729384]: GK status: enabledPer file changetime scans: enabledBehavioral subsystem status: enabledcom.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded [ 1.729560]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded [ 1.729583]: Setting up notifier for CoreAnalyticsHub [ 1.729615]: calling mpo_policy_init for ASP [ 1.729616]: calling mpo_policy_initbsd for ASP [ 1.729626]: ASP: NVRAM pointer initialized [ 1.729635]: ASP: No recovery key set [ 1.729637]: Security policy loaded: Apple System Policy (ASP) [ 1.729730]: AppleSystemPolicy has been successfully startedIOHIDKeyboardEventDevice:0x1000002d3 start [ 1.730121]: [ElementContainer] Element value capacity 12956 [ 1.730138]: [ElementContainer] Report count: 1 [ 1.730139]: [ElementContainer] Report ID: 0 input:112 output:8 feature:0 [ 1.730394]: IOHIDKeyboardEventDevice:0x1000002d4 start [ 1.730708]: IOHIDKeyboardEventDevice:0x1000002d3 creating interfaces [ 1.730715]: IOSurfaceRoot::installMemoryRegions() [ 1.730717]: IOSurface allowing global lookups (with warnings) [ 1.730760]: apfs_sysctl_register:1562: done registering sysctls. [ 1.731751]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 1.731854]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 60897287-A774-4716-A52D-BC56BE1E6187 [ 1.731879]: Waiting on IOProviderClassIOResourcesIOResourceMatchboot-uuid-media [ 1.731963]: Ethernet [RealtekRTL8111]: EEE support enabled. [ 1.731970]: Ethernet [RealtekRTL8111]: RxPoll support enabled. [ 1.731972]: Ethernet [RealtekRTL8111]: TCP/IPv4 segmentation offload enabled. [ 1.731975]: Ethernet [RealtekRTL8111]: TCP/IPv6 segmentation offload enabled. [ 1.731977]: Ethernet [RealtekRTL8111]: TCP/IPv6 checksum offload enabled. [ 1.731979]: Ethernet [RealtekRTL8111]: Version 2.2.2 using interrupt mitigate value 0x5f51. Please don't support tonymacx86.com! [ 1.732011]: Ethernet [RealtekRTL8111]: Disable PCIe ASPM. [ 1.732732]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 1.732827]: AppleFileSystemDriver: using apfs-preboot-uuid [ 1.733359]: cryptoAlloc:650: Using 64 buffers with size 16384, 512 buffers size 65536 [ 1.733435]: IOHIDInterface(0x1000002d7): matching deferred by IOHIDEventDriver [ 1.738394]: swcrypto_threadpool_init:1504: Starting ThreadPool [ 1.738398]: swcrypto_threadpool_init:1526: 4 threads would be used for the ThreadPool [ 1.738415]: specread_work_queue_init:162: number of threads used for specread work queue 3 [ 1.738522]: dev_init:296: disk0s5 device accelerated crypto: 0 (compiled @ Jun 8 2023 22:12:19) [ 1.738525]: dev_init:299: disk0s5 device_handle block size 4096 block count 27611729 features 0 internal [ 1.738669]: fletcher64_init:87: Selecting AVX2 implementation of fletcher64 [ 1.738676]: nx_mount:1224: disk0s5 initializing cache w/hash_size 8192 and cache size 32768 [ 1.745998]: Ethernet [RealtekRTL8111]: RTL8168H/8111H: (Chipset 29) at 0x, a0:36:bc:6b:2d:9a [ 1.751893]: nx_mount:1553: disk0s5 checkpoint search: largest xid 26436, best xid 26436 @ 257 [ 1.751902]: nx_mount:1555: disk0s5 reloading after unclean unmount, checkpoint xid 26436, superblock xid 25978 [ 1.751914]: nx_mount:1580: disk0s5 stable checkpoint indices: desc 256 data 4691 [ 1.751965]: nx_get_volume_group:8053: disk0s5 volume groups tree is not setup yet [ 1.751970]: getVolumeGroupMountFrom:8513: disk0s5 nx_get_volume_group(60897287-A774-4716-A52D-BC56BE1E6187) failed with error 2 [ 1.752335]: nx_get_volume_group:8053: disk0s5 volume groups tree is not setup yet [ 1.752339]: getVolumeGroupMountFrom:8513: disk0s5 nx_get_volume_group(60897287-A774-4716-A52D-BC56BE1E6187) failed with error 2 [ 1.752901]: probe:3979: disk0s5 Caching extended container info for container disk0s5 [ 1.753206]: authenticate_efi_forwarded_roothash:3237: evaluating authenticity of root hash [ 1.753212]: IOGetARVRootHashData: data at address 425979904 size 229 [ 1.753216]: IOGetARVRootHashData: memory descriptor [ 1.753243]: populate_value_from_memory_descriptor:12043: populate_value_from_memory_descriptor boot_args arv blob size 229 [ 1.753249]: populate_value_from_memory_descriptor:12050: populate_value_from_memory_descriptor copied into arv blob size 229 [ 1.753265]: IOGetARVManifestData: data at address 425984000 size 3656 [ 1.753268]: IOGetARVManifestData: memory descriptor [ 1.753281]: populate_value_from_memory_descriptor:12043: populate_value_from_memory_descriptor boot_args arv blob size 3656 [ 1.753287]: populate_value_from_memory_descriptor:12050: populate_value_from_memory_descriptor copied into arv blob size 3656 [ 1.753721]: root_hash_execution_cb:2827: img4_firmware_execute: successfully validated the payload and the manifest [ 1.754477]: AppleFileSystemDriver: publishing boot-uuid-media=disk1s5 (macOS) [ 1.754748]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 1.754908]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/GPP6@2,4/IOPP/NVME@0/IONVMeController/IONVMeBlockStorageDevice@1/IOBlockStorageDriver/SAMSUNG MZVLQ512HBLU-00B00 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Basic data partition@5/AppleAPFSContainerScheme/AppleAPFSMedia/AppleAPFSContainer/macOS@5 [ 1.754922]: BSD root: disk1s5, major 1, minor 9 [ 1.755410]: bufattr_get_apfs:8222: Volume not mounted [ 1.755416]: disk1s5: device is not readable. [ 1.755420]: hfs_mountfs: buf_meta_bread failed with 13 [ 1.755424]: hfs_mount: hfs_mountfs returned error=13 for device unknown-dev [ 1.755427]: hfs_mountroot failed: 13 [ 1.755430]: apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2740: apfs: mountroot called! [ 1.755563]: dev_init:296: disk1 device accelerated crypto: 0 (compiled @ Jun 8 2023 22:12:19) [ 1.755566]: dev_init:299: disk1 device_handle block size 4096 block count 27611729 features 16 internal solidstate [ 1.755650]: nx_mount:1224: disk1 initializing cache w/hash_size 16384 and cache size 40960 [ 1.766297]: nx_mount:1553: disk1 checkpoint search: largest xid 26436, best xid 26436 @ 257 [ 1.766300]: nx_mount:1555: disk1 reloading after unclean unmount, checkpoint xid 26436, superblock xid 25978 [ 1.766305]: nx_mount:1580: disk1 stable checkpoint indices: desc 256 data 4691 [ 1.767111]: er_state_obj_get_for_recovery:7551: disk1s5 No ER state object for volume macOS - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover. [ 1.767114]: apfs_vfsop_mount:2403: disk1 Promoter has been locked [ 1.767192]: apfs_vfsop_mount:2473: disk1s5 Rooting from snapshot with xid 2550. [ 1.767195]: apfs_log_mount_unmount:2039: disk1s5 mounting volume macOS, requested by: kernel_task (pid 0); parent: kernel_task (pid 0) [ 1.767241]: handle_snapshot_mount:1036: disk1s5 mounting snapshot w/snap_xid 2550 and sblock oid 0x82b98 [ 1.767734]: nx_get_volume_group:8053: disk1 volume groups tree is not setup yet [ 1.767737]: getVolumeGroupMountFrom:8513: disk1 nx_get_volume_group(60897287-A774-4716-A52D-BC56BE1E6187) failed with error 2 [ 1.768000]: is_root_hash_authentication_required_osx:371: disk1s5 Release kext with internal build: 0, ARV disabled: 0, booting xid: 0 [ 1.768004]: is_root_hash_authentication_required:540: disk1s5 Root Volume, root hash authentication is required [ 1.768006]: authenticate_root_hash:624: disk1s5 successfully validated on-disk root hash [ 1.768009]: handle_snapshot_mount:1231: disk1s5 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512 [ 1.768014]: handle_mount:765: disk1s5 vol-uuid: 21AEF9DE-E9BF-4946-AB5D-958BAE4879AB block size: 4096 block count: 27611729 (unencrypted; flags: 0x201; features: 21.0.12) [ 1.769819]: handle_mount:819: disk1s5 ROSV: apfs mounted RO and is the system volume of a volume group and mounted as the root fs: creating the shadow fs_root [ 1.769827]: fs_setup_shadow_fs_root_tree:2862: disk1s5 Created the shadow_fs_root tree [ 1.769857]: nx_volume_group_update:7978: disk1s5 Set volume (role 0x1) to 5b5 xid 9f6 [ 1.770037]: ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8 [ 1.772186]: schedule_before_userret(101): 1/4 tasks scheduledBootCache: Root disk is an SSD, not caching [ 1.772570]: load_init_program: attempting to load /sbin/launchd [ 1.788733]: shared_region: 0xb0eb874297eda6c5 [1(launchd)] check_np(0x7ff7b1798cc8) vm_shared_region_start_address() failed [ 1.791432]: schedule_before_userret(439): 2/4 tasks scheduledspaceman_metazone_init:172: disk1 metazone for device 0 of size 795150 blocks (encrypted: 0-397575 unencrypted: 397575-795150) [ 1.791480]: spaceman_datazone_init:628: disk1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 1 blocks starting at paddr 6946816 [ 1.791482]: spaceman_datazone_init:628: disk1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 2 blocks starting at paddr 6717440 [ 1.791485]: spaceman_datazone_init:628: disk1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 3 blocks starting at paddr 6750208 [ 1.791487]: spaceman_datazone_init:628: disk1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 4 blocks starting at paddr 6782976 [ 1.791558]: spaceman_scan_free_blocks:3374: disk1 scan took 0.000000 s (no trims) [ 1.791562]: spaceman_scan_free_blocks:3356: disk1 scan took 0.000000 s, trims took 0.000000 s [ 1.791564]: spaceman_scan_free_blocks:3358: disk1 0 blocks free in 0 extents [ 1.792637]: er_state_obj_get_for_recovery:7551: disk1s2 No ER state object for volume Preboot - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover. [ 1.792643]: apfs_log_mount_unmount:2039: disk1s2 mounting volume Preboot, requested by: launchd (pid 1); parent: kernel_task (pid 0) [ 1.792679]: handle_mount:765: disk1s2 vol-uuid: 95AAE4FD-290E-4BE1-8893-C1C9F0463611 block size: 4096 block count: 27611729 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 1.0.2) [ 1.793338]: handle_mount:778: disk1s2 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512 [ 1.793343]: nx_volume_group_update:7897: disk1s2 Volume Preboot role 10 Not a System or data volume [ 1.793369]: apfs_should_be_system_mount:660: disk1s2 volume with role 16 will be mounted until system shutdown [ 1.793522]: ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8 [ 1.793549]: hook_thread_userret calleduserret(439): invoking callback; 0/4 remainingapfs_log_mount_unmount:2039: disk1s2 updating mounted volume Preboot, requested by: launchd (pid 1); parent: kernel_task (pid 0) [ 1.795134]: ApplePS2ALPSGlidePoint: identify: not an ALPS device. Error getting E7/EC report [ 1.795323]: [ElementContainer] Element value capacity 12956 [ 1.795345]: [ElementContainer] Report count: 1 [ 1.795347]: [ElementContainer] Report ID: 0 input:112 output:8 feature:0 [ 1.795739]: IOHIDKeyboardEventDevice:0x1000002d4 creating interfaces [ 1.796594]: AppleImage4: failed to get cstring: vnum: 2 [ 1.796604]: root_hash_execution_cb:2827: img4_firmware_execute: successfully validated the payload and the manifest [ 1.796631]: graft_dev_init:377: disk1 os.dmg GRAFT (compiled @ Jun 8 2023 22:12:19) [ 1.796634]: graft_dev_init:380: disk1 os.dmg device_handle block size 4096 real block size 4096 block count 393728 features 0 internal [ 1.796878]: nx_mount:1224: os.dmg initializing cache w/hash_size 512 and cache size 2048 [ 1.801919]: nx_mount:1553: os.dmg checkpoint search: largest xid 20, best xid 20 @ 9 [ 1.801937]: nx_mount:1580: os.dmg stable checkpoint indices: desc 8 data 16 [ 1.803199]: er_state_obj_get_for_recovery:7551: os.dmgs1 No ER state object for volume RomeF22F82.x86_64SystemCryptex - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover. [ 1.803208]: is_root_hash_authentication_required_osx:371: os.dmgs1 Release kext with internal build: 0, ARV disabled: 0, booting xid: 0 [ 1.803214]: is_root_hash_authentication_required:540: os.dmgs1 RSR Graft, root hash authentication is required [ 1.803220]: authenticate_root_hash:624: os.dmgs1 successfully validated on-disk root hash [ 1.803602]: apfs_lookup_ge_jobj_id:4269: disk1s2 Found OBJID 0x74c2 type 3 [ 1.803606]: apfs_graft:604: disk1s2 Graft ino 2274, jobj_id range 3702+11534 [ 1.804965]: apfs_graft:675: disk1s2 successfully grafted ino 2274 on dir 1909, dev_name [os.dmg] [ 1.806128]: AppleImage4: failed to get cstring: vnum: 2 [ 1.806135]: root_hash_execution_cb:2827: img4_firmware_execute: successfully validated the payload and the manifest [ 1.806156]: graft_dev_init:377: disk1 app.dmg GRAFT (compiled @ Jun 8 2023 22:12:19) [ 1.806159]: graft_dev_init:380: disk1 app.dmg device_handle block size 4096 real block size 4096 block count 4608 features 0 internal [ 1.806400]: nx_mount:1224: app.dmg initializing cache w/hash_size 512 and cache size 2048 [ 1.809921]: nx_mount:1553: app.dmg checkpoint search: largest xid 1771, best xid 1771 @ 5 [ 1.809933]: nx_mount:1580: app.dmg stable checkpoint indices: desc 4 data 49 [ 1.810941]: er_state_obj_get_for_recovery:7551: app.dmgs1 No ER state object for volume AppCryptex - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover. [ 1.810945]: is_root_hash_authentication_required_osx:371: app.dmgs1 Release kext with internal build: 0, ARV disabled: 0, booting xid: 0 [ 1.810948]: is_root_hash_authentication_required:540: app.dmgs1 RSR Graft, root hash authentication is required [ 1.810951]: authenticate_root_hash:624: app.dmgs1 successfully validated on-disk root hash [ 1.810966]: apfs_lookup_ge_jobj_id:4269: disk1s2 Found OBJID 0x74c2 type 3 [ 1.810969]: apfs_graft:604: disk1s2 Graft ino 2278, jobj_id range 15236+3120 [ 1.811870]: apfs_graft:675: disk1s2 successfully grafted ino 2278 on dir 1910, dev_name [app.dmg] [ 1.813015]: AppleImage4: failed to get cstring: vnum: 2 [ 1.813023]: root_hash_execution_cb:2827: img4_firmware_execute: successfully validated the payload and the manifest [ 1.813027]: apfs_graft:456: disk1s2 Grafting a clone, share blockmap lut with os.dmg [ 1.813032]: graft_dev_init:377: disk1 os.clone.dmg GRAFT (compiled @ Jun 8 2023 22:12:19) [ 1.813035]: graft_dev_init:380: disk1 os.clone.dmg device_handle block size 4096 real block size 4096 block count 393728 features 0 internal [ 1.813220]: nx_mount:1224: os.clone.dmg initializing cache w/hash_size 512 and cache size 2048 [ 1.816750]: nx_mount:1553: os.clone.dmg checkpoint search: largest xid 20, best xid 20 @ 9 [ 1.816765]: nx_mount:1580: os.clone.dmg stable checkpoint indices: desc 8 data 16 [ 1.817795]: er_state_obj_get_for_recovery:7551: os.clone.dmgs1 No ER state object for volume RomeF22F82.x86_64SystemCryptex - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover. [ 1.817800]: is_root_hash_authentication_required_osx:371: os.clone.dmgs1 Release kext with internal build: 0, ARV disabled: 0, booting xid: 0 [ 1.817803]: is_root_hash_authentication_required:540: os.clone.dmgs1 RSR Graft, root hash authentication is required [ 1.817806]: authenticate_root_hash:624: os.clone.dmgs1 successfully validated on-disk root hash [ 1.817829]: apfs_lookup_ge_jobj_id:4269: disk1s2 Found OBJID 0x74c2 type 3 [ 1.817831]: apfs_graft:604: disk1s2 Graft ino 2285, jobj_id range 18356+11534 [ 1.819046]: apfs_graft:675: disk1s2 successfully grafted ino 2285 on dir 1912, dev_name [os.clone.dmg] [ 1.853514]: VM Swap Subsystem is ON [ 1.882166]: USBToolBox: XHC0: waitForMatchingService failed or timed out [ 1.882176]: USBToolBox: XHC1: waitForMatchingService failed or timed out [ 1.888095]: IOHIDInterface(0x100000310): matching deferred by IOHIDEventDriver [ 2.144683]: SmartBattery: notification received in message() [ 2.144691]: SmartBattery: battery inserted! [ 2.144711]: Clearing out battery data [ 2.144715]: AppleSmartBattery::pollBatteryState already polling (1 <= 1). Restarting poll [ 2.184255]: void CoreAnalyticsHub::handleNagTimerExpiry(IOTimerEventSource *)::751:messageClients of 1 available events [ 2.223719]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 2.223730]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 2.223736]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 2.223739]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 2.223743]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 2.223745]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 2.223749]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 2.223752]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 2.223756]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 2.223758]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 2.223762]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 2.223765]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 2.223768]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 2.223771]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 2.223778]: Restarting poll type 1 [ 2.223786]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 2.223793]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 2.323731]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af246d 0x0 [ 2.539685]: PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 2.543020]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 2.546498]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 2.549856]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 2.553088]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af296d 0x0 [ 2.556301]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af278d 0x0 [ 2.559428]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 2.562696]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 2.565959]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 2.569066]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 2.572308]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 2.575545]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 2.578633]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 2.581846]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 2.585061]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 2.588242]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x170064 [ 2.591163]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 2.594206]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x180064 [ 2.597037]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 2.600003]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x190064 [ 2.602791]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 2.603776]: SmartBattery: notification received in message() [ 2.605721]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x1a0064 [ 2.608467]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 2.608510]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x1b0064 [ 2.608513]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps ) [ 2.608515]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority ) [ 2.608521]: PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb0eb873dcb9572f5 [ 2.608524]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 2.608525]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x1c0064 [ 2.608527]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps ) [ 2.608529]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority ) [ 2.608531]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 2.608532]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x1d0064 [ 2.608534]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps ) [ 2.608535]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority ) [ 2.608538]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 2.608540]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x1e0064 [ 2.608541]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 2.608549]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 2.608550]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 2.608552]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 2.608726]: SmartBattery: notification received in message() [ 2.608770]: SmartBattery: handleSystemSleepWake(0) = 0 [ 2.624370]: Restarting poll type 1 [ 2.624383]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 2.624390]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 2.678169]: shared_region: 0xb0eb874297eda6c5 [1(launchd)] check_np(0x7ff7b1798128) vm_shared_region_start_address() failed [ 2.955517]: void CoreAnalyticsHub::handleNagTimerExpiry(IOTimerEventSource *)::751:messageClients of 1 available events [ 2.998587]: AMFI: '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/System/Library/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64h' is adhoc signed. [ 3.002476]: ASP: AMFI pointer initialized [ 3.005083]: ASP: port is not ready for callouts [ 3.016645]: AppleUSBXHCIDevice: AppleUSBXHCIDevice::transferEvent: no endpoint 1 for event 0x00000001f3a36e00 1b000000 01018001 [ 3.016681]: AppleUSBXHCIDevice: AppleUSBXHCIDevice::transferEvent: no endpoint 1 for event 0x00000002444b1e00 1b000000 01018001 [ 3.047930]: HS03@80300000: AppleUSBHostPort::enumerateDeviceComplete_block_invoke: enumerated 0x0bda/c024/0110 (Bluetooth Radio / 1) at 12 Mbps [ 3.051779]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: controller (XHC1) usbServiceArray (count 1) options 0x00000000 [ 3.051790]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [0] [ 3.051795]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC1) usbService (Bluetooth Radio ) options 0x00000000 [ 3.051804]: AMFI: '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/System/Library/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64h.01' is adhoc signed. [ 3.051807]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: creating AppleUSBController@80000000 [ 3.054511]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostDevice (Bluetooth Radio ) [ 3.054518]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::addDeviceToUsbPlane: [ 3.054639]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 3.054643]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering Bluetooth Radio @80300000 () for matching [ 3.054885]: ASP: port is not ready for callouts [ 3.087475]: HS04@60400000: AppleUSBHostPort::enumerateDeviceComplete_block_invoke: enumerated 0x322e/202c/0103 (USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam / 1) at 480 Mbps [ 3.091377]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: controller (XHC0) usbServiceArray (count 1) options 0x00000000 [ 3.091393]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [0] [ 3.091400]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC0) usbService (USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam) options 0x00000000 [ 3.091426]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: creating AppleUSBController@60000000 [ 3.093744]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostDevice (USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam) [ 3.093751]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::addDeviceToUsbPlane: [ 3.093880]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 3.093883]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam@60400000 () for matching [ 3.098251]: USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam@60400000: IOUSBHostDevice::setConfigurationGated: AppleUSBHostCompositeDevice selected configuration 1 [ 3.103765]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: controller (XHC0) usbServiceArray (count 2) options 0x00000000 [ 3.103779]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [0] [ 3.103785]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC0) usbService (USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam) options 0x00000000 [ 3.103807]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@60000000 [ 3.103814]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostInterface (USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam) [ 3.103982]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 3.103990]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam@0 () for matching [ 3.104164]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [1] [ 3.104170]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC0) usbService (IOUSBHostInterface) options 0x00000000 [ 3.104183]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@60000000 [ 3.104189]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostInterface (IOUSBHostInterface) [ 3.104313]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 3.104319]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering AppleUSBInterface@1 () for matching [ 3.104477]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@60000000 [ 3.105500]: AMFI: '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/System/Library/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64h.02' is adhoc signed. [ 3.108376]: ASP: port is not ready for callouts [ 3.150108]: AMFI: '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/System/Library/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64h.03' is adhoc signed. [ 3.153913]: ASP: port is not ready for callouts [ 3.186506]: AMFI: '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/System/Library/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64h.04' is adhoc signed. [ 3.190216]: ASP: port is not ready for callouts [ 3.196767]: shared_region: 0xb0eb874297eda6c5 [1(launchd)]: vnode_lookup(/System/Library/dyld/) failed (error=2) [ 3.199479]: shared_region: 0xb0eb874297eda6c5 [1(launchd)]: vnode_lookup(/System/Library/dyld/) failed (error=2) [ 3.202181]: shared_region: 0xb0eb874297eda6c5 [1(launchd)]: vnode_lookup(/System/Library/dyld/) failed (error=2) [ 3.204860]: shared_region: 0xb0eb874297eda6c5 [1(launchd)]: vnode_lookup(/System/Library/dyld/) failed (error=2) [ 3.207488]: shared_region: 0xb0eb874297eda6c5 [1(launchd)]: vnode_lookup(/System/Library/dyld/) failed (error=2) [ 3.287655]: AppleUSBXHCIDevice: AppleUSBXHCIDevice::transferEvent: no endpoint 1 for event 0x00000002444b1100 1b000000 02018001 [ 3.290945]: PMRD: power event 9 args 0xb0eb874297e07b6d 0x0 [ 3.298353]: HS01@80100000: AppleUSBHostPort::enumerateDeviceComplete_block_invoke: enumerated 0x18d1/4ee1/0440 (Pixel 4 / 2) at 480 Mbps [ 3.301499]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: controller (XHC1) usbServiceArray (count 1) options 0x00000000 [ 3.301512]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [0] [ 3.301517]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC1) usbService (Pixel 4) options 0x00000000 [ 3.301541]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@80000000 [ 3.301547]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostDevice (Pixel 4) [ 3.301563]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::addDeviceToUsbPlane: [ 3.301792]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 3.301799]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering Pixel 4@80100000 () for matching [ 3.304264]: Pixel 4@80100000: IOUSBHostDevice::setConfigurationGated: AppleUSBHostCompositeDevice selected configuration 1 [ 3.308846]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: controller (XHC1) usbServiceArray (count 1) options 0x00000000 [ 3.308857]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [0] [ 3.308861]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC1) usbService (MTP) options 0x00000000 [ 3.308881]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@80000000 [ 3.308887]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostInterface (MTP) [ 3.309047]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 3.309055]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering MTP@0 () for matching [ 3.309208]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@80000000 [ 3.356091]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 3.356099]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 3.356109]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356110]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356111]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356112]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356113]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356114]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356115]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356116]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356117]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356118]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356119]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356120]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356122]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356123]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356124]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356125]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356126]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356127]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356128]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356129]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356130]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356131]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356132]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356133]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356140]: Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x84 [ 3.356153]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356154]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356155]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356156]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356157]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356158]: Failed to read keyInfo . rc:0x84 [ 3.356159]: SMC Key is not supported. [ 3.356721]: explicit release-type-set not supported without a monitor [ 3.356777]: release type: UserALF, old data swfs_pid_entry , updaterules_msg , updaterules_state skip attaching fsw to lo0 using legacy TX modelReinit'd ND information for interface lo0 [ 3.357196]: Reinit'd ND information for interface lo0 [ 3.406291]: AppleUSBXHCICommandRing: AppleUSBXHCICommandRing::executeCommand: command[7] 0x00000003dee26000 00000000 02002c01 got result 0x00000003ef204070 01000000 02008401 after 119ms (enqueued 0ms) [ 3.406362]: AppleUSBXHCIDevice: AppleUSBXHCIDevice::transferEvent: no endpoint 1 for event 0x00000001f3a36000 1b000000 02018001 [ 3.409568]: PMRD: power event 9 args 0xb0eb874297e07f4d 0x0 [ 3.411574]: AppleUSBXHCIRequest: AppleUSBXHCIRequest::finish: transfer completed with status 0xe00002ed [ 3.411719]: IOUSBHostDevice@60200000: IOUSBHostDevice::start_block_invoke: device descriptor fragment is invalid [ 3.414953]: IOUSBHostFamily::validateEndpointMaxPacketSize: USB 2.0 5.[5-8].3: endpoint 0x00 invalid wMaxPacketSize 0x0000 [ 3.418248]: HS02@60200000: AppleUSBHostPort::enumerateDeviceComplete_block_invoke: enumeration failed [ 3.421408]: HS02@60200000: AppleUSBHostPort::terminateDevice: destroying 0x0000/0000/0000 (IOUSBHostDevice): enumeration failure [ 3.424768]: IOUSBHostDevice@60200000: IOUSBHostDevice::start_block_invoke: device will not be registered for matching [ 3.431036]: PMRD: power event 10 args 0 0x1f5 [ 3.455713]: void CoreAnalyticsHub::handleNagTimerExpiry(IOTimerEventSource *)::751:messageClients of 1 available events [ 3.456315]: SmartBattery: finished polling type 1 [ 3.533424]: vnode_create_internal: alias vnode is in state of change (start) [ 3.536865]: vnode_create_internal: alias vnode is in state of change (end) [ 3.540064]: vnode_create_internal: alias vnode is in state of change (start) [ 3.543047]: vnode_create_internal: alias vnode is in state of change (end) [ 3.574872]: sendIONotification:2565: Sending notification about e0084006 for APFS snapshot 1.13 [ 3.578431]: sendIONotification:2571: Sending additional notification about e0084006 for the parent of APFS snapshot 1.13 [ 3.604208]: sendIONotification:2565: Sending notification about e0084007 for APFS snapshot 1.13 [ 3.604218]: sendIONotification:2571: Sending additional notification about e0084007 for the parent of APFS snapshot 1.13 [ 3.619278]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 3.621965]: schedule_before_userret(514): 1/4 tasks scheduleder_state_obj_get_for_recovery:7551: disk1s4 No ER state object for volume VM - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover. [ 3.622563]: apfs_log_mount_unmount:2039: disk1s4 mounting volume VM, requested by: apfs_boot_util (pid 4); parent: launchd (pid 1) [ 3.622633]: handle_mount:765: disk1s4 vol-uuid: 56DF89F8-7A2B-48F7-A27A-4D90344927C0 block size: 4096 block count: 27611729 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 1.0.2) [ 3.622669]: handle_mount:778: disk1s4 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512 [ 3.622673]: nx_volume_group_update:7897: disk1s4 Volume VM role 8 Not a System or data volume [ 3.622824]: ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8 [ 3.622844]: hook_thread_userret calleduserret(514): invoking callback; 0/4 remainingkern_direct_file(/System/Volumes/VM/kernelcore): vp size 1048576, alloc 1048576, mp free 92517957632, keep free 1048576 [ 3.622947]: max io 0x100000 bytes [ 3.622950]: kern_open_file_for_direct_io(, 0) [ 3.622953]: kern_open_file_for_direct_io took 0 ms [ 3.622954]: kern_open_file_for_direct_io took 0 ms [ 3.622956]: Opened file /System/Volumes/VM/kernelcore, size 1048576, extents 1, maxio 100000 ssd 1 [ 3.622957]: Opened file /System/Volumes/VM/kernelcore, size 1048576, extents 1, maxio 100000 ssd 1 [ 3.622982]: polled file major 1, minor 0, blocksize 4096, pollers 3 [ 3.622984]: polled file major 1, minor 0, blocksize 4096, pollers 3 [ 3.623031]: Opened corefile of size 1 MB [ 3.624179]: schedule_before_userret(514): 1/4 tasks scheduleder_state_obj_get_for_recovery:7551: disk1s6 No ER state object for volume Update - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover. [ 3.625131]: apfs_log_mount_unmount:2039: disk1s6 mounting volume Update, requested by: apfs_boot_util (pid 4); parent: launchd (pid 1) [ 3.625188]: handle_mount:765: disk1s6 vol-uuid: 70A89C91-4234-4E0E-A020-AD96F6E464B3 block size: 4096 block count: 27611729 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 1.0.2) [ 3.625549]: handle_mount:778: disk1s6 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512 [ 3.625553]: nx_volume_group_update:7897: disk1s6 Volume Update role c0 Not a System or data volume [ 3.625570]: apfs_should_be_system_mount:660: disk1s6 volume with role 192 will be mounted until system shutdown [ 3.625689]: ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8 [ 3.625702]: hook_thread_userret calleduserret(514): invoking callback; 0/4 remaining[System Event] [3631288540] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: fsck] Doing boot task [ 3.631325]: [System Event] [3631324417] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: mount-phase-1] Doing boot task [ 3.631357]: [System Event] [3631357089] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: data-protection] Doing boot task [ 3.631390]: [System Event] [3631389089] [ERROR] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: data-protection] posix_spawn(): 86: Bad CPU type in executable [ 3.631421]: [System Event] [3631420227] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: detect-installed-roots] Doing boot task [ 3.631514]: [System Event] [3631513352] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: select-boot-mode] Doing boot task [ 3.631607]: [System Event] [3631607137] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: commit-boot-mode] Doing boot task [ 3.631655]: [System Event] [3631654356] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: auto-pivot-root] Doing boot task [ 3.631681]: [System Event] [3631680535] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: allow-non-platform-code] Doing boot task [ 3.644175]: schedule_before_userret(521): 1/4 tasks scheduleder_state_obj_get_for_recovery:7551: disk1s1 No ER state object for volume macOS - Data - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover. [ 3.645056]: apfs_log_mount_unmount:2039: disk1s1 mounting volume macOS - Data, requested by: apfs_boot_util (pid 7); parent: launchd (pid 1) [ 3.645131]: handle_mount:765: disk1s1 vol-uuid: 60897287-A774-4716-A52D-BC56BE1E6187 block size: 4096 block count: 27611729 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 1.0.12) [ 3.646121]: handle_mount:778: disk1s1 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512 [ 3.646126]: nx_volume_group_update:7978: disk1s1 Set volume (role 0x40) to 402 xid 0 [ 3.646284]: ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8 [ 3.646299]: hook_thread_userret calleduserret(521): invoking callback; 0/4 remainingcompressor_store_stop_compaction = FALSE [ 3.728324]: [System Event] [3728322511] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: restore-datapartition] Doing boot task [ 3.737995]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.init_featureflags: Not eligible for acceleration [ 3.851329]: [System Event] [3851327204] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: restore-datapartition] optional boot task not present [ 3.851346]: [System Event] [3851346129] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: mount-phase-2] Doing boot task [ 3.851359]: [System Event] [3851358482] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: enable-swap] Doing boot task [ 3.851380]: [System Event] [3851380083] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: sandbox-enable-root-translation] Doing boot task [ 3.851392]: [System Event] [3851392276] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: init-with-data-volume] Doing boot task [ 3.851405]: [System Event] [3851404659] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: deferred_install] Doing boot task [ 3.851418]: [System Event] [3851417303] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: deferred_install] optional boot task not present [ 3.851430]: [System Event] [3851429435] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: fips] Doing boot task [ 3.851442]: [System Event] [3851441578] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: cache-start] Doing boot task [ 3.851454]: [System Event] [3851453350] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: dirs_cleaner] Doing boot task [ 3.891745]: [System Event] [3891743805] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: xpcroleaccountd] Doing boot task [ 3.891764]: [System Event] [3891763542] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: init_featureflags] Doing boot task [ 3.891778]: [System Event] [3891777408] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: EndpointSecurity] Doing boot task [ 3.910488]: [System Event] [3910487129] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: rc.server] Doing boot task [ 3.910592]: [System Event] [3910591906] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: rc.server] optional boot task not present [ 3.910619]: [System Event] [3910618516] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: tzinit] Doing boot task [ 3.912610]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.tzinit: Not eligible for acceleration [ 3.919923]: [System Event] [3919922055] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: dirhelper] Doing boot task [ 3.955855]: void CoreAnalyticsHub::handleNagTimerExpiry(IOTimerEventSource *)::751:messageClients of 1 available events [ 3.964605]: sandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.trustd): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.trustdsandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/locationd/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_locationd_Fc6ejH/cache.plist): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/locationd/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_locationd_Fc6ejH/cache.plistsandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/locationd/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_locationd_Fc6ejH): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/locationd/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_locationd_Fc6ejHsandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/locationd/TemporaryItems): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/locationd/TemporaryItemssandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/locationd): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/locationdsandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/TemporaryItems): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/TemporaryItemssandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/818EE02D-9829-4A37-9AE6-C82119D67592): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/818EE02D-9829-4A37-9AE6-C82119D67592sandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/CC33F101-4F99-43CF-B2DA-44E8AB0F4EBB): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/CC33F101-4F99-43CF-B2DA-44E8AB0F4EBBsandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/53A3013D-BA70-48F9-9645-8B4BADF3AE61): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/53A3013D-BA70-48F9-9645-8B4BADF3AE61sandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/TemporaryItems): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/TemporaryItemssandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/9213934A-1401-4C0B-A228-BA8F0B8D9A0C): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/9213934A-1401-4C0B-A228-BA8F0B8D9A0Csandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/31702DD4-0CED-4808-8E53-357A8D4F743B): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/31702DD4-0CED-4808-8E53-357A8D4F743Bsandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/D84C31E8-0913-43D7-A0F9-9E889FBD3898): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/D84C31E8-0913-43D7-A0F9-9E889FBD3898sandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/80CCBC72-0A99-4945-BBDE-35A1CFD04D13): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/80CCBC72-0A99-4945-BBDE-35A1CFD04D13sandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geodsandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/.AddressBookLocks): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(26) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/.AddressBookLocks[System Event] [4026378999] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: rootless-init] Doing boot task [ 4.032715]: [System Event] [4032714115] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: finish-demo-restore] Doing boot task [ 4.032972]: [System Event] [4032971357] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: finish-demo-restore] optional boot task not present [ 4.034736]: [System Event] [4034734642] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: systemstats] Doing boot task [ 4.046448]: [System Event] [4046446185] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: prng_seedctl] Doing boot task [ 4.048754]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.prng_seedctl: Not eligible for acceleration [ 4.098760]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 4.101293]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 4.113188]: [System Event] [4110177861] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: boot] Early boot complete. Continuing system boot. [ 4.129593]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 82, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.129599]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 82 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.155338]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 83, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.155343]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 83 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.185704]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 84, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.185710]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 84 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.199974]: ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry , updaterules_msg , updaterules_state ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry , updaterules_msg , updaterules_state memorystatus_update(enter): pid 86, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.235441]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 86 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.236058]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 87, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.236066]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 87 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.236753]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 88, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.236765]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 88 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.237409]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 89, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.237418]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 89 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.238057]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 90, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.238066]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 90 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.238148]: [System Event] [4234975415] [INFO] [Subsystem: launchd] [Event: cache-tag] Doing boot task [ 4.238436]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 91, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.238440]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 91 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.238700]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 92, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.238704]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 92 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.238984]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 93, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.238987]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 93 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.239302]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 94, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.239306]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 94 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.239619]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 95, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.239624]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 95 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.239913]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 96, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.239917]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 96 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.240201]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 97, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.240205]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 97 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.240460]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 98, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.240466]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 98 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.240759]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 99, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.240764]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 99 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.241145]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 100, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.241150]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 100 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.241473]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 101, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.241478]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 101 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.241754]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 102, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.241759]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 102 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.242037]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 103, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.242042]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 103 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.242343]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 104, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.242349]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 104 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.242663]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 105, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.242669]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 105 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.242991]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 106, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.242997]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 106 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.243311]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 107, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.243317]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 107 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.243604]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 108, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.243609]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 108 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.243909]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 109, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.243914]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 109 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.244255]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 110, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.244261]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 110 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.244562]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 111, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.244567]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 111 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.244876]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 112, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.244881]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 112 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.245223]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 113, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.245228]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 113 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.245586]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 114, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.245591]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 114 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.245992]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 115, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.246001]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 115 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.246449]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 116, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.246456]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 116 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.246802]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 117, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.246808]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 117 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.247124]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 118, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.247129]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 118 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.247494]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 119, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.247498]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 119 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.247780]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 120, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.247784]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 120 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.248079]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 121, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.248084]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 121 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.248350]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 122, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.248355]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 122 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.248680]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 123, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.248687]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 123 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.249042]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 124, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.249048]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 124 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.249361]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 125, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.249367]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 125 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.249713]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 126, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.249719]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 126 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.250011]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 127, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.250016]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 127 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.250341]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 128, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.250346]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 128 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.250670]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 129, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.250675]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 129 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.250977]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 130, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.250981]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 130 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.251253]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 131, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.251258]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 131 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.251576]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 132, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.251582]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 132 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.251919]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 133, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.251925]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 133 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.252252]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 134, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.252257]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 134 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.252590]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 135, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.252594]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 135 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.252900]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 136, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.252904]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 136 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.253229]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 137, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.253235]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 137 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.253529]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 138, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.253535]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 138 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.253891]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 139, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.253898]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 139 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.254219]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 140, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.254225]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 140 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.254526]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 141, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.254532]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 141 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.254826]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 142, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.254832]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 142 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.255131]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 143, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.255136]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 143 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.255518]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 144, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.255524]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 144 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.255858]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 145, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.255863]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 145 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.256159]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 146, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.256164]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 146 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.256453]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 147, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.256457]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 147 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.256790]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 148, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.256795]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 148 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.257134]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 149, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.257140]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 149 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.261521]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 84, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.261529]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 84 (50MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.261659]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 86, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.261664]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 86 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.262168]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 103, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.262175]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 103 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.262716]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 99, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.262723]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 99 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.262914]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 82, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.262920]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 82 (50MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.263327]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 96, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.263333]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 96 (50MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.263467]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 94, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 4.263475]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 94 (30MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.263480]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 105, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.263485]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 105 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.263568]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 118, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.263572]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 118 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.263666]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 100, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.263670]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 100 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.263984]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 88, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 4.263989]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 88 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.264161]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 106, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.264166]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 106 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.264776]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.dynamic_pager: Not eligible for acceleration [ 4.264814]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 113, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.264822]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 113 (50MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.265492]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 101, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 4.265499]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 101 (150MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.265636]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 112, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(230MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.265643]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 112 (230MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.266382]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 130, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.266390]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 130 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.266417]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.KernelEventAgent: Not eligible for acceleration [ 4.266485]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 136, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.266489]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 136 (15MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.266501]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.Installer-Progress: Not eligible for acceleration [ 4.266529]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 120, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.266535]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 120 (15MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.266640]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 122, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 4.266646]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 122 (40MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.266803]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 141, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.266808]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 141 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.266906]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 114, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.266911]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 114 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.267087]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 139, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.267093]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 139 (15MB NF) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.267123]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 142, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.267129]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 142 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.267225]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 147, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.267230]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 147 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.267610]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 108, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.267617]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 108 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.268199]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 126, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(60MB NF), Inactive(60MB, NF) [ 4.268208]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 126 (60MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.268261]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 110, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 4.268266]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 110 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.268533]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 146, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 4.268538]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 146 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.268615]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 121, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.268623]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 121 (50MB NF) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.268670]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 145, priority 200, dirty=0x0, Active(25MB NF), Inactive(25MB, NF) [ 4.268677]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 145 (25MB NF) targeting priority(200) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.269906]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 148, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(90MB NF), Inactive(90MB, NF) [ 4.269914]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 148 (90MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.271509]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 144, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.271518]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 144 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.275361]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 95, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.275372]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 95 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.276402]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 128, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.276413]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 128 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.278526]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 138, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.278535]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 138 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.282075]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 119, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.282083]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 119 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.282200]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 140, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.282206]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 140 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.283335]: Sandbox apply: endpointsecurityd[95] com.apple.endpointsecurity.endpointsecuritydmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 133, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.283399]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 133 (15MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.301621]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.uninstalld: Not eligible for acceleration [ 4.306308]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 87, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 4.306314]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 87 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.320002]: Sandbox apply: notifyd[145] Sandbox apply: wifiFirmwareLoader[86] Sandbox apply: corebrightnessd[147] com.apple.corebrightnessdSandbox apply: logd[82] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 115, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.421536]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 115 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.456076]: void CoreAnalyticsHub::handleNagTimerExpiry(IOTimerEventSource *)::751:messageClients of 1 available events [ 4.461944]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 83, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.461950]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 83 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.501745]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 102, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.501751]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 102 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.525242]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 151, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.525248]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 151 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.529990]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 151, priority 170, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.529996]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 151 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(170) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.538872]: Sandbox apply: sandboxd[146] com.apple.sandboxdAppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: session_uid = ffffffff. [ 4.543456]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 109, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.543468]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 109 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.544504]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 117, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 4.544514]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 117 (30MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.546655]: AppleUSBXHCIDevice: AppleUSBXHCIDevice::transferEvent: no endpoint 1 for event 0x00000001f3a36b00 1b000000 02018001 [ 4.550048]: AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: session_uid = ffffffff. [ 4.551147]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 152, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.551153]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 152 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.553308]: PMRD: power event 9 args 0xb0eb874297e0464d 0x0 [ 4.568850]: Sandbox apply: securityd[126] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 152, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 4.573788]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 152 (40MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.575677]: HS02@60200000: AppleUSBHostPort::enumerateDeviceComplete_block_invoke: enumerated 0x258a/0036/0109 (Wired Gaming Mouse / 2) at 12 Mbps [ 4.579973]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: controller (XHC0) usbServiceArray (count 1) options 0x00000000 [ 4.579979]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [0] [ 4.579982]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC0) usbService (Wired Gaming Mouse) options 0x00000000 [ 4.579999]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@60000000 [ 4.580003]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostDevice (Wired Gaming Mouse) [ 4.580013]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::addDeviceToUsbPlane: [ 4.580175]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 4.580180]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering Wired Gaming Mouse@60200000 () for matching [ 4.582378]: Wired Gaming Mouse@60200000: IOUSBHostDevice::setConfigurationGated: AppleUSBHostCompositeDevice selected configuration 1 [ 4.582457]: Sandbox apply: opendirectoryd[121] com.apple.opendirectorydmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 134, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.583571]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 134 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.583819]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 153, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.583833]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 153 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.586428]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 154, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.586446]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 154 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.588643]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: controller (XHC0) usbServiceArray (count 2) options 0x00000000 [ 4.588659]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [0] [ 4.588671]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC0) usbService (IOUSBHostInterface) options 0x00000000 [ 4.588698]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@60000000 [ 4.588706]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostInterface (IOUSBHostInterface) [ 4.588937]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 4.588948]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering AppleUSBInterface@0 () for matching [ 4.589126]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [1] [ 4.589130]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC0) usbService (IOUSBHostInterface) options 0x00000000 [ 4.589140]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@60000000 [ 4.589143]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostInterface (IOUSBHostInterface) [ 4.589237]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 4.589241]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering AppleUSBInterface@1 () for matching [ 4.589332]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@60000000 [ 4.590209]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 155, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.590222]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 155 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.591025]: IOUSBHostInterface(0x100000367): matching deferred by IOUSBHostHIDDevice [ 4.591554]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 156, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.591566]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 156 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.592610]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 153, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.592629]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 153 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.597456]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 154, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 4.597465]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 154 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.599985]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 155, priority 160, dirty=0x0, Active(250MB NF), Inactive(250MB, NF) [ 4.600023]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 155 (250MB NF) targeting priority(160) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.607617]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 4.608582]: AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: session_uid = ffffffff. [ 4.608748]: ACMFirstResponderKernelService: _onGetCapabilities: T208: NO. [ 4.608825]: ACMTRM: _onDaemonStarted: starting TRM policy engine. [ 4.608844]: AssertMacros: consoleUsersPropertyObject (value: 0x0), ---, file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleCredentialManager/AppleCredentialManager/Services/ACMRestrictedModeKernelService.cpp:3189 [ 4.608895]: ACMTRM: _startPolicy: startingInBaseSystem=NO startingInNormalOS=YES pivotingToNormalOS=NO | startupFlags=0x0 | initial deviceLockState=LOCKED(1) keybagState=0x0 consoleState=0x0. [ 4.608916]: ACMTRM-S: _loadAll: called, isLockerAvailable=NO. [ 4.608924]: ACM: TRMAccCache_SetupEmpty: called, cacheSize=48 expiration=2592000. [ 4.608934]: ACMTRM-S: _loadAll: fetching *policy* <- daemon (gen=0 osLen=53 dataLen=53 ver=11). [ 4.608942]: ACMTRM-S: _loadAll: fetching *analytics* <- daemon (gen=0 osLen=400 dataLen=400 ver=1). [ 4.608954]: ACMTRM-A: onPolicyStarted: *analytics* successfully loaded. [ 4.608957]: ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: analytics period = 86400 (default). [ 4.608960]: ACMTRM-A: setProperty: propCollectionPeriod=86400 (prev=0). [ 4.608963]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.608969]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.608972]: ACMTRM-A: setProperty: propPolicyModeTimeout=604800 (prev=0). [ 4.608975]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.608978]: ACMTRM-A: setProperty: propGracePeriodBoundedTimeout=259200 (prev=0). [ 4.608980]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.608982]: ACMTRM-A: incrementCounter: cntDaemonStarted=14. [ 4.608984]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.608988]: ACMTRM-A: stopSegment: segDeviceLockState_Unlocked: count=12 totalDuration=50855 (origStartTime=1689256446 lastDuration=4294957028). [ 4.608992]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.608994]: ACMTRM-A: resumeSegment: segDeviceLockState_Locked: count=13 totalDuration=19341 startTime=1689246178. [ 4.608997]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.609000]: ACMTRM: _logPolicy: LOADED: ver=11 smTm=0 poRsn=0 gpTm=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO suTm=1689256446 svTm=1689256446 gpRsn=0 cMs=NO upTm=0 disBy=8. [ 4.609010]: ACMTRM: _logConfig: caller=_loadConfig ver=1 gSw=1 GP=2 Pro=2. [ 4.609015]: ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: config profile = 4294967295 (default). [ 4.609046]: AssertMacros: dtDefaults (value: 0x0), ---, file: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f169d70b-0612-11ee-ba99-f2798eea3508/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleCredentialManager/AppleCredentialManager/Services/ACMRestrictedModeKernelService.cpp:2070 [ 4.609051]: ACMTRM: _getDefaultConfigProfile: config profile: 2 (boot-arg=2 edt-prop=2). [ 4.609054]: ACMTRM-A: setProperty: propGracePeriodTimeout=259200 (prev=0). [ 4.609056]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.609059]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_GracePeriodTimeout = 259200. [ 4.609069]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(#changes=1) while LOCKED(1), TRM: 604800/U(0) 259200/-(255) M=255/4294967295/4294967295 ---(255)/---(255) L=255 BS=255 R=255 UP=86400/255, CUR: U(0) -(255). [ 4.609080]: ACMTRM-A: setProperty: propPolicyDisabledByBits=8 (prev=0). [ 4.609082]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.609085]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=NO] (mask=8, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO HW=YES DevT=NO OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO* DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 4.609094]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=NO] (mask=8, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO HW=YES DevT=NO OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO*). [ 4.609099]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=NO] (mask=8, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO HW=YES DevT=NO OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO* SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 4.609105]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=NO] (mask=8, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO HW=YES DevT=NO OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO* CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 4.609110]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=NO] (mask=8, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO HW=YES DevT=NO OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO* BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 4.609116]: ACMTRM-C: onPolicyStarted: *acc-cache* not found. [ 4.609119]: ACMTRM: _startPolicy: timePolicyViolated=YES (saveTime=1689256446 bootCalTime=1689246178 (delta=-10268) bootUpTime=4 nowUp=1689246178). [ 4.609124]: ACMTRM: _startPolicy: policyViolated=*YES* -> RM (timePolicyViolated=YES passcodeThreshold=NO corruptedStateDetected=NO unexpectedShutdownDetected=NO). [ 4.609128]: ACMTRM-A: incrementCounter: cntPolicyViolatedAtBoot=2. [ 4.609131]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.609135]: ACMTRM: _publish: _startPolicy LOCKED(1) reason=0 en=NO pro=2/2 pasThr=NO kb=0 con=0 poRsn=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO miss=NO seen=0 now=1689246178(0) | PMT=0/0 GPT=0/0/(0) UPT=0/0. [ 4.609143]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_CacheMiss = False. [ 4.609152]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_CacheMissThreshold = 5. [ 4.609158]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_CacheMissCount = 0. [ 4.609161]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_ConfigProfile = AskForNewAccessories(2). [ 4.609166]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_EffectiveConfigProfile = AskForNewAccessories(2). [ 4.609169]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_DeviceLocked = True. [ 4.609173]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_BaseSystem = False. [ 4.609176]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_Recovery = False. [ 4.609180]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_UnlockedPeriod = False. [ 4.609183]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(#changes=9) while LOCKED(1), TRM: 604800/U(0) 259200/-(255) M=0/5/0 AFNA(2)/AFNA(2) L=1 BS=0 R=0 UP=86400/0, CUR: U(0) X(0). [ 4.609194]: ACMTRM: _logPolicy: SAVING: ver=11 smTm=0 poRsn=0 gpTm=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO suTm=0 svTm=1689246178 gpRsn=0 cMs=NO upTm=0 disBy=8. [ 4.609199]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *policy* (dataLen=53) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 4.609206]: ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry , updaterules_msg , updaterules_state ACMTRM: _registerBioNotifier: Biometric driver not detected. [ 4.609250]: ACMTRM-C: notifyClients_AccCache_Refreshed: sent kACMTRMMessage_AccCache_Refreshed(0) -> 0xe00002c7. [ 4.609254]: ACMTRM: _isEnrollmentNeeded: enrollmentReason: eraseInstall=NO upgradeFromPreTRMSystem=NO. [ 4.609257]: ACMTRM: _isEnrollmentNeeded: enrollmentNeeded=NO (loadedVersion=11). [ 4.624533]: Sandbox apply: kernelmanagerd[112] sandboxd rejected approval request from dirhelper for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/818EE02D-9829-4A37-9AE6-C82119D67592): deniedSystem Policy: dirhelper(160) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/818EE02D-9829-4A37-9AE6-C82119D67592System Policy: dirhelper(160) deny(1) file-write-unlink /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/T/com.apple.geod/D84C31E8-0913-43D7-A0F9-9E889FBD3898Sandbox apply: tccd[152] Sandbox apply: AirPlayXPCHelper[148] Sandbox apply: apsd[122] Sandbox apply: cfprefsd[154] RTC: getGMTTimeOfDay 1689246179 [ 4.655388]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 178, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.655400]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 178 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.661831]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 178, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 4.661850]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 178 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.662252]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 107, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.662263]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 107 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.682972]: AppleKeyStore:8084:84: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: UserEventAgent (84) [ 4.682982]: AppleKeyStore:12143:84: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 4.685692]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.socketfilterhelper: Not eligible for acceleration [ 4.689207]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 189, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.689218]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 189 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.697278]: ifnet_attach: All kernel threads created for interface en0 have been scheduled at least once. Proceeding. [ 4.697423]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::matched first IONF interface [ 4.699047]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 189, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 4.699055]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 189 (40MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.702465]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 131, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.702474]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 131 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.720573]: Sandbox apply: mds[110] Couldn't obtain preoslog region: result = -1, preoslog_pa = 0, preoslog_size = 0 [ 4.736453]: Sandbox apply: coreservicesd[189] Couldn't build index for com.apple.usbmuxd: Not eligible for acceleration [ 4.754845]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.exfat: Not eligible for acceleration [ 4.773834]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 125, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.773843]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 125 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.773910]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 125]: /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/Resources/usbmuxd, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 4.778446]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 135, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 4.778458]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 135 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.779091]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 137, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.779100]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 137 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.780902]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 199, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.780915]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 199 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.781321]: successfully truncated homedirs to 21 bytessuccessfully truncated homedir_ancestors to 16 bytesmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 127, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.783357]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 127 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.784795]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 104, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(140MB NF), Inactive(140MB, NF) [ 4.784802]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 104 (140MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.787730]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 124, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.787739]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 124 (15MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.790907]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 199, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.790915]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 199 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.800565]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 111, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.800577]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 111 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.803234]: successfully truncated network-exemptions to 0 bytesCouldn't build index for com.apple.mount_msdos: Not eligible for acceleration [ 4.811668]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 205, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.811676]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 205 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.818271]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.kextload: Not eligible for acceleration [ 4.818491]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 205, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.818500]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 205 (50MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.823805]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 143, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.823817]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 143 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.832128]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[135] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 208, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.836283]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 208 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.852154]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 209, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.852161]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 209 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.855043]: AppleKeyStore:8084:137: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: PerfPowerServices (137) [ 4.855055]: AppleKeyStore:12143:137: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 4.855064]: AppleKeyStore:8084:137: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: PerfPowerServices (137) [ 4.855068]: AppleKeyStore:12143:137: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 4.859710]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 209, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.859718]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 209 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.867010]: Sandbox apply: usbmuxd[125] Sandbox: AirPlayXPCHelper(148) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.cmio.registerassistantservice.system-extensionsSandbox apply: runningboardd[205] Sandbox apply: WindowServer[151] Sandbox: AirPlayXPCHelper(148) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccdSandbox: AirPlayXPCHelper(148) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.systemmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 210, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.877067]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 210 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.882821]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 211, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.882830]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 211 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.887685]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 212, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.887693]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 212 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.888747]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 210, priority 120, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 4.888755]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 210 (40MB NF) targeting priority(120) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.889868]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 213, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.889875]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 213 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.890747]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 211, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.890755]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 211 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.895448]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 214, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.895460]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 214 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.898057]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 212, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.898066]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 212 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.903320]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 214, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 4.903329]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 214 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.905946]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 215, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.905956]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 215 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.916980]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 215, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(70MB NF), Inactive(70MB, NF) [ 4.916989]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 215 (70MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.921501]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 4.925323]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 4.929043]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 4.930572]: Sandbox apply: coreaudiod[210] PMRD: power event 4 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 4.936177]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 216, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.936184]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 216 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.936462]: PMRD: power event 6 args 0xb0eb873432af23cd 0x0 [ 4.939416]: Sandbox apply: trustd[212] PMRD: power event 6 args 0xb0eb873432af23cd 0x0 [ 4.943565]: PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 4.944209]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 217, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.944218]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 217 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.946663]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 216, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 4.946670]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 216 (30MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.947734]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x1f0064 [ 4.949890]: Sandbox apply: nehelper[214] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 217, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 4.950177]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 217 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.951629]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps ) [ 4.954201]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 218, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.954209]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 218 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.955300]: PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb0eb873dcb9512cd [ 4.956177]: void CoreAnalyticsHub::handleNagTimerExpiry(IOTimerEventSource *)::751:messageClients of 2 available events [ 4.958829]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 219, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.958836]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 219 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.959303]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority ) [ 4.962815]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 4.965319]: Starting poll type 1 [ 4.965328]: Restarting poll type 1 [ 4.965404]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 4.965417]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 4.965508]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 220, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.965517]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 220 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.967063]: PMRD: power event 12 args 0xb0eb873432700ccd 0x0 [ 4.967104]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 221, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.967114]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 221 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.967355]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 218, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 4.967364]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 218 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.970432]: AppleSmartBattery::pollBatteryState already polling (1 <= 2). Restarting poll [ 4.970566]: AppleSmartBattery::pollBatteryState already polling (1 <= 2). Restarting poll [ 4.970677]: PMRD: SleepWake UUID queued: 83C04533-4271-4008-B5C3-8E01B2E2A560 [ 4.971187]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 222, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.971195]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 222 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.972553]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 223, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.972563]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 223 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.973309]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 1 [ 4.973432]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 4.976072]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 156, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 4.976090]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 156 (30MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.977179]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 219, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.977188]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 219 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.978142]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 221, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.978154]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 221 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.980096]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 223, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.980106]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 223 (15MB NF) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.980840]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 4.983637]: Sandbox apply: trustdFileHelper[217] PMRD: power event 8 args 0x2 0x0 [ 4.986946]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 2, 0x0 ) [ 4.988824]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 224, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 4.988831]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 224 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.990139]: PMRD: aggressiveness changed: system 0->1, display 10 [ 4.990259]: Sandbox apply: nsurlsessiond[215] PMRD: idle time -> 0 ms (ena 1) [ 4.995165]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 224, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 4.995171]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 224 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 4.996160]: PMRD: idle sleep timer enabled [ 4.999210]: PMRD: changePowerStateWithTagToPriv(ON_STATE, 20000a) [ 5.002093]: PMRD: idle timer set for 0 milliseconds [ 5.004872]: PMRD: sleep timer expired [ 5.007800]: PMRD: System sleep prevented by kPMSystemRestartBootingInProgress [ 5.010639]: PMRD: changePowerStateWithTagToPriv(ON_STATE, 210008) [ 5.010667]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x20000a [ 5.010674]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 5.010677]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x210008 [ 5.010679]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 5.013592]: Sandbox apply: VDCAssistant[218] PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 5.021533]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 1 [ 5.027736]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 225, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.027742]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 225 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.030399]: Sandbox apply: analyticsd[156] PMRD: disk spindown accelerated, was 10 min [ 5.032582]: System Policy: trustd(212) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/empty/LibraryPMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 5.033318]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.systemstatusd: Not eligible for acceleration [ 5.034270]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 89, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.034276]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 89 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.035777]: Sandbox apply: contextstored[221] PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 5.036194]: PMRD: power event 8 args 0x2 0x0 [ 5.036197]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 2, 0x0 ) [ 5.036199]: PMRD: aggressiveness changed: system 1->0, display 10 [ 5.036201]: PMRD: idle time -> 0 ms (ena 0) [ 5.036202]: PMRD: idle sleep timer disabled [ 5.036206]: PMRD: changePowerStateWithTagToPriv(ON_STATE, 220008) [ 5.036210]: PMRD: disk spindown restored to 10 min [ 5.036220]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x220008 [ 5.036227]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 5.044874]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 226, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.044881]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 226 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.047782]: 3 duplicate reports for System Policy: trustd(212) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/empty/LibrarySandbox: contextstored(221) deny(1) user-preference-read kCFPreferencesAnyApplicationmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 227, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.049817]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 227 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.051464]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.systemkeychain: Not eligible for acceleration [ 5.051914]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 226, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 5.051924]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 226 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.058429]: Restarting poll type 1 [ 5.058456]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 5.058465]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 5.061734]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 227, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 5.061742]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 227 (50MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.065133]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 225, priority 120, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 5.065139]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 225 (15MB NF) targeting priority(120) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.065662]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 229, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.065666]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 229 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.075104]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 98, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.075112]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 98 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.078331]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 230, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.078339]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 230 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.080589]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 231, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.080603]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 231 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.082737]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 232, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.082744]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 232 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.092458]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 234, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.092465]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 234 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.099184]: Sandbox apply: systemstatusd[225] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 234, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(35MB NF), Inactive(35MB, NF) [ 5.103309]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 234 (35MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.150110]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 129, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 5.150118]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 129 (40MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.151937]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 229, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 5.151944]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 229 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.155159]: Sandbox apply: mDNSResponder[234] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 220, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 5.162092]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 220 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.162734]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 231, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 5.162746]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 231 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.164677]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 208, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 5.164688]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 208 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.164748]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 230, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 5.164754]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 230 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.165114]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 232, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(250MB NF), Inactive(250MB, NF) [ 5.165126]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 232 (250MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.171836]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 97, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 5.171844]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 97 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.172880]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 235, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.172888]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 235 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.179171]: _dlil_get_flowswitch_buffer_size: en0 1500 1500 [ 5.179490]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 235, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 5.179500]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 235 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.181466]: bpf0 attached to en0bpf0 closed and detached from en0 fcount 0 dcount 0Reinit'd ND information for interface en0 [ 5.181687]: Reinit'd ND information for interface en0 [ 5.181753]: en0: starting optimistic DAD immediately for fe80:4::856:245f:974f:5367 [ 5.186019]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[229] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 236, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.189827]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 236 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.190751]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 237, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.190761]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 237 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.191312]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 238, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.191318]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 238 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.193131]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 239, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.193140]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 239 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.197361]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[220] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 237, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(25MB NF), Inactive(25MB, NF) [ 5.199413]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 237 (25MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.199524]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 236, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 5.199531]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 236 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.202353]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.audio.DriverHelper: Not eligible for acceleration [ 5.202649]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 238, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(350MB NF), Inactive(350MB, NF) [ 5.202656]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 238 (350MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.206469]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 239, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 5.206476]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 239 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.214906]: Sandbox apply: biomed[97] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 123, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 5.237431]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 123 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.238330]: Sandbox apply: mDNSResponderHelper[237] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: contextstored(221) deny(1) user-preference-read kCFPreferencesAnyApplicationSandbox: mDNSResponderHelper(237) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.plistSandbox: mDNSResponderHelper(237) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.securitySandbox: mDNSResponderHelper(237) deny(1) network-outbound /private/var/run/systemkeychaincheck.socketSandbox: contextstored(221) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.system1 duplicate report for Sandbox: contextstored(221) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.systemSandbox: mDNSResponderHelper(237) deny(1) user-preference-read kCFPreferencesAnyApplicationWrite to set charging override(key ) failed with error 0x84 [ 5.267388]: Sandbox apply: pkd[238] Write to set connectivity override(key ) failed with error 0x84 [ 5.274739]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 92, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 5.274748]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 92 (150MB NF) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.279038]: Sandbox apply: locationd[129] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 240, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.280460]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 240 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.285018]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: mDNSResponderHelper(237) deny(1) user-preference-read kCFPreferencesAnyApplicationSandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.locationd.398BA10D-D998-5B37-93E5-900F2FAA8DB7.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 240, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 5.285903]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 240 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.285969]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 241, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.285975]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 241 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.287083]: Sandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.locationd.notbackedup.398BA10D-D998-5B37-93E5-900F2FAA8DB7.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/com.apple.locationd.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/ByHost/.GlobalPreferences.398BA10D-D998-5B37-93E5-900F2FAA8DB7.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 241, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.290536]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 241 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.308817]: Sandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreLocation.agentmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 132, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 5.314087]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 132 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.323079]: Sandbox apply: AudioComponentRegistrar[241] Sandbox apply: containermanagerd[240] Sandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.icloud.searchpartyuseragent.beaconmanagerSandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.icloud.searchpartyuseragent.ownersessionAppleKeyStore:8084:240: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: containermanagerd (240) [ 5.345475]: AppleKeyStore:12143:240: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 5.350803]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 242, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.350809]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 242 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.357562]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 242, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 5.357568]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 242 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.360889]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 243, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.360896]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 243 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.368111]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 244, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.368117]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 244 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.386290]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[242] Got new blocked hash data: 1 hashesSetting 1 new blocked hashesGot new blocked team data: 1 teamsSetting 1 new blocked teamsGot new active rule version: 4321574501753746074memorystatus_update(enter): pid 244, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 5.398573]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 244 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.401241]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 243, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 5.401247]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 243 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.409084]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 245, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.409091]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 245 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.413920]: Got new bastion rules hash: 0Got new bastion rules hash: 533d871fcd9b89f7memorystatus_update(enter): pid 245, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(70MB NF), Inactive(70MB, NF) [ 5.415532]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 245 (70MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.424037]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[244] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 246, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.427309]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 246 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.432258]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 246, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.432265]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 246 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.438871]: Sandbox apply: secinitd[245] Couldn't build index for com.apple.automount: Not eligible for acceleration [ 5.442923]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 248, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.442929]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 248 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.447298]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 248, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 5.447303]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 248 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.453813]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 249, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.453823]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 249 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.456235]: void CoreAnalyticsHub::handleNagTimerExpiry(IOTimerEventSource *)::751:messageClients of 2 available events [ 5.457989]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 250, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.457996]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 250 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.458165]: Sandbox apply: audioclocksyncd[246] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 249, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 5.459365]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 249 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.462588]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 250, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 5.462594]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 250 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.474564]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 90, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 5.474572]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 90 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.474624]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 90]: /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/MRT.app/Contents/MacOS/MRT, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 5.475049]: Sandbox apply: cfprefsd[248] Sandbox apply: trustd[250] Sandbox: trustd(250) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/db/locationd/Library/Keychains/398BA10D-D998-5B37-93E5-900F2FAA8DB7memorystatus_update(enter): pid 251, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.523095]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 251 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.527471]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 251, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 5.527476]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 251 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.550616]: Sandbox apply: containermanagerd[251] AppleKeyStore:12143:251: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002f0, 205, 100008) [ 5.558770]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 5.558783]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 5.558809]: Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x84 [ 5.567238]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.geod[243] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 116, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 5.594755]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 116 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.608488]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 5.611474]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 5.614078]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 5.629493]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 252, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.629499]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 252 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.635908]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 252, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 5.635915]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 252 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.658810]: SmartBattery: finished polling type 1 [ 5.684664]: Sandbox apply: mobileassetd[252] IOTimeSyncClockManager::begin waitQuiet [ 5.702514]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 149, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 5.702519]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 149 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.716470]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 253, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.716480]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 253 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.722318]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 253, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 5.722325]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 253 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.735907]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.cmio.registerassistant[149] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 254, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.745187]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 254 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.751214]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 254, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 5.751221]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 254 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.751594]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 255, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.751599]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 255 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.754624]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 256, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.754629]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 256 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.760331]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 256, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.760339]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 256 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.780863]: Sandbox apply: sysextd[254] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 255, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 5.782725]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 255 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.793820]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 257, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.793826]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 257 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.795581]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 213, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.795588]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 213 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.798172]: virtual bool CoreAnalyticsUserClient::initWithTask(task_t, void *, UInt32, OSDictionary *)::169:success [ 5.798192]: virtual bool CoreAnalyticsUserClient::start(IOService *)::120:success [ 5.798193]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsHub::setClientGated(CoreAnalyticsUserClient *)::375:adding userClient [ 5.798196]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsHub::__newUserClientGated(task_t, void *, UInt32, OSDictionary *, IOUserClient **)::330:Successfully opened [ 5.798260]: virtual IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::clientMemoryForType(UInt32, IOOptionBits *, IOMemoryDescriptor **)::285: got memory descriptor with 16432 [ 5.798588]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.CodeSigningHelper: Not eligible for acceleration [ 5.802443]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 257, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.802451]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 257 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.803686]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[255] Sandbox apply: com.apple.CodeSigningHelper[257] 3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: trustd(250) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/db/locationd/Library/Keychains/398BA10D-D998-5B37-93E5-900F2FAA8DB7Sandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.GEO.398BA10D-D998-5B37-93E5-900F2FAA8DB7.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: locationd(129) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/com.apple.GEO.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 268, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.836546]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 268 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.843154]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 268, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 5.843160]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 268 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.865017]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 269, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.865024]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 269 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.869074]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 270, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.869080]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 270 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.875718]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 271, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 5.875725]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 271 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.879259]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 270, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 5.879267]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 270 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.882573]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 271, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(250MB NF), Inactive(250MB, NF) [ 5.882578]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 271 (250MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 5.906493]: Sandbox apply: searchpartyd[268] Sandbox apply: UVCAssistant[270] Sandbox: searchpartyd(268) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreLocation.agentvoid CoreAnalyticsHub::handleNagTimerExpiry(IOTimerEventSource *)::751:messageClients of 3 available events [ 5.956411]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 863 bytes [ 5.956512]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 893 bytes [ 5.956531]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 157 bytes [ 6.017054]: KextLog: kernelmanagerd is not active [ 6.281713]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 273, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 6.281720]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 273 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.287740]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 273, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(32MB NF), Inactive(32MB, NF) [ 6.287747]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 273 (32MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.294165]: System Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSandbox apply: logd_helper[273] System Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSandbox apply: dasd[133] Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) user-preference-read kCFPreferencesAnyApplicationmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 93, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 6.325998]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 93 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.342567]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 275, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 6.342573]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 275 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.349811]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 275, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(500MB NF), Inactive(500MB, NF) [ 6.349819]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 275 (500MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.368553]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) user-preference-read kCFPreferencesAnyApplicationSandbox: biomed(97) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/biome/Library/Preferences/com.apple.biomed.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: biomed(97) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/biome/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: biomed(97) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/biome/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readsandboxd rejected approval request from cfprefsd for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/private/var/db/biome/Library/Preferences/com.apple.biomed.plist): deniedSystem Policy: cfprefsd(154) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/biome/Library/Preferences/com.apple.biomed.plistmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 276, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 6.403362]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 276 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.416174]: Sandbox apply: coreduetd[116] Sandbox: coreduetd(116) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.biome.access.userSandbox apply: softwareupdated[275] Sandbox: coreduetd(116) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.intelligenceplatform.Viewmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 277, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 6.478893]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 277 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.484598]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 277, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 6.484606]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 277 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.489404]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 278, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 6.489412]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 278 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.491877]: Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) ipc-posix-shm-write-create com.apple.dasd.budgetsSandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOPlatformExpertDevice property:system-typeSandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbSandbox apply: mediaremoted[89] 9 duplicate reports for Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbSandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.duetactivityschedulerSandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.db1 duplicate report for Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbSandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.duetactivityschedulermemorystatus_update(enter): pid 278, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 6.516892]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 278 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.517112]: Sandbox apply: authd[277] Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow mach-lookup com.apple.cmio.registerassistantservice.system-extensionsSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow mach-lookup com.apple.tccdSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.systemSandbox apply: distnoted[278] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 279, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 6.543817]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 279 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.548294]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 279, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 6.548299]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 279 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 6.604019]: KextLog: kernelmanagerd is not active [ 6.608715]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 6.611156]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 6.613538]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 6.620704]: KextLog: kernelmanagerd is not active [ 6.670339]: Sandbox: softwareupdated(275) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/softwareupdate/Library/Preferences/com.apple.universalaccess.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow file-read-data /private/var/root/Library/MediaRemote/DeviceInfo.plistSandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistKextLog: Loading FileSet KC(s) [ 6.808164]: KextLog: Loading Pageable KC from file /System/Library/KernelCollections/SystemKernelExtensions.kc [ 6.881507]: KextLog: Collection UUID matches with loaded KCs. [ 6.937086]: KextLog: Loading Aux KC from file /Library/KernelCollections/AuxiliaryKernelExtensions.kc [ 6.941998]: KextLog: Collection UUID matches with loaded KCs. [ 6.960110]: Matching service count = 22 [ 6.962610]: Matching service count = 27 [ 6.964821]: Matching service count = 27 [ 6.967819]: Matching service count = 41 [ 6.968918]: deferred rematching count 3 [ 7.049735]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 91, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.049740]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 91 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.049775]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 91]: /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/XProtect.app/Contents/MacOS/XProtect, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 7.054492]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 873 bytes [ 7.081781]: IOG flags 0x3 (0x51) [ 7.088224]: Driver com.apple.DriverKit-IOUserDockChannelSerial has crashed 0 time(s) [ 7.088260]: DK: IOUserDockChannelSerial-0x10000039c waiting for server com.apple.IOUserDockChannelSerial-10000039c [ 7.095519]: AGDCBacklightControl: Didn't find DPMicro. [ 7.098463]: PMRD: power event 9 args 0xb0eb874297e0936d 0x0 [ 7.100844]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 7.142010]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve __ZNK15AmdAtomVramInfo16populateVramInfoER16AtomFirmwareInfo, err 2 [ 7.146147]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve _dce_panel_cntl_hw_init, err 2 [ 7.150444]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve __ZNK22AmdAtomObjectInfo_V1_421getNumberOfConnectorsEv, err 2 [ 7.153689]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve _IH_4_0_IVRing_InitHardware, err 2 [ 7.158978]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve _IRQMGR_WriteRegister, err 2 [ 7.171194]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.digest-service: Not eligible for acceleration [ 7.171874]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 276, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 7.171881]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 276 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.171892]: net_filter_event: new state (0x1) pfapfs_keybag_init:2649: failed to initialize volume keybag, err = 2 [ 7.177297]: apfs_keybag_init:2649: failed to initialize volume keybag, err = 2 [ 7.178887]: apfs_keybag_init:2649: failed to initialize volume keybag, err = 2 [ 7.180438]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdapfs_keybag_init:2649: failed to initialize volume keybag, err = 2 [ 7.182544]: apfs_keybag_init:2649: failed to initialize volume keybag, err = 2 [ 7.183393]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 280, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.183401]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 280 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.188148]: System Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdPMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x230064 [ 7.191117]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 280, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(25MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 7.191123]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 280 (25MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.193103]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.195633]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af30ed 0x0 [ 7.198298]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x240064 [ 7.200758]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.202904]: ALUC:init(PID: 280), lifsd_entitlement 1 koio_entitlement 0 [ 7.202972]: methodSetClientDomain entered [ 7.202983]: registerNotificationPort entered [ 7.203387]: System Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdPMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x250064 [ 7.213604]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps ) [ 7.216424]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority ) [ 7.218999]: PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb0eb873dcb951f25 [ 7.221492]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.236143]: System Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSandbox apply: digest-service[276] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 281, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.279391]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 281 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.284248]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 281, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 7.284253]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 281 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.297029]: Generation from SMC report as 1 [ 7.297033]: Generation from SMC report as 1 [ 7.303561]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af322d 0x0 [ 7.303566]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x260064 [ 7.303569]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps ) [ 7.303577]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority ) [ 7.303581]: PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb0eb873dcb95159d [ 7.303585]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.318960]: nfs_kext_start: successfully loaded NFS kext [ 7.320456]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 7.320523]: AppleIPAppender::probe(IOResources) [ 7.320557]: **** [BroadcomBluetooth20703USBTransport][init] -- entering **** [ 7.320559]: **** [BroadcomBluetooth20703USBTransport][init] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.320572]: **** [BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][init] -- entering **** [ 7.320574]: **** [BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][init] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.320583]: **** [CSRBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][init] -- entering **** [ 7.320585]: **** [CSRBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][init] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.320594]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerPCIeTransport][init] -- entering **** [ 7.320596]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerPCIeTransport][init] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.320605]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerTransport][init] -- entering **** [ 7.320607]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerTransport][init] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.320616]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUARTTransport][init] -- entering **** [ 7.320619]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUARTTransport][init] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.320631]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][init] -- entering **** [ 7.320633]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][init] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.320642]: **** [IOBluetoothPacketLogger][init] -- entering **** [ 7.320644]: **** [IOBluetoothPacketLogger][init] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.320654]: **** [IOBluetoothSerialManager][init] -- entering **** [ 7.320656]: **** [IOBluetoothSerialManager][init] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.323622]: [0 (ctx)] virtual bool AppleDiskImagesController::start(IOService *)::141: kext version: 198.100.13 [ 7.323686]: AppleIPAppender::start(IOResources) <1> [ 7.323746]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x270064 [ 7.323749]: **** [BroadcomBluetooth20703USBTransport][start] -- entering **** [ 7.323750]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.323753]: **** [BroadcomBluetooth20703USBTransport][start] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.323763]: **** [BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- entering **** [ 7.323766]: **** [BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.323771]: **** [CSRBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- entering **** [ 7.323773]: **** [CSRBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.323780]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerPCIeTransport][start] -- entering **** [ 7.323782]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerPCIeTransport][start] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.323784]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x280064 [ 7.323786]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.323787]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerTransport][start] -- entering **** [ 7.323789]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerTransport][start] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.323795]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUARTTransport][start] -- entering **** [ 7.323797]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUARTTransport][start] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.323803]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- entering **** [ 7.323806]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.323810]: **** [IOBluetoothPacketLogger][start] -- entering **** [ 7.323812]: **** [IOBluetoothPacketLogger][start] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.323816]: **** [IOBluetoothSerialManager][start] -- entering **** [ 7.323818]: **** [IOBluetoothSerialManager][start] -- exiting -- success **** [ 7.323889]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x290064 [ 7.323892]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.323909]: (IOHIDPowerSource:0x1000003dc): start:1 [ 7.323915]: PMRD: delayChildNotification for 0x1000003db [ 7.323917]: PMRD: IODisplayWrangler tag flags 100 [ 7.323926]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x2a0064 [ 7.323927]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.323929]: GTrace synchronization point 1 [ 7.323930]: PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 7.324577]: (IOHIDPowerSourceController:0x1000003cf): start:1 [ 7.324618]: PMRD: Added IODisplayWrangler to idle sleep preventers list (Total 1) [ 7.324622]: PMRD: Idle Sleep Preventers: IODisplayWrangler [ 7.324624]: PMRD: changePowerStateWithTagTo(ON_STATE, 2b0003) [ 7.324675]: PMRD: wrangler kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn ps 4 [ 7.324678]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 1, 0x0 ) [ 7.324683]: PMRD: wrangler DevicePowerState (ps 4, 0->4) [ 7.324685]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 10, 0x0 ) [ 7.324686]: PMRD: idle sleep timer disabled [ 7.324691]: PMRD: changePowerStateWithTagToPriv(ON_STATE, 2c0008) [ 7.324693]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 1, 0x0 ) [ 7.324703]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x2b0003 [ 7.324706]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.324709]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x2c0008 [ 7.324710]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.324865]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 7.325857]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 7.325868]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 7.336896]: com_apple_filesystems_nfs: successfully loaded NFS module [ 7.336923]: Unsupported CPU [ 7.336930]: Unsupported CPU [ 7.336953]: Unsupported PCH [ 7.342704]: set CameraAssistantBundleID : com.apple.cmio.uvcassistantextension [ 7.345456]: Driver com.apple.AppleUserHIDDrivers has crashed 0 time(s) [ 7.345526]: DK: AppleUserHIDEventDriver-0x1000003e5 waiting for server com.apple.driverkit.AppleUserHIDDrivers-1000003e5 [ 7.345570]: Driver com.apple.AppleUserHIDDrivers has crashed 0 time(s) [ 7.345574]: DK: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice-0x1000003e8 waiting for server com.apple.driverkit.AppleUserHIDDrivers-1000003e5 [ 7.345670]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 7.350538]: Driver com.apple.AppleUserHIDDrivers has crashed 0 time(s) [ 7.350546]: DK: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice-0x1000003f5 waiting for server com.apple.driverkit.AppleUserHIDDrivers-1000003e5 [ 7.350552]: Driver com.apple.AppleUserHIDDrivers has crashed 0 time(s) [ 7.350561]: DK: AppleUserHIDEventDriver-0x1000003ec waiting for server com.apple.driverkit.AppleUserHIDDrivers-1000003e5 [ 7.364770]: Sandbox apply: rpcsvchost[281] set CameraAssistantBundleID : com.apple.cmio.uvcassistantextension [ 7.392188]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 282, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.392197]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 282 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.398302]: /System/Library/DriverExtensions/com.apple.DriverKit-IOUserDockChannelSerial.dext/com.apple.DriverKit-IOUserDockChannelSerial[282] ==> com.apple.dextmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 282, priority 150, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.398557]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 282 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(150) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.398841]: shared_region: 0xb0eb87429755ac5d [282(com.apple.Driver)] check_np(0x7ff7bb028a58) vm_shared_region_start_address() failed [ 7.399298]: shared_region: 0xb0eb87429755ac5d [282(com.apple.Driver)] check_np(0x7ff7bb027eb8) vm_shared_region_start_address() failed [ 7.401158]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 283, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.401162]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 283 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.401203]: AMFI: '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/System/DriverKit/System/Library/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64h' is adhoc signed. [ 7.401742]: shared_region: 0xb0eb87429755ac5d [282(com.apple.Driver)]: vnode_lookup(/System/DriverKit/System/Library/dyld/) failed (error=2) [ 7.405326]: /System/Library/DriverExtensions/com.apple.AppleUserHIDDrivers.dext/com.apple.AppleUserHIDDrivers[283] ==> com.apple.dextmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 283, priority 150, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 7.405408]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 283 (15MB NF) targeting priority(150) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.412074]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve __ZN4Addr2V27Gfx9Lib20HwlConvertChipFamilyEjj, err 2 [ 7.427317]: System Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdBoot args: -v keepsyms=1 -wegnoegpu debug=0x100 vsmcgen=1 [ 7.432177]: Boot args: -v keepsyms=1 -wegnoegpu debug=0x100 vsmcgen=1 [ 7.432195]: debug=0x0 [ 7.432198]: debug=0x0 [ 7.432504]: Found class: IOBufferMemoryDescriptor [ 7.432508]: Found class: IOCommand [ 7.432509]: Found class: IOBufferMemoryDescriptor [ 7.432511]: Found class: IOCommandPool [ 7.432516]: Found class: IOCommand [ 7.432519]: Found class: IOCommandPool [ 7.432535]: Found class: IODMACommand [ 7.432537]: Found class: IODMACommand [ 7.432538]: Found class: IODataQueueDispatchSource [ 7.432540]: Found class: IODataQueueDispatchSource [ 7.432540]: Found class: IODispatchQueue [ 7.432543]: Found class: IODispatchQueue [ 7.432543]: Found class: IODispatchSource [ 7.432546]: Found class: IODispatchSource [ 7.432546]: Found class: IOInterruptDispatchSource [ 7.432548]: Found class: IOInterruptDispatchSource [ 7.432560]: Found class: IOMemoryDescriptor [ 7.432561]: Found class: IOMemoryDescriptor [ 7.432563]: Found class: IOMemoryMap [ 7.432564]: Found class: IOMemoryMap [ 7.432566]: Found class: IOReporter [ 7.432566]: Found class: IOReporter [ 7.432568]: Found class: IOSimpleReporter [ 7.432569]: Found class: IOSimpleReporter [ 7.432571]: Found class: IOStateReporter [ 7.432571]: Found class: IOStateReporter [ 7.432573]: Found class: IOHistogramReporter [ 7.432574]: Found class: IOHistogramReporter [ 7.432576]: Found class: IOReportLegend [ 7.432577]: Found class: IOReportLegend [ 7.432579]: Found class: IOService [ 7.432579]: Found class: IOService [ 7.432601]: Found class: IOServiceNotificationDispatchSource [ 7.432603]: Found class: IOServiceNotificationDispatchSource [ 7.432617]: Found class: IOServiceStateNotificationDispatchSource [ 7.432617]: Found class: IOServiceStateNotificationDispatchSource [ 7.432620]: Found class: IOTimerDispatchSource [ 7.432621]: Found class: IOTimerDispatchSource [ 7.432623]: Found class: IOUserClient [ 7.432624]: Found class: IOUserClient [ 7.432626]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserClient_KernelCompletion [ 7.432626]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserClient_KernelCompletion [ 7.432628]: Found class: IOUserServer [ 7.432629]: Found class: IOUserServer [ 7.432631]: Found class: OSAction [ 7.432632]: Found class: OSAction [ 7.432634]: Found class: OSArray [ 7.432634]: Found class: OSArray [ 7.432637]: Found class: OSBoolean [ 7.432641]: Found class: OSBoolean [ 7.432641]: Found class: OSBundle [ 7.432644]: Found class: OSBundle [ 7.432644]: Found class: OSCollection [ 7.432646]: Found class: OSCollection [ 7.432647]: Found class: OSContainer [ 7.432649]: Found class: OSContainer [ 7.432669]: Found class: OSData [ 7.432675]: Found class: OSData [ 7.432678]: Found class: OSDictionary [ 7.432680]: Found class: OSDictionary [ 7.432681]: Found class: OSMappedFile [ 7.432683]: Found class: OSMappedFile [ 7.432683]: Found class: OSNumber [ 7.432686]: Found class: OSNumber [ 7.432686]: Found class: OSObject [ 7.432689]: Found class: OSObject [ 7.432689]: Found class: OSOrderedSet [ 7.432692]: Found class: OSOrderedSet [ 7.432692]: Found class: OSSerialization [ 7.432694]: Found class: OSSerialization [ 7.432695]: Found class: OSSet [ 7.432697]: Found class: OSSet [ 7.432697]: Found class: OSString [ 7.432700]: Found class: OSString [ 7.432700]: Found class: _IOBlockStorageDevice [ 7.432702]: Found class: _IOBlockStorageDevice [ 7.432703]: Found class: OSAction__IOBlockStorageDevice_KernelCompletion [ 7.432705]: Found class: OSAction__IOBlockStorageDevice_KernelCompletion [ 7.432706]: Found class: IOEventLink [ 7.432708]: Found class: IOEventLink [ 7.432709]: Found class: IOThread [ 7.432711]: Found class: IOThread [ 7.432712]: Found class: IOWorkGroup [ 7.432714]: Found class: IOWorkGroup [ 7.433379]: Found class: IOUserDockChannelSerial [ 7.433384]: Found class: IOUserDockChannelSerialClient [ 7.433393]: Found class: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice [ 7.433398]: Found class: AppleUserHIDEventDriver [ 7.433417]: Found class: IOUserSerial [ 7.433421]: Found class: IOUserPseudoSerialUserClient [ 7.433423]: Found class: IOUserPseudoSerial [ 7.433796]: Found class: IOUSBHostPipe [ 7.433800]: Found class: IOUSBHostDevice [ 7.433803]: Found class: IOUSBHostInterface [ 7.434242]: Found class: IOHIDElementPrivate [ 7.434246]: Found class: IOHIDElementContainer [ 7.434249]: Found class: IOHIDDigitizerCollection [ 7.434278]: Found class: IOHIDEvent [ 7.434281]: Found class: IOHIDInterfaceElementContainer [ 7.434284]: Found class: IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice [ 7.434287]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice_CompleteInputReport [ 7.434290]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice_CompleteOutputReport [ 7.434294]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice_CompleteOutputRequest [ 7.434297]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice_TimerOccurred [ 7.434304]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice_CompleteZLP [ 7.434307]: Found class: AppleUserHIDEventService [ 7.434310]: Found class: OSAction_AppleUserHIDEventService_TimerOccurred [ 7.434328]: Found class: IOHIDTransducerState [ 7.434331]: Found class: IOUserHIDEventService [ 7.434457]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserHIDEventService_ReportAvailable [ 7.434461]: Found class: IOUserHIDDevice [ 7.434464]: Found class: IOHIDInterface [ 7.434467]: Found class: IOHIDEventService [ 7.434470]: Found class: OSAction_IOHIDEventService__SetLED [ 7.434473]: Found class: OSAction_IOHIDEventService__SetUserProperties [ 7.434476]: Found class: OSAction_IOHIDEventService__CopyEvent [ 7.434480]: Found class: IOHIDElement [ 7.434483]: Found class: IOHIDDevice [ 7.434486]: Found class: OSAction_IOHIDDevice__CompleteReport [ 7.434500]: Found class: IOUserHIDEventDriver [ 7.434503]: Found class: IOHIDEventElementCollection [ 7.447097]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 7.449528]: OnQueue SDK version 0x160500 [ 7.544951]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP00 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.544955]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP00 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.549670]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.549671]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.554352]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP00 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.554353]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP00 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.558990]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.558991]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.563563]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.563563]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.568333]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get max non-turbo PState. Set max non-turbo PState to default value 1 [ 7.568335]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get max non-turbo PState. Set max non-turbo PState to default value 1 [ 7.573161]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP01 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.573162]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP01 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.577590]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.577591]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.581961]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP01 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.581962]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP01 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.586355]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.586356]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.590656]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.590657]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.594930]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP02 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.594931]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP02 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.599138]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.599139]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.603291]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP02 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.603292]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP02 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.607014]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 7.607025]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 7.607031]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 7.609432]: ACMTRM-S: _saveAll: pushing *policy* -> daemon (gen=1 dataLen=53 ver=11). [ 7.609439]: ACMTRM-S: _saveAll: pushing *analytics* -> daemon (gen=1 dataLen=400 ver=1). [ 7.617371]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 222, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.617381]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 222 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.617686]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.617691]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.622057]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.622063]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.623185]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 287, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.623195]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 287 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.626412]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP03 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.626418]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP03 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.630655]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.630662]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.631146]: Sandbox: searchpartyd(268) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.timed.xpcmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 288, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.633495]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 288 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.634858]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP03 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.634864]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP03 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.639026]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.639033]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.640524]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 289, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.640533]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 289 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.640544]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 287, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 7.640549]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 287 (40MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.643157]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.643165]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.646598]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 288, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 7.646610]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 288 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.647284]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP04 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.647289]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP04 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.648709]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 289, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 7.648718]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 289 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.648775]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 289]: /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/XProtect.app/Contents/XPCServices/XProtectPluginService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/XProtectPluginService, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 7.649923]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 933 bytes [ 7.654811]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.654819]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.659261]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP04 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.659269]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP04 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.659846]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 290, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.659855]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 290 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.663391]: Sandbox apply: iconservicesd[111] X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.663548]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.665331]: Sandbox apply: usbd[216] X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.667671]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.669220]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 290, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(650MB NF), Inactive(650MB, NF) [ 7.669230]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 290 (650MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.671632]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP05 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.671641]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP05 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.675412]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.675420]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.679074]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP05 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.679080]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP05 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.682524]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.682535]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.682783]: Sandbox apply: revisiond[140] Sandbox apply: softwareupdated[104] X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.685760]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.688950]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP06 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.688955]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP06 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.691586]: Sandbox apply: systemstats[92] X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.692028]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.695107]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP06 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.695108]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP06 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.695733]: Sandbox apply: backgroundtaskmanagementd[288] Sandbox apply: accessoryupdaterd[93] X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.698231]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.701280]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.701281]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.704357]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP07 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.704358]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP07 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.707341]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.707342]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.710332]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP07 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.710333]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP07 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.713387]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.713387]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.716383]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.716384]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.719387]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP08 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.719388]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP08 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.722389]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.722389]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.725378]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP08 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.725379]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP08 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.728417]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.728418]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.731349]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.731350]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.734294]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP09 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.734294]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP09 ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.737134]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.737135]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.739926]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP09 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.739926]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP09 APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.742769]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.742770]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.745565]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.745566]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.748385]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP0A ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.748386]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP0A ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.751201]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.751202]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.754007]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP0A APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.754008]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP0A APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.757089]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.757090]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.759596]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.759597]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.761959]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP0B ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.761960]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - CP0B ACST and _CST evaluations failed! [ 7.764311]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.764312]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUCStates - _CST did not return a package [ 7.766651]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP0B APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.766652]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - CP0B APSS and _PSS evaluations failed! [ 7.769024]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.769025]: X86PlatformPlugin::getCPUPStates - acpiPSArrayObj is not an valid OSArray [ 7.771361]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.771362]: X86PlatformPlugin::publishACPIStates - Failed to get CPU P States! [ 7.773669]: IOPPF - IODeviceTree:/efi/platform/StartupPowerEvents: 0x0 [ 7.773670]: IOPPF - IODeviceTree:/efi/platform/StartupPowerEvents: 0x0 [ 7.776336]: PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 7.777447]: PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 7.777456]: PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 7.777460]: PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 7.777464]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 7.778811]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][start ] Entered AGPMController::start() [ 7.778823]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][start ] init fSlotControl, fSlotControl = 0 [ 7.778842]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][start ] Exited AGPMController::start() [ 7.779672]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x1000003e5 start (state:0x0) [ 7.779673]: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:0x1000003f5 start (state:0x0) [ 7.779681]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x1000003ec start (state:0x0) [ 7.779687]: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:0x1000003e8 start (state:0x0) [ 7.781494]: OnQueue SDK version 0x160500 [ 7.782833]: ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8 [ 7.783347]: [IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:555][0x1000003f5] Open interface: 0x100000366 [ 7.787430]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 7.787673]: [IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:712][0x1000003f5] HID descriptor interface:0 index:0 length:71 71 71 [ 7.787758]: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:0x1000003f5 start (state:0x4) [ 7.787761]: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:0x1000003f5 start [ 7.787790]: [ElementContainer] Element value capacity 292 [ 7.787794]: [ElementContainer] Report count: 1 [ 7.787794]: [ElementContainer] Report ID: 0 input:56 output:0 feature:0 [ 7.788207]: [IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:343][0x1000003f5] inPipe:1 inputReportSize:7 inMaxPacketSize:8 inBufferSize:8 [ 7.788249]: [IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:386][0x1000003f5] outPipe:0 outMaxPacketSize:0 [ 7.788734]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 7.789880]: [AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:126][0x1000003f5] Start ret: 0x0 [ 7.789903]: DK: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice-0x1000003f5::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100000366) ok [ 7.790504]: [IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:555][0x1000003e8] Open interface: 0x100000367 [ 7.792650]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 293, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.792658]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 293 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.794484]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 7.795691]: [IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:712][0x1000003e8] HID descriptor interface:1 index:0 length:213 213 213 [ 7.795823]: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:0x1000003e8 start (state:0x4) [ 7.795827]: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:0x1000003e8 start [ 7.795968]: [ElementContainer] Element value capacity 8288 [ 7.795980]: [ElementContainer] Report count: 6 [ 7.795981]: [ElementContainer] Report ID: 0 input:0 output:0 feature:0 [ 7.795988]: [ElementContainer] Report ID: 1 input:64 output:8 feature:8 [ 7.795996]: [ElementContainer] Report ID: 2 input:32 output:8 feature:8 [ 7.796003]: [ElementContainer] Report ID: 4 input:8 output:8 feature:4160 [ 7.796009]: [ElementContainer] Report ID: 7 input:64 output:8 feature:8 [ 7.796016]: [ElementContainer] Report ID: 5 input:8 output:8 feature:48 [ 7.796025]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 7.796591]: [IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:343][0x1000003e8] inPipe:1 inputReportSize:8 inMaxPacketSize:8 inBufferSize:8 [ 7.796599]: [IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:386][0x1000003e8] outPipe:0 outMaxPacketSize:0 [ 7.796603]: [IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:1060][0x1000003e8] SetIdle:24ms [ 7.797271]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 7.797683]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 293, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(25MB NF), Inactive(25MB, NF) [ 7.797687]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 293 (25MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.800107]: [AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp:126][0x1000003e8] Start ret: 0x0 [ 7.800126]: DK: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice-0x1000003e8::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100000367) ok [ 7.801161]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:250][0x1000003e5] Target macOS [ 7.801226]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x1000003e5 start (state:0x4) [ 7.801230]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x1000003e5 start [ 7.801283]: HID: Legacy shim 2 [ 7.802329]: open by AppleUserHIDEventDriver 0x1000003e5 (0x0) [ 7.802354]: [IOUserHIDEventService.cpp:161][0x1000003e5] Open interface: 0x1000002d7 [ 7.802584]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:211][0x1000003e5] parseElements: led: 2 [ 7.802622]: [AppleUserHIDEventService.cpp:988][0x1000003e5] parseElements: vendor (primary): 0 vendor (child): 0 multiaxis: 0 keyboard: 0 unicode: 0 0 biometric: 0 accel 0 gyro: 0 compass: 0 temperature: 0 orientation 0 0 sensorPropsCaps 0 [ 7.802764]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 7.802927]: [IOUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:940][0x1000003e5] parseElements: keyboard: 491 pointer: 0 0 scroll: 0 led: 0 digitizer: 0 proximity: 0 gameController: 2 [ 7.803014]: [AppleUserHIDEventService.cpp:247][0x1000003e5] Start ret: 0x0 [ 7.803022]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:315][0x1000003e5] Start ret: 0x0 [ 7.803029]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:116][0x1000003e5] Keyboard usagePage: 1 usage: 6 vid: 1452 pid: 65535 [ 7.803068]: DK: AppleUserHIDEventDriver-0x1000003e5::start(IOHIDInterface-0x1000002d7) ok [ 7.803117]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x2d0064 [ 7.803120]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.803265]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x2e0064 [ 7.803268]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 7.803557]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:250][0x1000003ec] Target macOS [ 7.803646]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x1000003ec start (state:0x4) [ 7.803652]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x1000003ec start [ 7.803725]: HID: Legacy shim 2 [ 7.804136]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 7.804153]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 7.804905]: open by AppleUserHIDEventDriver 0x1000003ec (0x0) [ 7.804936]: [IOUserHIDEventService.cpp:161][0x1000003ec] Open interface: 0x100000310 [ 7.805123]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:211][0x1000003ec] parseElements: led: 2 [ 7.805137]: [AppleUserHIDEventService.cpp:988][0x1000003ec] parseElements: vendor (primary): 0 vendor (child): 0 multiaxis: 0 keyboard: 0 unicode: 0 0 biometric: 0 accel 0 gyro: 0 compass: 0 temperature: 0 orientation 0 0 sensorPropsCaps 0 [ 7.805444]: [IOUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:940][0x1000003ec] parseElements: keyboard: 491 pointer: 0 0 scroll: 0 led: 0 digitizer: 0 proximity: 0 gameController: 2 [ 7.805452]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 295, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.805458]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 295 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.805594]: [AppleUserHIDEventService.cpp:247][0x1000003ec] Start ret: 0x0 [ 7.805607]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:315][0x1000003ec] Start ret: 0x0 [ 7.805615]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:116][0x1000003ec] Keyboard usagePage: 1 usage: 6 vid: 1452 pid: 65535 [ 7.805643]: DK: AppleUserHIDEventDriver-0x1000003ec::start(IOHIDInterface-0x100000310) ok [ 7.808962]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 7.809870]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 7.809881]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 7.811117]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 295, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.811124]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 295 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.813555]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 7.814832]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 7.814847]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 7.820035]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 7.821347]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 7.821370]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 7.822071]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 296, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 7.822077]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 296 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.827456]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 296, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 7.827461]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 296 (15MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 7.911515]: lifs_mount:uid:0:gid:0lifs_req_callback_thread: thread starting for mount [ 7.911573]: lifs_io_strategy_thread: thread starting for mount [ 7.911599]: lifs_endio_thread: thread starting for mount [ 7.914918]: disk0s3: isssd 1 devblksize 512 devreadsize 0 devwritesize 0 maxreadcnt 8388608 segreadcnt 2048 maxwritecnt 8388608 segwritecnt 2048 mnt_flags 0x14201001 [ 7.985588]: bufattr_get_apfs:8172: Only accept buf I/O, no raw disk access [ 7.985596]: disk1s5s1: device is not readable. [ 8.105823]: HS01@80100000: AppleUSBHostPort::terminateDevice: destroying 0x18d1/4ee1/0440 (Pixel 4): connect change interrupt [ 8.111552]: PMRD: power event 10 args 0 0x1f4 [ 8.185225]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 313, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.185231]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 313 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.190477]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 313, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 8.190483]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 313 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.197493]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve _smu_get_fw_constants, err 2 [ 8.200481]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve _smu_9_0_1_check_fw_status, err 2 [ 8.203295]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve _smu_9_0_1_unload_smu, err 2 [ 8.205780]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve _psp_cmd_km_submit, err 2 [ 8.207942]: Lilu patcher: @ failed to solve _update_sdma_power_gating, err 2 [ 8.220571]: Sandbox apply: mds_stores[313] + IOAudioDevice[]::init() [ 8.229229]: - IOAudioDevice[]::init() returns 1 [ 8.229258]: + IOAudioDevice[]::setDeviceModelName() [ 8.229263]: - IOAudioDevice[]::setDeviceModelName() [ 8.229406]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 8.229689]: [5:0:0] [VRAM] mapMemorySpace() !!! Failed to get descriptor for ROM Base. [ 8.229864]: [5:0:0][ATOM][LIB] static AmdAsicInit *AmdAsicInit::createAsicInit(AmdAtomFwHelper *) --- tableIndex:0, V 2.1. [ 8.229868]: [5:0:0][ATOM][LIB] static AmdDisplayControllerInit *AmdDisplayControllerInit::createDisplayControllerInit(AmdAtomFwHelper *) --- tableIndex:0xd, V 2.1. [ 8.229871]: [5:0:0][ATOM][LIB] static AmdDmcuService *AmdDmcuService::createDmcuService(AmdAtomFwHelper *) --- tableIndex:0x42, V 0.0. [ 8.229874]: [5:0:0][ATOM][LIB] static AmdAtomFirmwareInfo *AmdAtomFirmwareInfo::createFirmwareInfo(AmdAtomFwHelper *, uint32_t) --- V 3.2. [ 8.229876]: [5:0:0][ATOM][LIB] static AmdAtomDcInfo *AmdAtomDcInfo::createDcInfo(AmdAtomFwHelper *, uint32_t) --- V 4.3. [ 8.229878]: [5:0:0][ATOM][LIB] static AmdAtomSmuInfo *AmdAtomSmuInfo::createSmuInfo(AmdAtomFwHelper *, uint32_t) --- V 3.1. [ 8.229880]: ATOM: static AmdAtomPspDirectory *AmdAtomPspDirectory::createPspDirectory(AmdAtomFwHelper *, uint32_t): ASSERT(0 != tableOffset) [ 8.229883]: ATOM: static AmdAtomVramInfo *AmdAtomVramInfo::createVramInfo(AmdAtomFwHelper *, uint32_t): ASSERT(0 != tableOffset) [ 8.229886]: [5:0:0][ATOM][LIB] static AmdAtomVramUsageByFw *AmdAtomVramUsageByFw::createVramUsage(AmdAtomFwHelper *, uint32_t) --- V 2.1. [ 8.229889]: [5:0:0][ATOM][LIB] static AmdAtomObjectInfo *AmdAtomObjectInfo::createObjectInfo(AmdAtomFwHelper *, uint32_t) --- V 1.4. [ 8.229892]: [5:0:0][ATOM][LIB] static AmdAtomGpioPinLut *AmdAtomGpioPinLut::createGpioPinLutTable(AmdAtomFwHelper *, uint32_t) --- V 2.1. [ 8.229897]: ATOM: virtual IOReturn AmdAtomFwServices::getPspFirmwareInfo(AtomPspFirmwareInfo &) const: ASSERT(nullptr != m_pspDirectory) [ 8.229908]: [5:0:0][GPUCAP] refresh() --- Family: 142, Device: 0x1636, revNo: 0, pciRevNo: c7, emuRevNo: 145. [ 8.229910]: [5:0:0][GPUCAP] refresh() --- Mem Size: FB: 512 MB, Aper: 256 MB, Reg Aper: 512 KB. [ 8.229912]: [5:0:0][GPUCAP] refresh() --- Mem Config: Width: 128, Type: DDR4. [ 8.229914]: [5:0:0][GPUCAP] refresh() --- FB Base: 0xf400000000, Top: 0xf41fffffff, Offset: 0x3f0000000. [ 8.229916]: [5:0:0][GPUCAP] refresh() --- Branding - family: "Radeon"; device: "Graphics"; model: "AMD Radeon Graphics". [ 8.229980]: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:0x1000003f5 creating interfaces [ 8.230092]: IOUserDockChannelSerial:: start [ 8.230111]: DK: IOUserDockChannelSerial-0x10000039c::start(IOUserResources-0x10000011a) ok [ 8.230155]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x2f0064 [ 8.230159]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 8.230279]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x300064 [ 8.230282]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 8.230568]: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:0x1000003e8 creating interfaces [ 8.230661]: PMRD: power event 10 args 0 0x1f7 [ 8.230684]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 8.230720]: GTrace synchronization point 3 [ 8.230871]: GTrace synchronization point 4 [ 8.230898]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][createAGPMClass ] machines_dict->getObject(modelName MacBookPro16,3) [ 8.230910]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][createAGPMClass ] gpuDict IGPU [ 8.230913]: [AMD INFO] TTL Interface: Boot mode Normal. [ 8.230913]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][createAGPMClass ] build gpuDict by GPU IGPU. [ 8.230996]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][start ] fIsExternalGPU 0 [ 8.231041]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][createAGPMClass ] machines_dict->getObject(modelName MacBookPro16,3) [ 8.231047]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][createAGPMClass ] gpuDict IGPU [ 8.231051]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][createAGPMClass ] build gpuDict by GPU IGPU. [ 8.231052]: X86PlatformPlugin::cgRegisterCallbackHandler - entered, type gpu-internal-plimit-notification, target AGPM [ 8.231054]: X86PlatformPlugin::cgRegisterCallbackHandler - entered, type gpu-internal-plimit-notification, target AGPM [ 8.231063]: X86PlatformPlugin::cgRegisterPLimitCallbackHandler - There are 0 entries in the linked list before target name AGPM [ 8.231064]: X86PlatformPlugin::cgRegisterPLimitCallbackHandler - There are 0 entries in the linked list before target name AGPM [ 8.231090]: HE2N_Key Does Not Exist, use kSMCPStatesIGPU for Internal GPU [ 8.231091]: HE2N_Key Does Not Exist, use kSMCPStatesIGPU for Internal GPU [ 8.231100]: X86PlatformPlugin::cgRegisterCallbackHandler - entered, type gpu-internal-single-slice-plimit-notification, target AGPM [ 8.231102]: X86PlatformPlugin::cgRegisterCallbackHandler - entered, type gpu-internal-single-slice-plimit-notification, target AGPM [ 8.231115]: X86PlatformPlugin::cgRegisterPLimitCallbackHandler - There are 0 entries in the linked list before target name AGPM [ 8.231116]: X86PlatformPlugin::cgRegisterPLimitCallbackHandler - There are 0 entries in the linked list before target name AGPM [ 8.231133]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][start ] fIsExternalGPU 0 [ 8.231159]: [AGPM][INFO ][CONTROLLER ][start ] GPU = IGPU Initialized, Control ID 16 [ 8.232177]: [5:0:0] [Accel] --- Before TTL:initialize() - BootLoader Version=0x00000000, POST Code=0xffffffff, Ready=0xffffffff [ 8.232182]: [5:0:0] [Accel] >>> Calling TTL::initialize() [ 8.232183]: nonlocalMemSizeLimitBytes = 0x0000000040000000 pDoorbellBase = doorbellApertureSizeInBytes = 2097152 (2048 KB) [ 8.232186]: [AMD INFO] TTL Interface: Boot mode Normal. [ 8.232187]: initialize normal [ 8.234017]: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:0x1000003f5 Matching has vendor DeviceUsagePage : ff0c bundleIdentifier com.apple.AppleUserHIDDrivers ioclass AppleUserHIDEventService but transport and vendorID is missing [ 8.234150]: AMD TTL COS: [5:0:0]: Write PCI Config offset 0x60 size 2 data 0x2930 [ 8.234156]: AMD TTL COS: [5:0:1]: Write PCI Config offset 0x60 size 2 data 0x20 [ 8.234183]: AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:0x1000003e8 Matching has vendor DeviceUsagePage : ff0c bundleIdentifier com.apple.AppleUserHIDDrivers ioclass AppleUserHIDEventService but transport and vendorID is missing [ 8.234407]: AMD Error: [5:0:0] Error SW_IP_CLIENT_ID__GC: event_id=0xc00c0401 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x0 pData=0 data_size=0 [ 8.235167]: AMD Error: Firmware atidmcub_0.dat not found in directory, for deviceId 0x00001636 [ 8.235176]: AMD Error: Unable to get firmware atidmcub_0.dat [ 8.235260]: AMD TTL COS: [5:0:0]: Write PCI Config offset 0x60 size 2 data 0x100 [ 8.235264]: AMD TTL COS: [5:0:1]: Write PCI Config offset 0x60 size 2 data 0x100 [ 8.236187]: AMD TTL AMDLOG: [5:0:0] PSP: event_id=0x100211 event_info:type=2 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x0 pData=0 data_size=0 psp_hardware_initialization finished loading PSP FWs [ 8.236371]: +- AppleHDADriver::layoutLoadCallback ( , 1, 0, , 1685 ) [ 8.237428]: Driver com.apple.AppleUserHIDDrivers has crashed 0 time(s) [ 8.237436]: PMRD: power event 9 args 0xb0eb874297e07ded 0x0 [ 8.237439]: DK: AppleUserHIDEventDriver-0x100000437 using existing server IOUserServer(com.apple.driverkit.AppleUserHIDDrivers-0x1000003e5)-0x1000003ff [ 8.237453]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x100000437 start (state:0x0) [ 8.237465]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 8.237472]: Driver com.apple.AppleUserHIDDrivers has crashed 0 time(s) [ 8.237480]: DK: AppleUserHIDEventDriver-0x100000439 using existing server IOUserServer(com.apple.driverkit.AppleUserHIDDrivers-0x1000003e5)-0x1000003ff [ 8.237489]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x100000439 start (state:0x0) [ 8.238113]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:250][0x100000437] Target macOS [ 8.238210]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x100000437 start (state:0x4) [ 8.238216]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x100000437 start [ 8.238302]: HID: Legacy shim 2 [ 8.238780]: open by AppleUserHIDEventDriver 0x100000437 (0x0) [ 8.238804]: [IOUserHIDEventService.cpp:161][0x100000437] Open interface: 0x100000426 [ 8.238823]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:211][0x100000437] parseElements: led: 0 [ 8.238836]: [AppleUserHIDEventService.cpp:988][0x100000437] parseElements: vendor (primary): 0 vendor (child): 0 multiaxis: 0 keyboard: 0 unicode: 0 0 biometric: 0 accel 0 gyro: 0 compass: 0 temperature: 0 orientation 0 0 sensorPropsCaps 0 [ 8.238962]: [IOUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:940][0x100000437] parseElements: keyboard: 0 pointer: 7 0 scroll: 2 led: 0 digitizer: 0 proximity: 0 gameController: 0 [ 8.239043]: [AppleUserHIDEventService.cpp:247][0x100000437] Start ret: 0x0 [ 8.239057]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:315][0x100000437] Start ret: 0x0 [ 8.239067]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:116][0x100000437] Wired Gaming Mouse usagePage: 1 usage: 2 vid: 9610 pid: 54 [ 8.239115]: DK: AppleUserHIDEventDriver-0x100000437::start(IOHIDInterface-0x100000426) ok [ 8.239658]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:250][0x100000439] Target macOS [ 8.239716]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x100000439 start (state:0x4) [ 8.239721]: AppleUserHIDEventDriver:0x100000439 start [ 8.239791]: HID: Legacy shim 2 [ 8.240524]: + IOAudioDevice[]::start() [ 8.240528]: open by AppleUserHIDEventDriver 0x100000439 (0x0) [ 8.240539]: +-IOAudioDevice[]::initHardware() [ 8.240545]: + IOAudioDevice[]::setDeviceName() [ 8.240550]: - IOAudioDevice[]::setDeviceName() [ 8.240551]: + IOAudioDevice[]::setDeviceShortName() [ 8.240551]: [IOUserHIDEventService.cpp:161][0x100000439] Open interface: 0x10000042a [ 8.240554]: - IOAudioDevice[]::setDeviceShortName() [ 8.240557]: + IOAudioDevice[]::setManufacturerName() [ 8.240562]: - IOAudioDevice[]::setManufacturerName() [ 8.240650]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:211][0x100000439] parseElements: led: 0 [ 8.240661]: [AppleUserHIDEventService.cpp:988][0x100000439] parseElements: vendor (primary): 0 vendor (child): 0 multiaxis: 0 keyboard: 0 unicode: 0 0 biometric: 0 accel 0 gyro: 0 compass: 0 temperature: 0 orientation 0 0 sensorPropsCaps 0 [ 8.240834]: [IOUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:940][0x100000439] parseElements: keyboard: 260 pointer: 0 0 scroll: 0 led: 0 digitizer: 0 proximity: 0 gameController: 0 [ 8.240942]: [AppleUserHIDEventService.cpp:247][0x100000439] Start ret: 0x0 [ 8.240951]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:315][0x100000439] Start ret: 0x0 [ 8.240958]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:116][0x100000439] Wired Gaming Mouse usagePage: 1 usage: 6 vid: 9610 pid: 54 [ 8.240987]: DK: AppleUserHIDEventDriver-0x100000439::start(IOHIDInterface-0x10000042a) ok [ 8.241206]: + IOAudioEngine[]::init(0) [ 8.241209]: properties(0) == NULL [ 8.241235]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::setState(0x0. oldState=0) [ 8.241239]: - IOAudioEngine[]::init(0) [ 8.241329]: PMRD: power event 10 args 0 0x1f8 [ 8.241350]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 8.242586]: Sandbox: mobileassetd(252) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/root/Library/HTTPStorages/com.apple.mobileassetdSandbox: mobileassetd(252) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.metadata.mdsSandbox: mobileassetd(252) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/root/LibrarySandbox: mobileassetd(252) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/root/Library/HTTPStoragesAMD TTL AMDLOG: [5:0:0] PSP: event_id=0x180209 event_info:type=2 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x0 pData=0 data_size=0 psp_hdcp_resume finished [ 8.337128]: AMD Error: [5:0:0] Error SW_IP_CLIENT_ID__GC: event_id=0xc0100201 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x0 pData=0 data_size=0 [ 8.349441]: AMD TTL AMDLOG: [5:0:0] PSP: event_id=0x180209 event_info:type=2 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x0 pData=0 data_size=0 psp_hdcp_initialize finished [ 8.359931]: [5:0:0] [Accel] <<< TTL::initialize() Completed successfully. [ 8.363147]: [5:0:0]: CWSR is enabled [ 8.368239]: Accelerator successfully registered with controller. [ 8.368668]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::end waitQuiet [ 8.368690]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::Using interface IOEthernetInterface en0 for identifier [ 8.368700]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::delayedClockIDLookup registered service [ 8.369597]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::addgPTPServices adding services [ 8.369605]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::addgPTPServices requesting matching [ 8.375186]: IOTimeSyncgPTPManager::init created and initing [ 8.375242]: Using soft DMA false for model MacBookPro16,3 [ 8.375517]: IOTimeSyncgPTPManager::start starting [ 8.375520]: IOTimeSyncgPTPManager::start creating system domain [ 8.375538]: IOTimeSyncDomain(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Started PTP Domain 0xa036bc6b2d9a0008 [ 8.375600]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Battery Powered: true [ 8.375602]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Has Wired Ethernet Link: false [ 8.375603]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Has Ethernet HW Timestamps: false [ 8.375604]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Has WiFi HW Timestamps: false [ 8.375605]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): External Power Connected: true [ 8.375610]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Device is battery powered [ 8.375642]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Created general notifier for local clock port [ 8.375651]: IOTimeSyncDomain(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Set lock state to locking. [ 8.375716]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): messagePriorityVector 250, 248, 33, 17258, 247, 0xa036bc6b2d9a0008, 0, 0xa036bc6b2d9a0008, 0, 0 [ 8.375719]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): AnnounceInfo 250, 248, 33, 17258, 247, 0xa036bc6b2d9a0008, 0 | 0x0008, 37, 160 [ 8.375721]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Set role to Slave. [ 8.375726]: IOTimeSyncDomain(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Set lock state to locked. [ 8.375732]: IOTimeSyncDomain(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Set clock slave port to 0, grandmaster Identity 0xa036bc6b2d9a0008 [ 8.375734]: IOTimeSyncDomain(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): start registered service [ 8.375746]: Instantiated system domain 0xa036bc6b2d9a0008 [ 8.375752]: IOTimeSyncgPTPManager::start registered service [ 8.376757]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::addgPTPServices adding services [ 8.376765]: IOTimeSyncClockManager::addgPTPServices adding services [ 8.396964]: AppleUSBXHCIDevice: AppleUSBXHCIDevice::transferEvent: no endpoint 1 for event 0x00000002444b1000 1b000000 02018001 [ 8.397078]: PMRD: power event 9 args 0xb0eb874297e202ed 0x0 [ 8.404657]: HS01@80100000: AppleUSBHostPort::enumerateDeviceComplete_block_invoke: enumerated 0x18d1/4ee3/0440 (Pixel 4 / 2) at 480 Mbps [ 8.404676]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: controller (XHC1) usbServiceArray (count 1) options 0x00000000 [ 8.404682]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [0] [ 8.404687]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC1) usbService (Pixel 4) options 0x00000000 [ 8.404702]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@80000000 [ 8.404704]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostDevice (Pixel 4) [ 8.404713]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::addDeviceToUsbPlane: [ 8.404911]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 8.404919]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering Pixel 4@80100000 () for matching [ 8.407338]: Pixel 4@80100000: IOUSBHostDevice::setConfigurationGated: AppleUSBHostCompositeDevice selected configuration 1 [ 8.409670]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: controller (XHC1) usbServiceArray (count 2) options 0x00000000 [ 8.409677]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [0] [ 8.409679]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC1) usbService (RNDIS Communications Control) options 0x00000000 [ 8.409760]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@80000000 [ 8.409764]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostInterface (RNDIS Communications Control) [ 8.409879]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 8.409885]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering RNDIS Communications Control@0 () for matching [ 8.410027]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallback: [1] [ 8.410029]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: controller (XHC1) usbService (RNDIS Ethernet Data) options 0x00000000 [ 8.410035]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@80000000 [ 8.410038]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: IOUSBHostInterface (RNDIS Ethernet Data) [ 8.410100]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: usbServiceCallbackGated completed with 0x00000000 and service [ 8.410102]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCall: registering RNDIS Ethernet Data@1 () for matching [ 8.410356]: AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::getOrCreateLegacyControllerGated: located existing AppleUSBController@80000000 [ 8.417345]: HoRNDIS: init: HoRNDIS tethering driver for Mac OS X, 9.2 [ 8.417693]: PMRD: power event 9 args 0xb0eb874297dfa54d 0x0 [ 8.417695]: Driver com.apple.DriverKit.AppleUserECM has crashed 0 time(s) [ 8.417712]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034150PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 8.417726]: DK: AppleUserECMData-0x10000045a waiting for server com.apple.DriverKit.AppleUserECM.data-10000045a [ 8.418590]: HoRNDIS: rndisInit: 'Pixel 4': ver=1.0, max_packets_per_transfer=15, max_transfer_size=23700, packet_alignment=2^4 [ 8.419286]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 314, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.419290]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 314 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.419629]: HoRNDIS: init: (network interface) starting up with MTU 1500 [ 8.424103]: /System/Library/DriverExtensions/com.apple.DriverKit.AppleUserECM.dext/com.apple.DriverKit.AppleUserECM[314] ==> com.apple.dextmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 314, priority 150, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.424175]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 314 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(150) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.425767]: Boot args: -v keepsyms=1 -wegnoegpu debug=0x100 vsmcgen=1 [ 8.425777]: debug=0x0 [ 8.425805]: Found class: IOBufferMemoryDescriptor [ 8.425808]: Found class: IOCommand [ 8.425811]: Found class: IOCommandPool [ 8.425815]: Found class: IODMACommand [ 8.425817]: Found class: IODataQueueDispatchSource [ 8.425820]: Found class: IODispatchQueue [ 8.425822]: Found class: IODispatchSource [ 8.425825]: Found class: IOInterruptDispatchSource [ 8.425827]: Found class: IOMemoryDescriptor [ 8.425830]: Found class: IOMemoryMap [ 8.425832]: Found class: IOReporter [ 8.425835]: Found class: IOSimpleReporter [ 8.425837]: Found class: IOStateReporter [ 8.425840]: Found class: IOHistogramReporter [ 8.425842]: Found class: IOReportLegend [ 8.425845]: Found class: IOService [ 8.425849]: Found class: IOServiceNotificationDispatchSource [ 8.425852]: Found class: IOServiceStateNotificationDispatchSource [ 8.425855]: Found class: IOTimerDispatchSource [ 8.425857]: Found class: IOUserClient [ 8.425860]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserClient_KernelCompletion [ 8.425863]: Found class: IOUserServer [ 8.425865]: Found class: OSAction [ 8.425868]: Found class: OSArray [ 8.425870]: Found class: OSBoolean [ 8.425873]: Found class: OSBundle [ 8.425875]: Found class: OSCollection [ 8.425878]: Found class: OSContainer [ 8.425880]: Found class: OSData [ 8.425882]: Found class: OSDictionary [ 8.425885]: Found class: OSMappedFile [ 8.425887]: Found class: OSNumber [ 8.425890]: Found class: OSObject [ 8.425892]: Found class: OSOrderedSet [ 8.425895]: Found class: OSSerialization [ 8.425898]: Found class: OSSet [ 8.425900]: Found class: OSString [ 8.425903]: Found class: _IOBlockStorageDevice [ 8.425905]: Found class: OSAction__IOBlockStorageDevice_KernelCompletion [ 8.425908]: Found class: IOEventLink [ 8.425911]: Found class: IOThread [ 8.425913]: Found class: IOWorkGroup [ 8.426177]: Found class: AppleUserECMData [ 8.426180]: Found class: AppleUserECM [ 8.426183]: Found class: OSAction_AppleUserECM_TxPacketsAvailable [ 8.426186]: Found class: OSAction_AppleUserECM_RxPacketsAvailable [ 8.426189]: Found class: OSAction_AppleUserECM_TxComplete [ 8.426192]: Found class: OSAction_AppleUserECM_RxComplete [ 8.426195]: Found class: OSAction_AppleUserECM_InterruptReadComplete [ 8.426198]: Found class: OSAction_AppleUserECM_InterruptReadTimerOccurred [ 8.426710]: Found class: IOUserNetworkPacket [ 8.426725]: Found class: IOUserNetworkEthernet [ 8.426728]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserNetworkEthernet__RxSQDataAvailable [ 8.426731]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserNetworkEthernet__TxSQDataAvailable [ 8.426737]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserNetworkEthernet__DataAvailable [ 8.426740]: Found class: IOUserNetworkPacketBufferPool [ 8.426743]: Found class: IOUserNetworkPacketQueue [ 8.426761]: Found class: IOUserNetworkPacketPoller [ 8.426775]: Found class: OSAction_IOUserNetworkPacketPoller_TimerOccurred [ 8.426778]: Found class: IOUserNetworkTxSubmissionQueue [ 8.426781]: Found class: IOUserNetworkTxCompletionQueue [ 8.426784]: Found class: IOUserNetworkQueueSet [ 8.426787]: Found class: IOUserNetworkRxSubmissionQueue [ 8.426790]: Found class: IOUserNetworkRxCompletionQueue [ 8.426793]: Found class: IOUserNetworkLogicalLink [ 8.426796]: Found class: IOUserNetworkWLAN [ 8.426802]: Found class: IOUSBHostPipe [ 8.426805]: Found class: IOUSBHostDevice [ 8.426808]: Found class: IOUSBHostInterface [ 8.427511]: OnQueue SDK version 0x160500 [ 8.428081]: no services left, exiting [ 8.428153]: DK: IOUserServer(com.apple.DriverKit.AppleUserECM.data-0x10000045a)::terminate(AppleUserECMData-0x10000045a) server exit before start() [ 8.428174]: DK: AppleUserECMData-0x10000045a::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100000455) fail [ 8.428193]: PMRD: power event 10 args 0 0x1fa [ 8.428217]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034150PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 8.500036]: IOAVBLocalClockGlobals constructedLocalClockTime is mach_absolute_time nanoseconds [ 8.500165]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 8.503218]: IOAVBNub::start registered service [ 8.503588]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 8.507244]: evOpen by 151 [ 8.510399]: ifnet_attach: All kernel threads created for interface en1 have been scheduled at least once. Proceeding. [ 8.516486]: HoRNDIS: enable: completed (thread_id=674): RNDIS network interface 'en1' should be live now [ 8.520105]: skip attaching fsw to en1 using legacy TX modelskip attaching fsw to en1 using legacy TX modelReinit'd ND information for interface en1 [ 8.521013]: Reinit'd ND information for interface en1 [ 8.521088]: en1: starting optimistic DAD immediately for fe80:5::caa:9ad:ead3:f200 [ 8.521406]: bpf0 attached to en1bpf0 closed and detached from en1 fcount 0 dcount 0AppleKeyStore:8084:144: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: bluetoothd (144) [ 8.531060]: AppleKeyStore:12143:144: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 8.550820]: **** [IOBluetoothFamily][newUserClient] -- created userclient for HIDShim [ 8.550879]: **** [IOBluetoothFamily][AddHCIEventNotification] -- Added notification port for HIDShim [ 8.550921]: **** [IOBluetoothFamily][CreateHIDShimSharedMemoryRingBuffer] -- Created input shared memory for HIDShim [ 8.550941]: **** [IOBluetoothFamily][CreateHIDShimSharedMemoryRingBuffer] -- Created output shared memory for HIDShim [ 8.588988]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 315, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.588993]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 315 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.594602]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 315, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 8.594608]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 315 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.608781]: IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 0, llk 1, [ 8.608799]: IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 3, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0 [ 8.609397]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 8.616456]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 316, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.616462]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 316 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.617551]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 317, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.617558]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 317 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.621586]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 8.623924]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 316, priority 180, dirty=0x0, Active(65MB NF), Inactive(65MB, NF) [ 8.623931]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 316 (65MB NF) targeting priority(180) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.624110]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 317, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 8.624115]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 317 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.624830]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 8.628043]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 8.628065]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 318, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.628817]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 318 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.631321]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 319, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.631327]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 319 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.632327]: Sandbox apply: bluetoothd[144] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 319, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(70MB NF), Inactive(70MB, NF) [ 8.634358]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 319 (70MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.635870]: AppleKeyStore:8084:144: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: bluetoothd (144) [ 8.639360]: AppleKeyStore:12143:144: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 8.642912]: AppleKeyStore:12143:144: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002bc, -1, 100000) [ 8.650008]: Sandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcSandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 318, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 8.659624]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 318 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.662768]: Sandbox apply: secinitd[319] Sandbox apply: com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent[317] Sandbox apply: distnoted[318] Sandbox apply: airportd[287] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: airportd(287) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreLocation.agentSandbox: nsurlsessiond(215) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/db/nsurlsessiond/LibrarySandbox: com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent(317) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.windowservermemorystatus_update(enter): pid 320, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.717094]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 320 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.727116]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 321, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.727122]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 321 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.732938]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 321, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 8.732943]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 321 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.742490]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 320, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 8.742495]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 320 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.748816]: + IOAudioEngine[]::init(0) [ 8.748822]: properties(0) == NULL [ 8.748838]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::setState(0x0. oldState=0) [ 8.748842]: - IOAudioEngine[]::init(0) [ 8.752017]: + IOAudioEngine[]::start() [ 8.752023]: + IOAudioEngine[]::start(, ) [ 8.752028]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::initHardware() [ 8.752146]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::setSampleRate() [ 8.754634]: + IOAudioEngine[]::addAudioStream() [ 8.754683]: - IOAudioEngine[]::addAudioStream() returns 0x0 [ 8.754685]: + IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, 0, ) [ 8.754686]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754687]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754688]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754689]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754690]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754691]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754692]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754693]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754693]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754694]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754695]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754696]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754697]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754697]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754698]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754699]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754700]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754700]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754701]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754702]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754702]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754707]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754708]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754709]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754710]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754711]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754712]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754712]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754713]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754714]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754715]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754716]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754716]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754717]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754718]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754718]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754719]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754720]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754721]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754722]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754722]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754723]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754723]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754724]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754725]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754726]: 24: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754727]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754727]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754728]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754729]: - IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, 0, ) returns 1 [ 8.754733]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::beginConfigurationChange() [ 8.754734]: + IOAudioStream[]::setFormat(, ) [ 8.754736]: + IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, , ) [ 8.754737]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754738]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754740]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754741]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754742]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754742]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754743]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754744]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754744]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754745]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754746]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754747]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754747]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754748]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754749]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754749]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754750]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754751]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754752]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754752]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754753]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754754]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754754]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754755]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754756]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754757]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754757]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754758]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754759]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754759]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754760]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754761]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754762]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754762]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754763]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754764]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754764]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754765]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754766]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754767]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754767]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754768]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754769]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.754769]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.754770]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.754771]: 24: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.754772]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.754774]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.754774]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.754775]: - IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, , ) returns 1 [ 8.754779]: + IOAudioEngine[]::pauseAudioEngine() [ 8.754780]: - IOAudioEngine[]::pauseAudioEngine() returns 0x0 [ 8.754781]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::performFormatChange(, , , 0) [ 8.754782]: AppleHDAEngineInput::performFormatChange (, , 0) [ 8.765815]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[320] + IOAudioEngine[]::setNumSampleFramesPerBuffer(0x1800) [ 8.767131]: - IOAudioEngine[]::setNumSampleFramesPerBuffer(0x1800) [ 8.767162]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::setSampleRate() [ 8.767192]: + IOAudioEngine[]::setInputSampleOffset(0x5d) [ 8.767198]: - IOAudioEngine[]::setInputSampleOffset(0x5d) [ 8.767213]: + IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.767215]: o=0 i=2 [ 8.767219]: - IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.767220]: + IOAudioEngine[]::sendFormatChangeNotification() [ 8.767221]: - IOAudioEngine[]::sendFormatChangeNotification() [ 8.767222]: + IOAudioEngine[]::resumeAudioEngine() [ 8.767223]: - IOAudioEngine[]::resumeAudioEngine() returns 0x0 [ 8.767225]: IOAudioStream[]::setFormat(, ) returns 0x0+- IOAudioEngine[]::completeConfigurationChange() [ 8.767695]: levelControl->setValueChangeHandler ( &changeVolumeHandler , this ) for coreAudioChannelID 2 [ 8.771229]: controlID: 2, coreAudioChannelID = 2 FRONT RIGHT oldValue 0x20, newValue 0x20 [ 8.774916]: levelControl->setValueChangeHandler ( &changeVolumeHandler , this ) for coreAudioChannelID 1 [ 8.776182]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 322, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.776187]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 322 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.778524]: controlID: 0, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x20, newValue 0x20 [ 8.779622]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 322, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 8.779627]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 322 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.783334]: - IOAudioEngine[]::start(, ) [ 8.783337]: - IOAudioEngine[]::start() returns 1 [ 8.783348]: + IOAudioEngine[]::registerService(0x0) [ 8.783349]: + IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.783351]: o=0 i=2 [ 8.783357]: - IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.783390]: - IOAudioEngine[]::registerService(0x0) [ 8.783398]: + IOAudioEngine[]::start() [ 8.783400]: + IOAudioEngine[]::start(, ) [ 8.783401]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::initHardware() [ 8.783423]: + IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.783424]: o=0 i=0 [ 8.783425]: - IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.783516]: + IOAudioEngine[]::setInputSampleOffset(0x1) [ 8.783518]: - IOAudioEngine[]::setInputSampleOffset(0x1) [ 8.783519]: + IOAudioEngine[]::addAudioStream() [ 8.783569]: - IOAudioEngine[]::addAudioStream() returns 0x0 [ 8.783571]: + IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, 0, ) [ 8.783573]: 10: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783574]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783575]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783577]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783579]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783581]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783581]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783582]: 10: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783583]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783585]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783587]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783588]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783589]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783589]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783590]: 10: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783591]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783592]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783592]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783593]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783594]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783595]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783595]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783596]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783597]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783598]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783598]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783599]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783600]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783600]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783601]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783605]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783606]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783607]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783608]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783609]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783609]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783610]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783612]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783613]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783614]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783614]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783615]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783616]: 1: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783616]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783617]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783618]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783619]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783619]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783620]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783621]: - IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, 0, ) returns 1 [ 8.783623]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::beginConfigurationChange() [ 8.783624]: + IOAudioStream[]::setFormat(, ) [ 8.783626]: + IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, , ) [ 8.783627]: 10: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783627]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783628]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783629]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783630]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783631]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783631]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783632]: 10: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783633]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783633]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783634]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783635]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783636]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783636]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783637]: 10: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783638]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783638]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783639]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783640]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783641]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783641]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783642]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783643]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783643]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783644]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783645]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783647]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783648]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783648]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783649]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783650]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783651]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783652]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783652]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783653]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783654]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783654]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783655]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783657]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783658]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783658]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783659]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783660]: 1: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 1 [ 8.783660]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.783661]: 0x666c6f74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x666c6f74 [ 8.783662]: 32: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 32 [ 8.783663]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.783664]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.783664]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.783665]: - IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, , ) returns 1 [ 8.783668]: + IOAudioEngine[]::pauseAudioEngine() [ 8.783669]: - IOAudioEngine[]::pauseAudioEngine() returns 0x0 [ 8.783673]: + IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.783675]: o=0 i=10 [ 8.783678]: - IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.783680]: + IOAudioEngine[]::sendFormatChangeNotification() [ 8.783681]: - IOAudioEngine[]::sendFormatChangeNotification() [ 8.783682]: + IOAudioEngine[]::resumeAudioEngine() [ 8.783684]: - IOAudioEngine[]::resumeAudioEngine() returns 0x0 [ 8.783685]: IOAudioStream[]::setFormat(, ) returns 0x0+- IOAudioEngine[]::completeConfigurationChange() [ 8.783778]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::setSampleRate() [ 8.785718]: + IOAudioEngine[]::addAudioStream() [ 8.785731]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::setRunEraseHead(1) [ 8.785755]: - IOAudioEngine[]::addAudioStream() returns 0x0 [ 8.785758]: + IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, 0, ) [ 8.785759]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785760]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785761]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785763]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785764]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785764]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785765]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785766]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785767]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785767]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785768]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785769]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785770]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785770]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785771]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785772]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785773]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785774]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785774]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785775]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785776]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785776]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785777]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785778]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785779]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785780]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785780]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785781]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785782]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785783]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785784]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785785]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785785]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785786]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785787]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785787]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785788]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785789]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785790]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785790]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785791]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785792]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785792]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785793]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785794]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785795]: 24: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785796]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785796]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785797]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785798]: - IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, 0, ) returns 1 [ 8.785801]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::beginConfigurationChange() [ 8.785802]: + IOAudioStream[]::setFormat(, ) [ 8.785804]: + IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, , ) [ 8.785805]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785805]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785806]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785807]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785808]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785809]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785809]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785810]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785811]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785811]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785812]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785813]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785814]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785814]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785815]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785819]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785821]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785821]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785822]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785823]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785823]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785824]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785825]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785826]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785827]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785827]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785828]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785829]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785829]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785830]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785831]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785832]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785832]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785833]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785834]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785834]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785835]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785836]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785837]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785838]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785839]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785840]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785841]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 8.785841]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 8.785842]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 8.785843]: 24: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 8.785844]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 8.785845]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 8.785845]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 8.785846]: - IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, , ) returns 1 [ 8.785849]: + IOAudioEngine[]::pauseAudioEngine() [ 8.785851]: - IOAudioEngine[]::pauseAudioEngine() returns 0x0 [ 8.785851]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::performFormatChange(, , , 0) [ 8.785853]: AppleHDAEngineOutput::performFormatChange (, , 0) [ 8.792878]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af368d 0x0 [ 8.792886]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x310064 [ 8.792889]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps ) [ 8.792897]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority ) [ 8.792906]: PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb0eb873dcb955f25 [ 8.792909]: GTrace synchronization point 9 [ 8.793281]: kPEDisableScreen 1 [ 8.793287]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <1> at <8793287686> [ 8.793298]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8793298156> taking <10470> ns [ 8.793434]: [5:0:0][GPUCAP] refresh() --- Family: 142, Device: 0x1636, revNo: 0, pciRevNo: c7, emuRevNo: 145. [ 8.793437]: [5:0:0][GPUCAP] refresh() --- Mem Size: FB: 512 MB, Aper: 256 MB, Reg Aper: 512 KB. [ 8.793439]: [5:0:0][GPUCAP] refresh() --- Mem Config: Width: 128, Type: DDR4. [ 8.793441]: [5:0:0][GPUCAP] refresh() --- FB Base: 0xf400000000, Top: 0xf41fffffff, Offset: 0x3f0000000. [ 8.793443]: [5:0:0][GPUCAP] refresh() --- Branding - family: "Radeon"; device: "Graphics"; model: "AMD Radeon Graphics". [ 8.793448]: [5:0:0] [PPLIB] checkTtlErrorMessage() !!! TTL ERROR MESSAGE: {8234411199:[5:0:0] Error SW_IP_CLIENT_ID__GC: event_id=0xc00c0401 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x0 pData=0 data_size=0 }{8337133072:[5:0:0] Error SW_IP_CLIENT_ID__GC: event_id=0xc0100201 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x0 pData=0 data_size=0 }. [ 8.795225]: [5:0:0] [PPLIB] initializePowerTuneParameters() !!! HW TDP Limit is 0, use a default value. [ 8.804921]: + IOAudioEngine[]::setNumSampleFramesPerBuffer(0x3000) [ 8.804932]: - IOAudioEngine[]::setNumSampleFramesPerBuffer(0x3000) [ 8.804985]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::setSampleRate() [ 8.805157]: + IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.805159]: o=2 i=10 [ 8.805164]: - IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.805164]: + IOAudioEngine[]::sendFormatChangeNotification() [ 8.805165]: - IOAudioEngine[]::sendFormatChangeNotification() [ 8.805166]: + IOAudioEngine[]::resumeAudioEngine() [ 8.805167]: - IOAudioEngine[]::resumeAudioEngine() returns 0x0 [ 8.805169]: IOAudioStream[]::setFormat(, ) returns 0x0+- IOAudioEngine[]::completeConfigurationChange() [ 8.805615]: levelControl->setValueChangeHandler ( &changeVolumeHandler , this ) for coreAudioChannelID 2 [ 8.805619]: controlID: 7, coreAudioChannelID = 2 FRONT RIGHT oldValue 0x3E, newValue 0x3E [ 8.805866]: levelControl->setValueChangeHandler ( &changeVolumeHandler , this ) for coreAudioChannelID 1 [ 8.805868]: controlID: 5, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x3E, newValue 0x3E [ 8.809028]: - IOAudioEngine[]::start(, ) [ 8.809031]: - IOAudioEngine[]::start() returns 1 [ 8.809042]: + IOAudioEngine[]::registerService(0x0) [ 8.809043]: + IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.809045]: o=2 i=10 [ 8.809050]: - IOAudioEngine[]::updateChannelNumbers () [ 8.809101]: - IOAudioEngine[]::registerService(0x0) [ 8.809104]: + IOAudioDevice[]::setIdleAudioSleepTime: sleepDelay = ffffffffffffffffffffffff [ 8.809106]: - IOAudioDevice[]::setIdleAudioSleepTime: sleepDelay = ffffffffffffffffffffffff [ 8.809254]: [5:0:0] [PPLIB] checkTtlErrorMessage() !!! TTL ERROR MESSAGE: {8234411199:[5:0:0] Error SW_IP_CLIENT_ID__GC: event_id=0xc00c0401 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x0 pData=0 data_size=0 }{8337133072:[5:0:0] Error SW_IP_CLIENT_ID__GC: event_id=0xc0100201 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x0 pData=0 data_size=0 }. [ 8.810266]: controlID: 2, coreAudioChannelID = 2 FRONT RIGHT oldValue 0x20, newValue 0x20 [ 8.811048]: controlID: 0, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x20, newValue 0x20 [ 8.814225]: controlID: 7, coreAudioChannelID = 2 FRONT RIGHT oldValue 0x3E, newValue 0x3E [ 8.814972]: controlID: 5, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x3E, newValue 0x3E [ 8.818140]: +- IOAudioDevice[]::flushAudioControls() [ 8.818681]: - IOAudioDevice[]::start() [ 8.819511]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 8.819517]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 8.819520]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 8.819539]: ConnectionID:0xedd8347 [ 8.819541]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 8.819543]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 8.819547]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 8.819548]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 8.819549]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 8.819550]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 8.819569]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::clientMemoryForType(0x0, 0x0, ) [ 8.819572]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::getStatusDescriptor() [ 8.819574]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::clientMemoryForType(0x0, 0x1000, ) returns 0x0 [ 8.819589]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x4d) returns 0x0 [ 8.819591]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 8.819592]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x4d) returns 0x0 [ 8.847841]: [5:0:0]: Controller is enabled, finish initialization [ 8.847931]: [5:0:0] [AGDC] AMDRadeonX6000_AmdAgdcServices::vendor_doDeviceAttribute() ??? Controller is NOT enabled so SKIP. cmd:[ 3]. [ 8.848184]: Adding AGDP mode validate property [ 8.849108]: AGDP:: VendorEventHandler:484 VendorEventHandler [IGPU:AMD]: Port: -827138048. 0 Event:Framebuffer [4] [ 8.849374]: kPEDisableScreen 1 [ 8.849382]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <1> at <8849382216> [ 8.849388]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8849388247> taking <6031> ns [ 8.849437]: AGDP:: VendorEventHandler:484 VendorEventHandler [IGPU:AMD]: Port: -827269120. 0 Event:Framebuffer [4] [ 8.849629]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <2> at <8849629910> [ 8.849633]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8849633867> taking <3957> ns [ 8.849644]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <40> at <8849644257> [ 8.849647]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8849647603> taking <3346> ns [ 8.849802]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <2> at <8849801993> [ 8.849839]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8849839433> taking <37440> ns [ 8.849847]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <40> at <8849847528> [ 8.849849]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8849849562> taking <2034> ns [ 8.849861]: [5:0:0] [FB:0] AmdRadeonFramebuffer::setCursorImage() !!! Driver is offline. [ 8.849866]: [5:0:0] [FB:1] AmdRadeonFramebuffer::setCursorImage() !!! Driver is offline. [ 8.850001]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 8.850057]: + IOAudioDevice[]::setIdleAudioSleepTime: sleepDelay = ffffffffffffffffffffffff [ 8.850066]: PMRD: delayChildNotification for 0x100000264 [ 8.850068]: - IOAudioDevice[]::setIdleAudioSleepTime: sleepDelay = ffffffffffffffffffffffff [ 8.850072]: PMRD: AppleHDADriver tag flags 400 [ 8.850096]: PMRD: delayChildNotification for 0x100000264 [ 8.850101]: PMRD: ATY,RadeonFramebuffer tag flags 200 [ 8.850121]: PMRD: delayChildNotification for 0x100000264 [ 8.850123]: PMRD: ATY,RadeonFramebuffer tag flags 200 [ 8.850152]: PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 8.850265]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034110PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 8.850285]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034110PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af372d 0x0 [ 8.850295]: PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb0eb873432af386d 0x0 [ 8.850297]: PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 8.850301]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034110PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 8.850309]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034110PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 8.850319]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034110PMRD: power event 1 args 0 0x0 [ 8.850335]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034110PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x320064 [ 8.850343]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps ) [ 8.850354]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority ) [ 8.850361]: PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb0eb873dcb94e9ad [ 8.850365]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 8.850368]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x302) tag 0x330064 [ 8.850370]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps ) [ 8.850375]: PMRD: tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority ) [ 8.850379]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 8.850644]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 8.852721]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 8.852736]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 8.854323]: print_unknown_ioctl:18493: disk1s2 unknown ioctl _IOW('X', 2, 48) (0x80305802), pid = 110 [ 8.854525]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 8.856463]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 8.857252]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 8.857265]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 8.860260]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <91> at <8860259976> [ 8.860266]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8860266458> taking <6482> ns [ 8.860276]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <93> at <8860276798> [ 8.860281]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8860281517> taking <4719> ns [ 8.860613]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 8.861580]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 8.861592]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 8.864703]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 8.865480]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 8.865491]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 8.866480]: IOPresentment_Date: 13.07.2023, 14:03 [ 8.866516]: IOP: 0x00001002:0x00000400 [ 8.868353]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 8.869261]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 8.869279]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 8.870308]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <91> at <8870308222> [ 8.870314]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8870314934> taking <6712> ns [ 8.870324]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <93> at <8870324232> [ 8.870325]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8870325945> taking <1713> ns [ 8.871942]: IOPresentment_Date: 13.07.2023, 14:03 [ 8.871961]: IOP: 0x00001002:0x00000400 [ 8.872311]: PMRD: power event 5 args 0xb0eb8738ff0851ed 0x0 [ 8.873613]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 8.873625]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToDim = 10 [ 8.889442]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 323, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.889448]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 323 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 8.915295]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <90> at <8915295020> [ 8.915303]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8915303966> taking <8946> ns [ 8.915323]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <92> at <8915323944> [ 8.915325]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8915325777> taking <1833> ns [ 8.915339]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <90> at <8915339864> [ 8.915342]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8915342118> taking <2254> ns [ 8.915351]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) event = <92> at <8915351646> [ 8.915353]: IOReturn IOAccelDisplayPipe::display_change_handler(void *, IOFramebuffer *, IOIndex, void *) completed at <8915353159> taking <1513> ns [ 8.915890]: virtual IOReturn IOAccelSurface::set_id_mode(uint32_t, uint32_t): Surface mode contains bad bits [ 8.915961]: virtual IOReturn IOAccelSurface::set_id_mode(uint32_t, uint32_t): Surface mode contains bad bits [ 8.916021]: virtual IOReturn IOAccelSurface::set_id_mode(uint32_t, uint32_t): Surface mode contains bad bits [ 8.916081]: virtual IOReturn IOAccelSurface::set_id_mode(uint32_t, uint32_t): Surface mode contains bad bits [ 8.988969]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 324, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 8.988979]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 324 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.015671]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 324, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 9.015676]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 324 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.033748]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[324] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 325, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.118004]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 325 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.125960]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 325, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.125966]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 325 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.126608]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 326, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.126613]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 326 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.131549]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 326, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.131555]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 326 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.173576]: IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 0, llk 0, [ 9.173593]: IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 3, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0 [ 9.174130]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 9.176524]: IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 0, llk 0, [ 9.176543]: IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 3, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0 [ 9.177157]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 9.228078]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 327, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.228087]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 327 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.233999]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 327, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(25MB NF), Inactive(25MB, NF) [ 9.234005]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 327 (25MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.256211]: Sandbox apply: appleeventsd[327] controlID: 2, coreAudioChannelID = 2 FRONT RIGHT oldValue 0x20, newValue 0x20 [ 9.363013]: controlID: 0, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x20, newValue 0x20 [ 9.364185]: controlID: 7, coreAudioChannelID = 2 FRONT RIGHT oldValue 0x3E, newValue 0x3E [ 9.364433]: controlID: 5, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x3E, newValue 0x3E [ 9.365598]: +- IOAudioDevice[]::flushAudioControls() [ 9.366182]: + IOAudioDevice[]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 1 - pending = 2 [ 9.366184]: - IOAudioDevice[]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0 [ 9.366935]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 9.366939]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 9.366942]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 9.366966]: ConnectionID:0xdc00742 [ 9.366968]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 9.366970]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 9.366974]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 9.366975]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 9.366976]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 9.366977]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 9.366993]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::clientMemoryForType(0x0, 0x0, ) [ 9.366995]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::getStatusDescriptor() [ 9.366996]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::clientMemoryForType(0x0, 0x1000, ) returns 0x0 [ 9.367011]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x57) returns 0x0 [ 9.367013]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 9.367014]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x57) returns 0x0 [ 9.374887]: + IOAudioStream[]::setProperties() [ 9.374897]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::beginConfigurationChange() [ 9.374898]: + IOAudioStream[]::setFormat(, ) [ 9.374900]: + IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, , ) [ 9.374902]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 9.374903]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 9.374904]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 9.374905]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 9.374906]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 9.374906]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 9.374907]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 9.374908]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 9.374909]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 9.374910]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 9.374911]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 9.374911]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 9.374912]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 9.374913]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 9.374914]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 9.374914]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 9.374915]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 9.374916]: 16: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 9.374917]: 16: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 9.374917]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 9.374918]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 9.374919]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 9.374919]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 9.374920]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 9.374921]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 9.374922]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 9.374923]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 9.374923]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 9.374924]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 9.374925]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 9.374925]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 9.374926]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 9.374927]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 9.374928]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 9.374928]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 9.374929]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 9.374930]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 9.374930]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 9.374931]: 20: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 9.374932]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 9.374933]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 9.374933]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 9.374937]: 2: streamFormat->fNumChannels = 2 [ 9.374939]: 0x6c70636d: streamFormat->fSampleFormat = 0x6c70636d [ 9.374940]: 0x73696e74: streamFormat->fNumericRepresentation = 0x73696e74 [ 9.374941]: 24: streamFormat->fBitDepth = 24 [ 9.374941]: 32: streamFormat->fBitWidth = 32 [ 9.374942]: 0: streamFormat->fAlignment = 0 [ 9.374943]: 1: streamFormat->fByteOrder = 1 [ 9.374943]: - IOAudioStream[]::validateFormat(, , ) returns 1 [ 9.374947]: + IOAudioEngine[]::pauseAudioEngine() [ 9.374948]: - IOAudioEngine[]::pauseAudioEngine() returns 0x0 [ 9.374949]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::performFormatChange(, , , 0) [ 9.374951]: AppleHDAEngineInput::performFormatChange (, , 0) [ 9.376097]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent(317) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.windowserverSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow file-map-executable /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn+ IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 9.376680]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 9.376684]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 9.376698]: ConnectionID:0x92479bf9 [ 9.380651]: + IOAudioEngine[]::setNumSampleFramesPerBuffer(0x1800) [ 9.380660]: - IOAudioEngine[]::setNumSampleFramesPerBuffer(0x1800) [ 9.380662]: +-IOAudioEngine[]::setSampleRate() [ 9.380683]: + IOAudioEngine[]::setInputSampleOffset(0x5d) [ 9.380685]: - IOAudioEngine[]::setInputSampleOffset(0x5d) [ 9.380700]: + IOAudioEngine[]::sendFormatChangeNotification() [ 9.380701]: - IOAudioEngine[]::sendFormatChangeNotification() [ 9.380702]: + IOAudioEngine[]::resumeAudioEngine() [ 9.380703]: - IOAudioEngine[]::resumeAudioEngine() returns 0x0 [ 9.380705]: IOAudioStream[]::setFormat(, ) returns 0x0+- IOAudioEngine[]::completeConfigurationChange() [ 9.380716]: - IOAudioStream[]::setProperties() returns 0x0 [ 9.380722]: + IOAudioControl[]::setValue(int = 62) [ 9.380724]: - IOAudioControl[]::setValue(int = 62) returns 0x0 [ 9.380733]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 9.380736]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 9.380745]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 9.380747]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 9.380748]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 9.380749]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 9.380780]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 9.380782]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 9.380783]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 9.381374]: + IOAudioControl[]::setValue(int = 62) [ 9.381381]: - IOAudioControl[]::setValue(int = 62) returns 0x0 [ 9.404057]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 328, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.404062]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 328 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.409511]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 328, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 9.409517]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 328 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.459262]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 329, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.459268]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 329 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.464281]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 329, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.464287]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 329 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.488319]: Sandbox apply: bootinstalld[329] PMRD: power event 3 args 0 0x0 [ 9.502656]: PMRD: SleepWake debug buffer size:0x28000 spindump offset:0x9c [ 9.502673]: PMRD: No sleep wake failure string [ 9.502675]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 4, 0x0 ) [ 9.502677]: PMRD: changePowerStateWithTagToPriv(ON_STATE, 340008) [ 9.502690]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x340008 [ 9.502693]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 9.506915]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 330, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.506920]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 330 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.512898]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.ViewBridgeAuxiliary: Not eligible for acceleration [ 9.513247]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 330, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 9.513252]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 330 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.519097]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 331, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.519103]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 331 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.521165]: en1: DAD complete for fe80:5::caa:9ad:ead3:f200 - no duplicates found . [ 9.526033]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 331, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.526039]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 331 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.527165]: bpf0 attached to en1bpf0 closed and detached from en1 fcount 0 dcount 0bpf0 attached to en1AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: session_uid = ffffffff. [ 9.603181]: ACMFirstResponderKernelService: _onGetCapabilities: T208: NO. [ 9.608138]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 9.608146]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 9.608151]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 9.608175]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 323, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(20MB NF), Inactive(20MB, NF) [ 9.702353]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 323 (20MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.870098]: Sandbox: corebrightnessd(147) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesdSandbox: corebrightnessd(147) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CARenderServermemorystatus_update(enter): pid 332, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 9.877929]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 332 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.884112]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 332, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 9.884117]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 332 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 9.893927]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:344][0x1000003e5] Set LED 0x2: 0 0x0 [ 9.895356]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:344][0x1000003ec] Set LED 0x2: 0 0x0 [ 10.144509]: Sandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.accessoryupdaterd.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 333, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.232224]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 333 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.241528]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 334, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.241533]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 334 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.242571]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 333, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 10.242577]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 333 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.266672]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 334, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 10.266678]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 334 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.271457]: Sandbox apply: VTDecoderXPCService[333] Sandbox: VTDecoderXPCService(333) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/securityagent/Library/Preferences/com.apple.coremedia.videodecoder.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: VTDecoderXPCService(333) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/securityagent/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: VTDecoderXPCService(333) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/securityagent/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox apply: distnoted[334] print_unknown_ioctl:18493: disk1s1 unknown ioctl _IOW('X', 2, 48) (0x80305802), pid = 110 [ 10.307629]: print_unknown_ioctl:18493: disk1s5 unknown ioctl _IOW('X', 2, 48) (0x80305802), pid = 110 [ 10.312762]: Sandbox: VTDecoderXPCService(333) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/securityagent/Library/Preferences/com.apple.gpu.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: VTDecoderXPCService(333) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/securityagent/Library/Preferences/com.apple.opengl.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: VTDecoderXPCService(333) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/securityagent/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Metal.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: VTDecoderXPCService(333) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/securityagent/Library/Preferences/com.apple.AppleGVA.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: VTDecoderXPCService(333) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/securityagent/Library/Preferences/com.apple.corevideo.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: VTDecoderXPCService(333) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/securityagent/Library/Preferences/com.apple.coremedia.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: VTDecoderXPCService(333) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/securityagent/Library/Preferences/com.apple.VideoProcessing.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readPMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 10.608458]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 10.608461]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 10.608478]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 335, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.632875]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 335 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.638950]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 335, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 10.638960]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 335 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.641023]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 336, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.641030]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 336 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.645852]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 336, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.645858]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 336 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.649147]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 337, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.649153]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 337 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.653544]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 337, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.653550]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 337 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.659063]: AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: session_uid = ffffffff. [ 10.659183]: ACMFirstResponderKernelService: _onGetCapabilities: T208: NO. [ 10.659209]: ACM: createCredentialSet: Credential set created, CS[100]/2, mem=265(0). [ 10.662892]: ACM: createCredentialSet: Credential set created, CS[101]/3, mem=377(0). [ 10.679949]: Sandbox apply: ctkahp[337] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 338, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.682985]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 338 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.685516]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.UserSelector: Not eligible for acceleration [ 10.687301]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 338, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.687307]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 338 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.709393]: Sandbox apply: ctkahp[338] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 340, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.715101]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 340 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.721134]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 340, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 10.721139]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 340 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.743451]: Sandbox apply: ctkd[340] Sandbox: ctkd(340) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreServices.coreservicesdSandbox: ctkd(340) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdAppleKeyStore:3467:121: user ee2a1dbf274747d5a938324da47dffab unlock failed (-5) [ 10.758801]: AppleKeyStore:12143:121: operation failed (sel: 75 ret: e00002ce, -1, 100000) [ 10.758855]: AppleKeyStore:12143:335: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002f0, -1, 100000) [ 10.849477]: ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 10.849482]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 10.860618]: AppleKeyStore:3467:121: user ee2a1dbf274747d5a938324da47dffab unlock failed (-5) [ 10.860631]: AppleKeyStore:12143:121: operation failed (sel: 75 ret: e00002ce, -1, 100000) [ 10.860668]: AppleKeyStore:12143:335: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002f0, -1, 100000) [ 10.860720]: AppleKeyStore:8084:340: unexpected session: 100006 uid: -1 requested by: ctkd (340) [ 10.860724]: AppleKeyStore:12143:340: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100006) [ 10.861288]: ACM: deleteCredentialSet: Deleting credential set, CS[100]. [ 10.861701]: ACM: deleteCredentialSet: Deleting credential set, CS[101]. [ 10.862142]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 341, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.862151]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 341 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.866422]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 341, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 10.866428]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 341 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.872164]: IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 0, llk 0, [ 10.872177]: IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 3, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0 [ 10.872656]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 10.884682]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.activateSettings: Not eligible for acceleration [ 10.891986]: Sandbox apply: ctkd[341] [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:344][0x1000003e5] Set LED 0x2: 0 0x0 [ 10.933014]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 343, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 10.933020]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 343 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.937537]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 343, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(28MB NF), Inactive(28MB, NF) [ 10.937543]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 343 (28MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 10.944816]: ACM: createCredentialSet: Credential set created, CS[102]/2, mem=833(0). [ 10.945937]: AppleKeyStore:12143:335: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002f0, -1, 100000) [ 10.946415]: ACM: deleteCredentialSet: Deleting credential set, CS[102]. [ 10.953316]: Sandbox apply: systemsoundserverd[343] + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 10.954288]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 10.954292]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 10.954308]: ConnectionID:0xe927f628 [ 10.954312]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 10.954313]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 10.954318]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 10.954319]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 10.954320]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 10.954321]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 10.954355]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 10.954359]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 10.954361]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 10.956401]: sandboxd rejected approval request from universalaccessd for kTCCServiceMicrophone: denied5 duplicate reports for Sandbox: ctkd(340) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdSystem Policy: universalaccessd(232) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client IOAudioControlUserClientIOUC IOAudioControlUserClient failed MACF in process pid 232, universalaccessd [ 10.957065]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 10.957069]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 10.957072]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 10.957078]: ConnectionID:0xebdc7dde [ 10.957081]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 10.957082]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 10.957086]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 10.957091]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 10.957092]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 10.957093]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 10.957112]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 10.957114]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 10.957115]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 11.015841]: Sandbox: WindowServer(151) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/..plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.read-writebpf0 closed and detached from en1 fcount 5 dcount 0bpf0 attached to en1memorystatus_update(enter): pid 344, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 11.252222]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 344 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 11.372635]: Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineClockDomainSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineSampleOffsetSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineStateSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineFlavorSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineDeviceDescriptionSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineInputSampleLatencySandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineCoreAudioPlugInSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineClientDescriptionSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineDisableClockBoundsCheckSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioSampleRateSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultsSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineNumSampleFramesPerBufferSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineInputSampleOffsetSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineDescriptionSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineGlobalUniqueIDSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineGlobalUniqueIDLegacySandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOGeneralInterestSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineFlavor+ IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 11.373114]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 11.373118]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 11.373128]: ConnectionID:0xfab9db2b [ 11.373131]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 11.373138]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 11.373142]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 11.373144]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 11.373145]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 11.373146]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 11.373163]: Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-open-user-client IOAudioEngineUserClient- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 11.373175]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 11.373176]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 11.373193]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-open-user-client IOAudioEngineUserClientSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioToggleControl property:IOAudioControlSubTypeSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioToggleControl property:IOAudioControlChannelIDSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioToggleControl property:IOAudioControlUsageSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioToggleControl property:IOAudioControlIDsandboxd rejected approval request from mediaremoted for kTCCServiceMicrophone: deniedSystem Policy: mediaremoted(89) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client IOAudioControlUserClientIOUC IOAudioControlUserClient failed MACF in process pid 89, mediaremoted [ 11.375967]: Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAStream property:IOClassNameOverrideSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioSelectorControl property:IOAudioControlSubTypeSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioLevelControl property:IOAudioControlSubType1 duplicate report for Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioLevelControl property:IOAudioControlSubTypeSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioToggleControl property:IOAudioControlSubType2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioToggleControl property:IOAudioControlSubTypeSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioEngineUserClient property:IOClassNameOverride2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioEngineUserClient property:IOClassNameOverrideSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineClockDomainSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineSampleOffsetSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineStateSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineFlavorSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineDeviceDescriptionSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineInputSampleLatencySandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineCoreAudioPlugInSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineClientDescriptionSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineDisableClockBoundsCheckSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioSampleRateSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultsSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineNumSampleFramesPerBufferSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineInputSampleOffsetSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineDescriptionSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineGlobalUniqueIDSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOAudioEngineGlobalUniqueIDLegacySandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineInput property:IOGeneralInterestSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineClockDomainSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineSampleOffsetSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineStateSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineFlavorSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineInputSampleLatencySandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineOutputSampleLatencySandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineCoreAudioPlugInSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineClientDescriptionSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineDisableClockBoundsCheckSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultsSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineInputSampleOffsetSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioSampleRateSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineNumSampleFramesPerBufferSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineDescriptionSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:SupportAudioAUUCSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineGlobalUniqueIDSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOAudioEngineGlobalUniqueIDLegacySandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAEngineOutput property:IOGeneralInterest+ IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 11.378551]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 11.378555]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 11.378563]: ConnectionID:0x7c8c364f [ 11.378566]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 11.378567]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 11.378571]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 11.378573]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 11.378574]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 11.378575]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 11.378589]: Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-open-user-client IOAudioEngineUserClient- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 11.378601]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 11.378602]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 11.378617]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-open-user-client IOAudioEngineUserClientSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAStream property:IOClassNameOverrideSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioToggleControl property:IOAudioControlSubTypeSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AppleHDAStream property:IOClassNameOverrideSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioSelectorControl property:IOAudioControlSubTypeSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioLevelControl property:IOAudioControlSubType1 duplicate report for Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioLevelControl property:IOAudioControlSubTypeSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioToggleControl property:IOAudioControlSubType3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioToggleControl property:IOAudioControlSubTypeSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:AudioAUUCDriver property:IOClassNameOverrideSandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioEngineUserClient property:IOClassNameOverrideconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 11.454085]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 11.460049]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 344, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 11.460054]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 344 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 11.609314]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 11.609327]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 11.609333]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 11.609372]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesIOSurfaceRootUserClient::set_gpu_policy_dict prop: [ 11.826909]: RTC: setGMTTimeOfDay 1689246186 [ 11.827403]: 3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: mediaremoted(89) allow iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOAudioEngineUserClient property:IOClassNameOverrideSandbox: searchpartyd(268) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.timed.xpcconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributes+ IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 11.966417]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 11.966425]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 11.966441]: ConnectionID:0xffc38767 [ 11.966445]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 11.966448]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 11.966455]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 11.966458]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 11.966459]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 11.966461]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 11.966493]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 11.966496]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 11.966498]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 11.970062]: Sandbox: backgroundtaskmanagementd(288) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.backgroundtaskmanagementmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 345, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 11.971130]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 345 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 11.971960]: sandboxd rejected approval request from PerfPowerServices for kTCCServiceMicrophone: deniedSystem Policy: PerfPowerServices(137) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client IOAudioControlUserClientIOUC IOAudioControlUserClient failed MACF in process pid 137, PerfPowerService [ 11.973429]: Sandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.uarp.database.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.read+ IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 11.975453]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 11.975461]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 11.975506]: ConnectionID:0x86f2d39e [ 11.975512]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 11.975515]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 11.975523]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 11.975526]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 11.975527]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 11.975529]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 11.975725]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 11.975729]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 11.975731]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 11.984384]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 345, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(60MB NF), Inactive(60MB, NF) [ 11.984392]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 345 (60MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 11.984709]: Sandbox: softwareupdated(104) deny(1) nvram-get run-efi-updaterSandbox: softwareupdated(104) deny(1) nvram-get SystemAudioVolumeDBSandbox: softwareupdated(104) deny(1) nvram-get efi-boot-failure-reason-camemorystatus_update(enter): pid 346, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 11.992555]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 346 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 11.992912]: Sandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow mach-lookup com.apple.commcenter.coretelephony.xpcCouldn't build index for com.philandro.anydesk: Not eligible for acceleration [ 12.021431]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 346, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 12.021434]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 346 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 12.052908]: successfully parsed 2/4 entries for file AnyDesk.appASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 12.059145]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 12.068078]: Waking up reference: 1Thread waiting on reference 1 woke upevaluation result: 1, allowed, cache, 1689170889Waking up reference: 2Thread waiting on reference 2 woke upevaluation result: 2, allowed, cache, 1689246187connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSandbox apply: netbiosd[344] PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 12.610273]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 12.610280]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 12.610320]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 12.663206]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 12.744598]: bpf0 closed and detached from en1 fcount 9 dcount 0Sandbox apply: symptomsd-diag[345] ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 13.255502]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 13.489403]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow mach-lookup com.apple.commcenter.coretelephony.xpcSandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mobileaccessoryupdater.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 348, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 13.490015]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 348 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.492100]: Sandbox: systemstats(92) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.system1 duplicate report for Sandbox: systemstats(92) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.systemSandbox: systemstats(92) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccdSandbox: systemstats(92) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.systemSandbox: systemstats(92) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccdSandbox: systemstats(92) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.systemmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 348, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 13.496685]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 348 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.497131]: Sandbox: systemstats(92) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.server.bluetooth.le.att.xpcmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 349, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 13.505090]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 349 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.505592]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 350, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 13.505599]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 350 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.506196]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 351, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 13.506204]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 351 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.507367]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 352, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 13.507374]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 352 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.508171]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 353, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 13.508178]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 353 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.518822]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 354, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 13.518831]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 354 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.520998]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 353, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(20MB NF), Inactive(20MB, NF) [ 13.521006]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 353 (20MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.521238]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 350, priority 120, dirty=0x0, Active(1024MB NF), Inactive(1024MB, F ) [ 13.521244]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 350 (1024MB NF) targeting priority(120) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.523799]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 351, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 13.523806]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 351 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.533428]: Sandbox: biomed(97) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/biome/Library/Preferences/com.apple.biomed.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.read-writeSandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.MobileAccessoryUpdater.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSystem Policy: cfprefsd(154) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/biome/Library/Preferences/com.apple.biomed.plistmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 354, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 13.545291]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 354 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.565617]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[354] PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 13.611080]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 13.611087]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 13.611121]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 13.859634]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 13.938110]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 349, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 13.938118]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 349 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.938255]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 352, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 13.938266]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 352 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.938758]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 355, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 13.938766]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 355 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.945579]: Sandbox: biomed(97) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/biome/Library/Preferences/com.apple.biomed.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.read-writeSystem Policy: cfprefsd(154) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/biome/Library/Preferences/com.apple.biomed.plistCouldn't build index for com.apple.sysmond: Not eligible for acceleration [ 13.946532]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 355, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 13.946539]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 355 (30MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 13.964370]: Sandbox apply: UARPUpdaterServiceAFU[352] Sandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.uarp.database.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.read-writeSandbox apply: UARPUpdaterServiceHID[351] Sandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceHID(351) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.UARPUpdaterServiceHID.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceHID(351) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceHID(351) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox apply: UARPUpdaterServiceDisplay[350] Sandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceDisplay(350) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.uarpupdaterservice.display.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceDisplay(350) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceDisplay(350) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 14.465856]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 14.545456]: Sandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.uarp.database.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.read-writePMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 14.611799]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 14.611806]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 14.611853]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe00341003 duplicate reports for Sandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.uarp.database.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.read-writeSandbox: softwareupdated(104) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plist1 duplicate report for Sandbox: softwareupdated(104) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: softwareupdated(104) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/softwareupdate/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: softwareupdated(104) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/softwareupdate/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: softwareupdated(104) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/softwareupdate/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mobile.softwareupdated.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox apply: UARPUpdaterServiceLegacyAudio[353] Sandbox apply: UARPUpdaterServiceUSBPD[349] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 356, priority 9, dirty=0x0, Active(10MB NF), Inactive(10MB, NF) [ 14.742801]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 356 (10MB NF) targeting priority(9) dirty?=0x0 [ 14.746494]: Sandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceLegacyAudio(353) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.UARPUpdaterServiceLegacyAudio.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceUSBPD(349) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.UARPUpdaterServiceUSBPD.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceLegacyAudio(353) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceLegacyAudio(353) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceUSBPD(349) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceUSBPD(349) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: systemstats(356) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.cmio.registerassistantserviceSandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.uarp.database.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.read-write2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.uarp.database.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.read-writeSandbox: systemstats(356) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.cmio.registerassistantservice.system-extensions+ IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 14.777616]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 14.777620]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 14.777641]: ConnectionID:0xb7298a04 [ 14.777644]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 14.777646]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 14.777651]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 14.777652]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 14.777653]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 14.777654]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 14.777674]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 14.777676]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 14.777677]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 14.856175]: apfs_mount:28769: disk1s5 EALREADY; rooted from snap, apfs [ 14.856183]: apfs_log_mount_unmount:2039: disk1s5 mounting volume macOS, requested by: mount_apfs (pid 357); parent: com.apple.Mobile (pid 348) [ 14.856191]: authapfs_seal_break:501: disk1s5 integrity protection will be disabled (from xid: 26453) [ 14.860966]: apfs_mount_livefs:28468: disk1 mount no firmlinks [ 14.861059]: handle_mount:765: disk1s5 vol-uuid: 21AEF9DE-E9BF-4946-AB5D-958BAE4879AB block size: 4096 block count: 27611729 (unencrypted; flags: 0x201; features: 21.0.12) [ 14.861468]: handle_mount:778: disk1s5 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512 [ 14.861769]: ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8 [ 15.047763]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 358, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 15.047773]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 358 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 15.053148]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 358, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 15.053154]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 358 (150MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 15.069920]: ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 15.069925]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 15.074276]: Sandbox apply: iconservicesagent[358] Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 15.517322]: nx_global_extent_manipulation_lock:5457: disk1 nx_global_extent_manipulation_lock(0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 0) [ 15.517337]: nx_global_extent_manipulation_lock:5527: disk1 Shared global_extent_manipulation lock taken after 0 attempts [ 15.517384]: handle_revert_to_snapshot:6160: disk1s5 On next mount, volume will revert to snapshot 'com.apple.os.update-3379F3DC95CFF07D9D49D5CE34EF1CCB1E66EF7D12A3055A5D1A0D2695C12EDE' w/snap xid 2550 [ 15.517396]: nx_global_extent_manipulation_unlock:5552: disk1 nx_global_extent_manipulation_unlock(0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 1) [ 15.574552]: tx_flush:1241: disk1 xid 26456 tx stats: # 20 finish 20 enter 553 wait 3 1343us close 17us flush 1694us [ 15.612611]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 15.612623]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 15.612629]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 15.612667]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 15.675145]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 16.198769]: apfs_stop_bg_work:831: disk1s5 Volume macOS is unmounting, stop any bg work [ 16.200379]: apfs_log_mount_unmount:2039: disk1s5 unmounting volume macOS, requested by: com.apple.MobileSoftwareUpdate. (pid 348); parent: launchd (pid 1) [ 16.200388]: apfs_vfsop_unmount:2984: disk1s5 waiting for purgatory cleaner to finish [ 16.200455]: authapfs_seal_restore:597: disk1s5 integrity protection will be re-enabled [ 16.200536]: apfs_vfsop_unmount:3313: disk1 nx_num_vols_mounted is 5 [ 16.200538]: apfs: total mem allocated: 49258523 (47 mb); [ 16.200542]: apfs_vfsop_unmount:3326: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 5) [ 16.206671]: apfs_mount:28769: disk1s5 EALREADY; rooted from snap, apfs [ 16.206681]: apfs_log_mount_unmount:2039: disk1s5 mounting volume macOS, requested by: mount_apfs (pid 360); parent: com.apple.Mobile (pid 348) [ 16.206687]: authapfs_seal_break:501: disk1s5 integrity protection will be disabled (from xid: 26460) [ 16.207900]: apfs_mount_livefs:28468: disk1 mount no firmlinks [ 16.207965]: revert_to_snapshot:1618: disk1s5 Reverting to snapshot w/xid 2550 and old sblock oid 535448. [ 16.208024]: revert_extents_to_snapshot:1435: disk1s5 free'ing extents in main extentref tree 401898 [ 16.208042]: free_allocated_snapshot_extents:1350: disk1s5 processed 0 extents and free'd 0 blocks [ 16.266016]: supplemental_tree_revert:305: disk1s5 reverted supplemental tree (type 5): 402147 -> 402407 [ 16.280906]: ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 16.280911]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 16.291907]: omap_cleanup:1464: disk1s5 started cleaning snapshots 26461-26461 [ 16.348473]: omap_cleanup:1685: disk1s5 completed cleaning snapshot 26461, om_snap_count 1 om_most_recent_snap 26461 [ 16.348480]: obj_cache_remove_reverted_fs_objects:1596: disk1s5 removing reverted fs objects for fs 1461: 2551 - 26461 [ 16.348725]: revert_to_snapshot:1713: disk1s5 DONE reverting to snapshot w/xid 2550 [ 16.348822]: authapfs_seal_break:501: disk1s5 integrity protection will be disabled (from xid: 26462) [ 16.350323]: handle_mount:765: disk1s5 vol-uuid: 21AEF9DE-E9BF-4946-AB5D-958BAE4879AB block size: 4096 block count: 27611729 (unencrypted; flags: 0x201; features: 21.0.12) [ 16.350360]: handle_mount:778: disk1s5 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512 [ 16.350498]: ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8 [ 16.477656]: connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesPMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 16.613227]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 16.613230]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 16.613251]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 16.885029]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 17.011047]: apfs_log_mount_unmount:2039: disk1s5 unmounting volume macOS, requested by: com.apple.MobileSoftwareUpdate. (pid 348); parent: launchd (pid 1) [ 17.011057]: apfs_vfsop_unmount:2984: disk1s5 waiting for purgatory cleaner to finish [ 17.011098]: authapfs_seal_restore:597: disk1s5 integrity protection will be re-enabled [ 17.011185]: apfs_vfsop_unmount:3313: disk1 nx_num_vols_mounted is 5 [ 17.011187]: apfs: total mem allocated: 63693311 (61 mb); [ 17.011189]: apfs_vfsop_unmount:3326: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 5) [ 17.146810]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 363, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 17.146816]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 363 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 17.152381]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 363, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(16MB NF), Inactive(16MB, NF) [ 17.152387]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 363 (16MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 17.489527]: ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 17.489532]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 17.614161]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 17.614173]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 17.614179]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 17.614225]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 18.083575]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 18.110809]: connect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesPMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 18.614867]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 18.614870]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 18.614894]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 18.687943]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 19.293364]: ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 19.293375]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 19.299840]: Sandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcPMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 19.615937]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 19.615943]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 19.615983]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 19.897756]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 20.498989]: ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 20.498994]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 20.616896]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 20.616908]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 20.616914]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 20.616954]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 21.105184]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 21.617674]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 21.617687]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 21.617693]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 21.617729]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 21.711494]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 22.264725]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 365, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 22.264731]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 365 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.277080]: Couldn't build index for com.philandro.anydesk.Helper: Not eligible for acceleration [ 22.277429]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 365, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 22.277433]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 365 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.315519]: ASSERT FAILED : result == DDC_RESULT_SUCESSFULL. [ 22.315525]: ASSERT LOCATION : void dp_set_panel_mode(struct dc_link *, enum dp_panel_mode) :: /Users/atiqa/Desktop/git/dal/dc/core/dc_link_dp.c:4609 . [ 22.319317]: responsibility for com.philandro.anydesk.Helper[365] set to that of AnyDesk[364]: /Applications/AnyDesk.app/Contents/MacOS/AnyDeskWaking up reference: 3Thread waiting on reference 3 woke upevaluation result: 3, allowed, cache, 1689171008process displaypolicyd[132] caught waking the CPU 45204 times over ~18 seconds, averaging 2494 wakes / second and violating a limit of 45000 wakes over 300 seconds. [ 22.493654]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 366, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 22.493660]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 366 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.499047]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 366, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 22.499052]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 366 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.527071]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 367, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 22.527076]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 367 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.618046]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 22.618052]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 22.618055]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 22.618072]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: assertionsUser 0x0->0x40 [ 22.618618]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034150PMRD: wrangler->setIgnoreIdleTimer(1) [ 22.773155]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 367, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 22.773161]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 367 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.794102]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 368, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 22.794108]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 368 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.802590]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 368, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(80MB NF), Inactive(80MB, NF) [ 22.802596]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 368 (80MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.825539]: Sandbox apply: CVMServer[368] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 369, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 22.838441]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 369 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.864885]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 369, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 22.864891]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 369 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.885009]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[369] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 370, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 22.954061]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 370 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 22.958102]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 370, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 22.958108]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 370 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 23.602024]: Sandbox apply: SubmitDiagInfo[367] PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 23.618780]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 23.618783]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 23.618807]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 24.619732]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 24.619738]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 24.619780]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x20080 0x0 [ 25.128420]: PMRD: Desktop mode 0 [ 25.128429]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 25.128435]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 1/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 25.128477]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: Clamshell enabled [ 25.128517]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 25.128521]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 25.128533]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 25.620592]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 25.620599]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 25.620640]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 26.621603]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 26.621609]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 26.621651]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 27.622563]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 27.622570]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 27.622611]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 28.623430]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 28.623436]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 28.623477]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 29.624363]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 29.624370]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 29.624411]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 30.625417]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 30.625423]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 30.625462]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 31.626200]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 31.626206]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 31.626241]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 32.627312]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 32.627318]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 32.627359]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 33.628288]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 33.628294]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 33.628335]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 34.628689]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 34.628696]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 34.628737]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 0, llk 0, [ 35.622188]: IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 3, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0 [ 35.622685]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 35.629045]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 35.629050]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 35.629052]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 35.629068]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 373, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 35.655455]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 373 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 35.661486]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 373, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(80MB NF), Inactive(80MB, NF) [ 35.661491]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 373 (80MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 35.748150]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 374, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 35.748159]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 374 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 35.755012]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 374, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 35.755018]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 374 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 35.768439]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 375, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 35.768446]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 375 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 35.776111]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 375, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(17MB NF), Inactive(17MB, NF) [ 35.776116]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 375 (17MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 35.786137]: Sandbox apply: kcm[374] Sandbox apply: GSSCred[375] AppleKeyStore:1918:121: vol-uuid: , portable: 0, res: 0xfffffffd [ 35.929224]: AppleKeyStore:3467:121: user ee2a1dbf274747d5a938324da47dffab unlock successful (0) [ 36.048187]: AppleKeyStore:12143:373: operation failed (sel: 42 ret: e00002bc, -1, 100006) [ 36.140270]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 376, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.140276]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 376 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.143167]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 376, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 36.143173]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 376 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.187377]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 377, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.187386]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 377 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.189116]: ACMTRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=NO] (mask=8, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO HW=YES DevT=NO OSEnv=NO ExBt=NO | MgCo=NO* DwOS=NO ChBd=NO GSw=NO CPro=NO BSys=NO MBud=NO SmCrd=NO ApSet=NO). [ 36.193461]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 377, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.193468]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 377 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.307439]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 379, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.307445]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 379 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.307906]: ACM: createCredentialSet: Credential set created, CS[103]/2, mem=1141(0). [ 36.308923]: AppleKeyStore:12143:335: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002f0, -1, 100000) [ 36.309316]: ACM: deleteCredentialSet: Deleting credential set, CS[103]. [ 36.309543]: IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 0, llk 0, [ 36.309552]: IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 3, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0 [ 36.310019]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 36.310985]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 379, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 36.310990]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 379 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.313373]: IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0, [ 36.313388]: IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0 [ 36.313442]: ACMTRM-A: stopSegment: segDeviceLockState_Locked: count=13 totalDuration=19373 (origStartTime=1689246178 lastDuration=32). [ 36.313455]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 36.313465]: ACMTRM-A: resumeSegment: segDeviceLockState_Unlocked: count=13 totalDuration=50855 startTime=1689246210. [ 36.313471]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *analytics* (dataLen=400) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 36.313479]: ACMTRM: _publish: _onDeviceLockStateChanged UNLOCKED(0) reason=0 en=NO pro=2/2 pasThr=NO kb=0 con=0 poRsn=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO miss=NO seen=1689246210 now=1689246210(1) | PMT=0/0 GPT=0/0/(0) UPT=0/0. [ 36.313494]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_DeviceLocked = False. [ 36.313501]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_UnlockedPeriod = True. [ 36.313506]: ACMTRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(#changes=2) while UNLOCKED(0), TRM: 604800/U(0) 259200/-(255) M=0/5/0 AFNA(2)/AFNA(2) L=0 BS=0 R=0 UP=86400/1, CUR: U(0) X(0). [ 36.313563]: ACMTRM: _logPolicy: SAVING: ver=11 smTm=0 poRsn=0 gpTm=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO suTm=1689246210 svTm=1689246210 gpRsn=0 cMs=NO upTm=0 disBy=8. [ 36.313569]: ACMTRM-S: setData: saving *policy* (dataLen=53) in 3 seconds (fullSync: NO -> NO). [ 36.313892]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 36.332933]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 380, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.332941]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 380 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.335420]: AppleUSBXHCIRequest: AppleUSBXHCIRequest::finish: transfer completed with status 0xe0005000 [ 36.356791]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 381, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.356798]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 381 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.358889]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 380, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 36.358896]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 380 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.361613]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 381, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 36.361619]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 381 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.366590]: ACPI lid state query: 1 [ 36.375024]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 382, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.375030]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 382 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.375251]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcSandbox: UVCAssistant(270) deny(1) process-info-pidinfo others [com.apple.cmio.r(149)]Sandbox: UVCAssistant(270) deny(1) process-info-pidinfo others [PerfPowerService(137)]Sandbox apply: cfprefsd[381] Sandbox apply: distnoted[380] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 382, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 36.423113]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 382 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.428317]: virtual void IOAccelSysMemory::free(): still have 1 outstanding fCPULockedKernMapping [ 36.431008]: PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0 [ 36.431020]: PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1) [ 36.431021]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 ) [ 36.446735]: Sandbox apply: securityd_service[382] AppleKeyStore:8573:382: set handle 1 as special bag -501 [ 36.495016]: AppleKeyStore:8683:382: Device UnLock call(-501): lockstate=1, transientCnt=0 [ 36.499681]: AppleKeyStore:7273:382: group unlock: 0 [ 36.499690]: AppleKeyStore:946:382: Sending lock change 0 for handle -501 value 1 [ 36.499697]: AppleKeyStore:8763:382: Device UnLocked(-501): lockstate=0 [ 36.500101]: AppleKeyStore:8084:84: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: UserEventAgent (84) [ 36.500108]: AppleKeyStore:12143:84: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 36.500337]: AppleKeyStore:8683:155: Device UnLock call(-501): lockstate=0, transientCnt=0 [ 36.504936]: AppleKeyStore:8763:155: Device UnLocked(-501): lockstate=0 [ 36.504989]: AppleKeyStore:8084:240: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: containermanagerd (240) [ 36.504999]: AppleKeyStore:12143:240: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 36.505009]: AppleKeyStore:12143:251: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002f0, 205, 100008) [ 36.505020]: AppleKeyStore:8084:144: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: bluetoothd (144) [ 36.505026]: AppleKeyStore:12143:144: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 36.522820]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::removeUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 36.522835]: +- IOAudioEngine::removeUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 36.522840]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::clientClosed() [ 36.522844]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::clientDied() returns 0x0 [ 36.522913]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::removeUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 36.522917]: +- IOAudioEngine::removeUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 36.522921]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::clientClosed() [ 36.522927]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::clientDied() returns 0x0 [ 36.522968]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::stop() [ 36.522997]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::stop() [ 36.530322]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 383, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.530328]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 383 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.532377]: System Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 384, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.533836]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 384 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.539598]: System Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 385, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.539623]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 385 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.539666]: System Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/LibrarySystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 386, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.552812]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 386 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.557385]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 387, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.557396]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 387 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.570864]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 388, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.570870]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 388 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.572826]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 389, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.572832]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 389 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.573488]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 390, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.573496]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 390 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.588777]: successfully parsed 2/4 entries for file Telegram.appmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 390, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(250MB NF), Inactive(250MB, NF) [ 36.590545]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 390 (250MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.590556]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 383, priority 150, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 36.590561]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 383 (50MB NF) targeting priority(150) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.592683]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 388, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 36.592692]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 388 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.593219]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 389, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 36.593227]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 389 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.594241]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 386, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.594249]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 386 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.611521]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 391, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.611527]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 391 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.616780]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 391, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 36.616792]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 391 (40MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.617943]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 392, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.617950]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 392 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.623435]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 392, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 36.623441]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 392 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.629600]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 36.629607]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 36.629609]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 36.629637]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100Sandbox apply: tccd[391] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 393, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.703549]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 393 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.709107]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 393, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 36.709113]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 393 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.748449]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 394, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.748458]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 394 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.752061]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 395, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.752067]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 395 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.755854]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 394, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 36.755859]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 394 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.756290]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 395, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 36.756296]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 395 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.777849]: Sandbox apply: trustd[395] Sandbox apply: secd[394] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 396, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.814319]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 396 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.821656]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 396, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(70MB NF), Inactive(70MB, NF) [ 36.821662]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 396 (70MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.827438]: Sandbox: secd(394) deny(1) user-preference-write secdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 397, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.835517]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 397 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.843559]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 397, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 36.843564]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 397 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.846222]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 398, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.846228]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 398 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.853054]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 398, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 36.853060]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 398 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.860804]: sandboxd rejected approval request from loginwindow for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAppBundles (/Applications/Telegram.app): would require promptmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 384, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 36.863373]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 384 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.872866]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 399, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.872873]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 399 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.875582]: Sandbox apply: syncdefaultsd[397] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 399, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 36.875809]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 399 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.893395]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 400, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.893401]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 400 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.904787]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 401, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.904793]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 401 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.909123]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 401, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.909129]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 401 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.913073]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 402, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.913080]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 402 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.916366]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 403, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.916374]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 403 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.922435]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 402, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(60MB NF), Inactive(60MB, NF) [ 36.922443]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 402 (60MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.923988]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 403, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 36.923997]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 403 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.925448]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 404, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.925454]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 404 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.932304]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 405, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.932310]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 405 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.933669]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 404, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.933679]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 404 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.937314]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.taskgated-helper: Not eligible for acceleration [ 36.937722]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 405, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 36.937730]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 405 (40MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.937937]: Sandbox apply: XProtectBehaviorService[401] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 406, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.939286]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 406 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.944073]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 407, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.944080]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 407 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.945506]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 406, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(70MB NF), Inactive(70MB, NF) [ 36.945516]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 406 (70MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.950527]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 408, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.950534]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 408 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.966129]: Sandbox apply: taskgated-helper[405] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 400, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.972595]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 400 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.981694]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 385, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 36.981713]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 385 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.985898]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 408, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 36.985904]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 408 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 36.986561]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 407, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(20MB NF), Inactive(20MB, NF) [ 36.986566]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 407 (20MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.007189]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 409, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.007195]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 409 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.011617]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 410, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.011623]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 410 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.016373]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 409, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(24MB NF), Inactive(24MB, NF) [ 37.016383]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 409 (24MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.019271]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 410, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 37.019277]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 410 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.028372]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 411, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.028380]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 411 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.035100]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 411, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(70MB NF), Inactive(70MB, NF) [ 37.035107]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 411 (70MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.036425]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 412, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.036431]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 412 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.042338]: Sandbox apply: nsurlsessiond[406] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 412, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 37.045186]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 412 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.046416]: Sandbox apply: rapportd[407] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 413, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.056557]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 413 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.064151]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 413, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 37.064157]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 413 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.064931]: Sandbox apply: secinitd[411] Sandbox apply: usernoted[408] Waking up reference: 4Thread waiting on reference 4 woke upevaluation result: 4, allowed, cache, 1688391664memorystatus_update(enter): pid 414, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.068923]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 414 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.069319]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 415, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.069324]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 415 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.070308]: Sandbox apply: cloudd[403] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 414, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(250MB NF), Inactive(250MB, NF) [ 37.076425]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 414 (250MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.077046]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 415, priority 80, dirty=0x0, Active(250MB NF), Inactive(250MB, NF) [ 37.077053]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 415 (250MB NF) targeting priority(80) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.077669]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 416, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.077676]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 416 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.082094]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 417, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.082100]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 417 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.085847]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 416, priority 80, dirty=0x0, Active(260MB NF), Inactive(260MB, NF) [ 37.085853]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 416 (260MB NF) targeting priority(80) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.086448]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 418, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.086454]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 418 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.087963]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 417, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 37.087972]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 417 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.089426]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 419, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.089433]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 419 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.093268]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 420, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.093274]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 420 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.097471]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 418, priority 80, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 37.097477]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 418 (150MB NF) targeting priority(80) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.098106]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 421, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.098114]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 421 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.102400]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 419, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(60MB NF), Inactive(60MB, NF) [ 37.102410]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 419 (60MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.103381]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 420, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 37.103391]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 420 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.104286]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 387, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.104295]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 387 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.107939]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 421, priority 80, dirty=0x0, Active(200MB NF), Inactive(200MB, NF) [ 37.107949]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 421 (200MB NF) targeting priority(80) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.108706]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 422, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.108715]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 422 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.120936]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 422, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 37.120944]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 422 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.128585]: Sandbox apply: containermanagerd[417] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 425, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.144073]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 425 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.157398]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 425, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(225MB NF), Inactive(225MB, NF) [ 37.157407]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 425 (225MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.181978]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 426, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.181985]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 426 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.226226]: Sandbox apply: donotdisturbd[420] Sandbox apply: WindowManager[415] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 427, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.239250]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 427 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.252353]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 426, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 37.252363]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 426 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.252940]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 427, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 37.252949]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 427 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.254645]: Sandbox apply: identityservicesd[419] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 428, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.285086]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 428 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.293735]: 2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: secd(394) deny(1) user-preference-write secdSandbox: donotdisturbd(420) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.systemmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 429, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.294757]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 429 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.301122]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 428, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 37.301132]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 428 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.305081]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: donotdisturbd(420) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.systemSandbox: appleeventsd(327) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreServices.coreservicesdCouldn't build index for com.apple.pboard: Not eligible for acceleration [ 37.306378]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 430, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.306385]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 430 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.306763]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 429, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 37.306772]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 429 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.307629]: Sandbox: appleeventsd(327) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 430, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 37.326532]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 430 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.344948]: Sandbox apply: pboard[429] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 431, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.348946]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 431 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.356490]: Sandbox apply: fontd[428] 5 duplicate reports for Sandbox: appleeventsd(327) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdSandbox: identityservicesd(419) deny(1) ipc-posix-shm-write-create com.apple.AppleDatabaseChangedmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 431, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 37.406979]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 431 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.409767]: Sandbox: identityservicesd(419) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 432, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.415219]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 432 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.416622]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 433, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.416632]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 433 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.416755]: Sandbox apply: nearbyd[427] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 432, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 37.423424]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 432 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.426336]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 434, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.426345]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 434 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.431624]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 433, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 37.431633]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 433 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.445981]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 435, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.445989]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 435 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.449428]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 434, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(20MB NF), Inactive(8MB, NF) [ 37.449438]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 434 (20MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.449802]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 436, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.449810]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 436 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.453811]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 437, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.453820]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 437 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.456511]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 435, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(32MB NF), Inactive(32MB, NF) [ 37.456520]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 435 (32MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.459286]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[431] Sandbox apply: NotificationCenter[425] Sandbox apply: routined[409] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 437, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(350MB NF), Inactive(350MB, NF) [ 37.470957]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 437 (350MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.472315]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 436, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(8096MB NF), Inactive(8096MB, NF) [ 37.472323]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 436 (8096MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.476554]: Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbAppleKeyStore:8084:427: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: nearbyd (427) [ 37.478299]: AppleKeyStore:12143:427: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 37.485607]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 438, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.485615]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 438 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.486826]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 439, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.486835]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 439 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.493975]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 440, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.493982]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 440 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.495296]: sandboxd rejected approval request from cfprefsd for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/Users/ryuko/Library/Group Containers/group.com.apple.secure-control-center-preferences): deniedmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 439, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 37.500505]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 439 (150MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.505000]: Sandbox apply: QuickLookUIService[436] AppleKeyStore:8084:427: unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by: nearbyd (427) [ 37.508497]: AppleKeyStore:12143:427: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100000) [ 37.509997]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 440, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(400MB NF), Inactive(400MB, NF) [ 37.510005]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 440 (400MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.515611]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 438, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.515619]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 438 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.516811]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 441, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.516822]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 441 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.529457]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 441, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 37.529466]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 441 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.532374]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 442, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.532387]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 442 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.542425]: Sandbox apply: pkd[437] Sandbox apply: iconservicesagent[439] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 443, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.547990]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 443 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.550298]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 442, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(37MB NF), Inactive(37MB, NF) [ 37.550307]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 442 (37MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.556476]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 443, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 37.556485]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 443 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.566537]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 444, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.566545]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 444 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.578084]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 445, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.578093]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 445 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.582658]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 444, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 37.582668]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 444 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.592153]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 445, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(12MB NF), Inactive(12MB, NF) [ 37.592162]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 445 (12MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.597394]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 446, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.597404]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 446 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.599335]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.599346]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 37.599353]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 37.599362]: ConnectionID:0x388f5562 [ 37.599367]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 37.599369]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 37.599375]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 37.599377]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 37.599379]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.599381]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.599414]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 37.599417]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.599418]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 37.600055]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 447, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.600063]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 447 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.612915]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 447, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 37.612924]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 447 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.614294]: sandboxd rejected approval request from universalaccessd for kTCCServiceMicrophone: would require prompt1 duplicate report for Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbSystem Policy: universalaccessd(390) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client IOAudioControlUserClientIOUC IOAudioControlUserClient failed MACF in process pid 390, universalaccessd [ 37.617045]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.617056]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 37.617064]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 37.617078]: ConnectionID:0x716bd81d [ 37.617083]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 37.617085]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 37.617092]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 37.617094]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 37.617095]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.617097]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.617133]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 37.617136]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.617138]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 37.622633]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 446, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(70MB NF), Inactive(70MB, NF) [ 37.622641]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 446 (70MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.630260]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 37.630268]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 37.630271]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 37.630302]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100Sandbox apply: BiomeAgent[445] Sandbox apply: fontworker[433] Sandbox apply: bird[441] Sandbox apply: calaccessd[442] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 448, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.693151]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 448 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.705664]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 449, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.705672]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 449 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.707514]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 450, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.707523]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 450 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.709789]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 451, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.709797]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 451 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.712831]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 452, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.712840]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 452 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.714108]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 448, priority 80, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 37.714116]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 448 (100MB NF) targeting priority(80) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.730197]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 453, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.730207]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 453 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.730868]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 449, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.730877]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 449 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.730883]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 451, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 37.730887]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 451 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.731004]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 450, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(16MB NF), Inactive(16MB, NF) [ 37.731012]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 450 (16MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.732813]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 452, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(32MB NF), Inactive(16MB, NF) [ 37.732821]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 452 (32MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.734307]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 454, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.734315]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 454 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.763925]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 455, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.763934]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 455 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.771773]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 453, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 37.771782]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 453 (40MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.773745]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.773755]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 37.773761]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 37.773773]: ConnectionID:0x422d4242 [ 37.773779]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 37.773781]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 37.773789]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 37.773792]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 37.773793]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.773795]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.773830]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 37.773833]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.773834]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 37.777642]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 455, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 37.777651]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 455 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.777765]: responsibility for com.apple.dock.extra[455] set to that of com.apple.dock.extra[455]: /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/XPCServices/com.apple.dock.extra.xpc/Contents/MacOS/com.apple.dock.extramemorystatus_update(enter): pid 454, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(12MB, NF) [ 37.779792]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 454 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.782778]: Sandbox apply: replayd[448] sandboxd rejected approval request from ContinuityCaptureAgent for kTCCServiceMicrophone: would require promptSystem Policy: ContinuityCaptureAgent(388) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client IOAudioControlUserClientIOUC IOAudioControlUserClient failed MACF in process pid 388, ContinuityCaptur [ 37.813272]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 456, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.813280]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 456 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.814903]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.814915]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 37.814924]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 37.814934]: ConnectionID:0x25fb29da [ 37.814938]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 37.814940]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 37.814947]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 37.814950]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 37.814952]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.814953]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.814993]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 37.814996]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.814997]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 37.826272]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 456, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.826283]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 456 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.842870]: Sandbox apply: dmd[438] Sandbox apply: sociallayerd[450] Sandbox apply: wifip2pd[447] Sandbox apply: contactsd[454] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 457, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.878612]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 457 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.888458]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.quicklook.ThumbnailsAg[456] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 457, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 37.889827]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 457 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.893131]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 458, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.893139]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 458 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.905683]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 458, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 37.905692]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 458 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.908561]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.908571]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 37.908578]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 37.908587]: ConnectionID:0xddfeeaac [ 37.908592]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 37.908594]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 37.908603]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 37.908605]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 37.908607]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.908608]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.908644]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 37.908647]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.908648]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 37.912229]: Sandbox apply: siriactionsd[434] [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:344][0x1000003e5] Set LED 0x2: 0 0x0 [ 37.915940]: [AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:344][0x1000003ec] Set LED 0x2: 0 0x0 [ 37.923205]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 459, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.923214]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 459 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.937842]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 459, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.937850]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 459 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.938387]: Sandbox: syncdefaultsd(397) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbsandboxd rejected approval request from ControlCenter for kTCCServiceMicrophone: would require promptSystem Policy: ControlCenter(418) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client IOAudioControlUserClientIOUC IOAudioControlUserClient failed MACF in process pid 418, ControlCenter [ 37.947025]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.947036]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 37.947044]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 37.947055]: ConnectionID:0xfd3a7835 [ 37.947061]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 37.947063]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 37.947070]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 37.947072]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 37.947074]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.947075]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 37.947107]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 37.947110]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 37.947112]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 37.951333]: Sandbox apply: ctkd[458] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 460, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.957781]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 460 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.966647]: Sandbox: com.apple.quicklook.ThumbnailsA(456) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.iclouddrive.featuresmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 460, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 37.968104]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 460 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.971944]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 461, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 37.971954]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 461 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.983333]: Sandbox: ctkd(458) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreServices.coreservicesdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 461, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 37.983481]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 461 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 37.987103]: Sandbox: ctkd(458) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdSandbox: com.apple.quicklook.ThumbnailsA(456) deny(1) file-read-xattr /Users/ryuko/Downloads/anydesk.dmgSandbox: ctkd(458) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationd1 duplicate report for Sandbox: ctkd(458) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdSandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox apply: useractivityd[453] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: ctkd(458) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 462, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.001041]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 462 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.009091]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 462, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 38.009099]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 462 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.010720]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 464, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.010730]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 464 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.020009]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 465, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.020018]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 465 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.029873]: 2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: ctkd(458) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdSandbox: calaccessd(442) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSystem Policy: mds(110) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/folders/xr/n1vgs78x3xb_9r696t8zgznc0000gn/0/dmd/ConfigurationEngine/DatabaseSandbox: calaccessd(442) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 464, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 38.041337]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 464 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.041595]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 465, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 38.041604]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 465 (40MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.060481]: Sandbox apply: colorsyncd[462] Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbSandbox apply: fileproviderd[449] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbSystem Policy: mds(110) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/folders/xr/n1vgs78x3xb_9r696t8zgznc0000gn/0/dmd/Policies/Databasememorystatus_update(enter): pid 467, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.086363]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 467 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.097021]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 467, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 38.097032]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 467 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.100821]: Sandbox apply: suggestd[451] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 468, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.103286]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 468 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.110487]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 469, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.110495]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 469 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.112578]: Sandbox: suggestd(451) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plistSandbox apply: sharingd[446] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 468, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.115161]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 468 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.121539]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 469, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.121548]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 469 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.142262]: AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: session_uid = 1f5. [ 38.142485]: ACMFirstResponderKernelService: _onGetCapabilities: T208: NO. [ 38.142559]: ACM: createCredentialSet: Credential set created, CS[104]/2, mem=1425(0). [ 38.150787]: Sandbox apply: callservicesd[452] ACM: handleExists: Checking handle, CS[104]. [ 38.156672]: ACM: handleExists: Checking handle, CS[104]. [ 38.163485]: Sandbox apply: AudioComponentRegistrar[468] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 470, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.165799]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 470 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.184997]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 470, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 38.185005]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 470 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.193727]: Sandbox apply: mobiletimerd[467] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 471, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.194691]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 471 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.207161]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 471, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 38.207170]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 471 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.214390]: if_updown: utun0 is not attachedifnet_attach: Waiting for all kernel threads created for interface utun0 to get scheduled at least once. [ 38.214720]: ifnet_attach: All kernel threads created for interface utun0 have been scheduled at least once. Proceeding. [ 38.218766]: Reinit'd ND information for interface utun0 [ 38.218794]: _dlil_attach_flowswitch_nexus: not attaching flowswitch to utun0 [ 38.239834]: Sandbox apply: AMPDeviceDiscoveryAgent[470] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 472, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.241196]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 472 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.251256]: Sandbox apply: transparencyd[464] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 472, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 38.254985]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 472 (100MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.261860]: Sandbox apply: CarbonComponentScannerXPC[471] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 473, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.273027]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 473 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.288878]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 473, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 38.288888]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 473 (50MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.310786]: Sandbox apply: AppSSOAgent[472] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: suggestd(451) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plistSandbox: AMPDeviceDiscoveryAgent(470) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.remotedmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 474, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.332067]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 474 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.345422]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 474, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(60MB NF), Inactive(60MB, NF) [ 38.345429]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 474 (60MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.360124]: Sandbox: transparencyd(464) deny(1) iokit-get-properties iokit-class:IOService property:apple-coprocessor-versionSandbox apply: Safari[410] Sandbox: com.apple.quicklook.ThumbnailsA(456) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.mobile.keybagd.UserManager.xpcSandbox: com.apple.quicklook.ThumbnailsA(456) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.mobile.usermanagerd.xpcSandbox: bird(441) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.bird.tokenSandbox: com.apple.quicklook.ThumbnailsA(456) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.mobile.usermanagerd.xpcSandbox: com.apple.quicklook.ThumbnailsA(456) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.bird.tokenSandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 3221 duplicate report for Sandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 322Sandbox: syncdefaultsd(397) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.system1 duplicate report for Sandbox: syncdefaultsd(397) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.systemSandbox: apsd(122) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.fileprovider.extension.pushmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 475, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.399412]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 475 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.401659]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 476, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.401667]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 476 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.401912]: Sandbox apply: CommCenter[402] Sandbox: apsd(122) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.fileprovider.extension.push.developmentmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 475, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 38.406575]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 475 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.413934]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 476, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.413943]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 476 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.424295]: Sandbox: UVCAssistant(270) deny(1) process-info-pidinfo others [ControlCenter(418)]memorystatus_update(enter): pid 477, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.434257]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 477 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.441531]: Sandbox: calaccessd(442) deny(1) file-write-create /private/tmp/CalNotificationsAvailablememorystatus_update(enter): pid 478, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.442655]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 478 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.452051]: Sandbox: CommCenter(402) deny(1) ipc-posix-shm-write-create com.apple.AppleDatabaseChangedSandbox apply: AppSSODaemon[475] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 478, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(60MB NF), Inactive(60MB, NF) [ 38.455625]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 478 (60MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.459768]: Sandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.mobile.keybagd.UserManager.xpcSandbox: CommCenter(402) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/mds/messages/501/se_SecurityMessagesmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 479, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.489369]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 479 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.492479]: Sandbox apply: Ciconia[476] AppleKeyStore:8104:464: invalid handle -501 (_device_keybag_access: 0) [ 38.496095]: AppleKeyStore:12143:464: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002c2, 501, 100006) [ 38.508979]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 479, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 38.508988]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 479 (40MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.515461]: Sandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 322memorystatus_update(enter): pid 480, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.530043]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 480 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.538216]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 322Sandbox: CommCenter(402) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.bird.tokenmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 481, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.545619]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 481 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.553110]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 480, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 38.553120]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 480 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.561139]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 481, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 38.561150]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 481 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.563691]: if_updown: utun1 is not attachedifnet_attach: Waiting for all kernel threads created for interface utun1 to get scheduled at least once. [ 38.563787]: ifnet_attach: All kernel threads created for interface utun1 have been scheduled at least once. Proceeding. [ 38.564730]: Reinit'd ND information for interface utun1 [ 38.564758]: _dlil_attach_flowswitch_nexus: not attaching flowswitch to utun1 [ 38.569690]: if_updown: utun2 is not attachedifnet_attach: Waiting for all kernel threads created for interface utun2 to get scheduled at least once. [ 38.569784]: ifnet_attach: All kernel threads created for interface utun2 have been scheduled at least once. Proceeding. [ 38.570321]: Reinit'd ND information for interface utun2 [ 38.570345]: _dlil_attach_flowswitch_nexus: not attaching flowswitch to utun2 [ 38.571393]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 482, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.571401]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 482 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.586264]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 482, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.586274]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 482 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.586331]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 482]: /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/usr/libexec/com.apple.Safari.History, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 38.586416]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 868 bytes [ 38.591086]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 483, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.591096]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 483 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.605881]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 38.605892]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 38.605899]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 38.605908]: ConnectionID:0x5c439fc4 [ 38.605912]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 38.605914]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 38.605920]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 38.605923]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 38.605924]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 38.605925]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 38.605955]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 38.605957]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 38.605959]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 38.608252]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 483, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 38.608260]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 483 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.610333]: sandboxd rejected approval request from UserEventAgent for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/Users/ryuko/Library/Safari): deniedSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox apply: fmfd[479] Sandbox apply: akd[480] PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 38.630762]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 38.630765]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 38.630795]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe00341001 duplicate report for System Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.mobile.usermanagerd.xpcmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 484, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.641405]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 484 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.648515]: Sandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.bird.tokenmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 485, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.655538]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 485 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.657523]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 486, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.657531]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 486 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.659756]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 484, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 38.659767]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 484 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.660147]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 487, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.660155]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 487 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.668207]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 38.668219]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 38.668227]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 38.668236]: ConnectionID:0xbe09afcc [ 38.668241]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 38.668244]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 38.668251]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 38.668254]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 38.668256]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 38.668258]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 38.668303]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 38.668311]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 38.668314]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 38.670067]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 486, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 38.670076]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 486 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.676003]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 487, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 38.676012]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 487 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.732083]: Sandbox apply: StatusKitAgent[487] Sandbox apply: parsecd[483] Sandbox apply: com.apple.Safari.History[482] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 488, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.738962]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 488 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.744232]: Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.mapdbSystem Policy: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/folders/xr/n1vgs78x3xb_9r696t8zgznc0000gn/0/com.apple.LaunchServices.dv/com.apple.LaunchServices-4035-v2.csstorememorystatus_update(enter): pid 488, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.754506]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 488 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.760183]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 489, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.760193]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 489 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.760226]: Sandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) user-preference-write com.apple.SharingSandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 322memorystatus_update(enter): pid 489, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.774698]: Sandbox: transparencyd(464) deny(1) file-write-create /Users/ryuko/Library/HTTPStorages/com.apple.transparencydmemorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 489 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.775545]: Sandbox: transparencyd(464) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.metadata.mdsSystem Policy: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/folders/xr/n1vgs78x3xb_9r696t8zgznc0000gn/0/com.apple.LaunchServices.dv/com.apple.LaunchServices-4035-v2.csstoresandboxd rejected approval request from NotificationCenter for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAppBundles (/Applications/Telegram.app): would require prompt1 duplicate report for System Policy: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/folders/xr/n1vgs78x3xb_9r696t8zgznc0000gn/0/com.apple.LaunchServices.dv/com.apple.LaunchServices-4035-v2.csstoreSandbox: transparencyd(464) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/nsurlstoraged/dafsaData.binSystem Policy: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/folders/xr/n1vgs78x3xb_9r696t8zgznc0000gn/0/com.apple.LaunchServices.dv/com.apple.LaunchServices-4035-v2.csstoreSandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 322memorystatus_update(enter): pid 490, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.794284]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 490 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.798922]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 491, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.798930]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 491 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.807915]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 490, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 38.807923]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 490 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.812191]: Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox apply: ScreenTimeAgent[489] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 491, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(200MB NF), Inactive(200MB, NF) [ 38.813761]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 491 (200MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.823044]: Sandbox: StatusKitAgent(487) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client RootDomainUserClientIOUC RootDomainUserClient failed MACF in process pid 487, StatusKitAgent [ 38.824674]: Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: StatusKitAgent(487) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.logindSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbsuccessfully parsed 2/4 entries for file Google Chrome.appmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 492, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.843330]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 492 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.843728]: 2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: NotificationCenter(425) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreLocation.agentSandbox: parsecd(483) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientIOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 483, parsecd [ 38.844094]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 483, parsecd [ 38.849441]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 493, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 38.849450]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 493 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.851619]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: parsecd(483) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientSandbox: callservicesd(452) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.frontboard.systemappservicesSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: parsecd(483) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.xpc.amsengagementdSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 492, priority 30, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB F ), Inactive(1000MB, F ) [ 38.863480]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 492 (1000MB F ) targeting priority(30) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.864195]: 3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 493, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 38.868059]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 493 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.881130]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: mds(110) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/folders/xr/n1vgs78x3xb_9r696t8zgznc0000gn/0/com.apple.ScreenTimeAgent/Store/RMAdminStore-Local.sqliteSandbox: rapportd(407) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcSandbox: parsecd(483) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreLocation.agentSandbox apply: HomeWidget[492] Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox apply: knowledge-agent[387] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 477, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 38.961974]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 477 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 38.964940]: Sandbox apply: triald[493] 4 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: knowledge-agent(387) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Biome/FlexibleStorage/registrations.dbSandbox apply: com.apple.geod[477] Sandbox apply: homed[491] 15 duplicate reports for Sandbox: knowledge-agent(387) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Biome/FlexibleStorage/registrations.dbSandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 322Sandbox: knowledge-agent(387) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Biome/FlexibleStorage/registrations.db3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: knowledge-agent(387) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Biome/FlexibleStorage/registrations.dbSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 494, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.037204]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 494 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.041432]: Sandbox apply: imagent[488] connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributes17 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Safari1 duplicate report for System Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbCouldn't build index for com.apple.pbs: Not eligible for acceleration [ 39.057194]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 494, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 39.057202]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 494 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.059863]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 495, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.059871]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 495 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.075196]: 4 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: callservicesd(452) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.biome.access.userSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 495, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 39.075290]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 495 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.088779]: 3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: mds(110) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/folders/xr/n1vgs78x3xb_9r696t8zgznc0000gn/0/com.apple.ScreenTimeAgent/Store/RMAdminStore-Cloud.sqliteSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: parsecd(483) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.SystemConfiguration.configdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 496, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.092087]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 496 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.092322]: Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydb1 duplicate report for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: parsecd(483) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.securityd.xpcSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 497, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.101416]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 497 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.105130]: 4 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: callservicesd(452) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesdaemon.callstatecontrollerSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 496, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.108195]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 496 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.115128]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 497, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(154MB NF), Inactive(154MB, NF) [ 39.115137]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 497 (154MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.136461]: 18 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesdaemon.callcapabilitiesSandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesdaemon.callstatecontrollerSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox apply: com.apple.FaceTime.FTConversatio[495] 12 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: callservicesd(452) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.cmio.registerassistantservice.system-extensionsSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox apply: networkserviceproxy[496] 3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: networkserviceproxy(496) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plist1 duplicate report for Sandbox: networkserviceproxy(496) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 498, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.176532]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 498 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.177303]: 2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: secd(394) deny(1) user-preference-write secdSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox apply: itunescloudd[497] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 498, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(1024MB NF), Inactive(1024MB, NF) [ 39.192442]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 498 (1024MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.194855]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 499, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.194863]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 499 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.195954]: 7 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: knowledge-agent(387) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.intelligenceplatform.Viewmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 500, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.199098]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 500 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.199504]: Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Safarimemorystatus_update(enter): pid 501, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.201542]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 501 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.202964]: 1 duplicate report for System Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbCouldn't build index for com.apple.AOSHeartbeat: Not eligible for acceleration [ 39.214218]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 499, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(80MB NF), Inactive(80MB, NF) [ 39.214224]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 499 (80MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.214530]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 501, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 39.214538]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 501 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.214551]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 500, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 39.214558]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 500 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.225846]: connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 502, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.227919]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 502 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.241385]: 21 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Safarimemorystatus_update(enter): pid 503, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.241804]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 503 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.242072]: Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 502, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.242293]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 502 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.242347]: System Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 503, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 39.251869]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 503 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.253196]: 9 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Safari1 duplicate report for System Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydb5 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: itunescloudd(497) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.symptom_analyticsSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydb1 duplicate report for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: itunescloudd(497) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.symptom_analyticsSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Safari1 duplicate report for System Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbsuccessfully parsed 1/4 entries for file Assetssuccessfully parsed 1/4 entries for file FrameworkCachessuccessfully parsed 1/4 entries for file 69c058b849aa11ed1ab3ee58001a9f314a4c41308 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: suggestd(451) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesdSandbox: networkserviceproxy(496) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.securitySandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydb1 duplicate report for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: networkserviceproxy(496) deny(1) ipc-posix-shm-write-create com.apple.AppleDatabaseChangedSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydb5 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Safari1 duplicate report for System Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydb1 duplicate report for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/HomeKitSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/HomeKitSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydb9 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSandbox apply: IMDPersistenceAgent[498] Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/HomeKit1 duplicate report for System Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/HomeKitSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbACMTRM-S: _saveAll: pushing *policy* -> daemon (gen=2 dataLen=53 ver=11). [ 39.313602]: ACMTRM-S: _saveAll: pushing *analytics* -> daemon (gen=2 dataLen=400 ver=1). [ 39.315757]: 8 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Safari1 duplicate report for System Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/SafariSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Application Support/com.apple.TCCSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Application Support/com.apple.TCCSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydb1 duplicate report for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/HomeKit1 duplicate report for System Policy: UserEventAgent(383) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/HomeKitSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox apply: passd[502] 37 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: AppSSODaemon(475) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CARenderServerSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 504, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.385893]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 504 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.390144]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 505, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.390152]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 505 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.392734]: 19 duplicate reports for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices/com.apple.launchservices.secure.plist1 duplicate report for Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices/com.apple.launchservices.secure.plistSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.coreservices.quarantine-resolvermemorystatus_update(enter): pid 504, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.397173]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 504 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.404990]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 505, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 39.404999]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 505 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.407925]: Sandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.sociallayerd3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.sociallayerdSandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydb1 duplicate report for Sandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.backupd.xpctx_flush:1241: disk1 xid 26476 tx stats: # 40 finish 40 enter 444 wait 7 8953us close 10us flush 1759us [ 39.452866]: Sandbox apply: nfcd[504] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 506, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.454019]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 506 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.456261]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 507, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.456271]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 507 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.459627]: 2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.backupd.xpcSandbox: nfcd(504) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/applepay/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: nfcd(504) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/applepay/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 506, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 39.469439]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 506 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.469611]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.accessibility.mediaaccessibilityd: Not eligible for acceleration [ 39.470063]: Sandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.backupd.xpcmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 507, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 39.470196]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 507 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.471496]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.WebKit.WebContent[505] Sandbox: nfcd(504) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.nfcd.xpc.homed.uaeventsSandbox apply: com.apple.accessibility.mediaacc[507] Sandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) user-preference-write com.apple.messages.commsafetySandbox apply: neagent[506] Sandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.CloudKitSandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) user-preference-write com.apple.messages.commsafetySandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.CloudKitconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSandbox apply: Notes[412] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 508, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.528875]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 508 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.542994]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 508, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 39.543002]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 508 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.552238]: Sandbox: AppSSODaemon(475) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CARenderServerSandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plist1 duplicate report for Sandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: AppSSODaemon(475) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.windowmanager.serverSandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcSandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.CloudKitSandbox: IMDPersistenceAgent(498) deny(1) syscall-unix 322PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 39.631151]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 39.631155]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 39.631189]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100sandboxd rejected approval request from cfprefsd for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/Users/ryuko/Library/Group Containers/group.com.apple.notes): denied1 duplicate report for Sandbox: IMDPersistenceAgent(498) deny(1) syscall-unix 322Sandbox: homed(491) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.cdp.daemon1 duplicate report for Sandbox: homed(491) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.cdp.daemonSandbox: networkserviceproxy(496) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreLocation.agentSandbox: homed(491) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreLocation.agent+ IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.670605]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 39.670613]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 39.670652]: ConnectionID:0xb28856e3 [ 39.670657]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 39.670659]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 39.670666]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 39.670668]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 39.670669]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.670670]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.670704]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 39.670707]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.670709]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 39.672433]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.672441]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 39.672449]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 39.672457]: ConnectionID:0xf22bd564 [ 39.672462]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 39.672464]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 39.672470]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 39.672471]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 39.672473]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.672474]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.672507]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 39.672510]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.672512]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 39.676154]: Sandbox: passd(502) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreLocation.agentSandbox: networkserviceproxy(496) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.distributed_notifications@Uv3memorystatus_update(enter): pid 509, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.695366]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 509 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.699287]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 510, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.699295]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 510 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.707513]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 511, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.707521]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 511 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.709769]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 509, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 39.709778]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 509 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.710616]: Sandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesdaemon.callstatecontrollerSandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesdaemon.callcapabilitiesmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 512, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.713030]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 512 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.713279]: Sandbox: apsd(122) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesdaemon.voip.push.developmentmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 511, priority 80, dirty=0x0, Active(250MB NF), Inactive(250MB, NF) [ 39.716529]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 511 (250MB NF) targeting priority(80) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.717090]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 510, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 39.717098]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 510 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.721549]: Sandbox: apsd(122) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesdaemon.voip.pushmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 512, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.724539]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 512 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.768275]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 513, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.768283]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 513 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.782675]: connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSandbox: passd(502) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.server.bluetooth.le.att.xpcmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 513, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(1024MB NF), Inactive(160MB, NF) [ 39.787024]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 513 (1024MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.802673]: Sandbox: passd(502) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistAppleSSE::hasBridgeSSE - SSE not present (neither KR nor SEPMgr) [ 39.842148]: Sandbox apply: avconferenced[513] Sandbox apply: assistantd[510] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 514, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.916153]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 514 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.927679]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 514, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 39.927686]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 514 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.930264]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: passd(502) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: assistantd(510) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.cmio.registerassistantservice.system-extensions+ IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.938829]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 39.938838]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 39.938847]: ConnectionID:0xcdab225a [ 39.938853]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 39.938855]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 39.938862]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 39.938864]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 39.938865]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.938867]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.938898]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 39.938900]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.938902]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 39.940011]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.940021]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 39.940027]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 39.940035]: ConnectionID:0xca516c31 [ 39.940040]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 39.940042]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 39.940048]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 39.940050]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 39.940051]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.940052]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.940083]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 39.940086]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.940087]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 39.945906]: Sandbox: UVCAssistant(270) deny(1) process-info-pidinfo others [avconferenced(513)]+ IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.957761]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 39.957768]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 39.957775]: ConnectionID:0x6c94da03 [ 39.957781]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 39.957782]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 39.957790]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 39.957792]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 39.957794]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.957795]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.957831]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 39.957834]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.957836]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 39.959004]: + IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.959013]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 39.959023]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 39.959031]: ConnectionID:0xe3ed5b79 [ 39.959036]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 39.959038]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 39.959043]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 39.959045]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 39.959046]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.959048]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 39.959081]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 39.959083]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 39.959085]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x101) returns 0x0 [ 39.976750]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 515, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 39.976758]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 515 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 39.978829]: Sandbox: assistantd(510) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientIOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 510, assistantd [ 39.979329]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 510, assistantd [ 39.993810]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 515, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 39.993820]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 515 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 40.011494]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 40.011505]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 40.015209]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: assistantd(510) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientSandbox: triald(493) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientIOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 40.015444]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 40.033195]: Sandbox apply: siriknowledged[515] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 516, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 40.194793]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 516 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 40.201183]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 516, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 40.201189]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 516 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 40.258358]: Sandbox apply: ContextStoreAgent[426] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: triald(493) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientSandbox: ContextStoreAgent(426) deny(1) ipc-posix-shm-write-create ContextStoreAgentmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 485, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 40.595637]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 485 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 40.601914]: Sandbox: nsurlsessiond(406) deny(1) file-write-create /Users/ryuko/Library/HTTPStorages/com.apple.nsurlsessiondPMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 40.632520]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 40.632528]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 40.632581]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.db1 duplicate report for Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbSandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.CloudKitmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 517, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 40.644704]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 517 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 40.645347]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 518, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 40.645357]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 518 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 40.651087]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 518, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 40.651093]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 518 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 40.651334]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.CloudKitSandbox: sociallayerd(450) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 517, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 40.652515]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 517 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 40.659148]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: sociallayerd(450) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.lsd.modifydbSandbox: sociallayerd(450) deny(1) mach-register com.apple.aps.sociallayerdSandbox apply: com.apple.WebKit.Networking[517] Sandbox apply: com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[518] Sandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.CloudKitSandbox: transparencyd(464) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.transparencydconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 522, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.003832]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 522 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.006809]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 522, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 41.006819]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 522 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.033921]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[522] Sandbox: systemsoundserverd(343) deny(1) file-read-data /dev/dtracehelper+ IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 41.055060]: + IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) [ 41.055067]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::setOnline(0) [ 41.055086]: ConnectionID:0xda2fdeba [ 41.055092]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::initWithAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns 1 [ 41.055094]: +- IOAudioEngineUserClient::withAudioEngine(, 0x, , 0x0, 0) returns [ 41.055102]: + IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) [ 41.055107]: +- IOAudioEngine[]::addUserClient() returns 0x0 [ 41.055109]: - IOAudioEngine::addUserClientAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 41.055111]: - IOAudioEngine[]::newUserClient(0x, , 0x0, 0, ) [ 41.055139]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerFormatNotification(0x, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 41.055141]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerNotificationAction(, ) returns 0x0 [ 41.055142]: - IOAudioEngineUserClient[]::registerNotificationPort(0x, 0x0, 0x100) returns 0x0 [ 41.159204]: ACM: deleteCredentialSet: Deleting credential set, CS[104]. [ 41.204553]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 528, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.204560]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 528 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.209158]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 529, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.209164]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 529 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.209313]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 528, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 41.209318]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 528 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.214593]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 529, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 41.214598]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 529 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.246615]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: systemsoundserverd(343) deny(1) file-read-data /dev/dtracehelperSandbox: pkd(437) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.mobile.keybagd.UserManager.xpcmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 530, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.256173]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 530 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.261779]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 530, priority 30, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB F ), Inactive(1000MB, F ) [ 41.261784]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 530 (1000MB F ) targeting priority(30) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.272971]: Sandbox apply: PAH_Extension[530] Sandbox: UVCAssistant(270) deny(1) process-info-pidinfo others [Telegram(400)]memorystatus_update(enter): pid 531, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.426144]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 531 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.432198]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 531, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 41.432203]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 531 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.468663]: Sandbox apply: iOSScreenCaptureAssistant[531] PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 41.633041]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 41.633043]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 41.633066]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 532, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.646089]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 532 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.652807]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 532, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.652813]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 532 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.664015]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 533, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.664021]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 533 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.669247]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.SafeEjectGPUService: Not eligible for acceleration [ 41.669582]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 533, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 41.669586]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 533 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.687133]: Sandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client RootDomainUserClientIOUC RootDomainUserClient failed MACF in process pid 434, siriactionsd [ 41.687396]: Sandbox: knowledge-agent(387) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client RootDomainUserClientIOUC RootDomainUserClient failed MACF in process pid 387, knowledge-agent [ 41.688089]: Sandbox: knowledge-agent(387) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.logindSandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.logindSandbox: knowledge-agent(387) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.identityservicesd.desktop.authSandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.identityservicesd.desktop.authmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 534, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.691150]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 534 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.697536]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 534, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(24MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 41.697541]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 534 (24MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.714233]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 535, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.714238]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 535 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.723593]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 535, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(20MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 41.723598]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 535 (20MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.763505]: Sandbox apply: amsengagementd[535] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 536, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.952145]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 536 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.960312]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 537, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 41.960318]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 537 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.967306]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 537, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 41.967313]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 537 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 41.995275]: Sandbox apply: contentlinkingd[537] Sandbox: contentlinkingd(537) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesdconnect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 538, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.022404]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 538 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.029729]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 538, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 42.029737]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 538 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.078042]: Sandbox apply: storekitagent[538] Sandbox: storekitagent(538) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.security.syspolicySandbox: syncdefaultsd(397) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.system3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: syncdefaultsd(397) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccd.systemSandbox: amsengagementd(535) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plist1 duplicate report for Sandbox: amsengagementd(535) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: amsengagementd(535) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.metadata.mdsSandbox: amsengagementd(535) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/HTTPStorages/com.apple.amsengagementdSandbox: amsengagementd(535) deny(1) file-write-xattr /Users/ryuko/Library/HTTPStorages/com.apple.amsengagementdSandbox: amsengagementd(535) deny(1) file-read-xattr /Users/ryuko/Library/HTTPStorages/com.apple.amsengagementdSandbox: amsengagementd(535) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/HTTPStorages/com.apple.amsengagementd/httpstorages.sqlite1 duplicate report for Sandbox: amsengagementd(535) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/HTTPStorages/com.apple.amsengagementd/httpstorages.sqliteSandbox: amsengagementd(535) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/nsurlstoraged/dafsaData.bintx_flush:1241: disk1 xid 26496 tx stats: # 60 finish 60 enter 359 wait 11 7537us close 6us flush 1577us [ 42.272902]: connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 539, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.309976]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 539 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.316205]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 539, priority 70, dirty=0x0, Active(500MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 42.316211]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 539 (500MB NF) targeting priority(70) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.352927]: Sandbox apply: translationd[539] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 540, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.403478]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 540 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.410740]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 540, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 42.410745]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 540 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.410783]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 540]: /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/usr/libexec/PasswordBreachAgent, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 42.410844]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 863 bytes [ 42.446792]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 541, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.446801]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 541 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.448580]: Sandbox apply: PasswordBreachAgent[540] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 541, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 42.452171]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 541 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.465451]: connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSandbox apply: com.apple.WebKit.WebContent[541] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 542, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.475898]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 542 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.476309]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 543, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.476314]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 543 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.476648]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 544, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.476653]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 544 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.476966]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 545, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.476971]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 545 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.477314]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 546, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.477318]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 546 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.477655]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 547, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.477661]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 547 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.478082]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 548, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.478090]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 548 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.478616]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 549, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.478623]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 549 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.479116]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 550, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.479124]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 550 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.479615]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 551, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.479623]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 551 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.480126]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 552, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.480134]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 552 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.480651]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 553, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.480658]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 553 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.481040]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 554, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.481047]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 554 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.481466]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 555, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.481472]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 555 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.481906]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 556, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.481913]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 556 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.482851]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 557, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.482861]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 557 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.483414]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 558, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.483422]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 558 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.483998]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 559, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.484006]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 559 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.486440]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 560, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.486450]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 560 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.495509]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 552, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(60MB NF), Inactive(60MB, NF) [ 42.495520]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 552 (60MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.495670]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 556, priority 100, dirty=0x0, Active(25MB NF), Inactive(25MB, NF) [ 42.495676]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 556 (25MB NF) targeting priority(100) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.495767]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.seedusaged: Not eligible for acceleration [ 42.495886]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 542, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 42.495890]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 542 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.496348]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 551, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 42.496357]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 551 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.497405]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 560, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.497414]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 560 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.499669]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 549, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(175MB NF), Inactive(175MB, NF) [ 42.499677]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 549 (175MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.501097]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 543, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.501104]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 543 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.502139]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 557, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.502148]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 557 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.513978]: Sandbox apply: AirPlayUIAgent[552] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 547, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.528670]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 547 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.532826]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 544, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(22MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 42.532837]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 544 (22MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.533456]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 554, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 42.533465]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 554 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.534609]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 548, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.534618]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 548 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.534676]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 548]: /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/XProtect.app/Contents/MacOS/XProtect, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 42.534761]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 873 bytes [ 42.542648]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 559, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 42.542656]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 559 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.542710]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 559]: /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/MRT.app/Contents/MacOS/MRT, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 42.542826]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 730 bytes [ 42.545188]: Sandbox apply: ctkahp[560] Sandbox apply: icdd[549] Sandbox: icdd(549) allow mach-lookup com.apple.FSEventsSandbox apply: heard[542] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 562, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.559983]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 562 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.560801]: 2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: icdd(549) allow mach-lookup com.apple.FSEventsSandbox: icdd(549) allow file-read-data /Library/Image Capture/Devices1 duplicate report for Sandbox: icdd(549) allow file-read-data /Library/Image Capture/DevicesSandbox: icdd(549) allow network-outbound /private/var/run/mDNSResponder9 duplicate reports for Sandbox: icdd(549) allow network-outbound /private/var/run/mDNSResponderSandbox: icdd(549) allow mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationd2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: icdd(549) allow mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdSandbox: icdd(549) allow mach-lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesdSandbox apply: corespeechd[543] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 562, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 42.589866]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 562 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.589923]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 562]: /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/XProtect.app/Contents/XPCServices/XProtectPluginService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/XProtectPluginService, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 42.590010]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 933 bytes [ 42.591704]: Waking up reference: 5Thread waiting on reference 5 woke upevaluation result: 5, allowed, cache, 1688576313Sandbox: corespeechd(543) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.cmio.registerassistantservice.system-extensionsSandbox: corespeechd(543) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 563, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.615890]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 563 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.620444]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 564, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.620452]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 564 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.629493]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 563, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.629502]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 563 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.629562]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 563]: /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/usr/libexec/SafariLaunchAgent, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 42.629639]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 861 bytes [ 42.629996]: Sandbox: com.apple.WebKit.Networking(517) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.analyticsdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 564, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(20MB NF), Inactive(20MB, NF) [ 42.630503]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 564 (20MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.630559]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 564]: /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/XPCServices/com.apple.Safari.SandboxBroker.xpc/Contents/MacOS/com.apple.Safari.SandboxBroker, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 42.630713]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 964 bytes [ 42.633624]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 42.633633]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 42.633637]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 42.633669]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 565, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.638548]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 565 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.652213]: Sandbox: corespeechd(543) deny(1) file-map-executable /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugInmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 565, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(130MB NF), Inactive(130MB, NF) [ 42.652551]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 565 (130MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.661077]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 566, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.661084]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 566 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.661904]: 7 duplicate reports for Sandbox: corespeechd(543) deny(1) file-map-executable /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugInSandbox: com.apple.WebKit.WebContent(505) deny(1) file-read-data /dev/dtracehelpermemorystatus_update(enter): pid 566, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 42.674457]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 566 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.695851]: Sandbox: corespeechd(543) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.assistantmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 567, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.704464]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 567 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.712359]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 567, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 42.712368]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 567 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.714676]: Sandbox apply: swcd[566] Sandbox apply: com.apple.Safari.SandboxBroker[564] Sandbox: swcd(566) deny(1) system-fsctl (_IO "h" 47)Sandbox apply: SafariLaunchAgent[563] 14 duplicate reports for Sandbox: swcd(566) deny(1) system-fsctl (_IO "h" 47)Sandbox: com.apple.Safari.SandboxBroker(564) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.touchbarserver.migconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSandbox apply: gamecontrollerd[384] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 536, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 42.972976]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 536 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.973003]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 545, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 42.973007]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 545 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 42.973035]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 536]: /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Library/CoreServices/SafariSupport.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SafariBookmarksSyncAgent, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 42.973139]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 920 bytes [ 42.973375]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 555, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 42.973384]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 555 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.001468]: ACM: createCredentialSet: Credential set created, CS[105]/2, mem=1537(0). [ 43.010162]: Sandbox: com.apple.WebKit.WebContent(541) deny(1) file-read-data /dev/dtracehelperACM: deleteCredentialSet: Deleting credential set, CS[105]. [ 43.060705]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 568, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 43.060712]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 568 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.063498]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 568, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 43.063505]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 568 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.146116]: Sandbox: com.apple.WebKit.WebContent(541) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.analyticsdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 569, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 43.249705]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 569 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.254890]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 569, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 43.254896]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 569 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.274327]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.WebKit.WebContent[569] Sandbox: com.apple.WebKit.WebContent(569) deny(1) file-read-data /dev/dtracehelperSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Library/InstallCoordinationSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationd/Libraryconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSystem Policy: UserEventAgent(84) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/installcoordinationdmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 570, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 43.419780]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 570 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.420825]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 571, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 43.420831]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 571 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.426965]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 570, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 43.426971]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 570 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.427079]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 571, priority 80, dirty=0x0, Active(22MB NF), Inactive(22MB, F ) [ 43.427084]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 571 (22MB NF) targeting priority(80) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.453051]: Sandbox apply: naturallanguaged[571] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 572, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 43.494894]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 572 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.503219]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 572, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 43.503226]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 572 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.507010]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 573, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 43.507016]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 573 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.513648]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 573, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 43.513653]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 573 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.567210]: successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file Assetssuccessfully parsed 1/4 entries for file FrameworkCachessuccessfully parsed 1/4 entries for file 73860e57795d7b199e55275ab90eb2a8027ab7a1PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 43.634040]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 43.634042]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 43.634067]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100connect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSandbox: suggestd(451) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.coreduetd.people.usermemorystatus_update(enter): pid 574, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 43.937175]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 574 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.949235]: connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 574, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 43.949266]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 574 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 43.976491]: Sandbox apply: commerce[572] Sandbox apply: ImageIOXPCService[574] Sandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 32212 duplicate reports for Sandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 322Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.db1 duplicate report for Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbSandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 3221 duplicate report for Sandbox: sharingd(446) deny(1) syscall-unix 322Sandbox: mobileassetd(252) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/root/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobileassetd1 duplicate report for Sandbox: mobileassetd(252) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/root/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobileassetdSandbox: mobileassetd(252) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/root/Librarymemorystatus_update(enter): pid 575, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 44.269986]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 575 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.274474]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 575, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB NF), Inactive(1000MB, NF) [ 44.274480]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 575 (1000MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.302446]: Sandbox apply: VTDecoderXPCService[575] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 558, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(60MB NF), Inactive(17MB, NF) [ 44.314797]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 558 (60MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.356216]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: mobileassetd(252) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/root/LibrarySandbox: commerce(572) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 576, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 44.380284]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 576 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.441123]: connect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnect() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 577, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 44.464552]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 577 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.472851]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 577, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 44.472856]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 577 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.630027]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 578, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 44.630033]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 578 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.634404]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 44.634411]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 44.634413]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 44.634434]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 578, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(8096MB NF), Inactive(8096MB, NF) [ 44.634769]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 578 (8096MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.647987]: Sandbox apply: QuickLookUIService[578] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 579, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 44.816976]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 579 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.823291]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 579, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 44.823296]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 579 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.845804]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.CloudDocs.MobileDocume[579] tx_flush:1241: disk1 xid 26516 tx stats: # 80 finish 80 enter 312 wait 13 6870us close 5us flush 1478us [ 44.915324]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 553, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 44.915329]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 553 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.992300]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 581, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 44.992308]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 581 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 44.997171]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 581, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 44.997178]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 581 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.190592]: Sandbox apply: SafariBookmarksSyncAgent[536] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: commerce(572) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: com.apple.Safari.History(482) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/nsurlstoraged/dafsaData.binSandbox: commerce(572) deny(1) file-write-create /Users/ryuko/Library/HTTPStorages/commerceSandbox: commerce(572) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/nsurlstoraged/dafsaData.binSandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbproc_pidpathinfo_internal : EACCES returned by vnode_lookup for uid 88 [ 45.634844]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 45.634852]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 45.634854]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 45.634878]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 585, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 45.696037]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 585 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.696697]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 586, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 45.696703]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 586 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.697333]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 587, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 45.697340]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 587 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.698009]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 588, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 45.698017]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 588 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.703965]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 585, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 45.703972]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 585 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.704469]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 586, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 45.704477]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 586 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.706027]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 587, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 45.706034]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 587 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.706285]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 588, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(300MB NF), Inactive(300MB, NF) [ 45.706291]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 588 (300MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.727517]: Sandbox apply: mediaanalysisd[588] Sandbox apply: diagnosticextensionsd[585] Sandbox apply: financed[586] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 550, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(37MB NF), Inactive(37MB, NF) [ 45.988691]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 550 (37MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.989013]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 546, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 45.989023]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 546 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.989237]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 576, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 45.989244]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 576 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 45.990623]: 5 duplicate reports for Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbSandbox: homed(491) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.powerlog.plxpclogger.xpcSandbox: ContextStoreAgent(426) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.coremedia.volumecontroller.xpcconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSandbox: coreduetd(116) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.biome.access.userPMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 46.635194]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 46.635197]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 46.635217]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe00341003 duplicate reports for Sandbox: coreduetd(116) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.biome.access.userSandbox: transparencyd(464) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.transparencydAppleKeyStore:8084:567: unexpected session: 100033 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (567) [ 46.872753]: AppleKeyStore:12143:567: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100033) [ 46.882443]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 589, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 46.882453]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 589 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 46.883218]: Sandbox apply: UsageTrackingAgent[576] Sandbox apply: seld[385] sandboxd rejected approval request from com.apple.dock.extra for kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles (/Users/ryuko/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryDB): deniedSystem Policy: com.apple.dock.extra(455) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryDBSandbox: seld(385) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/applepay/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: seld(385) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/applepay/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences_m.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 589, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 46.911532]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 589 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 46.913310]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 590, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 46.913317]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 590 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 46.919328]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 590, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(155MB NF), Inactive(155MB, NF) [ 46.919336]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 590 (155MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 46.933723]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[589] Sandbox apply: maild[590] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 591, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 47.089037]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 591 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 47.096184]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 591, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(300MB NF), Inactive(300MB, NF) [ 47.096190]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 591 (300MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 47.113571]: Sandbox apply: photolibraryd[591] virtual void IOAccelSysMemory::free(): still have 1 outstanding fCPULockedKernMapping [ 47.475494]: Sandbox: transparencyd(464) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.transparencydSandbox: triald(493) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plistmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 592, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 47.479184]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 592 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 47.480633]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: triald(493) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plistSandbox: financed(586) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistPMRD: assertionsUser 0x40->0x41 [ 47.482771]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034150PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 47.497987]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 592, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 47.497993]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 592 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 47.635752]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 47.635759]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 47.635762]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 47.635789]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100Sandbox apply: ScopedBookmarkAgent[592] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: financed(586) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: seld(385) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 593, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 48.218089]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 593 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 48.224197]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 593, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(300MB NF), Inactive(300MB, NF) [ 48.224202]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 593 (300MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 48.242849]: Sandbox apply: photoanalysisd[593] PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 48.636551]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 48.636557]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 48.636611]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe00341001 duplicate report for Sandbox: seld(385) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: parsecd(483) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientIOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 483, parsecd [ 48.848138]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 483, parsecd [ 48.902493]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: parsecd(483) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientSandbox: contextstored(221) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.biome.compute.source.userPMRD: assertionsUser 0x41->0x40 [ 48.905705]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034150PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 48.918236]: 3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: contextstored(221) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.biome.compute.source.userSandbox: triald(493) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.metadata.mdsSandbox apply: mediasharingd[546] Sandbox apply: cloudpaird[553] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 594, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 48.988003]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 594 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 49.256288]: PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40->0x41 [ 49.256328]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034150PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 49.259050]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 594, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 49.259060]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 594 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 49.260002]: PMRD: assertionsUser 0x41->0x40 [ 49.260040]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034150PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 49.260888]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: triald(493) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.metadata.mdsSandbox: contextstored(221) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.biome.compute.source.user2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: contextstored(221) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.biome.compute.source.userSandbox: assistantd(510) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientIOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 510, assistantd [ 49.264978]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 510, assistantd [ 49.268343]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: assistantd(510) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientSandbox: contextstored(221) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.biome.compute.source.usermemorystatus_update(enter): pid 595, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 49.273326]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 595 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 49.280698]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 595, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 49.280704]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 595 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 49.307358]: Sandbox apply: gamecontrolleragentd[595] PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 49.636865]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 49.636868]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 49.636891]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100Sandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcSandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.db1 duplicate report for Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) file-read-data /private/var/db/DuetActivityScheduler/DuetActivitySchedulerClassC.dbSandbox: parsecd(483) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientIOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 483, parsecd [ 50.217514]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 483, parsecd [ 50.218242]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.218254]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.218814]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: parsecd(483) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientSandbox: triald(493) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientIOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.219062]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.335624]: connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributes1 duplicate report for Sandbox: triald(493) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientSandbox: assistantd(510) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientIOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 510, assistantd [ 50.571404]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 510, assistantd [ 50.578856]: connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributes1 duplicate report for Sandbox: assistantd(510) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientSandbox: cloudpaird(553) deny(1) system-fsctl (_IO "h" 47)memorystatus_update(enter): pid 596, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 50.583207]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 596 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 50.590606]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 596, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(40MB NF), Inactive(40MB, NF) [ 50.590612]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 596 (40MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 50.593543]: AppleKeyStore:8084:567: unexpected session: 100033 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (567) [ 50.593554]: AppleKeyStore:12143:567: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100033) [ 50.606875]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.606885]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.607314]: Sandbox: triald(493) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientIOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.607462]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.637354]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 50.637360]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 50.637362]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 50.637384]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.660259]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.660763]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.660897]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.700284]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 597, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 50.700292]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 597 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 50.701171]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.701181]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.701781]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.702000]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.710719]: tx_flush:1241: disk1 xid 26536 tx stats: # 100 finish 100 enter 288 wait 13 6870us close 4us flush 1494us [ 50.711598]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.mdbulkimport: Not eligible for acceleration [ 50.711969]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 597, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(25MB NF), Inactive(25MB, NF) [ 50.711973]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 597 (25MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 50.730694]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.730704]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.731400]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.731760]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.745564]: Sandbox apply: mdbulkimport[597] 7 duplicate reports for Sandbox: triald(493) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientSandbox: mdbulkimport(597) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.FileProviderSandbox: cloudpaird(553) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.tccdSandbox: cloudpaird(553) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plist1 duplicate report for Sandbox: cloudpaird(553) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: cloudpaird(553) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.metadata.mdsAppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.775948]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.776589]: 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: cloudpaird(553) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.metadata.mdsSandbox: triald(493) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientIOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.776838]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.805652]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.805662]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.806171]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.806305]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.832745]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.832754]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.833490]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.833768]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.874865]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.874877]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.875465]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.875685]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.900877]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.900892]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.901640]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.901792]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.921761]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 598, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 50.921767]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 598 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 50.928755]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.audio.ComponentTagHelper: Not eligible for acceleration [ 50.929241]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 598, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 50.929249]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 598 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 50.932959]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.932969]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.933360]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.933540]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.961998]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.962008]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.962452]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.962627]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.992669]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 50.992681]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 50.993117]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 50.993258]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.022356]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 51.022367]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 51.023016]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.023340]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.051940]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 51.051949]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 51.052750]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.053123]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.079487]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 51.079496]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 51.080233]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.080529]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.113417]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 51.113427]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 51.113812]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.113977]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.141964]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 51.141974]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 51.142727]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.143027]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.171203]: AppleKeyStore:8084:514: unexpected session: 100032 uid: -1 requested by: com.apple.siri.embeddedspeech (514) [ 51.171222]: AppleKeyStore:12143:514: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2, -1, 100032) [ 51.171765]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.171971]: IOUC AppleKeyStoreUserClient failed MACF in process pid 493, triald [ 51.367604]: macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2macl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2Sandbox apply: remindd[558] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 599, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 51.566700]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 599 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 51.574982]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 599, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 51.574990]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 599 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 51.587348]: Sandbox apply: SiriTTSSynthesizerAU[599] PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 51.638115]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 51.638122]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 51.638162]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 600, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 51.745313]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 600 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 51.750372]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 601, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 51.750378]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 601 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 51.754953]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 601, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 51.754959]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 601 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 51.755904]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 602, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 51.755910]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 602 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 51.778101]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[601] connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributessuccessfully parsed 1/4 entries for file Remindersconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 603, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 52.571442]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 603 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 52.580652]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 603, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 52.580659]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 603 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 52.638686]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 52.638701]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 52.638704]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 52.638737]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe003410027 duplicate reports for Sandbox: triald(493) deny(1) iokit-open-user-client AppleKeyStoreUserClientSandbox: softwareupdated(275) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/softwareupdate/Library/Preferences/com.apple.OSPersonalization.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: UARPUpdaterServiceDisplay(350) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.uarpupdaterservice.display.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/accessoryupdater/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: accessoryupdaterd(93) allow mach-lookup com.apple.softwareupdated.OSUpdateSandbox: remindd(558) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributes1 duplicate report for Sandbox: remindd(558) deny(1) file-read-data /Library/Preferences/com.apple.networkd.plistSandbox: mdbulkimport(597) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.FileProviderconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesPMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 53.639434]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 53.639441]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 53.639485]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe00341002 duplicate reports for Sandbox: mdbulkimport(597) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.FileProviderSandbox: softwareupdated(275) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/softwareupdate/Library/Preferences/com.apple.UpdateMetrics.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: softwareupdated(275) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/private/var/db/softwareupdate/Library/Preferences/com.apple.CFNetwork.plist extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 604, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 53.837325]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 604 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 53.842919]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.AssetCacheLocatorService: Not eligible for acceleration [ 53.843389]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 604, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 53.843395]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 604 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 53.848445]: Sandbox: softwareupdated(275) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.metadata.mdsconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSandbox apply: AssetCacheLocatorService[604] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 605, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 53.881980]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 605 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 53.888791]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 605, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 53.888797]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 605 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 53.936787]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 606, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 53.936794]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 606 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 53.953996]: Sandbox apply: AssetCache[605] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 607, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 53.956949]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 607 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 53.963131]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 606, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(30MB NF), Inactive(30MB, NF) [ 53.963137]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 606 (30MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 53.982541]: Sandbox apply: distnoted[606] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 607, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 54.070900]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 607 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 54.076364]: connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSandbox apply: AssetCacheTetheratorService[607] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: softwareupdated(275) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.metadata.mdsSandbox: imagent(488) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesdaemon.callstatecontrollerTerminate all synthetic devices before generation '1'.AppleKeyStore:3467:121: user ee2a1dbf274747d5a938324da47dffab unlock failed (-5) [ 54.336754]: AppleKeyStore:12143:121: operation failed (sel: 75 ret: e00002ce, -1, 100000) [ 54.440788]: connectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesSandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CARenderServermemorystatus_update(enter): pid 608, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 54.463145]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 608 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 54.470142]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 608, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(28MB NF), Inactive(28MB, NF) [ 54.470147]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 608 (28MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 54.471453]: Sandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.universalaccess2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: siriactionsd(434) deny(1) user-preference-read com.apple.universalaccessSandbox: akd(480) deny(1) file-write-create /Users/ryuko/Library/HTTPStorages/com.apple.akdSandbox: akd(480) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.metadata.mdsconnectx() - failed necp_set_socket_domain_attributesPMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 54.640312]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 54.640318]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 54.640364]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 609, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 54.937727]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 609 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 54.945515]: Couldn't build index for com.apple.StreamingUnzipService: Not eligible for acceleration [ 54.945868]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 609, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 54.945871]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 609 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 54.969553]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.StreamingUnzipService[609] [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1085376 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015716]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1150912 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015721]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1216448 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015725]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1478592 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015729]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 167872 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015742]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 298944 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015752]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 364480 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015770]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 229312 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015775]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 294848 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015780]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 311232 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015783]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 327616 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015790]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 851904 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015794]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 917440 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015798]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 950208 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015802]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 982976 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015807]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1015744 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015811]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1048512 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015814]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1081280 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015817]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1114048 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015821]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1179584 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015824]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1245120 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015827]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1572864. There is 1310656 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015973]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 421824 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015976]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 421824 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015978]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 421824 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015981]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 421824 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.015983]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 421824 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016090]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 548800 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016093]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 548800 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016096]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 548800 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016098]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 548800 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016100]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 548800 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016691]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 552896 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016696]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 552896 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016700]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 552896 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016704]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 552896 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016708]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 552896 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016714]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 585664 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016719]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 618432 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016724]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 651200 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016729]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 655296 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016734]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 659392 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016738]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 663488 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016742]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 667584 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016747]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 671680 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016751]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 675776 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016755]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 679872 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016760]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 683968 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016764]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 688064 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016769]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 692160 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016773]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 696256 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016777]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 700352 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016780]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 704448 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016785]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 708544 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016789]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 712640 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016793]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 716736 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016797]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 724928 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016829]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 524224 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016832]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 524224 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016834]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 524224 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016836]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 524224 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016838]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 524224 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.016842]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:262144. There is 532416 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.598449]: AppleKeyStore:3467:121: user ee2a1dbf274747d5a938324da47dffab unlock failed (-5) [ 55.598464]: AppleKeyStore:12143:121: operation failed (sel: 75 ret: e00002ce, -1, 100000) [ 55.640932]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 55.640941]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 55.640946]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 55.640976]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100[5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 3186624 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799782]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 3186624 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799785]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 3186624 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799787]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 3186624 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799790]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 3186624 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799808]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 3338176 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799816]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 8646592 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799820]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 8777664 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799829]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 8802240 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799832]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 8839104 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799837]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:8388608. There is 8851392 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799940]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1048576. There is 528320 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799943]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1048576. There is 528320 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799945]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1048576. There is 528320 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799948]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1048576. There is 528320 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799950]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1048576. There is 528320 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799954]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1048576. There is 561088 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.799957]: [5:0:0]: AMD ERROR! Failed to allocate size:1048576. There is 593856 free memory remaining, and 281210816 fixed-free memory remaining. [ 55.973300]: virtual void IOAccelSysMemory::free(): still have 1 outstanding fCPULockedKernMapping [ 55.973511]: virtual void IOAccelSysMemory::free(): still have 1 outstanding fCPULockedKernMapping [ 56.641691]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 56.641697]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 56.641699]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 56.641721]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 610, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 56.757138]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 610 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 56.767141]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 611, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 56.767147]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 611 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 57.642263]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 57.642270]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 57.642272]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 57.642300]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 58.643193]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 58.643199]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 58.643245]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 59.643946]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 59.643952]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 59.643997]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100Sandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcPMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 60.644826]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 60.644832]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 60.644874]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 612, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 60.674707]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 612 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 60.684124]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 612, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, F ) [ 60.684130]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 612 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 60.728068]: Sandbox apply: weatherd[612] Sandbox: weatherd(612) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/mobilePMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 61.645527]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 61.645533]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 61.645587]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100tx_flush:1241: disk1 xid 26556 tx stats: # 120 finish 120 enter 268 wait 15 6214us close 4us flush 1479us [ 62.646150]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 62.646157]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 62.646159]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 62.646182]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100memorystatus_update(enter): pid 613, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 63.478734]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 613 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 63.487167]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 613, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(10MB NF), Inactive(10MB, NF) [ 63.487175]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 613 (10MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 63.538244]: Sandbox apply: adprivacyd[613] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: weatherd(612) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/mobileSandbox: adprivacyd(613) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.ManagedClient.agentSandbox: adprivacyd(613) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.windowserver.active1 duplicate report for Sandbox: adprivacyd(613) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.windowserver.activeSandbox: adprivacyd(613) deny(1) file-write-create /private/var/folders/xr/n1vgs78x3xb_9r696t8zgznc0000gn/T/com.apple.adprivacydPMRD: assertionsUser 0x40->0x41 [ 64.272873]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034150PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 64.722456]: Starting poll type 1 [ 64.722467]: Restarting poll type 1 [ 64.722680]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 64.722690]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 65.162778]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 65.162793]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 65.162831]: Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x84 [ 65.262808]: SmartBattery: finished polling type 1 [ 65.262935]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Battery Powered: true [ 65.262941]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Has Wired Ethernet Link: true [ 65.262945]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Has Ethernet HW Timestamps: false [ 65.262948]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Has WiFi HW Timestamps: false [ 65.262951]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): External Power Connected: true [ 65.262960]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Device is battery powered [ 65.262976]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): messagePriorityVector 250, 248, 33, 17258, 239, 0xa036bc6b2d9a0008, 0, 0xa036bc6b2d9a0008, 0, 0 [ 65.262984]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): AnnounceInfo 250, 248, 33, 17258, 239, 0xa036bc6b2d9a0008, 0 | 0x0008, 37, 160 [ 65.263005]: IOTimeSyncDomain(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Set clock slave port to 0, grandmaster Identity 0xa036bc6b2d9a0008 [ 65.360435]: Sandbox: swcd(566) deny(1) system-fsctl (_IO "h" 47)Sandbox: dasd(133) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.systemstats.analysismemorystatus_update(enter): pid 614, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 66.845832]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 614 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 66.862590]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 615, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 66.862595]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 615 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 71.150375]: Sandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 616, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 75.431324]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 616 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 75.441472]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 616, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(50MB NF), Inactive(50MB, NF) [ 75.441482]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 616 (50MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 75.502122]: Sandbox apply: mdsync[616] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 621, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 75.808730]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 621 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 75.815774]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 621, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(100MB NF), Inactive(100MB, NF) [ 75.815780]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 621 (100MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 75.862811]: Sandbox apply: MTLCompilerService[621] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 626, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 76.094629]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 626 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.095090]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 627, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 76.095094]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 627 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.095383]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 628, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 76.095387]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 628 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.095679]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 629, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 76.095683]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 629 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.096518]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 630, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 76.096527]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 630 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.097487]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 631, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 76.097496]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 631 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.098416]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 632, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 76.098425]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 632 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.099333]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 633, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 76.099342]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 633 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.100202]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 634, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 76.100211]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 634 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.101004]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 635, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 76.101013]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 635 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.108886]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 628, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 76.108893]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 628 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.108994]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 629, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 76.109000]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 629 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.109073]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 627, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 76.109076]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 627 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.109103]: filecache_entry_set_syspolicy_locked: invalidating memorystatus_update(enter): pid 634, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 76.109718]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 634 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.110048]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 632, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 76.110058]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 632 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.110324]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 626, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 76.110330]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 626 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.110455]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 633, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 76.110464]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 633 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.110480]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 631, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 76.110488]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 631 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.110522]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 630, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 76.110531]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 630 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.110739]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 635, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 76.110750]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 635 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 76.179850]: Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[634] Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[626] Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[627] Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[632] Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[635] Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[633] Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[630] Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[631] Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[628] Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[629] Sandbox: MTLCompilerService(621) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/rootmacl_get_vnode: failed to resolve vnode: 2tx_flush:1241: disk1 xid 26576 tx stats: # 140 finish 146 enter 244 wait 16 6069us close 3us flush 1453us [ 81.153269]: Sandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 636, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 81.867758]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 636 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 81.878068]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 637, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 81.878074]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 637 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 81.882184]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 637, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 81.882190]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 637 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 81.893871]: Sandbox apply: SiriTTSSynthesizerAU[637] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 638, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 81.917347]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 638 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 81.917812]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 639, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 81.917816]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 639 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 81.921777]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 639, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 81.921783]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 639 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 81.933617]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 638, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 81.933623]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 638 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 81.947785]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[639] Sandbox apply: KonaSynthesizer[638] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 640, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 81.973811]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 640 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 81.979366]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 640, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 81.979372]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 640 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 82.010582]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[640] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 643, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 82.026024]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 643 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 82.032865]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 643, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 82.032870]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 643 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 82.045865]: Sandbox apply: MacinTalkAUSP[643] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 648, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 82.236864]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 648 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 82.243329]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 648, priority 90, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 82.243334]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 648 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(90) dirty?=0x0 [ 82.247476]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 649, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 82.247481]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 649 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 82.248609]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 650, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 82.248614]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 650 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 82.252112]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 649, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 82.252118]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 649 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 82.255681]: Sandbox apply: WardaSynthesizer_x86_64[648] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 651, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 82.277149]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 651 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 82.279767]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[649] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 651, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 82.283874]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 651 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 82.307314]: Sandbox apply: com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[651] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 652, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 86.978822]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 652 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 87.348252]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 653, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 87.348258]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 653 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 94.274217]: PMRD: assertionsUser 0x41->0x40 [ 94.274260]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034150PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 8, 0x0 ) [ 94.837734]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 1 [ 94.838034]: PMRD: power event 8 args 0x2 0x0 [ 94.838043]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 2, 0x0 ) [ 94.838048]: PMRD: aggressiveness changed: system 0->1, display 10 [ 94.838051]: PMRD: idle time -> 0 ms (ena 1) [ 94.838054]: PMRD: idle sleep timer enabled [ 96.310342]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 654, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 96.310352]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 654 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 96.319367]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 654, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 96.319376]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 654 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 96.371827]: Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[654] PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0 [ 96.431173]: PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1) [ 96.431177]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 ) [ 97.011511]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 655, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 97.011517]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 655 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 97.414086]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 656, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 97.414093]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 656 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 99.214020]: AppleKeyStore:12155:0: AppleKeyStoreUserClient: Assertion timer fired [ 99.568897]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 657, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 99.568903]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 657 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 99.576390]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 657, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 99.576396]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 657 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 99.934937]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 658, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 99.934945]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 658 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 99.944596]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 658, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(14MB NF), Inactive(10MB, NF) [ 99.944602]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 658 (14MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 99.979543]: Sandbox apply: linkd[658] 1 duplicate report for Sandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-read-data /usr/libexec1 duplicate report for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-read-data /usr/libexecSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-read-data /usr/libexec/linkdSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) user-preference-read kCFPreferencesAnyApplication2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) user-preference-read kCFPreferencesAnyApplicationSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-read-data /usr/libexecSandbox: donotdisturbd(420) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Daemon Containers/2DB80708-DB68-4FF6-9A37-695D37D45A1B/Data/linkd.metadatastore.sqlite3Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Calendar.app/Contents/Extensions/CalendarFocusConfigurationExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.read1 duplicate report for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Calendar.app/Contents/Extensions/CalendarFocusConfigurationExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Mail.app/Contents/Extensions/MailShortcutsExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.read2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Mail.app/Contents/Extensions/MailShortcutsExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Extensions/SafariLinkExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.read3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Extensions/SafariLinkExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Messages.app/Contents/Extensions/MessagesActionExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.read2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Messages.app/Contents/Extensions/MessagesActionExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Calendar.app/Contents/Extensions/CalendarFocusConfigurationExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.read1 duplicate report for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Calendar.app/Contents/Extensions/CalendarFocusConfigurationExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Extensions/SafariLinkExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.read3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Extensions/SafariLinkExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Mail.app/Contents/Extensions/MailShortcutsExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.read2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Mail.app/Contents/Extensions/MailShortcutsExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Messages.app/Contents/Extensions/MessagesActionExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 659, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 100.080996]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 659 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.082979]: 2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Messages.app/Contents/Extensions/MessagesActionExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: donotdisturbd(420) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Daemon Containers/2DB80708-DB68-4FF6-9A37-695D37D45A1B/Data/linkd.metadatastore.sqlite3Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Messages.app/Contents/Extensions/MessagesActionExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 659, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 100.085223]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 659 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.100542]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 660, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 100.100547]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 660 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.107095]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 660, priority 30, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB F ), Inactive(1000MB, F ) [ 100.107101]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 660 (1000MB F ) targeting priority(30) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.127378]: Sandbox apply: CalendarFocusConfigurationExtens[660] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 661, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 100.221402]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 661 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.229938]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 661, priority 30, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB F ), Inactive(1000MB, F ) [ 100.229944]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 661 (1000MB F ) targeting priority(30) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.229976]: AMFI: Launch Constraint Violation (not enforcing), error info: c[6]p[2]m[3]e[255], (Process was launched as a system service unexpectedly but met System Service constraints) launching proc[vc: 1 pid: 661]: /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Extensions/SafariLinkExtension.appex/Contents/MacOS/SafariLinkExtension, launch type 1, failure proc [vc: 1 pid: 1]: /sbin/launchd [ 100.230072]: IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::sendDataToUser(uint8_t *, size_t)::309: sending 943 bytes [ 100.253784]: Sandbox apply: SafariLinkExtension[661] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 662, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 100.322322]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 662 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.329469]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 662, priority 30, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB F ), Inactive(1000MB, F ) [ 100.329474]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 662 (1000MB F ) targeting priority(30) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.348083]: Sandbox apply: MailShortcutsExtension[662] memorystatus_update(enter): pid 663, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 100.447636]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 663 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.455265]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 663, priority 30, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB F ), Inactive(1000MB, F ) [ 100.455271]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 663 (1000MB F ) targeting priority(30) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.473138]: Sandbox apply: MessagesActionExtension[663] 2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Messages.app/Contents/Extensions/MessagesActionExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: donotdisturbd(420) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Daemon Containers/2DB80708-DB68-4FF6-9A37-695D37D45A1B/Data/linkd.metadatastore.sqlite3Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Calendar.app/Contents/Extensions/CalendarFocusConfigurationExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.read1 duplicate report for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Calendar.app/Contents/Extensions/CalendarFocusConfigurationExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: donotdisturbd(420) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Daemon Containers/2DB80708-DB68-4FF6-9A37-695D37D45A1B/Data/linkd.metadatastore.sqlite3Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Mail.app/Contents/Extensions/MailShortcutsExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.read2 duplicate reports for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Applications/Mail.app/Contents/Extensions/MailShortcutsExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: donotdisturbd(420) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/ryuko/Library/Daemon Containers/2DB80708-DB68-4FF6-9A37-695D37D45A1B/Data/linkd.metadatastore.sqlite3Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Extensions/SafariLinkExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.read3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: linkd(658) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Extensions/SafariLinkExtension.appex extension-class:com.apple.app-sandbox.readSandbox: SafariLinkExtension(661) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/Users/ryuko/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Preferences extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readmemorystatus_update(enter): pid 664, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 100.495426]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 664 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.501707]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 664, priority 30, dirty=0x0, Active(1000MB F ), Inactive(1000MB, F ) [ 100.501714]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 664 (1000MB F ) targeting priority(30) dirty?=0x0 [ 100.505977]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 100.506369]: PMRD: power event 8 args 0x2 0x0 [ 100.506375]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 2, 0x0 ) [ 100.506379]: PMRD: aggressiveness changed: system 1->0, display 10 [ 100.506381]: PMRD: idle time -> 0 ms (ena 0) [ 100.506383]: PMRD: idle sleep timer disabled [ 100.506391]: PMRD: changePowerStateWithTagToPriv(ON_STATE, 350008) [ 100.506421]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x350008 [ 100.506428]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 100.519468]: Sandbox apply: CalendarWidgetExtension[664] PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 1 [ 101.073663]: PMRD: power event 8 args 0x2 0x0 [ 101.073669]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 2, 0x0 ) [ 101.073674]: PMRD: aggressiveness changed: system 0->1, display 10 [ 101.073676]: PMRD: idle time -> 0 ms (ena 1) [ 101.073678]: PMRD: idle sleep timer enabled [ 101.591411]: tx_flush:1241: disk1 xid 26596 tx stats: # 160 finish 166 enter 225 wait 16 6069us close 3us flush 1409us [ 101.798883]: 3 duplicate reports for Sandbox: SafariLinkExtension(661) deny(1) file-issue-extension target:/Users/ryuko/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Preferences extension-class:com.apple.cfprefsd.readSandbox: pboard(429) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.CoreServices.coreservicesdSandbox: pboard(429) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdvirtual void IOAccelSysMemory::free(): still have 1 outstanding fCPULockedKernMapping [ 101.821780]: PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0 [ 101.821795]: PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1) [ 101.821797]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 ) [ 102.152938]: 5 duplicate reports for Sandbox: pboard(429) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationdSandbox: bluetoothd(144) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.private.corewifi-xpcPMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 104.893460]: PMRD: power event 8 args 0x2 0x0 [ 104.893463]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 2, 0x0 ) [ 104.893464]: PMRD: aggressiveness changed: system 1->0, display 10 [ 104.893465]: PMRD: idle time -> 0 ms (ena 0) [ 104.893466]: PMRD: idle sleep timer disabled [ 104.893469]: PMRD: changePowerStateWithTagToPriv(ON_STATE, 360008) [ 104.893478]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x360008 [ 104.893481]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 104.895110]: PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 1 [ 104.895329]: PMRD: power event 8 args 0x2 0x0 [ 104.895333]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 2, 0x0 ) [ 104.895335]: PMRD: aggressiveness changed: system 0->1, display 10 [ 104.895337]: PMRD: idle time -> 0 ms (ena 1) [ 104.895338]: PMRD: idle sleep timer enabled [ 116.675726]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 667, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 116.675737]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 667 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 116.690565]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 667, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 116.690579]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 667 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 122.647175]: PMRD: power event 2 args 0x50000 0x0 [ 122.647186]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 122.647191]: PMRD: clamshell closed 0, disabled 0/0, desktopMode 0, ac 1 [ 122.647229]: IOTimeSyncTimeSyncTimePort(0xa036bc6b2d9a0008): Other 0xe0034100IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0, [ 124.906779]: IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0 [ 124.907867]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 124.951829]: Starting poll type 1 [ 124.951839]: Restarting poll type 1 [ 124.952043]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 124.952053]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 125.387812]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 125.387827]: Failed to read key . rc:0x87 [ 125.387861]: Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x84 [ 125.487958]: SmartBattery: finished polling type 1 [ 126.112213]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 669, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 126.112225]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 669 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 126.122914]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 669, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(150MB NF), Inactive(150MB, NF) [ 126.122923]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 669 (150MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 126.197233]: Sandbox apply: mdworker_shared[669] IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0, [ 127.064765]: IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0 [ 127.065810]: Couldn't alloc class "AppleKeyStoreTest" [ 127.188885]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 670, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 127.188894]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 670 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 127.189381]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 671, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 127.189385]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 671 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 127.189899]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 672, priority 210, dirty=0x0, Active(-1MB NF), Inactive(-1MB, NF) [ 127.189904]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 672 (-1MB F ) targeting priority(210) dirty?=0x0 [ 127.194514]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 671, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 127.194520]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 671 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0 [ 127.197359]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 670, priority 140, dirty=0x0, Active(307MB NF), Inactive(307MB, NF) [ 127.197364]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 670 (307MB NF) targeting priority(140) dirty?=0x0 [ 127.199842]: Invalid denylist [ 127.236369]: Sandbox apply: dataaccessd[670] PMRD: setAggressiveness(0) kPMMinutesToSleep = 0 [ 127.260489]: PMRD: power event 8 args 0x2 0x0 [ 127.260494]: PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 2, 0x0 ) [ 127.260498]: PMRD: aggressiveness changed: system 1->0, display 10 [ 127.260500]: PMRD: idle time -> 0 ms (ena 0) [ 127.260502]: PMRD: idle sleep timer disabled [ 127.260508]: PMRD: changePowerStateWithTagToPriv(ON_STATE, 370008) [ 127.260522]: PMRD: PowerChangeOverride (ON_STATE->ON_STATE, f, 0x2) tag 0x370008 [ 127.260526]: PMRD: PowerChangeDone: ON_STATE->ON_STATE [ 127.310783]: AppleKeyStore:1918:121: vol-uuid: , portable: 0, res: 0xfffffffd [ 127.310799]: AppleKeyStore:3467:121: user ee2a1dbf274747d5a938324da47dffab unlock successful (0) [ 127.368337]: memorystatus_update(enter): pid 672, priority 40, dirty=0x0, Active(15MB NF), Inactive(15MB, NF) [ 127.368343]: memorystatus_update: init: limit on pid 672 (15MB NF) targeting priority(40) dirty?=0x0