C++ Helper functions for working with NuHepMC standard HepMC3 objects.
This is the recommended way to use NuHepMC::CPPUtils.
Firstly, use CPM.cmake in your project.
Then include the following your CMakeLists.txt
GIT_TAG main
GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/NuHepMC/cpputils.git"
If you already have a compatible copy of HepMC3
that is visible to CMake,
then you can omit the OPTIONS
Then link your targets like so:
target_link_libraries(<mytarget> PUBLIC NuHepMC::CPPUtils)
this will add include directories and linker flags for this library and its dependencies to your target.
cd /path/to/cpputils
mkdir build; cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/where/you/want/to/install \
make install
source /path/to/cpputils/build/$(uname -s)/bin/NuHepMC-config --env
This will also set up the HepMC3 autogenerated python bindings for you.
This section walks through the details of example/ana_skeleton.cxx.
Make a new skeleton analysis implementation, myana.cxx
by running
NuHepMC-config --skele myana.cxx
with the
environment set up. Modify it to your hearts
content. Compile it with NuHepMC-config --build myana.cxx <additional flags>
The produced binary can then run it like: myana input.hepmc
There is nothing particularly clever going on here, NuHepMC-config --build
just wraps a call to the compiler with the relevant NuHepMC::CPPUtils and HepMC3
compiler and linker flags. It hopefully provides a quick way of prototyping C++
NuHepMC analyses.
We use the standard HepMC3::deduce_reader to open input files from file names.
#include "HepMC3/ReaderFactory.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){
auto rdr = HepMC3::deduce_reader(argv[1]);
if (!rdr) {
std::cout << "Failed to instantiate HepMC3::Reader from " << inf
<< std::endl;
return 1;
Its good practice to check that you can read the first event from the input file. This also triggers HepMC3 to read the GenRunInfo, which is useful for determining some input details that you might need before processing the event stream.
#include "HepMC3/ReaderFactory.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){
auto rdr = HepMC3::deduce_reader(argv[1]);
if (!rdr) {
std::cout << "Failed to instantiate HepMC3::Reader from " << inf
<< std::endl;
return 1;
HepMC3::GenEvent evt;
if (rdr->failed()) {
std::cout << "Failed to read the first event from " << inf << std::endl;
return 1;
auto run_info = rdr->run_info();
std::cout << "Warning, after reading the first event, we have no "
"GenRunInfo." << std::endl;
// decide if this is a failure for your analysis.
// return 1;
It is worth grabbing a few important bits of metadata from the run_info before processing the event stream. Some common examples are the meanings of various status codes (interaction process ids and vertex and particle status codes).
// read the various status code definitions
auto proc_ids = GR4::ReadProcessIdDefinitions(run_info);
auto vtxstatus = GR5::ReadVertexStatusIdDefinitions(run_info);
auto partstatus = GR6::ReadParticleStatusIdDefinitions(run_info);
Each of these is a map of a process or status identifier to a pair of strings, the first is a short name for the identifier and the latter is space for a longer form description of the identifer.
HepMC events signal the metric prefix used for their energy and momentum units, it is useful to grab this once at the start and use it as a global scale factor to your analyses desired units. This information is stored on the event and not on the run_info, so you can use the first event that you read to check the reader to grab it and store it.
double ToGeV = Event::ToMeVFactor(evt) * 1E-3;
Once we have a HepMC3::Reader instance and have checked that it can read events, we can loop over events and process each one like so:
// re-open the file to start from the first event
rdr = HepMC3::deduce_reader(inf);
while (true) {
// read an event and check that you haven't finished the file.
// A file only knows it has read the last event after trying to read the
// next one
if (rdr->failed()) {
// .. do something with evt
For many applications we will need to calculate the flux-averaged total cross section (FATX). See NuHepMC section 3 for more details. NuHepMC::CPPUtils provides a accumulator-like helper class for calculating the best-estimate for an event stream. There are multiple ways to estimate the FATX from the metadata specified by NuHepMC, we provide a helper factory function to instantiate the best accumulator subclass given the current event stream. Its usage is demoed below:
auto FATXAcc = FATX::MakeAccumulator(run_info);
// re-open the file to start from the first event
rdr = HepMC3::deduce_reader(inf);
while (true) {
// read an event and check that you haven't finished the file.
// A file only knows it has read the last event after trying to read the
// next one
if (rdr->failed()) {
// G.R.7 CV weight
double evw = FATXAcc->process(evt);
// .. do something with evt
double fatx = FATXAcc->fatx(); // in pb/Atom
double sumw = FATXAcc->sumweights();
size_t nevents = FATXAcc->events();
When tracking event properties, the CV event weight must always be taken into account according to G.R.7. For many simulations, this weight will be 1 or a constant for every event, but it still must be accounted for explicity when writing generic NuHepMC analyses.
To correctly scale some summary property of an event stream to a flux-averaged
cross section measurement prediction, an overall scale of fatx/sumw
will also
need to be applied, where sumw
is the sum of weights for all read events
not just all selected events. The fatx
and sumw
are important properties of
the generator run and not your analysis. For the simplifying case where the
G.R.7 CV weight is 1 for all events, then sumw == nevents
, but this must not
be assumed.
We can write a simple ProcessEvent
function that dumps out some assorted
interesting information about every event that it is passed.
First lets write a helper function that pretty-prints interesting particle
information. HepMC3::Print
does provide pretty print functions, but they're a
bit verbose.
std::string PartToStr(HepMC3::ConstGenParticlePtr pt) {
if (!pt) {
std::stringstream ss;
std::string status = partstatus.count(pt->status())
? partstatus.at(pt->status()).first
: std::to_string(pt->status());
auto mom = pt->momentum() * ToGeV;
ss << "{ id: " << pt->id() << ", pid: " << pt->pid() << ", status: " << status
<< ", p: ( " << mom.x() << ", " << mom.y() << ", "
<< mom.z() << ", E: " << mom.e() << ") GeV }";
return ss.str();
Then we can then implement a ProcessEvent
function that writes out event
information for every event it is passed.
void ProcessEvent(HepMC3::GenEvent &evt) {
auto beampt = Event::GetBeamParticle(evt);
auto tgtpt = Event::GetTargetParticle(evt);
auto primary_vtx = Event::GetPrimaryVertex(evt);
auto process_id = ER3::ReadProcessID(evt);
std::cout << "Evt: " << evt.event_number()
<< ", channel name: " << proc_ids[process_id].first << std::endl;
std::cout << " NVertices = " << evt.vertices().size()
<< ", NParticles = " << evt.particles().size() << std::endl;
std::cout << " Beam particle = " << PartToStr(beampt) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Target particle = " << PartToStr(tgtpt) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Primary Vertex:" << std::endl;
size_t ctr = 0;
for (auto &pt : primary_vtx->particles_in()) {
std::cout << " in[" << ctr++ << "]: " << PartToStr(pt) << std::endl;
ctr = 0;
for (auto &pt : primary_vtx->particles_out()) {
std::cout << " out[" << ctr++ << "]: " << PartToStr(pt) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Final state particles:" << std::endl;
ctr = 0;
for (auto &pt : Event::GetParticles_AllRealFinalState(evt)) {
std::cout << " fs[" << ctr++ << "]: " << PartToStr(pt) << std::endl;
An ACHILLES event:
Evt: 26543, channel name: QESpectralCC0p0pi
NVertices = 4, NParticles = 7
Beam particle = { id: 7, pid: 14, status: Incoming beam Particle, p: ( 0, 0, 0.08, E: 0.08) GeV }
Target particle = { id: 6, pid: 1000180400, status: Target particle, p: ( 0, 0, 0, E: 37.2158) GeV }
Primary Vertex:
in[0]: { id: 1, pid: 2112, status: Decayed physical particle, p: ( -0.105241, -0.0867574, -0.0262175, E: 0.883828) GeV }
in[1]: { id: 2, pid: 14, status: Decayed physical particle, p: ( 0, 0, 1.68566, E: 1.68566) GeV }
out[0]: { id: 3, pid: 2212, status: Propagating, p: ( -0.738176, -0.374054, 1.1692, E: 1.71237) GeV }
Final state particles:
fs[0]: { id: 4, pid: 13, status: Undecayed physical particle, p: ( 0.632935, 0.287297, 0.490241, E: 0.85712) GeV }
fs[1]: { id: 5, pid: 2212, status: Undecayed physical particle, p: ( -0.738176, -0.374054, 1.1692, E: 1.71237) GeV }
A NEUT event:
Evt: 3491, channel name: CC_QE_nu
NVertices = 3, NParticles = 9
Beam particle = { id: 4, pid: 14, status: IncomingBeam, p: ( 0, 0, 1.27846, E: 1.27846) GeV }
Target particle = { id: 1, pid: 1000180400, status: TargetParticle, p: ( 0, 0, 0, E: 0) GeV }
Primary Vertex:
in[0]: { id: 4, pid: 14, status: IncomingBeam, p: ( 0, 0, 1.27846, E: 1.27846) GeV }
in[1]: { id: 3, pid: 2112, status: StruckNucleon, p: ( -0.00981328, 0.0385872, -0.080145, E: 0.943818) GeV }
out[0]: { id: 5, pid: 13, status: DocumentationLine, p: ( 0.0887383, 0.131756, 1.24375, E: 1.2583) GeV }
out[1]: { id: 6, pid: 2212, status: DocumentationLine, p: ( -0.0989173, -0.0937118, -0.0505666, E: 0.949462) GeV }
Final state particles:
fs[0]: { id: 7, pid: 2009900000, status: UndecayedPhysical, p: ( 0, 0, 0, E: 0) GeV }
fs[1]: { id: 8, pid: 13, status: UndecayedPhysical, p: ( 0.0887383, 0.131756, 1.24375, E: 1.2583) GeV }
fs[2]: { id: 9, pid: 2212, status: UndecayedPhysical, p: ( -0.0989173, -0.0937118, -0.0505666, E: 0.949462) GeV }
A NuWro event:
Evt: 3585, channel name: CC non-delta SPP
NVertices = 3, NParticles = 13
Beam particle = { id: 4, pid: 14, status: IncomingBeamParticle, p: ( 0, 0, 3.33073, E: 3.33073) GeV }
Target particle = { id: 1, pid: 1000180400, status: TargetParticle, p: ( 0, 0, 0, E: 0) GeV }
Primary Vertex:
in[0]: { id: 4, pid: 14, status: IncomingBeamParticle, p: ( 0, 0, 3.33073, E: 3.33073) GeV }
in[1]: { id: 3, pid: 2112, status: StruckNucleon, p: ( -0.130055, 0.126408, -0.0156234, E: 0.957037) GeV }
out[0]: { id: 5, pid: 13, status: DocumentationLine, p: ( 0.336762, 0.473758, 2.18424, E: 2.26272) GeV }
out[1]: { id: 6, pid: 2112, status: DocumentationLine, p: ( -0.0828944, -0.0330903, 0.943409, E: 1.33446) GeV }
out[2]: { id: 7, pid: 211, status: DocumentationLine, p: ( -0.165183, 0.00592267, 0.0551189, E: 0.223245) GeV }
out[3]: { id: 8, pid: 111, status: DocumentationLine, p: ( -0.218739, -0.320182, 0.132346, E: 0.431391) GeV }
Final state particles:
fs[0]: { id: 9, pid: 2009900000, status: UndecayedPhysicalParticle, p: ( 0, 0, 0, E: 0) GeV }
fs[1]: { id: 10, pid: 13, status: UndecayedPhysicalParticle, p: ( 0.336762, 0.473758, 2.18424, E: 2.26272) GeV }
fs[2]: { id: 11, pid: 111, status: UndecayedPhysicalParticle, p: ( -0.218739, -0.320182, 0.132346, E: 0.431391) GeV }
fs[3]: { id: 12, pid: 211, status: UndecayedPhysicalParticle, p: ( -0.165183, 0.00592267, 0.0551189, E: 0.223245) GeV }
fs[4]: { id: 13, pid: 2112, status: UndecayedPhysicalParticle, p: ( -0.0784034, -0.0312976, 0.892297, E: 1.2985) GeV }
A GENIE event:
Evt: 3776, channel name: DIS-Weak[CC]
NVertices = 10, NParticles = 16
Beam particle = { id: 1, pid: 14, status: Beam, p: ( 0, 0, 2.36393, E: 2.36393) GeV }
Target particle = { id: 2, pid: 1000180400, status: Target, p: ( 0, 0, 0, E: 37.2155) GeV }
Primary Vertex:
in[0]: { id: 1, pid: 14, status: Beam, p: ( 0, 0, 2.36393, E: 2.36393) GeV }
in[1]: { id: 3, pid: 2212, status: Target nucleon, p: ( 0.0724976, 0.0409516, 0.122352, E: 0.90642) GeV }
out[0]: { id: 5, pid: 13, status: Final state, p: ( -0.207274, -0.193279, 1.22554, E: 1.26231) GeV }
out[1]: { id: 6, pid: 2000000001, status: Prefragmentation, p: ( 0.279772, 0.23423, 1.26075, E: 2.00804) GeV }
Final state particles:
fs[0]: { id: 5, pid: 13, status: Final state, p: ( -0.207274, -0.193279, 1.22554, E: 1.26231) GeV }
fs[1]: { id: 13, pid: 2212, status: Final state, p: ( 0.000916033, 0.0613825, 0.401031, E: 1.02223) GeV }
fs[2]: { id: 14, pid: 211, status: Final state, p: ( 0.176909, 0.00532308, 0.555731, E: 0.599701) GeV }
fs[3]: { id: 15, pid: 111, status: Final state, p: ( 0.101947, 0.167525, 0.303984, E: 0.386112) GeV }
This package contains helper functions for reading, analysing, and writing NuHepMC files.
The hope is that they can be used to abstract away implementation details of the NuHepMC standard and make for more declarative code that works with NuHepMC events.
- Reading:
- Analysing:
, - Writing:
- Miscellaneous:
Helper functions that abstract the querying of HepMC3::GenRunInfo
objects for NuHepMC metadata. Each are namespaced according
to the specific Requirement, Convention, or Suggestion that they correspond to.
#include "NuHepMC/ReaderUtils.hxx"
std::tuple<int, int, int> NuHepMC::GR2::ReadVersion(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
std::string NuHepMC::GR2::ReadVersionString(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
//StatusCodeDescriptors are defined in NuHepMC/Types.hxx as
// using StatusCodeDescriptors =
// std::map<int, std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
// StatusCodeDescriptors[<id>].first is the human readoable name of the <id>
// StatusCodeDescriptors[<id>].second is a longer form description
StatusCodeDescriptors NuHepMC::GR4::ReadProcessIdDefinitions(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
StatusCodeDescriptors NuHepMC::GR5::ReadVertexStatusIdDefinitions(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
StatusCodeDescriptors NuHepMC::GR6::ReadParticleStatusIdDefinitions(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
StatusCodeDescriptors NuHepMC::GR8::ReadNonStandardParticleNumbers(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
std::set<std::string> NuHepMC::GC1::ReadConventions(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
bool NuHepMC::GC1::SignalsConvention(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info,
std::string const &Convention);
bool NuHepMC::GC1::SignalsConventions(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info,
std::vector<std::string> Conventions);
long NuHepMC::GC2::ReadExposureNEvents(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
double NuHepMC::GC3::ReadExposurePOT(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
double NuHepMC::GC3::ReadExposureLivetime(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> NuHepMC::GC4::ReadCrossSectionUnits(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
// See NuHepMC/UnitsUtils.hxx for defined unit enums
CrossSection::Units::Unit NuHepMC::GC4::ParseCrossSectionUnits(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
double NuHepMC::GC5::ReadFluxAveragedTotalXSec(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
CitationData NuHepMC::GC6::ReadAllCitations(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
// See NuHepMC/Types.hxx for the definition of the EnergyDistribution type
// The integer key corresponds to the pid/PDG numbers for a beam particle
// species with a known energy distribution
std::map<int, EnergyDistribution> NuHepMC::GC7::ReadAllEnergyDistributions(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo const> run_info);
int NuHepMC::ER3::ReadProcessID(HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt);
std::vector<double> NuHepMC::ER5::ReadLabPosition(HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt);
double NuHepMC::EC2::ReadTotalCrossSection(HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt);
double NuHepMC::EC3::ReadProcessCrossSection(HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt);
double NuHepMC::EC4::ReadFluxAveragedTotalXSecCVBestEstimate(
HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt);
Helper functions for working with HepMC3::GenEvent
s and HepMC3::GenVertex
#include "NuHepMC/EventUtils.hxx"
// For NuHepMC-defined vertex status codes, you can use definitions from
// NuHepMC/Constants
HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr NuHepMC::Event::GetVertex_First(
HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt, int vtx_status);
HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr NuHepMC::Event::GetPrimaryVertex(
HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt);
HepMC3::ConstGenParticlePtr NuHepMC::Event::GetBeamParticle(
HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt);
HepMC3::ConstGenParticlePtr NuHepMC::Event::GetTargetParticle(
HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt);
// For NuHepMC-defined particle status codes, you can use definitions from
// NuHepMC/Constants
std::vector<HepMC3::ConstGenParticlePtr> NuHepMC::Event::GetParticles_All(
HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt, int part_status, std::vector<int> PDGs = {});
NuHepMC::Event::GetParticles_AllRealFinalState(HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt,
std::vector<int> PDGs = {});
HepMC3::ConstGenParticlePtr NuHepMC::Event::GetParticle_First(
HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt, int part_status, std::vector<int> PDGs = {});
HepMC3::ConstGenParticlePtr NuHepMC::Event::GetParticle_FirstRealFinalState(
HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt, int part_status, std::vector<int> PDGs = {});
HepMC3::ConstGenParticlePtr NuHepMC::Event::GetParticle_HighestMomentum(
HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt, int part_status, std::vector<int> PDGs = {});
HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt, int part_status, std::vector<int> PDGs = {});
// Reads the energy/momentum units of a given event and calculates the scale
// factor required to express particle quantities in MeV-scale units
double NuHepMC::Event::ToMeVFactor(HepMC3::GenEvent const &evt);
// For NuHepMC-defined particle status codes, you can use definitions from
// NuHepMC/Constants
NuHepMC::Vertex::GetParticlesIn_All(HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr &evt,
int part_status, std::vector<int> PDGs = {});
NuHepMC::Vertex::GetParticleIn_HighestMomentum(HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr &evt,
int part_status, std::vector<int> PDGs = {});
NuHepMC::Vertex::GetParticlesOut_All(HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr &vtx,
int part_status, std::vector<int> PDGs = {});
NuHepMC::Vertex::GetParticleOut_HighestMomentum(HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr &evt,
int part_status, std::vector<int> PDGs = {});
A helper class for estimating the flux-averaged total cross section from a stream of NuHepMC events.
#include "NuHepMC/FATXUtils.hxx"
namespace NuHepMC {
namespace FATX {
// ABC for FATX accumulators that can give their best estimate of the FATX after
// being passed N events
// Some subclasses will know the best estimate after one events and others will
// continue to get better the more events you pass them
struct Accumulator {
// Returns the cv weight for the proferred event and accumulates FATX
// information in an input-dependent way
virtual double process(HepMC3::GenEvent const &) = 0;
// Get the current best estimate of the FATX from processed events
virtual double fatx(CrossSection::Units::Unit const &units =
CrossSection::Units::pb_PerAtom) = 0;
// Get the sum of event weights from all processed events
virtual double sumweights() = 0;
// Get the count of all processed events
virtual size_t events() = 0;
// Accumulator factory function which picks the best FATX estimation technique
// from conventions signalled in the GenRunInfo
MakeAccumulator(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> gri);
// Accumulator factory function that selects the accumulator from NuhepMC
// convention identifier. Valid options: G.C.5, E.C.2, E.C.4
std::unique_ptr<Accumulator> MakeAccumulator(std::string const &Convention);
Helper functions that abstract the writing of NuHepMC metadata on
and HepMC3::GenEvent
Each are namespaced according to the specific Requirement, Convention, or
Suggestion that they correspond to.
#include "NuHepMC/WriterUtils.hxx"
void NuHepMC::GR2::WriteVersion(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info);
void NuHepMC::GR4::WriteProcessIDDefinitions(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
StatusCodeDescriptors const &Definitions);
void NuHepMC::GR5::WriteVertexStatusIDDefinitions(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
StatusCodeDescriptors const &Definitions);
void NuHepMC::GR6::WriteParticleStatusIDDefinitions(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
StatusCodeDescriptors const &Definitions);
void NuHepMC::GR7::SetWeightNames(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
std::vector<std::string> const &names);
void NuHepMC::GR8::WriteNonStandardParticleNumbers(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
std::map<int, std::string> const &nonstandard_pdg_definitions);
void NuHepMC::GR8::WriteNonStandardParticleNumbers(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
ParticleNumberDescriptors const &nonstandard_pdg_definitions);
void NuHepMC::GC1::SetConventions(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
std::vector<std::string> const &conventions);
void NuHepMC::GC2::SetExposureNEvents(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info, int NEvents);
void NuHepMC::GC3::SetExposurePOT(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
double POT);
void NuHepMC::GC3::SetExposureLivetime(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info, double Livetime);
void NuHepMC::GC4::SetCrossSectionUnits(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,std::string const &xs_units,
std::string const &target_scale);
void NuHepMC::GC5::SetFluxAveragedTotalXSec(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info, double fatx);
void NuHepMC::GC6::AddCitationMetadata(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info, std::string const &component,
std::string const &type, std::vector<std::string> const &values);
void NuHepMC::GC6::AddGeneratorCitation(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info, std::string const &type,
std::vector<std::string> const &values);
void NuHepMC::GC6::AddProcessCitation(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info, int const &ProcID,
std::string const &type, std::vector<std::string> const &values);
void NuHepMC::GC7::WriteBeamUnits(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
std::string const &EnergyUnit, std::string const &RateUnit = "");
void NuHepMC::GC7::SetHistogramBeamType(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info);
void NuHepMC::GC7::SetMonoEnergeticBeamType(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info);
void NuHepMC::GC7::WriteBeamEnergyHistogram(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info, int BeamParticleNumber,
std::vector<double> const &bin_edges, std::vector<double> const &bin_content,
bool ContentIsPerWidth = false);
void NuHepMC::GC7::WriteBeamEnergyMonoenergetic(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info, int BeamParticleNumber,
double const &energy);
void NuHepMC::GC7::WriteBeamEnergyDistribution(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info, int BeamParticleNumber,
EnergyDistribution distribution);
void NuHepMC::GC7::WriteBeamEnergyDistributions(
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
std::map<int, EnergyDistribution> const &distributions);
void NuHepMC::ER3::SetProcessID(HepMC3::GenEvent &evt, int ProcID);
void NuHepMC::ER5::SetLabPosition(HepMC3::GenEvent &evt,
std::vector<double> const &LabPos);
void NuHepMC::EC2::SetTotalCrossSection(HepMC3::GenEvent &evt, double CrossSec);
void NuHepMC::EC3::SetProcessCrossSection(HepMC3::GenEvent &evt,
double CrossSec);
void NuHepMC::PC2::SetRemnantParticleNumber(HepMC3::GenParticlePtr &ptr,
int particle_number);
A helper function for picking the most appropriate HepMC3::Writer
subclass for
an output filename; e.g. a HepMC3::WriterGZHepMC3::protobufIOWriter would be
instantiated for the filename myevents.pb.gz
#include "NuHepMC/make_writer.hxx"
HepMC3::Writer * NuHepMC::Writer::make_writer(std::string const &name,
std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info = nullptr);
Helper template functions picking the correct HepMC3::Attribute
subclass to
read and write common C++ types. See
src/NuHepMC/Traits.hxx for the mapping between C++
types and HepMC3::Attribute
#include "NuHepMC/AttributeUtils.hxx"
template <typename T>
void NuHepMC::add_attribute(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenRunInfo> run_info,
std::string const &name, T const &val);
template <typename T>
void NuHepMC::add_attribute(HepMC3::GenParticlePtr &part, std::string const &name,
T const &val);
template <typename T>
void NuHepMC::add_attribute(HepMC3::GenEvent &ge, std::string const &name,
T const &val);
template <typename T> bool HasAttribute(T const &obj, std::string const &name);
template <typename AT, typename T>
auto CheckedAttributeValue(T const &obj, std::string const &name);
template <typename AT, typename T>
auto CheckedAttributeValue(T const &obj, std::string const &name,
AT const &defval);
Some useful enum-like definitions corresponding to NuHepMC-defined status identifiers.
#include "NuHepMC/Constants.hxx"
// V.R.1
// V.C.1
// P.R.1
// P.C.1
// P.C.2
Some useful enums for NuHepMC-defined cross section units and a helper function for calculating scale factors between different unit definitions.
#include "NuHepMC/UnitsUtils.hxx"
namespace NuHepMC {
namespace CrossSection {
namespace Units {
enum class Scale { CustomType, pb, cm2, cm2_ten38, Automatic };
enum class TargetScale {
struct Unit {
Scale scale;
TargetScale tgtscale;
bool operator==(Unit const &other) const {
return (scale == other.scale) && (tgtscale == other.tgtscale);
bool operator!=(Unit const &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
const Unit pb_PerAtom{Scale::pb, TargetScale::PerTargetAtom};
const Unit cm2ten38_PerAtom{Scale::cm2_ten38, TargetScale::PerTargetAtom};
const Unit pb_PerNucleon{Scale::pb, TargetScale::PerTargetNucleon};
const Unit cm2ten38_PerNucleon{Scale::cm2_ten38, TargetScale::PerTargetNucleon};
// automatic is used to signal that the input scale should be read from the
// evt.run_info() according to G.C.4
const Unit automatic{Scale::Automatic, TargetScale::Automatic};
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
NuHepMC::CrossSection::Units::Scale us);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
NuHepMC::CrossSection::Units::TargetScale ts);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
NuHepMC::CrossSection::Units::Unit const &u);
namespace NuHepMC {
std::string to_string(NuHepMC::CrossSection::Units::Scale us);
std::string to_string(NuHepMC::CrossSection::Units::TargetScale ts);
std::string to_string(NuHepMC::CrossSection::Units::Unit const &u);