Active Inflector is a library for inflecting words between plural and singular forms. Active Inflector aims to be compatible with ActiveSupport::Inflector from Ruby on Rails, including the ability to add your own inflections in your app.
- Private Fields
As always, a consuming project can run a transpiler over dependencies.
pnpm add active-inflector
All methods are always available from the active-inflector
import { Inflector, singularize, pluralize } from "active-inflector";
Inflector.inflector.singularize("tacos"); // taco
Inflector.inflector.pluralize("taco"); // tacos
singularize("tacos"); // taco
pluralize("taco"); // tacos
pluralize(2, "taco"); // 2 tacos
pluralize(2, "tacos", { withoutCount: true }); // tacos
If necessary you can setup special inflection rules for your application:
import { Inflector } from "active-inflector";
Inflector.inflector.irregular("person", "people");
See the Contributing guide for details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.