Reporting tool for finding missing objects in OSM for Denmark
This service is currently deployed at and maintained by Jørgen Elgaard Larsen.
This service assumes that you run on at Debian GNU/Linux system. It might run on other platforms, but that has not been tested.
Install PostgreSQL with PostGIS. You will also need osm2pgsql, GDAL, perl and bash.
apt-get install postgresql postgis osm2pgsql gdal perl bash
Create a new database, and configure it for this application:
sudo -u postgres createuser osm
sudo -u postgres createdb --encoding=UTF8 --owner=osm osm
psql osm < sql/setup.sql
Install node packages:
npm install
Then, copy
and edit the values:
should be a user with full permissions to theosm
should be the username and password for a user registered on download.kortforsyningen.dkLOGFILE
should be set to a file path writable by the user running the scripts.
NOTE!!! In the file public/map.php
, there is an access token for Mapbox. Please obtain your own and use that instead.