A Workflow for Rapid Unbiased Quantification of Fibrillar Feature Alignment in Biological Images
Marcotti S, Belo de Freitas D, Troughton LD, Kenny FN, Shaw T, Stramer BM, Oakes PW
Front Comput Sci. 3:745831 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomp.2021.745831
bioRxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.22.453401v1
Algorithms to calculate fibre alignment from biological images can be found in this repository. Implementations in Python and MATLAB can be found in the specified folders. Documentation for running each version is included in the folders as well.
This work builds upon and fleshes out previous workflows introduced in: Aratyn-Schaus et al. Mol Biol Cell 2011; 22(8):1330-1339 and Cetera et al. Nat Commun 2014; 5:1-12
If you are looking for the FouRD adaptation of AFT, please refer to this repo (MATLAB version only), associated to Aggarwal et al. J Micro 2024
See here for a list of publications that have successfully utilised AFT!