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C - Sorting algorithms & Big O

In this project, We implemented several different sorting algorithms.

Helper Files 🙌

  • print_array.c: C function that prints an array of integers.
  • print_list.c: C function that prints a listint_t doubly-linked list.

Tasks 📃

  • 0. Bubble sort

    • 0-bubble_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Bubble Sort algorithm.
    • Prints the array after each swap.
    • 0-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Bubble Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 1. Insertion sort

    • 1-insertion_sort_list.c: C function that sorts a listint_t doubly-linked list of integers in ascending order using the Insertion Sort algorithm.
    • Prints the list after each swap.
    • 1-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Insertion Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 2. Selection sort

    • 2-selection_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Selection Sort algorithm.
    • Prints the array after each swap.
    • 2-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Selection Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 3. Quick sort

    • 3-quick_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Quick Sort algorithm.
    • Implements the Lomuto partition scheme.
    • Always uses the last element of the partition being sorted as the pivot.
    • Prints the array after each swap.
    • 3-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Quick Sort Lomuto Partition scheme algorithm, one per line.

  • 4. Dealer
    • 1000-sort_deck.c: C function that sorts a deck_node_t doubly-linked list deck of cards.
    • Assumes that there are exactly 52 elements in the doubly-linked list.
    • Orders the deck from spades to diamonds and from aces to kings.
{Jack, C}, {4, H}, {3, H}, {3, D}, {Queen, H}, {5, H}, {5, S}, {10, H}, {6, H}, {5, D}, {6, S}, {9, H}, {7, D}
{Jack, S}, {Ace, D}, {9, C}, {Jack, D}, {7, S}, {King, D}, {10, C}, {King, S}, {8, C}, {9, S}, {6, C}, {Ace, C}, {3, S}
{8, S}, {9, D}, {2, H}, {4, D}, {6, D}, {3, C}, {Queen, C}, {10, S}, {8, D}, {8, H}, {Ace, S}, {Jack, H}, {2, C}
{4, S}, {2, S}, {2, D}, {King, C}, {Queen, S}, {Queen, D}, {7, C}, {7, H}, {5, C}, {10, D}, {4, C}, {King, H}, {Ace, H}

{Ace, S}, {2, S}, {3, S}, {4, S}, {5, S}, {6, S}, {7, S}, {8, S}, {9, S}, {10, S}, {Jack, S}, {Queen, S}, {King, S}
{Ace, H}, {2, H}, {3, H}, {4, H}, {5, H}, {6, H}, {7, H}, {8, H}, {9, H}, {10, H}, {Jack, H}, {Queen, H}, {King, H}
{Ace, C}, {2, C}, {3, C}, {4, C}, {5, C}, {6, C}, {7, C}, {8, C}, {9, C}, {10, C}, {Jack, C}, {Queen, C}, {King, C}
{Ace, D}, {2, D}, {3, D}, {4, D}, {5, D}, {6, D}, {7, D}, {8, D}, {9, D}, {10, D}, {Jack, D}, {Queen, D}, {King, D}



To compile the program this command has to be executed:

gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic <main_file> <function_to_use> <print_algorithm> -o <name_executable>

You can run this file in your terminal with the next command:

$ ./<name_executable>
alex@/tmp/sort$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic 1-main.c 1-insertion_sort_list.c print_list.c -o insertion
alex@/tmp/sort$ ./insertion
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If you find any bug, please, let us know.


All files have been written in the Betty Style.


  • Obed Rayo github
  • Camilo Zapata github