I'm planning to make a game that will allow players to interact with consoles/shells/command lines/whatever you wanna call them. So FlxShell is like a simulated Linux-like mini-OS where the sole interface is a shell and where the two scripting languages are an interpreted version of Haxe and a very basic implementation of the Linux shell language.
Try the 'help' command to get started.
The shell features |, >, >>, and < operators, but not all commands support it yet. Commands return objects, not strings, so redirection has huge potential. Also the shell allows you to use strings (ex: 'this is a string'). They can be used with <, >, and | operators, but not yet as command arguments.
- HaxeFlixel
- hscript
Available commands (Not all commands support redirection operators yet, even if they are marked as done):
Commands marked with "|" support the | operator as input. Commands marked with "<" support the < operator as input. All commands can output to a file with the ">" operator.
- backup -> done
- cat -> done |<
- cd -> done |<
- clip -> done |<
- cp -> done
- echo -> done |<
- edit (minimalistic text editor) -> done |<
- find
- grep
- help -> done
- ls -> done |<
- mkdir -> done
- mv -> done
- netstat -> done
- pwd -> done
- rename -> done
- rm -> done
- rmdir -> done
- script (hscript interpreter) -> done |<
- send -> done |<
- shell (shell language interpreter) -> done |<
- touch -> done
- Command history: up arrow/down arrow
- Enter command: enter
- Auto-complete file names: tab
- Move cursor one word: ctrl + left arrow / ctrl + right arrow
- First/last command in command history: page up / page down
- Skip to beginning/end of line: home/end
- Copy on-screen text: ctrl + 1
- Save drive: F1
- Toggle shell: escape
- Save: ctrl + s
- Quit: ctrl + d
- Move cursor one word: ctrl + left arrow / ctrl + right arrow
- Move cursor to end or beginning of file: ctrl + down arrow / ctrl + up arrow
- Move cursor to end or beginning of line: ctrl + end / ctrl + home
- Auto-scroll down / up: page down / page up
- Toggle editor: escape
- This is a regular AS3 input TextField so most editing tricks on your OS should work, the ones I listed are just the ones I found, there's most likely more.
- F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 to switch between shells
- Export your drive as a JSON file with "backup -s"
- Load a JSON file into your drive with "backup -l"
Now this is where it gets complicated. In debug mode, FlxShell will initially load the "assets/data/FlxOS.txt" file. In release mode, it loads your last saved drive. To save your drive, hit F1 while in the shell or call "save". This save/load mechanism is not the same as the above JSON export/load mechanism. It's not the best idea to leave saving entirely up to the user, so in your implementation call FlxShell object.save() when appropriate.
- Finish find and grep commands
- Rethink the concept of returning objects instead of strings
- Add file viewer
- cd bin
- cd ..
- ls
- help -b
- help -bin
- edit /bin/ls
- edit bin/ls
- edit -h
- bin/ls < edit
- pwd
- pwd > test
- pwd >> test
- pwd | echo
- pwd | echo | echo | echo | echo | echo | echo
- 'I think you get the idea' | echo
- 'Oh watch this' >> testfile
- 'ls;cd home;pwd' | shell
- 'touch file1 file2 -d home;rename home/file1 home/file2 -n _f1 _f2' | shell
- 'return ["This is some hscript", "", ""]' | script
Take a look at the scripts in the bin folder:
- cd bin -> navigate to the bin directory which contains all the commands
- ls -> list all available commands
- bin/command name < edit -> open the command source code in the editor (notice how I use bin/command name, otherwise the shell would execute the command instead of opening the file)