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@OlegGolovchenko OlegGolovchenko released this 17 Aug 14:58
· 6 commits to master since this release
updated to version (#15)

* removed useless yaml file

* updated package with license

* removed unneeded lib folder and updated package to newest IgnActivation

* updated to latest IGNActivation client

* Update

* updated to latest ignactivationclient
updated project url in package

* added some more vat validations and updated activation client

* updated version number of package

* updated ignactivator client

* added icon

* minor optimization of code and unittests

* updated activator package to reoptimise unittests to stop fails from failed activation

* updated with latest version of IGNActivator

* Update

* moved to new activation client

* updated to fixed version of activator

* updated activator to fix build problems

* attempt to fix build errors

* attempt to fix unittests and build for validator by switching to offline activation

* fixed incorrect build

* moved to use of new activation client and updated version of .net core

* added nunit console runner packages

* updated to latest ignactivator

* corrected ierland vat number
removed some unneeded methods
reused same files for netcore and netfx tests
added tests for Ierland and Italy

* try to fix unittests on azure

* another fix for unittests

* removed some unneeded nuget packages for tests

* fixed unittest problem

* fixed spain vat format rules

* added unittests for LT LV vat numbers