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Inspector Window

Mario Fernández Villalba edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 1 revision

The Inspector Window with information of the GameObject Zoombunny0.

In order to access and modify Components that make up GameObjects we use the Inspector Window. Once a GameObject is selected the Inspector Window will show the information of all the components inside the seleted GameObject. Also, is it possible to enable, disable, create and delete components for this GameObject.

Adding Components

In order to add a new Component to the selected GameObject LClick on the button Add component at the bottom of the Inspector Window. After that, select the type of the desired Component, and you will be done.

Adding a new Component Light.

Deleting Components

In order to delete a Component of the selected GameObject LClick on the button Delete inside the desired Component. After that it will be removed from the selected GameObject. Be careful, at the moment this process is irreversible!

Enabling/Disabling Components

In order to change the Active status of a Component of the selected GameObject LClick on the checkbox Active inside the desired Component. This will have different effects depending on the type of the Component. For instance, a disabled Component Mesh will be not drawn in the Scene.

Editing Components

You can edit the properties of a Component that is attached to the selected GameObject by modifying the different values shown in the Inspector Window.