diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70e6c6c --- /dev/null +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,966 @@ + +CHANGELOG +==== + +v2.3.3 +---- + +### New Features + + * onsenui.d.ts: Enabled `import * as ons from 'onsenui';` in TypeScript. + * onsenui.d.ts: Added definitions for Onsen UI 2.3.x. + +### Misc + + * core: Added warning which is shown when Onsen UI is loaded more than once. + +v2.3.2 +---- + +### New Features + +* css-components: Added `--material` modifier on `notification` CSS components. + +### Bug Fixes + +* ons-page: Fixed iOS status-bar-fill not added in initially opened modals ([#1944](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1944)). +* ons-splitter: Fixed `reveal` animation glitch. +* ons-action-sheet: Fixed glitch when hiding on iOS. + +### Misc + + * css-components: Refined the appearance of `select`. Fixed [#2017](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/2017). + * css-components: Refined the appearance of `range` on iOS. + * core: Excluded test cases from `onsenui` package. + +v2.3.1 +---- + +### Misc + + * Remove `module` property from `package.json` temporarily. + +v2.3.0 +---- + +### New Features + + * css-components: Added `action-sheet` component. + * css-components: Added `toast` component. + * css-components: Added `card` component. + * css-components: Added `segment` component. + * core: Added `ons-action-sheet` and `ons-action-sheet-button` elements. + * core: Added `ons-toast` element. + * core: Added `ons-card` element. + * core: Added new method `ons.openActionSheet(...)` for creating inline `ons-action-sheet` elements. + * core: Added new method `ons.notification.toast(...)` for creating inline and queued `ons-toast` elements. + * core: Added new method `ons.createElement(...)` that allows creating new elements from templates or inline HTML. + * core: `onsenui` is now available as ES Modules. + * core: A fake device back button event is now fired on ESC press. + * ons-navigator: Added `removePage` method. + * ons-input: Added styling support for `type='search'`. + * angular1: Added `ons-action-sheet` bindings. + * angular1: Added `ons-toast` bindings. + * angular1: Added `ons-card` bindings. + * angular1: Added `ons-list-title` bindings. + +### Bug Fixes + + * css-components: Fixed color of range component in Firefox. Fixed [#1964](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1964). + * core: Fixed broken sourcemap of `onsenui.js` ([#1958](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1958)). + * ons-carousel: Fixed [#1952](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1952). + * ons-carousel: `refresh` event is now triggered when resized. + * ons-dialog: Fixed `disabled` attribute. + * ons-dialog: Fixed `mask-color` attribute. + * ons-splitter: Fixed `animation` attribute issue. + * angular1: Page loader now throws `destroy` event when page is unloaded. + * angular1: `myNavigator.topPage.data` should now be ready by the time the controller runs. Fixed [#1854](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1854). + +### Misc + + * core: Removed polyfill for `Element.prototype.remove`. + * core: Removed polyfill for `Element.prototype.classList`. + * core: Removed polyfill for `Promise`. + * core: Removed polyfill for `CustomEvent`. + * core: Removed [JavaScript Dynamic Content shim for Windows 8 Store apps](https://github.com/Microsoft/winstore-jscompat). + +### BREAKING CHANGES + + * ons-navigator: Removed `options.refresh`. `prepop` event and `removePage` can be used instead. + * ons-template, external files: `ons-page` tag is not added automatically anymore as a wrapper of the target template. It must be manually specified. + * ons.createDialog, ons.createPopover, ons.createAlertDialog: Tags like ``, `` or `` are not added automatically anymore to the target template, they must be manually specified instead. + * ons.notification: Canceled notifications do not reject the returned promise anymore. Instead, when canceled they resolve to `-1` for `alert` and `confirm`, or `null` for `prompt`. + * angular1: Removed `onsSlidingMenu` and `onsSplitView` directives. + +v2.2.6 +---- + +### Bug Fixes + + * ons-splitter: Fixed timing for initial animations in bindings ([#1979](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1979), [#1985](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1985)). + * ons-tabbar: Minor fix for situations where the '.page__content' is provided ([#1978](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1978)). + * ons-input: Fixed [#1974](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1974). + * Device back button: Fixed possible crash in old platforms ([#1983](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1983)). + +v2.2.5 +---- + +### New Features + + * css-components: Added `list-title` component ([#1960](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1960)). + * core: Added `ons-list-title` element. + * ons-splitter: Added `push` and `reveal` animations ([#1916](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1916)). + +### Bug Fixes + + * core: Polyfill `Set` and `Map` in order to support old browsers ([#1967](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1967)). + * ons-navigator: Discard toolbars inside tabbars for ios-slide. + * ons-carousel: Fixed [#1952](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1952). + * ons-pull-hook: Fixed [#1970](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1970). + * angular1: Page loader now throws `destroy` event when page is unloaded ([#1934](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1934)). + * angular1: `myNavigator.topPage.data` should now be ready by the time the controller runs. Fixed [#1854](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1854). + +### Misc + + * Restored `bower.json`. + * Refactored `ons-alert-dialog`, `ons-dialog`, `ons-modal` and `ons-popover` ([#1935](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1935)). + +v2.2.4 +---- + +### Bug Fixes + + * core: Fixed broken parts of CE1 polyfill which caused a broken behavior of `vue-onsenui` ([#1925](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1925)). + * ons-splitter-content: Fixed [#1772](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1772) and [#1930](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1930). + * ons-input: Added initial date value support. Fixed [#1603](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1603). + * ons-switch: Fixed [#1920](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1920). + * ons-progress-circular: Fixed [#1921](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1921). + +### Misc + + * Removed `bower.json`. + +v2.2.3 +---- + +### Bug Fixes + + * core: Improve overall stability of the core on iOS by replacing Custom Elements v1 polyfill ([#1892](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1892)). + +v2.2.2 +---- + +### New Features + + * angular1: `ons-back-button` default behavior is now overriden if `ng-click` is provided ([#1749](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1749)). + +### Bug Fixes + + * css-components: Fixed [#1896](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1896). + * core: Use `self` in `setImmediate` polyfill ([#1903](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1903)). + * core: Make `ons.platform.isSafari()` compatible with Safari 10 ([#1910](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1910)). + * ons-lazy-repeat: Fixed [#1899](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1899) and [#1871](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1871). + * ons-splitter: Overlay animation correctly hides mask when entering split mode if the menu was visible before. + * angular1: Fixed [#1884](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1884). + +v2.2.1 +---- + +### New Features + + * css-components: Add minimized css-components file on `build/css/onsen-css-components.min.css`. + +### Bug Fixes + + * ons-navigator: iOS Slide animation can now find toolbars that are not immediate children of the pages. + * ons-splitter: mask is hidden only if all splitter-sides are in split mode. + * ons-tab: It shows the last visible page instead of the initial one when reattached. + * ons-pull-hook: Its content is not visible anymore during toolbar transitions. + * ons-fab: It is now initally hidden and shown only when its page container is pushed. This fixes page transitions. + * ons-fab: Covers the toolbar. + * ons-fab: Hide animation on popPage is now visible. + * ons-speed-dial: Hide items animation on popPage is now visible. + * ons-input: text selection in Firefox. + * ons-icon: Fixed [#1890](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1890). + +### Misc + + * css-components: Refactored some components. + +v2.2.0 +---- + +### New Features + + * ons-switch: Supports `value` attribute. + * ons-tab: Supports `active-icon` attribute. + * ons-lazy-repeat: Support for dynamic height. + * angular1: Add `onsSelect` directive working with `ngModel`. + +### Bug Fixes + + * css-components: Fixed broken popover components. + * css-components: Fixed [#1653](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1653). + * core: Fix `autoprefixer` settings for `onsenui.css`. + * core: Fixed [#1700](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1700). + * ons-select: Fix width of the inner element. + * ons-dialog: Fix broken `default` and `slide` animation in iOS 9 and iOS 10. + * ons-popover: Fixed behavior on device back button. + * ons-splitter: Checks if content exists before removing. + * ons-carousel: Supports `animation` attribute. + * ons-lazy-repeat: Clean first item scope. + * ons-progress-circular: Fixed [#1860](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1860). + * ons.notification: Fixed [#1787](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1787). + * ons-row: Fixed [#1858](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1858). + * angular1: `number input` retains number type variable with `ngModel`. + * angular1: Fixed [#1843](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1843). + * angular1: Fixed [#1799](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1799). + +### Misc + + * css-components: Refactored `range` components. + * ons-template: Show warning when ons-template is not located just under document.body. + * ons-navigator: Added deprecate warning for `options.refresh`. + * angular1: Added deprecate warnings to `ons-sliding-menu` and `ons-split-view`. + +### BREAKING CHANGES + + * css-components: Dropped all stylus and rebuild css-components with cssnext. + * css-components: Renamed `.tab-bar` to `.tabbar`. + * css-components: Renamed `.navigation-bar` to `.toolbar`. + * css-components: Renamed `.list__item` to `.list-item`. + * css-components: Renamed `.list__header` to `.list-header`. + * css-components: Changed `.button-bar__item > input` to `.button-bar__input`. + * ons-tabbar: loadPage method has been deprecated. + * ons-popover: Changed internal DOM structure. + * ons-range: Changed internal DOM structure. + +v2.1.0 +---- + + * core: Add new component `ons-select`. + * core: All component classes exposes event list with static getter `events`. + * ons-navigator, ons-page: Fixed the issue that pushed options is always empty on Angular2-binding and macOS Safari. + * ons-navigator: Fixed [#1726](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1726). + * ons-navigator: Animations block the interaction. + * ons-navigator: Fix ternary operator error on `options.leavePage`. + * ons-splitter: Add `side` property. + * ons-splitter: Check content before hide/destroy. + * ons-tab: Default click behavior can be overwritten by setting `onClick` property. + * ons-tabbar: Add `show` method, `hide` method and `visible` property. + * ons-dialog, ons-alert-dialog, ons-popover: User created dialogs are not moved inside page content. + * ons-popover: `show` supports `options.target`. + * ons-speed-dial: `show`, `hide`, `showItems`, `hideItems`, `toggle` and `toggleItems` now return Promise. + * ons-fab: Execute `this.show()` and some statements before `contentReady`. + * angular1: Fix `load` method of `ons-splitter-content`. + +### BREAKING CHANGES + + * ons-input: Deprecate `content-left` attribute. + * css-components: Rename undocumented modifier `one` to `rowfooter`. + +v2.0.5 +---- + * core: Changed all elements to have default className token always. Fixed [#1711](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1711). + * ons-switch: Fix `disbled` to `disabled`. + * angular1: Fix [#1677](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1677). + * ons-tabbar: Fix [#1654](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1654). + * ons-input: Fix `float` attribute style. + * ons-input: Added `transparent` modifier for Material Design. + * ons-modal: Pages inside modal throw show and hide events. + * ons-page: Fixed infinite scroll for iOS. + * core: All animators are extendable. + * angular1: $event in event handlers is not empty anymore. + * core: Remove Windows Phone 10+ support temporarily. + * ons-carousel: initial-index works when the carousel is inside ons-navigator. + * ons-switch: Always triggers custom events and stops propagation from inner element events. + * ons-tab: Throws verbose error if cannot create pageElement. + * ons-dialog: Fix broken dialog animation on iOS 9.x and 10.x caused by `dialog-container` class. + +v2.0.4 +---- + * angular1: Fix issue in event removal. + * ons-pull-hook: Fixed bug where ons-pull-hook does not work when we swipe up/down a screen too fast. + * ons-tab: Fixed [#1593](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1593). + * core: Use [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/) for dependency management. + +v2.0.3 +---- + * ons-page: Fixed [#1649](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1649). + +v2.0.2 +---- + * ons-switch: Fix regression where `change` event was not being triggered in some cases. + * angular1: Fix [#1609](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1609). + * ons-toolbar: transparent modifier supports MD. + * ons-toolbar-button: Style refactor. + * ons-navigator: Fix show-init event order. + * ons-tab: Add `badge` attribute to display notification on tab. + * ons.notification: Added `options.inputType` and `options.class`. + * ons.notification: Fix [#1638](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1638). + * ons.notification: Fixed memory leak. + * angular1: Fix [#1620](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1620). + * ons-icon: Fix [#1636](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1636). + * ons-tabbar, ons-tab: Fix [#1584](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1584), [#1629](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1629). + * angular1: Fix minor memory leak in Navigator. + * ons-splitter: Fix [#1605](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1605). + * core: Fix [#1646](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1646). + +v2.0.1 +---- + * angular1: Fix [#1588](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1588). + * ons.notification: Fix [#1595](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1595). + * ons-lazy-repeat: Fix [#1613](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1613). + * core: Removed all `_compiled` attributes. + * core: Disabled native Custom Elements v1 implementations. + +v2.0.0 +---- + * ons-splitter-side: Fix attribute watchers. + * ons-range: Fix [#1554](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1554). + * ons-page: Fixed dependency problem between ons-page and ons-toolbar. + * ons-ripple: Fix timing issue on older Android WebViews. + * core: Replace Promise polyfill to avoid Webpack warning. + +v2.0.0-rc.18 +---- + * ons-navigator: Fixed a bug that caused missing .page__content on Safari. + * angular1: Use the `$templateCache` service. + * ons-splitter: Fix [#1537](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1537). + * core: Update to Custom Elements v1. + * ons-navigator: Provides animators and allows to extend them. + +v2.0.0-rc.17 +---- + * core: Update Typescript definitions. + +v2.0.0-rc.16 +---- + * ons-splitter-side, ons-splitter-content: Added "page" and "pageLoader" property. Changed to use page-loader instead of `ons._internal.getPageHTMLAsync()`. + * ons-navigator: Added "page" and "pageLoader" property. Changed to use page-loader instead of `ons._internal.getPageHTMLAsync()`. + * ons-tabbar, ons-tab: Added "page" and "pageLoader" property. Changed to use page-loader instead of `ons._internal.getPageHTMLAsync()`. + * core: Added ons.defaultPageLoader and ons.PageLoader. + * ons-page: Changed to accept ".content" and ".background" elements as child contents. + * ons-modal: Fix [#1433](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1433). + * ons-navigator: Improved iOS slide animation (again). + * ons-icon: Fix [#1352](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1352). + * ons-pull-hook, ons-carousel: Fix [#1004](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1004). + * ons-fab: Fix [#1496](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1496). + * ons-list-item: Fix [#1499](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1499) + * ons-tabbar: Fix [#1501](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1501) + * ons-navigator: Fix [#1512](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1512). This changes `pages` property from an `HTMLCollection` to an `Array`. + * ons-page, ons-toolbar, ons-bottom-toolbar, ons-modal, ons-speed-dial: Improved location logic + * ons-fab: Now stays outside of `.page__content` when it has a `position` attribute. + * ons-modal: Fix [#1511](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1511). + * ons-lazy-repeat: Expose `refresh()` method to user through delegate object. + * ons-pull-hook: Remove DOM mutations to make it easier to integrate with frameworks and libs. + * ons-tab: Fix [#1528](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1528). + * ons-navigator: `data` object for `popPage`. + +v2.0.0-rc.15 +---- + * ons-navigator: Improved iOS slide animation. Fix [#1457](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1457). + * ons.platform: Fix [#1482](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1482). + * ons-modal: Support showing on init. + * ons-speed-dial: Add bindings for AngularJS 1.x. + * ons-fab: Add bindings for AngularJS 1.x. + * ons-pull-hook: Fix flickering on iOS. + +v2.0.0-rc.14 +---- + * core: Update TypeScript definitions. + +v2.0.0-rc.13 +---- + * ons-dialog: Fix Chrome issue with invalid event name. + +v2.0.0-rc.12 +---- + * core: Added type definitions. + * ons-switch: Fix [#1464](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1464). + * ons-splitter: Fix [#1392](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1392). + +v2.0.0-rc.11 +---- + * core: Added binding for Angular2. + * ons-input: Fix `value` property bug for radio and checkbox. + * ons-navigator: Fix [#1449](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1449). + * ons-popover: Fix [#1450](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1450). + * ons-navigator: Fix [#1389](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1389). + * ons-popover: Fix [#1388](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1388). + * ons-navigator: Fix [#1430](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1430). + * ons-splitter-side: Use imported `orientation` object instead of global. + * ons-navigator: Fix [#1453](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1453). + +v2.0.0-rc.10 +---- + * ons-navigator: Fix [#1440](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1440). + * ons-toolbar, ons-speed-dial: Fix [#1441](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1441). + * ons-splitter-side: Fix `_width` property. + * css-components: Fixed list divider modifiers for MD. + * ons-pull-hook: Fix [#1444](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1444). + +v2.0.0-rc.9 +---- + * ons-popover: Fix iOS glitch. + * ons-fab: Fix issue where element was not shown correctly in React. + +v2.0.0-rc.8 +---- + * core: Fixed [#845](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/845). + * ons-pull-hook: Add React compatibility. + +v2.0.0-rc.7 +---- + * ons-carousel: Support ng-repeat in Angular1 bindings. + * ons-carousel: Fix [#1168](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1168). + * ons-switch: Trigger `change` event only once. + * ons-bottom-toolbar: Correctly register element. Fix [#1426](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1426). + * ons-pull-hook: Fix [#1415](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1415). + * ons-navigator: Add `onDeviceBackButton` property. + * ons-fab: Show button by default. + +v2.0.0-rc.6 +---- + * ons-page: Change to fill page background element if there is only .page__content element in ons-page. + * ons-splitter: 'load' methods return promises in Angular1 bindings. + * ons-navigator: Fix 'popPage' with 'refresh' parameter. + * ons-dialog: Make ons-dialog angular2 compatible. + * ons-speed-dial, ons-speed-dial-item: Removed `_compiled` attribute. + * ons-speed-dial: Make ons-speed-dial elements angular2 compatible. + * ons-carousel: Fix [#1423](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1423). + * core: Create unified `onDeviceBackButton` API for alert-dialog, dialog, modal, page, popover, splitter. + +v2.0.0-rc.5 +---- + * ons-dialog: Make ons-dialog angular2 compatible. + * ons-speed-dial, ons-speed-dial-item: Removed "_compiled" attribute. + * ons-speed-dial: Make ons-speed-dial elements angular2 compatible. + * css-components: Fix material list item paddings. + * ons-list: Fix [#1401](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1401). + * ons-range: Fix [#1391](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1391). + * ons-carousel: Fix [#1404](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1404). + * ons-speed-dial: Add `isOpen()` method. + * ons-speed-dial: Emit `open` and `close` events. + * ons-speed-dial: Block clicks when hidden. + * ons-splitter: Correctly import dependency. + * css-components: Fix border of inline list. + * css-components: Refine style of list item title and subtitle. + * ons-toolbar: Fix [#1419](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1419). + * css-components: Refine default paddings of list items. + * ons-back-button: Add `onClick` property. + +v2.0.0-rc.4 +---- + * ons-input: Fix to `input-id` attribute. + +v2.0.0-rc.3 +---- + * core: Support creation with `document.createElement` for several components. + * ons-navigator: Support changing the `animation` attribute dynamically. + * ons-dialog: Support changing the `animation` attribute dynamically. + * ons-alert-dialog: Support changing the `animation` attribute dynamically. + * ons-popover: Fix shadow glitch. + +v2.0.0-rc.2 +---- + * ons-tab: Fix dynamic `icon` and `label` attributes. + +v2.0.0-rc.1 +---- + * ons-input: Fix behavior of `checked` attribute. + * ons-popover: Fix glitch on iOS for bottom popover. + * core: Fix [#1340](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1340) (auto status bar fill issue). + +v2.0.0-beta.15 +---- + * ons-carousel: Fix rendering glitch on Android 4.1. + * core: Fix broken validation on Android 4.1. + * ons-pull-hook: Update API (property `onAction` instead of `setActionCallback` method). + +v2.0.0-beta.14 +---- + * vendor: Add `MutationObserver` polyfill for older webviews. + * ons-page: Fix [#1359](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1359). + +v2.0.0-beta.13 +---- + * ons-lazy-repeat: Fixes issue on Safari. + +v2.0.0-beta.12 +---- + * ons-alert-dialog: Only compile once. This fixes issue with `ons.notification` in Firefox. + * css-components: Refine tab style. + +v2.0.0-beta.11 +---- + * core: Fixed forcePlatformStyling. + * ons-navigator: Fixed an issue where 'show' event could be fired before 'init'. + * ons-page: Removed unnecessary 'event.page' parameter. + +v2.0.0-beta.10 +---- + * core: Expose FastClick instance as `ons.fastClick`. + * ons-navigator: Fixed a bug where popPage always showed the default animation. + * ons-navigator: Fixed md-lift-animator. + * ons-navigator: Removed small delay after Lift animators. + * css-components: Fixed issue with list item using both "chevron" and "longdivider" modifiers. + * core: Fixed an issue preventing users from selecting text in inputs and textareas. + * ons-carousel: Added `auto-refresh` attribute. + * ons-carousel: Fixed an issue causing improper carousel size when used with angular and ons-navigator. + * ons-icon: Delete attribute `flip` from ons-icon (obsolete, since everything can be done with `rotate`) + * ons-list-item: Make the attribute `tappable` a boolean and add attribute `tap-background-color` + * ons-alert-dialog: Fixed [#1347](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1347). + * ons-progress-bar, ons-progress-circular: Add `value`, `secondaryValue` and `indeterminate` properties. + * ons-pull-hook: Add `state`, `pullDistance`, `height`, `thresholdHeight` and `disabled` properties. + * ons-alert-dialog, ons-dialog, ons-popover, ons-modal: Updated API (`disabled`, `visible`, `onDeviceBackButton` properties). + * ons-page: Update API (`disabled`, `onDeviceBackButton` properties, `on-device-back-button` and `ng-device-back-button` attributes). + * ons-splitter: Renamed property `deviceBackButton` to a `onDeviceBackButton`. + * ons-button, ons-ripple: Update API (`disabled` property). + * ons-speeddial: Updated API (`disabled`, `visible`, `inline` properties). + * ons-switch: Updated API (`disabled`, `checked`, `checkbox` properties). + * ons-splitter-side: Changed `isOpen` to a property. + * ons-navigator: Removed old angular methods (`getPages`, `getBackButtonHandler`). + * ons-lazy-repeat: Removed `setDelegate` in favor of the `delegate` property. + * ons-range: Fixes memory leak in AngularJS bindings. + * ons-toolbar-button: Add `disabled` property. + * css-components: Fixes list layout glitch on older Android devices. + +v2.0.0-beta.9 +---- + * ons-splitter: Fixed memory leak. + * ons-page: Fixed [#1315](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1315). + * ons-icon: Accepts two icon values at once for Auto Styling. + * ons-tab: Fix glitch where content was removed during `` slide animation. + * ons-splitter: Fix default side and swipe-target-width. + * ons-carousel: Update API. + * ons-icon: 'spin' attribute does not require boolean values anymore. + * core: Fix DeviceBackButton dispatcher for pages containing SVG elements. + * ons-navigator: Changed part of the API. + * ons-navigator: Fixed [#1324](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1324), [#1325](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1325). + +v2.0.0-beta.8 +---- + * core: Small fix for Autostyling. + * ons-list-item: Fix "tappable" attribute. + * ons-navigator: Added default `options` poperty. + * ons-navigator: Fixed flickering in Lift animation for iOS. + * ons-page: Does not remove 'style' attribute anymore. + * ons.notification: Fixed an issue in iOS related to CustomElements. + * ons.ready: Waits for `WebComponentsReady` event instead of `DOMContentLoaded`. + * ons-icon: Fixed a bug in old Android versions. + * ons-page: Add onInfiniteScroll functionality [#1165](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1165). + * ons-bottom-toolbar: Fixed a bug making it scroll with the content in some cases. + * ons-carousel: Added `centered` attribute. + * ons-popover: Added material popover. + * ons-splitter: Fixed [#1300](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1300). + * ons-list-item: Fix chevron position when list content is large. + * ons-lazy-repeat: Auto calculate item height if no information is provided. + * ons-carousel: Removes event listeners if it's not swipeable. + * ons-splitter: Update API. + +v2.0.0-beta.7 +---- + * core: Automatic Styling feature depending on current platform. + * core: Fixed [#1181](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1181). + * ons-fab: Fixed [#1192](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1192). + * ons-tabbar: Correctly applies animation-options. + * ons-popover: Correctly applies animation-options. + * ons-alert-dialog: Correctly applies animation-options. + * ons-navigator: Closes [#1208](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1208). + * ons-carousel: Accepts animation-options. + * core: Async methods return promises. Closes [#1054](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1054). + * ons-if: Added new conditional component with `platform` and `orientation` attributes. + * ons-navigator: New Lift and Fade animators that match Material Design styles. + * ons-input: Extended component to support type `checkbox` and `radio`. + * ons-ripple: Can be added by using `ripple` attribute. + * ons-tab: Tabs are always persistent. + * ons-ripple: Improve ripple effect. Closes [#1193](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1193). + * ons-switch: Switch is now draggable. + * core: Use a global gesture detector to improve performance. + * ons-splitter-side: Fixed [#1222](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1222). + * css-components: Improve list item style. + * ons.notification: Closes [#1127](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1127). + * ons-splitter: Improved performance and fixed minor bugs. + * ons-lazy-repeat: Fixed [[#1236](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1236), [#1029](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1029), [#470](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/470)], and [#1035](https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1035). + * ons-input: Transparent style is now default in iOS (removed 'transparent' modifier). + * ons-input: Update Angular bindings to work better with checkboxes and radio buttons. + * ons-switch: Fix so it works inside a