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Lenz edited this page Aug 24, 2018 · 1 revision

OGER commands

The installation process should provide an executable oger, which is the common starting point for a number of command-line tools. Type oger CMD, followed by command-specific options, to run the desired tool:

oger run       # run an annotation job
oger serve     # start a REST API server
oger eval      # determine annotation accurateness
oger test      # run software tests
oger version   # print the version number

To see a list of available options for each command, run eg. oger serve -h.

Alternative call

As an alternative to the oger executable, you may run python3 -m oger CMD. This might be useful if OGER was not installed through pip.

In order for this to work, Python must be able to locate the oger package. This is given if the parent directory of the oger directory is the working directory or if it is listed in the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

Detailed documentation

Detailed documentation exists for the following commands: