diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 7af501a..c3b1467 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ # Godot Import files *.import/ +# Godot +.godot + # Imported translations (automatically generated from CSV files) *.translation diff --git a/Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png.import b/Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png.import index 16edded..f564be7 100644 --- a/Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png.import +++ b/Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png.import @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ [remap] importer="texture" -type="StreamTexture" -path="res://.import/menuframe.png-2a455113ddbbcdc88cc5b21c62963ae1.stex" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://dokdrfxtwvvk3" +path="res://.godot/imported/menuframe.png-2a455113ddbbcdc88cc5b21c62963ae1.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } @@ -10,26 +11,24 @@ metadata={ [deps] source_file="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" -dest_files=[ "res://.import/menuframe.png-2a455113ddbbcdc88cc5b21c62963ae1.stex" ] 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Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/18/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/18/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/18/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/18/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) 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Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/21/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/21/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/21/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/21/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = 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= Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/23/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/23/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/23/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/23/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) 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+cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/1/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/1/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/1/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/1/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/1/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/2/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/2/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/2/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/2/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/3/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/3/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/3/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/3/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/4/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/4/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/4/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/4/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/5/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/5/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/5/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/5/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/6/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/6/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/6/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/6/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/7/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/7/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/7/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/7/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/9/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/9/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/9/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/9/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/10/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/10/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/10/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/10/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/11/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/11/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/11/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/11/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/12/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/12/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/12/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/12/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/13/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/13/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/13/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/13/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/14/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/14/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/14/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/14/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/15/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/15/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/15/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/15/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/1/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) [resource] -default_font = SubResource( 1 ) -Label/colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) -RichTextLabel/colors/default_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) +default_font = SubResource("1") +Label/colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +RichTextLabel/colors/default_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +RichTextLabel/font_sizes/bold_font_size = 16 diff --git a/Data/Fonts/Menu_Theme.tres b/Data/Fonts/Menu_Theme.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12a0498 --- /dev/null +++ b/Data/Fonts/Menu_Theme.tres @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[gd_resource type="Theme" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://cpw3rvof6qohv"] + +[ext_resource type="FontFile" uid="uid://c5pnk4yop31d" path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" id="1_o5cdq"] + +[resource] +default_font = ExtResource("1_o5cdq") +default_font_size = 24 +Label/colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) diff --git a/Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf.import b/Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..347a477 --- /dev/null +++ b/Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf.import @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +[remap] + +importer="font_data_dynamic" +type="FontFile" +uid="uid://c5pnk4yop31d" +path="res://.godot/imported/main_font.ttf-7a660bcaa92579991570761e927f7515.fontdata" + +[deps] + +source_file="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/main_font.ttf-7a660bcaa92579991570761e927f7515.fontdata"] + +[params] + +Rendering=null +antialiasing=1 +generate_mipmaps=false +multichannel_signed_distance_field=false +msdf_pixel_range=8 +msdf_size=48 +force_autohinter=false +hinting=1 +subpixel_positioning=1 +oversampling=0.0 +Fallbacks=null +fallbacks=[] +Compress=null +compress=true +preload=[] +language_support={} +script_support={} +opentype_features={} diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Items/ItemEffects/Heal.gd b/Data/GodotResources/Items/ItemEffects/Heal.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..768f101 --- /dev/null +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Items/ItemEffects/Heal.gd @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +extends ItemEffect + +class_name Heal + +@export var hp: int + +func _init(p_hp := 0): + hp = p_hp + +func apply_opmon_battle(battle_scene: BattleScene, user: OpMon, opponent: OpMon) -> bool: + user.hp += hp + battle_scene.heal(user, hp) + return true + +func apply_opmon_overworld(map_manager: MapManager, user: OpMon) -> bool: + user.hp += hp + # TODO add dialog here, standardize a way to start a dialog from MapManager so the + # items and events can start a dialog the same way and easily + return true + diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Items/ItemEffects/StatPlus.gd b/Data/GodotResources/Items/ItemEffects/StatPlus.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..426f2fa --- /dev/null +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Items/ItemEffects/StatPlus.gd @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +extends ItemEffect + +class_name StatPlus + +const Stats = preload("res://Objects/Enumerations.gd").Stats + +@export var stat: Stats +@export var change: int +var cse: ChangeStatEffect # Emulates the effect of a move of this type + +func _init(p_stat := Stats.NOTHING, p_change := 0): + stat = p_stat + change = p_change + cse = ChangeStatEffect.new(stat, change, false) + +func apply_opmon_battle(battle_scene: BattleScene, user: OpMon, opponent: OpMon) -> bool: + return cse.apply(battle_scene, null, user, opponent) # Always return true diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Items/Potion.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Items/Potion.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b21017a --- /dev/null +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Items/Potion.tres @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Item" load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://7736d5mmqn1a"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Data/GodotResources/Items/ItemEffects/Heal.gd" id="1_1frsn"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Item.gd" id="1_nnbf0"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_rnov4"] +script = ExtResource("1_1frsn") +hp = 20 + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("1_nnbf0") +id = "POTION" +applies_to_opmon = true +consumes = true +effect_used = Array[Resource("res://Objects/ItemEffect.gd")]([SubResource("Resource_rnov4")]) diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Items/XAttack.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Items/XAttack.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..500b70a --- /dev/null +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Items/XAttack.tres @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Item" load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://clot0dqmu38wj"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Data/GodotResources/Items/ItemEffects/StatPlus.gd" id="1_66cpn"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Item.gd" id="2_d4kru"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_rl00e"] +script = ExtResource("1_66cpn") +stat = 0 +change = 1 + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("2_d4kru") +id = "XATTACK" +applies_to_opmon = true +consumes = true +effect_used = Array[Resource("res://Objects/ItemEffect.gd")]([SubResource("Resource_rl00e")]) diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Effects/ChangeStatEffect.gd b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Effects/ChangeStatEffect.gd index c09473a..06dd552 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Effects/ChangeStatEffect.gd +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Effects/ChangeStatEffect.gd @@ -1,21 +1,20 @@ -extends Resource +extends MoveEffect class_name ChangeStatEffect const Stats = preload("res://Objects/Enumerations.gd").Stats -export(Stats) var stat -export(int) var change -export(bool) var to_opponent +@export var stat: Stats +@export var change: int +@export var to_opponent: bool func _init(p_stat = Stats.ATK, p_change = 0, p_to_opponent = false): stat = p_stat change = p_change to_opponent = p_to_opponent -func apply(battle_scene, _move, user: OpMon, opponent: OpMon) -> bool: +func apply(battle_scene: BattleScene, _move, user: OpMon, opponent: OpMon) -> bool: var target = opponent if to_opponent else user battle_scene.stat_changed(target, stat, target.change_stat(stat, change)) return true - diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Ember.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Ember.tres index 66e3576..18037c7 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Ember.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Ember.tres @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=2 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Move.gd" type="Script" id=1] - -[resource] -script = ExtResource( 1 ) -name = "MOVENAME_EMBER" -power = 40 -type = 6 -accuracy = 100 -category = 1 -never_fails = false -max_power_points = 25 -priority = 0 -pre_effect = [ ] -post_effect = [ ] -fail_effect = [ ] -move_animation = "PULSING_SCOOT" +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Move" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dyh5momr2rbdx"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Move.gd" id="1"] + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("1") +id = "EMBER" +power = 40 +type = 6 +accuracy = 100 +category = 1 +never_fails = false +max_power_points = 25 +priority = 0 +pre_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +post_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +fail_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +move_animation = "PULSING_SCOOT" diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Growl.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Growl.tres index c364a06..22ba185 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Growl.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Growl.tres @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=4 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Move.gd" type="Script" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/Effects/ChangeStatEffect.gd" type="Script" id=2] - -[sub_resource type="Resource" id=1] -script = ExtResource( 2 ) -stat = 0 -change = -1 -to_opponent = true - -[resource] -script = ExtResource( 1 ) -name = "MOVENAME_GROWL" -power = 0 -type = 9 -accuracy = 100 -category = 2 -never_fails = false -max_power_points = 40 -priority = 0 -pre_effect = [ SubResource( 1 ) ] -post_effect = [ ] -fail_effect = [ ] -move_animation = "SWAY" +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Move" load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://b1pq2suvej5ne"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Move.gd" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/Effects/ChangeStatEffect.gd" id="2"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="1"] +script = ExtResource("2") +stat = 0 +change = -1 +to_opponent = true + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("1") +id = "GROWL" +power = 0 +type = 9 +accuracy = 100 +category = 2 +never_fails = false +max_power_points = 40 +priority = 0 +pre_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([SubResource("1")]) +post_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +fail_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +move_animation = "SWAY" diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Harden.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Harden.tres index 7d518bd..352f183 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Harden.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Harden.tres @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=4 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Move.gd" type="Script" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/Effects/ChangeStatEffect.gd" type="Script" id=2] - -[sub_resource type="Resource" id=1] -script = ExtResource( 2 ) -stat = 1 -change = 1 -to_opponent = false - -[resource] -script = ExtResource( 1 ) -name = "MOVENAME_HARDEN" -power = 0 -type = 9 -accuracy = 100 -category = 2 -never_fails = true -max_power_points = 30 -priority = 0 -pre_effect = [ SubResource( 1 ) ] -post_effect = [ ] -fail_effect = [ ] -move_animation = "SLOW_DOUBLE_DIP" +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Move" load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://bwoprvu1xlnam"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Move.gd" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/Effects/ChangeStatEffect.gd" id="2"] + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="1"] +script = ExtResource("2") +stat = 1 +change = 1 +to_opponent = false + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("1") +id = "HARDEN" +power = 0 +type = 9 +accuracy = 100 +category = 2 +never_fails = true +max_power_points = 30 +priority = 0 +pre_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([SubResource("1")]) +post_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +fail_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +move_animation = "SLOW_DOUBLE_DIP" diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Tackle.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Tackle.tres index 525c186..5eb6948 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Tackle.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/Tackle.tres @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=2 format=2] +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Move" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://c7umqbgwt6cmk"] -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Move.gd" type="Script" id=1] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Move.gd" id="1"] [resource] -script = ExtResource( 1 ) -name = "MOVENAME_TACKLE" +script = ExtResource("1") +id = "TACKLE" power = 40 type = 9 accuracy = 100 @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ category = 0 never_fails = false max_power_points = 40 priority = 0 -pre_effect = [ ] -post_effect = [ ] -fail_effect = [ ] +pre_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +post_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +fail_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) move_animation = "SCOOT" diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/VineWhip.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/VineWhip.tres index 5258c39..8833390 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/VineWhip.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/VineWhip.tres @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=2 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Move.gd" type="Script" id=1] - -[resource] -script = ExtResource( 1 ) -name = "MOVENAME_VINEWHIP" -power = 45 -type = 10 -accuracy = 100 -category = 0 -never_fails = false -max_power_points = 25 -priority = 0 -pre_effect = [ ] -post_effect = [ ] -fail_effect = [ ] -move_animation = "PULSE_THEN_SCOOT" +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Move" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://brclm7yrd6i72"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Move.gd" id="1"] + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("1") +id = "VINE_WHIP" +power = 45 +type = 10 +accuracy = 100 +category = 0 +never_fails = false +max_power_points = 25 +priority = 0 +pre_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +post_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +fail_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +move_animation = "PULSE_THEN_SCOOT" diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/WaterGun.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/WaterGun.tres index dcaee91..b6bbf85 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Moves/WaterGun.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Moves/WaterGun.tres @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=2 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Move.gd" type="Script" id=1] - -[resource] -script = ExtResource( 1 ) -name = "MOVENAME_WATERGUN" -power = 40 -type = 3 -accuracy = 100 -category = 1 -never_fails = false -max_power_points = 25 -priority = 0 -pre_effect = [ ] -post_effect = [ ] -fail_effect = [ ] -move_animation = "PULSING_SCOOT" +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Move" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://ceq8lmay66wkj"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Move.gd" id="1"] + +[resource] +script = ExtResource("1") +id = "WATER_GUN" +power = 40 +type = 3 +accuracy = 100 +category = 1 +never_fails = false +max_power_points = 25 +priority = 0 +pre_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +post_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +fail_effect = Array[Resource("res://Objects/MoveEffect.gd")]([]) +move_animation = "PULSING_SCOOT" diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Natures/Bot.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Natures/Bot.tres index 85f8b73..28bc22a 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Natures/Bot.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Natures/Bot.tres @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=2 format=2] +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Nature" load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://c8h3rhe7isy65"] -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Nature.gd" type="Script" id=1] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Nature.gd" id="1"] [resource] -script = ExtResource( 1 ) +script = ExtResource("1") +id = "BOT" bonus = -1 malus = -1 diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Species/Carnapple.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Species/Carnapple.tres index c18c727..46104b9 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Species/Carnapple.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Species/Carnapple.tres @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=4 format=2] +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Species" load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://naxhdg31jr3s"] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/opmons/11-1.png" type="Texture" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Species.gd" type="Script" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/opmons/11-0.png" type="Texture" id=3] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://fqudayly4gmh" path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/opmons/11-1.png" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Species.gd" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bga6ync7pir3o" path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/opmons/11-0.png" id="3"] [resource] -script = ExtResource( 2 ) -name = "OPNAME_CARNAPPLE" +script = ExtResource("2") +id = "CARNAPPLE" opdex_number = 11 +evolution_id = "" type_1 = 8 type_2 = -1 height = 0.0 @@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ base_special_attack = 25 base_special_defense = 25 base_speed = 35 base_hp = 45 -ev_given = [ 5, 5 ] +ev_given = Array[int]([5, 5]) capture_rate = 180 -front_texture = ExtResource( 1 ) -back_texture = ExtResource( 3 ) +front_texture = ExtResource("1") +back_texture = ExtResource("3") diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Species/Furnurus.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Species/Furnurus.tres index 89a04e0..d257091 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Species/Furnurus.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Species/Furnurus.tres @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=4 format=2] +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Species" load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://d37ptos3cgfsk"] -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Species.gd" type="Script" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/opmons/4-0.png" type="Texture" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/opmons/4-1.png" type="Texture" id=3] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Species.gd" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://s5haf553fcj6" path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/opmons/4-0.png" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://83iryh0ln4yn" path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/opmons/4-1.png" id="3"] [resource] -script = ExtResource( 1 ) -name = "OPNAME_FURNURUS" +script = ExtResource("1") +id = "FURNURUS" opdex_number = 4 +evolution_id = "" type_1 = 6 type_2 = -1 height = 0.0 @@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ base_special_attack = 60 base_special_defense = 50 base_speed = 65 base_hp = 39 -ev_given = [ 0 ] +ev_given = Array[int]([0]) capture_rate = 255 -front_texture = ExtResource( 3 ) -back_texture = ExtResource( 2 ) +front_texture = ExtResource("3") +back_texture = ExtResource("2") diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Species/Nanolphin.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Species/Nanolphin.tres index c7df162..7b4370c 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Species/Nanolphin.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Species/Nanolphin.tres @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=4 format=2] +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Species" load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://b1l8vwlyjrg70"] -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Species.gd" type="Script" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/opmon/7-1.png" type="Texture" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/opmon/7-0.png" type="Texture" id=3] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Species.gd" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://3i78fuamwo1e" path="res://Data/Sprites/opmon/7-1.png" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bjhaqku8opn6v" path="res://Data/Sprites/opmon/7-0.png" id="3"] [resource] -script = ExtResource( 1 ) -name = "OPNAME_NANOLPHIN" +script = ExtResource("1") +id = "NANOLPHIN" opdex_number = 7 +evolution_id = "" type_1 = 3 type_2 = 18 height = 0.5 @@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ base_special_attack = 50 base_special_defense = 64 base_speed = 43 base_hp = 44 -ev_given = [ 1 ] +ev_given = Array[int]([1]) capture_rate = 45 -front_texture = ExtResource( 2 ) -back_texture = ExtResource( 3 ) +front_texture = ExtResource("2") +back_texture = ExtResource("3") diff --git a/Data/GodotResources/Species/Rosarin.tres b/Data/GodotResources/Species/Rosarin.tres index fe93c97..c86208b 100644 --- a/Data/GodotResources/Species/Rosarin.tres +++ b/Data/GodotResources/Species/Rosarin.tres @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ -[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=4 format=2] +[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="Species" load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://bkl586rdd5wl8"] -[ext_resource path="res://Objects/Species.gd" type="Script" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/opmon/1-0.png" type="Texture" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/opmon/1-1.png" type="Texture" id=3] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Objects/Species.gd" 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a/Data/Sprites/scenery/Doors.tres b/Data/Sprites/scenery/Doors.tres index a7ab972..0c11ac5 100644 --- a/Data/Sprites/scenery/Doors.tres +++ b/Data/Sprites/scenery/Doors.tres @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ [gd_resource type="SpriteFrames" load_steps=11 format=2] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/scenery/shop_door.png" type="Texture" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/scenery/basic_door.png" type="Texture" id=2] +[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/scenery/shop_door.png" type="Texture2D" id=1] +[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/scenery/basic_door.png" type="Texture2D" id=2] [sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id=1] atlas = ExtResource( 1 ) diff --git a/Data/Sprites/scenery/basic_door.png.import b/Data/Sprites/scenery/basic_door.png.import index c7a1d33..c6aa2d9 100644 --- a/Data/Sprites/scenery/basic_door.png.import +++ b/Data/Sprites/scenery/basic_door.png.import @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ [remap] importer="texture" -type="StreamTexture" -path="res://.import/basic_door.png-f9b918eaa03051e182e8991999d45c16.stex" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://8ccok6bfyqgu" +path="res://.godot/imported/basic_door.png-f9b918eaa03051e182e8991999d45c16.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } @@ -10,26 +11,24 @@ metadata={ [deps] source_file="res://Data/Sprites/scenery/basic_door.png" -dest_files=[ "res://.import/basic_door.png-f9b918eaa03051e182e8991999d45c16.stex" ] +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/basic_door.png-f9b918eaa03051e182e8991999d45c16.ctex"] [params] compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false compress/lossy_quality=0.7 -compress/hdr_mode=0 -compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/hdr_compression=1 compress/normal_map=0 -flags/repeat=0 -flags/filter=false -flags/mipmaps=false -flags/anisotropic=false -flags/srgb=2 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" process/fix_alpha_border=true process/premult_alpha=false -process/HDR_as_SRGB=false -process/invert_color=false process/normal_map_invert_y=false -stream=false -size_limit=0 -detect_3d=true -svg/scale=1.0 +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/Data/Sprites/scenery/shop_door.png.import b/Data/Sprites/scenery/shop_door.png.import index b8c1be0..559f58e 100644 --- a/Data/Sprites/scenery/shop_door.png.import +++ b/Data/Sprites/scenery/shop_door.png.import @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ [remap] importer="texture" -type="StreamTexture" -path="res://.import/shop_door.png-8e955e8ced6889f467345c23eff0851a.stex" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://7qfavjix26u6" +path="res://.godot/imported/shop_door.png-8e955e8ced6889f467345c23eff0851a.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } @@ -10,26 +11,24 @@ metadata={ [deps] source_file="res://Data/Sprites/scenery/shop_door.png" -dest_files=[ "res://.import/shop_door.png-8e955e8ced6889f467345c23eff0851a.stex" ] +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/shop_door.png-8e955e8ced6889f467345c23eff0851a.ctex"] [params] compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false compress/lossy_quality=0.7 -compress/hdr_mode=0 -compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/hdr_compression=1 compress/normal_map=0 -flags/repeat=0 -flags/filter=false -flags/mipmaps=false -flags/anisotropic=false -flags/srgb=2 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" process/fix_alpha_border=true process/premult_alpha=false -process/HDR_as_SRGB=false -process/invert_color=false process/normal_map_invert_y=false -stream=false -size_limit=0 -detect_3d=true -svg/scale=1.0 +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/Data/Tileset/Collider.tres b/Data/Tileset/Collider.tres index 6b74d27..bc3ae2d 100644 --- a/Data/Tileset/Collider.tres +++ b/Data/Tileset/Collider.tres @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ [gd_resource type="TileSet" load_steps=4 format=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/collider.png" type="Texture" id=1] +[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/collider.png" type="Texture2D" id=1] [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=1] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=2] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [resource] 0/name = "collider.png 0" diff --git a/Data/Tileset/Ground.tres b/Data/Tileset/Ground.tres index f5bd3a0..dcd7bc7 100644 --- a/Data/Tileset/Ground.tres +++ b/Data/Tileset/Ground.tres @@ -1,98 +1,98 @@ [gd_resource type="TileSet" load_steps=34 format=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/ground.png" type="Texture" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Tileset/Animated/Water/water.tres" type="Texture" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/indoor_tileset.png" type="Texture" id=3] +[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/ground.png" type="Texture2D" id=1] +[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Tileset/Animated/Water/water.tres" type="Texture2D" id=2] +[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/indoor_tileset.png" type="Texture2D" id=3] [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=1] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=2] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=3] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=4] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=5] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=6] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=7] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=8] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=9] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=10] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=11] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=12] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=13] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=14] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=15] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=16] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=17] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=18] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=19] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=20] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=21] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=22] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=23] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=24] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=25] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=26] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=27] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=28] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=29] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=30] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [resource] 0/name = "Grass" diff --git a/Data/Tileset/Static.tres b/Data/Tileset/Static.tres index d0179b5..3bf370b 100644 --- a/Data/Tileset/Static.tres +++ b/Data/Tileset/Static.tres @@ -1,352 +1,352 @@ [gd_resource type="TileSet" load_steps=118 format=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/statics.png" type="Texture" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/indoor_tileset.png" type="Texture" id=2] +[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/statics.png" type="Texture2D" id=1] +[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/indoor_tileset.png" type="Texture2D" id=2] [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=1] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=2] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 48, 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 48, 48, 48, 32, 32, 32, 32, 48 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 48, 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 48, 48, 48, 32, 32, 32, 32, 48 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=3] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 96, 0, 96, 48, 80, 48, 80, 32, 64, 32, 64, 48, 0, 48 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 96, 0, 96, 48, 80, 48, 80, 32, 64, 32, 64, 48, 0, 48 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=4] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 48, 0, 0, 64, 0, 64, 48, 48, 48, 48, 32, 32, 32, 32, 48 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 48, 0, 0, 64, 0, 64, 48, 48, 48, 48, 32, 32, 32, 32, 48 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=5] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 48, 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 64, 48, 64, 32, 48, 32, 48, 48 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 48, 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 64, 48, 64, 32, 48, 32, 48, 48 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=6] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 64, 48, 64, 32, 48, 32, 48, 48, 0, 48 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 64, 48, 64, 32, 48, 32, 48, 48, 0, 48 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=7] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=8] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=9] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=10] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=11] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=12] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=13] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=14] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=15] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=16] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=17] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=18] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=19] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=20] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=21] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=22] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=23] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=24] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=25] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=26] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=27] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=28] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=29] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=30] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=31] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=32] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=33] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=34] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=35] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=36] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=37] -points = PoolVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 16, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 16, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=38] -points = PoolVector2Array( 32, 32, 0, 32, 0, 0, 32, 0 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 32, 32, 0, 32, 0, 0, 32, 0 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=77] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 16, 32, 16, 32, 32, 0, 32 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 16, 32, 16, 32, 32, 0, 32 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=78] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 16, 32, 16, 32, 32, 0, 32 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 16, 32, 16, 32, 32, 0, 32 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=39] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=40] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=80] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 16, 16, 16, 16, 32, 0, 32 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 16, 16, 16, 16, 32, 0, 32 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=81] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=82] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=83] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=84] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=85] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=86] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=87] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=88] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=89] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=90] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=91] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=92] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=93] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=94] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=95] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=41] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=42] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=43] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=44] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=45] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=46] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=47] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=48] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=49] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=50] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=51] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=52] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=53] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=54] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=55] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=56] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=57] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=58] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=59] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=60] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=61] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=62] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=63] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=64] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=65] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=66] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=67] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=68] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=96] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=97] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=98] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=99] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=100] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=101] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=102] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=104] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=105] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=106] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=107] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=108] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=109] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=110] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=111] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=112] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=115] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=116] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=117] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=118] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=119] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=69] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=70] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=71] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=72] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 48, 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 48, 48, 48, 32, 32, 32, 32, 48 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 48, 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 48, 48, 48, 32, 32, 32, 32, 48 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=73] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=74] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=75] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16 ) [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=76] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 48, 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 48, 48, 48, 32, 32, 32, 32, 48 ) +points = PackedVector2Array( 0, 48, 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 48, 48, 48, 32, 32, 32, 32, 48 ) [resource] 0/name = "Flowers" diff --git a/Data/Tileset/collider.png.import b/Data/Tileset/collider.png.import index ca11720..c60660c 100644 --- a/Data/Tileset/collider.png.import +++ b/Data/Tileset/collider.png.import @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ [remap] importer="texture" -type="StreamTexture" -path="res://.import/collider.png-aed491868137905ab05dc8ec7f9921ce.stex" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://cs3rl1kdsejye" +path="res://.godot/imported/collider.png-aed491868137905ab05dc8ec7f9921ce.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } @@ -10,25 +11,24 @@ metadata={ [deps] source_file="res://Data/Tileset/collider.png" -dest_files=[ "res://.import/collider.png-aed491868137905ab05dc8ec7f9921ce.stex" ] +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/collider.png-aed491868137905ab05dc8ec7f9921ce.ctex"] [params] compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false compress/lossy_quality=0.7 -compress/hdr_mode=0 -compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/hdr_compression=1 compress/normal_map=0 -flags/repeat=0 -flags/filter=false -flags/mipmaps=false -flags/anisotropic=false -flags/srgb=2 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" process/fix_alpha_border=true process/premult_alpha=false -process/HDR_as_SRGB=false -process/invert_color=false -stream=false -size_limit=0 -detect_3d=true -svg/scale=1.0 +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/Data/Tileset/ground.png.import 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+mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" process/fix_alpha_border=true process/premult_alpha=false -process/HDR_as_SRGB=false -process/invert_color=false process/normal_map_invert_y=false -stream=false -size_limit=0 -detect_3d=true -svg/scale=1.0 +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/Data/Tileset/indoor_tileset.png.import b/Data/Tileset/indoor_tileset.png.import index f99ebf3..3021a3f 100644 --- a/Data/Tileset/indoor_tileset.png.import +++ b/Data/Tileset/indoor_tileset.png.import @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ [remap] importer="texture" -type="StreamTexture" -path="res://.import/indoor_tileset.png-f59581014655d3462fca07bf41b27ef6.stex" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://pfmhax30nb82" +path="res://.godot/imported/indoor_tileset.png-f59581014655d3462fca07bf41b27ef6.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } @@ -10,25 +11,24 @@ metadata={ [deps] source_file="res://Data/Tileset/indoor_tileset.png" -dest_files=[ "res://.import/indoor_tileset.png-f59581014655d3462fca07bf41b27ef6.stex" ] +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/indoor_tileset.png-f59581014655d3462fca07bf41b27ef6.ctex"] [params] compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false compress/lossy_quality=0.7 -compress/hdr_mode=0 -compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/hdr_compression=1 compress/normal_map=0 -flags/repeat=0 -flags/filter=false -flags/mipmaps=false -flags/anisotropic=false -flags/srgb=2 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" process/fix_alpha_border=true process/premult_alpha=false -process/HDR_as_SRGB=false -process/invert_color=false -stream=false -size_limit=0 -detect_3d=true -svg/scale=1.0 +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/Data/Tileset/statics.png.import b/Data/Tileset/statics.png.import index db33e49..a176d2a 100644 --- a/Data/Tileset/statics.png.import +++ b/Data/Tileset/statics.png.import @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ [remap] importer="texture" -type="StreamTexture" -path="res://.import/statics.png-4870b28695a0b3ef24ec6d828b819001.stex" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://bqgeb347pskx0" +path="res://.godot/imported/statics.png-4870b28695a0b3ef24ec6d828b819001.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } @@ -10,26 +11,24 @@ metadata={ [deps] source_file="res://Data/Tileset/statics.png" -dest_files=[ "res://.import/statics.png-4870b28695a0b3ef24ec6d828b819001.stex" ] +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/statics.png-4870b28695a0b3ef24ec6d828b819001.ctex"] [params] compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false compress/lossy_quality=0.7 -compress/hdr_mode=0 -compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/hdr_compression=1 compress/normal_map=0 -flags/repeat=0 -flags/filter=false -flags/mipmaps=false -flags/anisotropic=false -flags/srgb=2 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" process/fix_alpha_border=true process/premult_alpha=false -process/HDR_as_SRGB=false -process/invert_color=false process/normal_map_invert_y=false -stream=false -size_limit=0 -detect_3d=true -svg/scale=1.0 +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/Data/translations.csv b/Data/translations.csv index 863609e..4ec54a8 100644 --- a/Data/translations.csv +++ b/Data/translations.csv @@ -1,56 +1,82 @@ -keys,en,fr -MAINMENU_NEW_GAME,New game,Nouvelle partie -MAINMENU_LOAD_GAME,Load game,Charger une partie -MAINMENU_SETTINGS,Settings,Paramètres -MAINMENU_QUIT,Quit,Quitter -MENU_BACK,Back,Retour -GAMEMENU_OPMON,OpMon,OpMon -GAMEMENU_BAG,Bag,Sac -GAMEMENU_ENCYCLOPEDIA,OpDex,OpDex -GAMEMENU_ID,ID Card,Dresseur -GAMEMENU_SAVE,Save,Sauvegarde -GAMEMENU_SETTINGS,Settings,Paramètres -TEAMMANAGER_ORDER,Order,Ordre -TEAMMANAGER_SELECT,Select,Sélectionner -STAT_CHANGE_ATK,attack,L'attaque -STAT_CHANGE_DEF,defense,La défense -STAT_CHANGE_ATKSPE,special attack,L'attaque spéciale -STAT_CHANGE_DEFSPE,special defense,La défense spéciale -STAT_CHANGE_SPE,speed,La vitesse -STAT_CHANGE_EVA,evasion,L'esquive -STAT_CHANGE_HP,maximum HP,Le maximum de PV -STAT_CHANGE_ACC,accuracy,La précision -STAT_CHANGE_LOWER,has lowered,a baissé -STAT_CHANGE_HIGHER,has increased,a augmenté -STAT_CHANGE_DIALOG,{opmon}'s {stat} {change}!,{stat} de {opmon} {change} ! -BATTLE_MOVE_FAILED,But the move failed!,Mais l'attaque a échoué ! -BATTLE_MOVE_USE,{opmon} uses {move}!,{opmon} utilise {move} ! -BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_FILLER, What should {opmon} do?, Que doit faire {opmon} ? -BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_MOVES,Moves,Capacités -BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_OPMON,OpMon,OpMon -BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_ITEMS,Items,Sac -BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_RUN,Run,Fuite -BATTLE_KO,{opmon} is KO!,{opmon} est KO ! -BATTLE_OPMON_CHANGE,"Come back, {opmon1}! {opmon2}, go!","Reviens, {opmon1} ! {opmon2}, vas-y !" -MOVE_EFFECTIVENESS_NONE,But it's ineffective...,Mais c'est inefficace... -MOVE_EFFECTIVENESS_VERYLOW,It's barely effective...,C'est à peine efficace... -MOVE_EFFECTIVENESS_LOW,It's not very effective...,Ce n'est pas trés efficace... -MOVE_EFFECTIVENESS_HIGH,It's super effective!,C'est super efficace ! -MOVE_EFFECTIVENESS_VERYHIGH,It's hyper effective!,C'est hyper efficace ! -EUVITOWN_KID_DIALOG_0,"Hey, I like shorts!","Hey, j'aime les shorts!" -EUVITOWN_KID_DIALOG_1,...I don't know why I said that.,...Je sais pas pourquoi j'ai dit ça. -EUVITOWN_FIELD_SIGN_0,Flower battlefield,Terrain de combat fleuri -EUVITOWN_DESCRIPTION_SIGN_0,Euvi Town: a recent town in a peaceful cove.,Faubourg Euvi: un village récent au sein d'une crique tranquille. -EUVITOWN_PLAYER_MAILBOX_0,Your home.,Chez toi. -EUVITOWN_RIVAL_MAILBOX_0,Someone's home.,Chez quelqu'un. -EUVITOWN_KIWAI_MAILBOX_0,Professor Kiwaï's laboratory.,Laboratoire du Professeur Kiwaï. -MOVENAME_GROWL,Growl,Rugissement -MOVENAME_HARDEN,Harden,Armure -MOVENAME_TACKLE,Tackle,Charge -MOVENAME_WATERGUN,Water Gun,Pistolet à eau -MOVENAME_EMBER,Ember,Flammèche -MOVENAME_VINEWHIP,Vine Whip,Fouet Lianes -OPNAME_CARNAPPLE,Carnapple,Carnipomme -OPNAME_FURNURUS,Furnurus,Oursiflamme -OPNAME_ROSARIN,Rosarin,Rosarin -OPNAME_NANOLPHIN,Nanolphin,Nanolphin +keys,en,fr +MAINMENU_NEW_GAME,"New game","Nouvelle partie" +MAINMENU_LOAD_GAME,"Load game","Charger une partie" +MAINMENU_SETTINGS,"Settings","Paramètres" +MAINMENU_QUIT,"Quit","Quitter" +GAMEMENU_OPMON,"OpMon","OpMon" +GAMEMENU_BAG,"Bag","Sac" +GAMEMENU_ENCYCLOPEDIA,"OpDex","OpDex" +GAMEMENU_ID,"ID Card","Dresseur" +GAMEMENU_SAVE,"Save","Sauvegarde" +GAMEMENU_SETTINGS,"Settings","Paramètres" +STAT_CHANGE_ATK,"attack","L'attaque" +STAT_CHANGE_DEF,"defense","La défense" +STAT_CHANGE_ATKSPE,"special attack","L'attaque spéciale" +STAT_CHANGE_DEFSPE,"special defense","La défense spéciale" +STAT_CHANGE_SPE,"speed","La vitesse" +STAT_CHANGE_EVA,"evasion","L'esquive" +STAT_CHANGE_HP,"maximum HP","Le maximum de PV" +STAT_CHANGE_ACC,"accuracy","La précision" +STAT_CHANGE_LOWER,"has lowered","a baissé" +STAT_CHANGE_HIGHER,"has increased","a augmenté" +STAT_CHANGE_DIALOG,"{opmon}’s {stat} {change}!","{stat} de {opmon} {change} !" +HEAL_PARTIAL_DIALOG,"{opmon} recovered {hp} HP!","{opmon} a récupéré {hp} PV !" +HEAL_FULL_DIALOG,"{opmon} fully recovered!","{opmon} à récupéré tous ses PV !" +BATTLE_MOVE_FAILED,"But the move failed!","Mais l’attaque a échoué !" +BATTLE_MOVE_USE,"{opmon} uses {move}!","{opmon} utilise {move} !" +BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_FILLER," What should {opmon} do?"," Que doit faire {opmon} ?" +BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_MOVES,"Moves","Capacités" +BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_OPMON,"OpMon","OpMon" +BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_ITEMS,"Items","Sac" +BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_RUN,"Run","Fuite" +BATTLE_KO,"{opmon} is KO!","{opmon} est KO !" +MOVE_EFFECTIVENESS_NONE,"But it's ineffective...","Mais c'est inefficace..." +MOVE_EFFECTIVENESS_VERYLOW,"It's barely effective...","C’est à peine efficace..." +MOVE_EFFECTIVENESS_LOW,"It's not very effective...","Ce n’est pas très efficace..." +MOVE_EFFECTIVENESS_HIGH,"It's super effective!","C’est super efficace !" +MOVE_EFFECTIVENESS_VERYHIGH,"It’s hyper effective!","C’est hyper efficace !" +EUVITOWN_KID_DIALOG_0,"Hey, I like shorts!","Hey, j'aime les shorts !" +EUVITOWN_KID_DIALOG_1,"... I don't know why I said that.","... Je sais pas pourquoi j'ai dit ça." +EUVITOWN_FIELD_SIGN_0,"Flower battlefield","Terrain de combat fleuri" +EUVITOWN_DESCRIPTION_SIGN_0,"Euvi Town: a recent town in a peaceful cove.","Faubourg Euvi: un village récent au sein d'une crique tranquille." +EUVITOWN_PLAYER_MAILBOX_0,"Your home.","Chez toi." +EUVITOWN_RIVAL_MAILBOX_0,"Someone's home.","Chez quelqu'un." +EUVITOWN_KIWAI_MAILBOX_0,"Professor Kiwaï's laboratory.","Laboratoire du Professeur Kiwaï." +MOVENAME_GROWL,"Growl","Rugissement" +MOVENAME_HARDEN,"Harden","Armure" +MOVENAME_TACKLE,"Tackle","Charge" +MOVENAME_VINE_WHIP,"Vine Whip","Fouet Lianes" +MOVENAME_EMBER,"Ember","Flammèche" +MOVENAME_WATER_GUN,"Water Gun","Pistolet à O" +OPNAME_CARNAPPLE,"Carnapple","Carnipomme" +OPNAME_FURNURUS,"Furnurus","Oursiflamme" +OPNAME_ROSARIN,"Rosarin","Rosarin" +OPNAME_NANOLPHIN,"Nanolphin","Nanophin" +ITEMNAME_XATTACK,"X Attack","Attaque +" +ITEMNAME_POTION,"Potion","Potion" +ITEMDESC_XATTACK,"Increases attack stat","Augmente la statistique d'attaque" +ITEMDESC_POTION,"Heals 20 HP","Soigne 20 PV" +ITEMMENU_USE,"Use","Utiliser" +ITEMMENU_THROW,"Throw","Jeter" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_0,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_1,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_2,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_3,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_4,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_5,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_6,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_7,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_8,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_9,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_10,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_11,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_12,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_13,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_14,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_15,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_16,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_17,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_18,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_19,"Dummy Item","Objet test" +ITEMNAME_DUMMY_20,"Dummy Item","Objet test" + diff --git a/Data/translations.csv.import b/Data/translations.csv.import index 81289cd..1d65664 100644 --- a/Data/translations.csv.import +++ b/Data/translations.csv.import @@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ importer="csv_translation" type="Translation" +uid="uid://dgd7imec6j4t3" [deps] -files=[ "res://Data/translations.en.translation", "res://Data/translations.fr.translation" ] +files=["res://Data/translations.en.translation", "res://Data/translations.fr.translation"] source_file="res://Data/translations.csv" -dest_files=[ "res://Data/translations.en.translation", "res://Data/translations.fr.translation" ] +dest_files=["res://Data/translations.en.translation", "res://Data/translations.fr.translation"] [params] diff --git a/Objects/Enumerations.gd b/Objects/Enumerations.gd index a06279c..8701af5 100644 --- a/Objects/Enumerations.gd +++ b/Objects/Enumerations.gd @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ extends Node # File containing several enumerations used in the different objects -enum Type { UNKNOWN = 18, +enum Type { NONE = 18, LIQUID = 3, BURNING = 6, VEGETAL = 10, @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ enum Stats { ACC = 6, EVA = 7, NOTHING = -1 } + +# Enumerates the categories available for the bag. Their associated number defines +# the order in which they appear in the bag interface. +enum BagCategory { + BATTLE = 0, # Items that can be used in battle (except balls) + BALLS = 1, # "Balls" that can capture OpMons (the name might be changed later in the development) + HELD = 2, # Items that have an effect when held + OTHER = 3, # This one might be renamed later, will at least contain a repel equivalent + KEY = 4 # Key items for the adventure +} # Array of effectiveness : TYPE_EFFECTIVENESS[TYPE_1][TYPE_2] gives the effectiveness of # a move of type TYPE_1 on an OpMon of type TYPE_2. diff --git a/Objects/Item.gd b/Objects/Item.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ac4c5e --- /dev/null +++ b/Objects/Item.gd @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +extends Resource + +class_name Item + +const BagCategory = preload("res://Objects/Enumerations.gd").BagCategory + +enum UseType { + OVERWORLD, + OVERWORLD_OPMON, + BATTLE, + BATTLE_OPMON +} + +# Item ID used for storage in the code and in the translations: +# the name key is ITEM_{id}_NAME and the description key is ITEM_{id}_DESCRIPTION +@export var id: String +# true if the player has to choose an opmon to which apply the item +@export var applies_to_opmon: bool +# If the item is deleted from the player’s bag after being used +@export var consumes: bool + +# Must contain resources that "inherits" from ItemEffect (cf. ItemEffect comments) +# If empty, will trigger the classic dialog that shows when you can’t use an item +# Will execute the effect in order, one after the other. Will show the dialog +# « can’t use this item » only if none of the effects returns true +@export var effect_used: Array[ItemEffect] # (Array, Resource) + +func _init(p_id = "", p_applies_to_opmon = false, p_consumes = false, p_effect_used: Array[ItemEffect] = []): + id = p_id + applies_to_opmon = p_applies_to_opmon + consumes = p_consumes + effect_used = p_effect_used + +# Uses the item in the overworld if the item doesn’t need an OpMon to be applied to +func apply_overworld(map_manager: MapManager) -> bool: + var applies = false + for effect in effect_used: + applies = applies || effect.apply_overworld(map_manager) + return applies + +# Uses the item in the overworld on an OpMon +func apply_opmon_overworld(map_manager: MapManager, user: OpMon) -> bool: + if not applies_to_opmon: return false + var applies = false + for effect in effect_used: + applies = applies || effect.apply_opmon_overworld(map_manager, user) + return applies + +# Uses the item in battle without applying it to a specific OpMon +func apply_battle(battle_scene: BattleScene, players_team: OpTeam, opponent_team: OpTeam) -> bool: + var applies = false + for effect in effect_used: + applies = applies || effect.apply_battle(battle_scene, players_team, opponent_team) + return applies + +# Uses the item in battle on an OpMon +func apply_opmon_battle(battle_scene: BattleScene, user: OpMon, opponent: OpMon) -> bool: + if not applies_to_opmon: return false + var applies = false + for effect in effect_used: + applies = applies || effect.apply_opmon_battle(battle_scene, user, opponent) + return applies diff --git a/Objects/ItemEffect.gd b/Objects/ItemEffect.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aeb257e --- /dev/null +++ b/Objects/ItemEffect.gd @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +extends Resource + +class_name ItemEffect + +func _init(): + super._init() + +# Every method here returns a boolean, true if the item is effectively used and false +# if it can’t be used right now (then if the item is consumed after use it won’t be, and the +# "not now" dialog will appear if in the overworld or "it has no effect" if in battle) + +# Effect that applies when used in the overworld if the item doesn’t need an OpMon to be applied to +func apply_overworld(map_manager: MapManager) -> bool: + return false + +# Effect that applies when used in the overworld on an OpMon +func apply_opmon_overworld(map_manager: MapManager, user: OpMon) -> bool: + return false + +# Effect that applies when used in battle if the item doesn’t need an OpMon to be applied to +func apply_battle(battle_scene: BattleScene, players_team: OpTeam, opponent_team: OpTeam) -> bool: + return false + +# Effect that applies when used in battle on an OpMon +func apply_opmon_battle(battle_scene: BattleScene, user: OpMon, opponent: OpMon) -> bool: + return false diff --git a/Objects/Move.gd b/Objects/Move.gd index 2c0cf2d..56eaa55 100644 --- a/Objects/Move.gd +++ b/Objects/Move.gd @@ -9,30 +9,33 @@ const Type = preload("res://Objects/Enumerations.gd").Type enum Category {PHYSICAL, SPECIAL, STATUS} -export(String) var name -export(int,0,200) var power -export(Type) var type -export(int,0,100) var accuracy -export(Category) var category -export(bool) var never_fails -export(int, 5, 60) var max_power_points +@export_group("Properties") +@export var id: String # used for storage in the code and the transations +@export_range(0, 200) var power: int +@export var type: Type +@export_range(0, 100) var accuracy: int +@export var category: Category +@export var never_fails: bool +@export_range(5, 60) var max_power_points: int # 15 for top priority, 1 for low priority, uniquely determines the priority for prioritary moves # if 0, the move is not prioritary, the order of action will be determined by speed -export(int, 0, 15) var priority +@export_range(0, 15) var priority: int # (int, 0, 15) +@export_group("Effects") # Must contain resources of the type MoveEffect (Godot does not support exporting custom resources yet) # Leave empty for no effects # Effects will be called in the order first to last -export(Array, Resource) var pre_effect = [] -export(Array, Resource) var post_effect = [] -export(Array, Resource) var fail_effect = [] +@export var pre_effect: Array[MoveEffect] +@export var post_effect: Array[MoveEffect] +@export var fail_effect: Array[MoveEffect] -export(String) var move_animation +@export_group("Animations") +@export var move_animation: String -func _init(p_name = "", p_power = 0, p_type = Type.UNKNOWN, p_accuracy = 0, p_category = Category.PHYSICAL, -p_never_fails = false, p_max_power_points = 50, p_priority = 0, p_pre_effect = [], p_post_effect = [], -p_fail_effect = [], p_move_animation = "NONE"): - name = p_name +func _init(p_id = "", p_power = 0, p_type = Type.NONE, p_accuracy = 0, p_category = Category.PHYSICAL, +p_never_fails = false, p_max_power_points = 50, p_priority = 0, p_pre_effect: Array[MoveEffect] = [], p_post_effect: Array[MoveEffect] = [], +p_fail_effect: Array[MoveEffect] = [], p_move_animation = "NONE"): + id = p_id power = p_power type = p_type accuracy = p_accuracy diff --git a/Objects/MoveEffect.gd b/Objects/MoveEffect.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c449717 --- /dev/null +++ b/Objects/MoveEffect.gd @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +extends Resource + +class_name MoveEffect + +func apply(battle_scene, _move, user: OpMon, opponent: OpMon) -> bool: + return true diff --git a/Objects/Nature.gd b/Objects/Nature.gd index 48f1628..334d8d1 100644 --- a/Objects/Nature.gd +++ b/Objects/Nature.gd @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ class_name Nature const Stats = preload("res://Objects/Enumerations.gd").Stats -export(Stats) var bonus -export(Stats) var malus +@export var id: String # used for storage in the code and in the translations +@export var bonus: Stats +@export var malus: Stats -func _init(p_bonus = Stats.ATK, p_malus = Stats.DEF): +func _init(p_id = "", p_bonus = Stats.ATK, p_malus = Stats.DEF): + id = p_id bonus = p_bonus malus = p_malus diff --git a/Objects/OpMon.gd b/Objects/OpMon.gd index 4397a07..8ec39fd 100644 --- a/Objects/OpMon.gd +++ b/Objects/OpMon.gd @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ var level: int # Must contain OpMove objects var moves = [null, null, null, null] var nature: Nature -var hp: int +var hp: int: set = set_hp var status = Status.NOTHING var nickname = "" @@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ func save() -> Dictionary: return { "stats" : stats, "ev" : ev, - "species" : species.resource_path, + "species" : species.id, "level" : level, "moves" : moves_saved, - "nature" : nature.resource_path, + "nature" : nature.id, "hp" : hp, "status" : status, "nickname" : nickname @@ -48,20 +48,28 @@ func save() -> Dictionary: func load_save(data: Dictionary): stats = data["stats"] ev = data["ev"] - species = load(data["species"]) + species = PlayerData.res_species[data["species"]] level = data["level"] var moves_loaded := [] for move in data["moves"]: if move == null: moves_loaded.append(null) else: - moves_loaded.append(OpMove.new(load(move["move"]), move["power_points"])) + moves_loaded.append(OpMove.new(PlayerData.res_move[move["move"]], move["power_points"])) moves = moves_loaded - nature = load(data["nature"]) + nature = PlayerData.res_nature[data["nature"]] hp = data["hp"] status = data["status"] nickname = data["nickname"] +# Avoids going below zero or above max HP +func set_hp(new_hp: int) -> void: + hp = new_hp + if new_hp < 0: + new_hp = 0 + elif new_hp > stats[Stats.HP]: + new_hp = stats[Stats.HP] + # Recalculates the stats from the base stats, evs, nature and level func calc_stats(): var base_stats = [species.base_attack, species.base_defense, species.base_special_attack, species.base_special_defense, @@ -115,14 +123,14 @@ func is_ko() -> bool: func get_effective_name() -> String: if nickname == "": - return tr(species.name) + return tr("OPNAME_" + species.id) else: return nickname # Parameter: allows to get a hp string for a different hp func get_hp_string(hp_p := -1) -> String: var hp = self.hp if hp_p < 0 else hp_p - return String(hp) + " / " + String(stats[Stats.HP]) + return str(hp) + " / " + str(stats[Stats.HP]) # In-battle modification of statistics, capped at ±6 @@ -157,7 +165,7 @@ class OpMove: func save() -> Dictionary: # Loading directly in OpMon.load_save() return { - "move" : data.resource_path, + "move" : data.id, "power_points" : power_points } @@ -167,7 +175,7 @@ class OpMove: func move(battle_scene, user: OpMon, opponent: OpMon): power_points -= 1 - battle_scene.add_dialog([tr("BATTLE_MOVE_USE").replace("{opmon}",user.get_effective_name()).replace("{move}",tr(self.data.name))]) + battle_scene.add_dialog([tr("BATTLE_MOVE_USE").replace("{opmon}",user.get_effective_name()).replace("{move}",tr("MOVENAME_" + self.data.id))]) # Animate the user of the move battle_scene.animate_move(MOVE_ANIMATIONS[data.move_animation]) diff --git a/Objects/Species.gd b/Objects/Species.gd index f59df0c..815bb86 100644 --- a/Objects/Species.gd +++ b/Objects/Species.gd @@ -5,35 +5,38 @@ class_name Species const Type = preload("res://Objects/Enumerations.gd").Type const Stats = preload("res://Objects/Enumerations.gd").Stats -export(String) var name -export(int) var opdex_number -# Has to be another Species (Godot does not support exporting custom resources for now) -export(Resource) var evolution -export(Type) var type_1 -export(Type) var type_2 -export(float) var height -export(float) var weight -export(String, MULTILINE) var opdex_entry +@export_group("Properties") +@export var id: String # ID used for storage in the code and for the translations +@export var opdex_number: int -export(int) var base_attack -export(int) var base_defense -export(int) var base_special_attack -export(int) var base_special_defense -export(int) var base_speed -export(int) var base_hp -export(Array, Stats) var ev_given = [] -export(int) var capture_rate +@export var evolution_id: String # Requires the evolved species' ID. Empty string means no evolution. +@export var type_1: Type +@export var type_2: Type +@export var height: float +@export var weight: float +@export_multiline var opdex_entry: String -export(Texture) var front_texture -export(Texture) var back_texture +@export_group("Stats") +@export var base_attack: int +@export var base_defense: int +@export var base_special_attack: int +@export var base_special_defense: int +@export var base_speed: int +@export var base_hp: int +@export var ev_given: Array[Stats] +@export var capture_rate: int -func _init(p_name = "", p_opdex_number = 0, p_evolution = null, p_type_1 = Type.UNKNOWN, p_type_2 = Type.UNKNOWN, +@export_group("Textures") +@export var front_texture: Texture2D +@export var back_texture: Texture2D + +func _init(p_id = "", p_opdex_number = 0, p_evolution_id = "", p_type_1 = Type.NONE, p_type_2 = Type.NONE, p_height = 0.0, p_weight = 0.0, p_opdex_entry = "", p_base_attack = 0, p_base_defense = 0, p_base_special_attack = 0, -p_base_special_defense = 0, p_base_speed = 0, p_base_hp = 0, p_ev_given = [], p_capture_rate = 255, p_front_texture = null, +p_base_special_defense = 0, p_base_speed = 0, p_base_hp = 0, p_ev_given:Array[Stats] = [], p_capture_rate = 255, p_front_texture = null, p_back_texture = null): - name = p_name + id = p_id opdex_number = p_opdex_number - evolution = p_evolution + evolution_id = p_evolution_id type_1 = p_type_1 type_2 = p_type_2 height = p_height diff --git a/OpMon-Data b/OpMon-Data index 7c4d0cd..e9b1172 160000 --- a/OpMon-Data +++ b/OpMon-Data @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 7c4d0cdc87bcc9ef95f18b453e266f0ddb979a01 +Subproject commit e9b11720b2231c4a5be5932a47ec6871429c2a66 diff --git a/Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.gd b/Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.gd index c4efe40..d7686f7 100644 --- a/Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.gd +++ b/Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.gd @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ var cooldown := 5 func _ready(): for s in _signals: - connect(s, get_parent(), s) + connect(s, Callable(get_parent(), s)) update_idle_dialog() func update_idle_dialog(): @@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ func _input(event): emit_signal(_signals[_curpos]) cooldown = 5 if olcur != _curpos: # Update the position only if the position has changed - $SmallDialog/Arrow.rect_position = _positions[_curpos] + $SmallDialog/Arrow.position = _positions[_curpos] diff --git a/Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.tscn b/Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.tscn index 8ed40e2..5b312de 100644 --- a/Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.tscn @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ [gd_scene load_steps=5 format=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrChoice.png" type="Texture" id=1] +[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrChoice.png" type="Texture2D" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.gd" type="Script" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://Data/Fonts/Dialog_Theme.tres" type="Theme" id=3] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" type="Texture" id=4] +[ext_resource path="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" type="Texture2D" id=4] [node name="BaseDialog" type="Control"] anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 -margin_bottom = -475.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -229, 86 ) +offset_bottom = -475.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2( -229, 86 ) theme = ExtResource( 3 ) script = ExtResource( 2 ) __meta__ = { @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="SmallDialog" type="NinePatchRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 577.0 -margin_right = 829.0 -margin_bottom = 107.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 1.5, 1.5 ) +offset_left = 577.0 +offset_right = 829.0 +offset_bottom = 107.0 +scale = Vector2( 1.5, 1.5 ) texture = ExtResource( 4 ) patch_margin_left = 16 patch_margin_top = 16 @@ -31,55 +31,55 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="LabelItems" type="Label" parent="SmallDialog"] -margin_left = 33.0 -margin_top = 60.0 -margin_right = 83.0 -margin_bottom = 82.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) +offset_left = 33.0 +offset_top = 60.0 +offset_right = 83.0 +offset_bottom = 82.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) text = "BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_ITEMS" __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="LabelOpMon" type="Label" parent="SmallDialog"] -margin_left = 153.0 -margin_top = 17.0 -margin_right = 221.0 -margin_bottom = 39.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) +offset_left = 153.0 +offset_top = 17.0 +offset_right = 221.0 +offset_bottom = 39.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) text = "BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_OPMON" __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="LabelMoves" type="Label" parent="SmallDialog"] -margin_left = 33.0 -margin_top = 17.0 -margin_right = 97.0 -margin_bottom = 39.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) +offset_left = 33.0 +offset_top = 17.0 +offset_right = 97.0 +offset_bottom = 39.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) text = "BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_MOVES" __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="LabelRun" type="Label" parent="SmallDialog"] -margin_left = 153.0 -margin_top = 60.0 -margin_right = 191.0 -margin_bottom = 82.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) +offset_left = 153.0 +offset_top = 60.0 +offset_right = 191.0 +offset_bottom = 82.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) text = "BATTLE_BASEDIALOG_RUN" __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="Arrow" type="TextureRect" parent="SmallDialog"] -margin_left = 12.0 -margin_top = 20.0 -margin_right = 42.0 -margin_bottom = 50.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 0.5, 0.5 ) +offset_left = 12.0 +offset_top = 20.0 +offset_right = 42.0 +offset_bottom = 50.0 +scale = Vector2( 0.5, 0.5 ) texture = ExtResource( 1 ) expand = true stretch_mode = 5 @@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="BigDialog" type="NinePatchRect" parent="."] -margin_right = 380.0 -margin_bottom = 107.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 1.5, 1.5 ) +offset_right = 380.0 +offset_bottom = 107.0 +scale = Vector2( 1.5, 1.5 ) texture = ExtResource( 4 ) patch_margin_left = 16 patch_margin_top = 16 @@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="RichTextLabel" type="Label" parent="BigDialog"] -margin_left = 11.0 -margin_top = 43.0 -margin_right = 368.0 -margin_bottom = 97.0 +offset_left = 11.0 +offset_top = 43.0 +offset_right = 368.0 +offset_bottom = 97.0 text = " What should [OpMon] do?" diff --git a/Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.gd b/Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.gd index 7efe24f..9c0690c 100644 --- a/Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.gd +++ b/Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.gd @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ extends Interface +class_name BattleScene + const Stats = preload("res://Objects/Enumerations.gd").Stats var player_team: OpTeam @@ -89,25 +91,25 @@ var _selector_mode = SelectorMode.NONE # Loads the OpMon selector func _load_opmon_selector(selector_mode) -> void: - opmon_selector = load("res://Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.tscn").instance() + opmon_selector = load("res://Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.tscn").instantiate() opmon_selector.set_map(self._map_manager) opmon_selector.mode = opmon_selector.Mode.SELECTOR add_child(opmon_selector) - opmon_selector.disconnect("closed", _map_manager, "unload_interface") + opmon_selector.disconnect("closed", Callable(_map_manager, "unload_interface")) _set_selector_mode(selector_mode) # Changes the mode of the opmon selector func _set_selector_mode(new_selector_mode) -> void: if new_selector_mode != _selector_mode: if _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["choice"] != null: - opmon_selector.disconnect("choice", self, _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["choice"]) + opmon_selector.disconnect("choice", Callable(self, _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["choice"])) if _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["closed"] != null: - opmon_selector.disconnect("closed", self, _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["closed"]) + opmon_selector.disconnect("closed", Callable(self, _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["closed"])) _selector_mode = new_selector_mode if _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["choice"] != null: - opmon_selector.connect("choice", self, _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["choice"]) + opmon_selector.connect("choice", Callable(self, _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["choice"])) if _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["closed"] != null: - opmon_selector.connect("closed", self, _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["closed"]) + opmon_selector.connect("closed", Callable(self, _selector_connections[_selector_mode]["closed"])) func opmon_selected() -> void: if opmon_selector == null: @@ -146,9 +148,9 @@ func item_selected() -> void: # When the move choice has been selected in the base menu func move_selected(): $BaseDialog.visible = false - move_dialog = load("res://Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.tscn").instance() + move_dialog = load("res://Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.tscn").instantiate() move_dialog.set_moves(player_opmon.moves) - move_dialog.rect_position = $BaseDialog.rect_position + move_dialog.position = $BaseDialog.position add_child(move_dialog) func run_selected(): @@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ func move_chosen(id: int, action_priority := false): # Calls the next action to show, and ends the turn if there is no more actions to show func _next_action(): - if _action_queue.empty(): + if _action_queue.is_empty(): # call_deferred to allow a pause between the interaction action of closing the # eventual dialog and the one of choosing "move" in the main battle menu call_deferred("show_base_dialog") @@ -214,7 +216,7 @@ func show_base_dialog(): $BaseDialog.visible = true func _update_hp_label(): - $PlayerInfobox/HPLabel.text = String($PlayerInfobox/HP.value) + " / " + String(player_opmon.stats[Stats.HP]) + $PlayerInfobox/HPLabel.text = String.num($PlayerInfobox/HP.value) + " / " + String.num(player_opmon.stats[Stats.HP]) # Executed when one on the OpMons is KO func ko(): @@ -275,10 +277,18 @@ const stat_names = { # 6 : "breached the roof" #} -func stat_changed(target: OpMon, stat, change): +func stat_changed(target: OpMon, stat: Stats, change: int) -> void: var changed_string = tr("STAT_CHANGE_DIALOG").replace("{opmon}", target.get_effective_name()).replace("{stat}", tr(stat_names[stat])).replace("{change}", tr(("STAT_CHANGE_LOWER" if change < 0 else "STAT_CHANGE_HIGHER"))) add_dialog([changed_string]) - + +func heal(target: OpMon, hp_gained: int) -> void: + var heal_string = "" + if target.hp == target.stats[Stats.HP]: + heal_string = tr("HEAL_FULL_DIALOG").replace("{opmon}", target.get_effective_name()) + else: + heal_string = tr("HEAL_PARTIAL_DIALOG").replace("{opmon}", target.get_effective_name()).replace("{hp}", String.num(hp_gained)) + add_dialog([heal_string]) + func move_failed(): add_dialog([tr("BATTLE_MOVE_FAILED")]) @@ -332,13 +342,14 @@ func _animate_move(player: bool, transform: Array): var invert_transform = !player var animation := Animation.new() + var animlib := AnimationLibrary.new() var track_index # Map from generic transform type used in Move class to property used for OpMon container property var transform_property_map = { - "TRANSLATE":"rect_position", - "ROTATE":"rect_rotation", - "SCALE":"rect_scale" + "TRANSLATE":"position", + "ROTATE":"rotation", + "SCALE":"scale" } # Determine whose OpMon is being animated @@ -350,6 +361,7 @@ func _animate_move(player: bool, transform: Array): active_opmon_animation_player = $OpponentOpMon/AnimationPlayer # Go through the list of simultaneous transformations to play at once + # TODO: Check if its possible to have a library of animations for each move for transform_component in transform: var pre_animation_value @@ -359,19 +371,19 @@ func _animate_move(player: bool, transform: Array): # Save the default value for this transformation, and determine correct inversion value if necessary if transform_component["transform"] == "TRANSLATE": - pre_animation_value = active_opmon_rect.rect_position + pre_animation_value = active_opmon_rect.position if invert_transform: post_animation_value = post_animation_value * Vector2(-1,1) post_animation_value = pre_animation_value + post_animation_value elif transform_component["transform"] == "ROTATE": - pre_animation_value = active_opmon_rect.rect_rotation + pre_animation_value = active_opmon_rect.rotation if invert_transform: post_animation_value = post_animation_value * -1 post_animation_value = post_animation_value elif transform_component["transform"] == "SCALE": - pre_animation_value = active_opmon_rect.rect_scale + pre_animation_value = active_opmon_rect.scale post_animation_value = post_animation_value animation.track_set_path(track_index, ".:" + transform_property_map[transform_component["transform"]]) @@ -381,39 +393,32 @@ func _animate_move(player: bool, transform: Array): animation.track_insert_key (track_index, 1, post_animation_value) animation.track_insert_key (track_index, 2, pre_animation_value) - active_opmon_animation_player.playback_speed = transform_component["speed"] + active_opmon_animation_player.speed_scale = transform_component["speed"] # Add animation object to the scene if active_opmon_animation_player.has_animation("opmon_rect"): - active_opmon_animation_player.remove_animation("opmon_rect") - active_opmon_animation_player.add_animation("opmon_rect", animation) + active_opmon_animation_player.remove_animation_library("") + animlib.add_animation("opmon_rect", animation) + active_opmon_animation_player.add_animation_library("", animlib) # Run the animation and advance the queue active_opmon_animation_player.play("opmon_rect") - yield(active_opmon_animation_player, "animation_finished") + if active_opmon_animation_player.is_playing(): + await active_opmon_animation_player.animation_finished _next_action() # Calls _next_action via the animation player whose signal "animation_finished" is connected to "_health_bar_stop" func _update_hp(player: bool, new_value: int): - var hpbar:TextureProgress = $PlayerInfobox/HP if player else $OpponentInfobox/HP - var animation_player: AnimationPlayer = $PlayerInfobox/HP/AnimationPlayer if player else $OpponentInfobox/HP/AnimationPlayer - var animation := Animation.new() - var track_index := animation.add_track(Animation.TYPE_VALUE) - animation.track_set_path(track_index, ".:value") - animation.length = 1 - animation.track_insert_key(track_index, 0, hpbar.value) - animation.track_insert_key(track_index, 1, new_value) - if animation_player.has_animation("hpbar"): - animation_player.remove_animation("hpbar") - animation_player.add_animation("hpbar", animation) - animation_player.play("hpbar") + var hpbar:TextureProgressBar = $PlayerInfobox/HP if player else $OpponentInfobox/HP + var tween := create_tween() + tween.tween_property(hpbar, "value", new_value, 1) + tween.tween_callback(_health_bar_stop) _hp_bar_animated = true + tween.play() # Calls _next_action for _update_hp -func _health_bar_stop(_anim_name): - $PlayerInfobox/HP/AnimationPlayer.stop() - $OpponentInfobox/HP/AnimationPlayer.stop() +func _health_bar_stop(): _hp_bar_animated = false _next_action() diff --git a/Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.tscn b/Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.tscn index f8ff056..d3cf8da 100644 --- a/Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.tscn @@ -1,153 +1,149 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=10 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.gd" type="Script" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/battle/square_1.png" type="Texture" id=3] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/battle/health_jauge.png" type="Texture" id=4] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/battle/health_bar.png" type="Texture" id=5] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Battle/TextDialog.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=6] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=7] - -[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=1] -size = 24 -font_data = ExtResource( 7 ) - -[sub_resource type="Theme" id=2] -default_font = SubResource( 1 ) -Label/colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) -RichTextLabel/colors/default_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) +[gd_scene load_steps=10 format=3 uid="uid://cvlh3mbmkwtug"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.gd" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" path="res://Scenes/Battle/BaseDialog.tscn" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://buufbxggrhsvv" path="res://Data/Sprites/battle/square_1.png" id="3"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bxa8aw5ek5to7" path="res://Data/Sprites/battle/health_jauge.png" id="4"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://d1og4tsn2ljvw" path="res://Data/Sprites/battle/health_bar.png" id="5"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bwwx6jtea5xa2" path="res://Scenes/Battle/TextDialog.tscn" id="6"] +[ext_resource type="FontFile" uid="uid://c5pnk4yop31d" path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" id="7"] + +[sub_resource type="FontFile" id="1"] +fallbacks = Array[Font]([ExtResource("7")]) +cache/0/16/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) + +[sub_resource type="Theme" id="2"] +default_font = SubResource("1") +Label/colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +RichTextLabel/colors/default_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) [node name="BattleScene" type="Control"] -theme = SubResource( 2 ) -script = ExtResource( 1 ) +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 0 +theme = SubResource("2") +script = ExtResource("1") [node name="Fond" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_right = 960.0 -margin_bottom = 640.0 -color = Color( 0.721569, 0.721569, 0.721569, 1 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_right = 960.0 +offset_bottom = 640.0 +color = Color(0.721569, 0.721569, 0.721569, 1) -[node name="BaseDialog" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 2 )] -margin_top = 475.0 -margin_bottom = 0.0 +[node name="BaseDialog" parent="." instance=ExtResource("2")] +anchors_preset = 0 +offset_top = 475.0 +offset_bottom = 0.0 [node name="PlayerOpMon" type="TextureRect" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 -margin_left = 125.0 -margin_top = 207.0 -margin_right = 425.0 -margin_bottom = 474.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( 150, 267 ) -expand = true +offset_left = 125.0 +offset_top = 207.0 +offset_right = 425.0 +offset_bottom = 474.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(150, 267) +expand_mode = 1 stretch_mode = 5 [node name="AnimationPlayer" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="PlayerOpMon"] method_call_mode = 1 [node name="OpponentOpMon" type="TextureRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 619.723 -margin_top = 31.8044 -margin_right = 919.723 -margin_bottom = 298.804 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( 150, 267 ) -expand = true +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 619.723 +offset_top = 31.8044 +offset_right = 919.723 +offset_bottom = 298.804 +pivot_offset = Vector2(150, 267) +expand_mode = 1 stretch_mode = 6 [node name="AnimationPlayer" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="OpponentOpMon"] method_call_mode = 1 [node name="PlayerInfobox" type="TextureRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 462.782 -margin_top = 322.327 -margin_right = 929.782 -margin_bottom = 449.327 -texture = ExtResource( 3 ) -expand = true -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} - -[node name="HP" type="TextureProgress" parent="PlayerInfobox"] -margin_left = 154.718 -margin_top = 52.7521 -margin_right = 308.718 -margin_bottom = 85.7521 -rect_scale = Vector2( 2, 2 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 462.782 +offset_top = 322.327 +offset_right = 929.782 +offset_bottom = 449.327 +texture = ExtResource("3") +expand_mode = 1 + +[node name="HP" type="TextureProgressBar" parent="PlayerInfobox"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 154.718 +offset_top = 52.7521 +offset_right = 308.718 +offset_bottom = 85.7521 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) value = 100.0 rounded = true -texture_under = ExtResource( 5 ) -texture_progress = ExtResource( 4 ) -texture_progress_offset = Vector2( 7, 0 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} - -[node name="AnimationPlayer" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="PlayerInfobox/HP"] +texture_under = ExtResource("5") +texture_progress = ExtResource("4") +texture_progress_offset = Vector2(7, 0) [node name="Name" type="Label" parent="PlayerInfobox"] -margin_left = 107.218 -margin_right = 317.218 -margin_bottom = 33.0 +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 107.218 +offset_right = 317.218 +offset_bottom = 33.0 text = "[OpMon Name]" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="HPLabel" type="Label" parent="PlayerInfobox"] -margin_left = 107.218 -margin_top = 33.0 -margin_right = 317.218 -margin_bottom = 66.0 +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 107.218 +offset_top = 33.0 +offset_right = 317.218 +offset_bottom = 66.0 text = "XXX / XXX" [node name="OpponentInfobox" type="TextureRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 80.0001 -margin_top = 31.8044 -margin_right = 547.0 -margin_bottom = 158.804 -texture = ExtResource( 3 ) -expand = true +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 80.0001 +offset_top = 31.8044 +offset_right = 547.0 +offset_bottom = 158.804 +texture = ExtResource("3") +expand_mode = 1 flip_h = true -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} - -[node name="HP" type="TextureProgress" parent="OpponentInfobox"] -margin_left = 44.9999 -margin_top = 52.5276 -margin_right = 199.0 -margin_bottom = 85.5276 -rect_scale = Vector2( 2, 2 ) + +[node name="HP" type="TextureProgressBar" parent="OpponentInfobox"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 44.9999 +offset_top = 52.5276 +offset_right = 199.0 +offset_bottom = 85.5276 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) value = 100.0 rounded = true -texture_under = ExtResource( 5 ) -texture_progress = ExtResource( 4 ) -texture_progress_offset = Vector2( 7, 0 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} - -[node name="AnimationPlayer" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="OpponentInfobox/HP"] +texture_under = ExtResource("5") +texture_progress = ExtResource("4") +texture_progress_offset = Vector2(7, 0) [node name="Name" type="Label" parent="OpponentInfobox"] -margin_left = 15.9999 -margin_top = 16.1956 -margin_right = 226.0 -margin_bottom = 49.1956 +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 15.9999 +offset_top = 16.1956 +offset_right = 226.0 +offset_bottom = 49.1956 text = "[OpMon Name]" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} -[node name="TextDialog" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 6 )] +[node name="TextDialog" parent="." instance=ExtResource("6")] visible = false -margin_top = 476.0 -margin_bottom = 476.0 +anchors_preset = 0 +anchor_right = 0.0 +anchor_bottom = 0.0 +offset_top = 476.0 +offset_bottom = 476.0 +grow_horizontal = 1 +grow_vertical = 1 dialog_speed = 20.0 close_when_over = false -[connection signal="animation_finished" from="PlayerInfobox/HP/AnimationPlayer" to="." method="_health_bar_stop"] -[connection signal="animation_finished" from="OpponentInfobox/HP/AnimationPlayer" to="." method="_health_bar_stop"] [connection signal="dialog_over" from="TextDialog" to="." method="_next_action"] diff --git a/Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.gd b/Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.gd index 0aa2e26..2fa89fb 100644 --- a/Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.gd +++ 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has changed - $MovesDialog/Arrow.rect_position = _positions[_curpos] + $MovesDialog/Arrow.position = _positions[_curpos] print_infobox() diff --git a/Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.tscn b/Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.tscn index 0ce9acf..26c4212 100644 --- a/Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.tscn @@ -1,128 +1,166 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://d22g4hwx1xax3"] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrChoice.png" type="Texture" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" type="Texture" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.gd" type="Script" id=3] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bmrmuv5nvgor7" path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrChoice.png" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dokdrfxtwvvk3" path="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Battle/MoveDialog.gd" id="3"] -[sub_resource type="DynamicFontData" 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1.5 ) -texture = ExtResource( 2 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 577.0 +offset_right = 829.0 +offset_bottom = 107.0 +scale = Vector2(1.5, 1.5) +texture = ExtResource("2") patch_margin_left = 16 patch_margin_top = 16 patch_margin_right = 16 patch_margin_bottom = 16 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="PP" type="Label" parent="Infobox"] -margin_left = 21.0 -margin_top = 20.0 -margin_right = 176.0 -margin_bottom = 42.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) -custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) -custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 5 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 21.0 +offset_top = 20.0 +offset_right = 176.0 +offset_bottom = 42.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(-550, -133) +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_fonts/font = SubResource("5") text = "PP: --/--" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="MovesDialog" type="NinePatchRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 1.0 -margin_right = 381.0 -margin_bottom = 107.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 1.5, 1.5 ) -texture = ExtResource( 2 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 1.0 +offset_right = 381.0 +offset_bottom = 107.0 +scale = Vector2(1.5, 1.5) +texture = ExtResource("2") patch_margin_left = 16 patch_margin_top = 16 patch_margin_right = 16 patch_margin_bottom = 16 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Arrow" type="TextureRect" parent="MovesDialog"] -margin_left = 15.0 -margin_top = 23.0 -margin_right = 45.0 -margin_bottom = 53.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 0.5, 0.5 ) -texture = ExtResource( 1 ) -expand = true +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 15.0 +offset_top = 23.0 +offset_right = 45.0 +offset_bottom = 53.0 +scale = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) +texture = ExtResource("1") +expand_mode = 1 stretch_mode = 5 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Move1" type="Label" parent="MovesDialog"] -margin_left = 37.0 -margin_top = 60.0 -margin_right = 87.0 -margin_bottom = 82.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) -custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) -custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 5 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 37.0 +offset_top = 60.0 +offset_right = 87.0 +offset_bottom = 82.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(-550, -133) +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_fonts/font = SubResource("5") text = "---" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Move2" type="Label" parent="MovesDialog"] -margin_left = 255.0 -margin_top = 20.0 -margin_right = 323.0 -margin_bottom = 42.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) -custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) -custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 5 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 255.0 +offset_top = 20.0 +offset_right = 323.0 +offset_bottom = 42.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(-550, -133) +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_fonts/font = SubResource("5") text = "---" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Move0" type="Label" parent="MovesDialog"] -margin_left = 37.0 -margin_top = 20.0 -margin_right = 101.0 -margin_bottom = 42.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) -custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) -custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 5 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 37.0 +offset_top = 20.0 +offset_right = 101.0 +offset_bottom = 42.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(-550, -133) +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_fonts/font = SubResource("5") text = "---" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Move3" type="Label" parent="MovesDialog"] -margin_left = 255.0 -margin_top = 60.0 -margin_right = 293.0 -margin_bottom = 82.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -550, -133 ) -custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) -custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 5 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 255.0 +offset_top = 60.0 +offset_right = 293.0 +offset_bottom = 82.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(-550, -133) +theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +theme_override_fonts/font = SubResource("5") text = "---" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} diff --git a/Scenes/Battle/TextDialog.tscn b/Scenes/Battle/TextDialog.tscn index 3fccb10..219407a 100644 --- a/Scenes/Battle/TextDialog.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Battle/TextDialog.tscn @@ -1,83 +1,101 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=9 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=10 format=3 uid="uid://bwwx6jtea5xa2"] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" type="Texture" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/sfx/sfx_dialog_change.ogg" type="AudioStream" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=3] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrDial.png" type="Texture" id=4] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.gd" type="Script" id=5] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dokdrfxtwvvk3" path="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bh80yayp2sgrj" path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/sfx/sfx_dialog_change.ogg" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="FontFile" uid="uid://c5pnk4yop31d" path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" id="3"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b6hc4vouolvar" path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrDial.png" id="4"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.gd" id="5"] -[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=4] -size = 8 -font_data = ExtResource( 3 ) +[sub_resource type="FontFile" id="4"] +subpixel_positioning = 0 +msdf_pixel_range = 14 +msdf_size = 128 +fallbacks = Array[Font]([ExtResource("3"), ExtResource("3")]) +cache/0/16/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) -[sub_resource type="Theme" id=2] -default_font = SubResource( 4 ) -Label/colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) -RichTextLabel/colors/default_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) +[sub_resource type="Theme" id="2"] +default_font = SubResource("4") +Label/colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) +RichTextLabel/colors/default_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) -[sub_resource type="Animation" id=3] -loop = true +[sub_resource type="Animation" id="3"] tracks/0/type = "value" -tracks/0/path = NodePath(".:rect_position") -tracks/0/interp = 1 -tracks/0/loop_wrap = true tracks/0/imported = false tracks/0/enabled = true +tracks/0/path = NodePath(".:position") +tracks/0/interp = 1 +tracks/0/loop_wrap = true tracks/0/keys = { -"times": PoolRealArray( 0, 1 ), -"transitions": PoolRealArray( 1, 1 ), +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 1), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1), "update": 0, -"values": [ Vector2( 608, 80 ), Vector2( 608, 76 ) ] +"values": [Vector2(608, 80), Vector2(608, 76)] +} + +[sub_resource type="AnimationLibrary" id="AnimationLibrary_g6t2r"] +_data = { +"idle": SubResource("3") } [node name="TextDialog" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 -margin_bottom = -480.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -932, -215 ) -theme = SubResource( 2 ) -script = ExtResource( 5 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +offset_bottom = -480.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +pivot_offset = Vector2(-932, -215) +theme = SubResource("2") +script = ExtResource("5") [node name="NinePatchRect" type="NinePatchRect" parent="."] -margin_right = 636.667 -margin_bottom = 107.333 -rect_scale = Vector2( 1.5, 1.5 ) -texture = ExtResource( 1 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_right = 636.667 +offset_bottom = 107.333 +scale = Vector2(1.5, 1.5) +texture = ExtResource("1") patch_margin_left = 16 patch_margin_top = 16 patch_margin_right = 16 patch_margin_bottom = 16 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Text" type="RichTextLabel" parent="NinePatchRect"] -margin_left = 21.0 -margin_top = 16.0 -margin_right = 309.0 -margin_bottom = 53.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 2, 2 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 21.0 +offset_top = 16.0 +offset_right = 309.0 +offset_bottom = 53.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +theme_override_font_sizes/normal_font_size = 8 scroll_active = false -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="DialArrow" type="TextureRect" parent="NinePatchRect"] -margin_left = 608.0 -margin_top = 80.0 -margin_right = 618.0 -margin_bottom = 90.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 1.5, 1.5 ) -texture = ExtResource( 4 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 608.0 +offset_top = 80.0 +offset_right = 618.0 +offset_bottom = 90.0 +scale = Vector2(1.5, 1.5) +texture = ExtResource("4") [node name="AnimationPlayer" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="NinePatchRect/DialArrow"] -anims/idle = SubResource( 3 ) +libraries = { +"": SubResource("AnimationLibrary_g6t2r") +} [node name="DialogSound" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] -stream = ExtResource( 2 ) +stream = ExtResource("2") diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/BetaNPC.gd b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/BetaNPC.gd index 0ac63e9..4751405 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/BetaNPC.gd +++ b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/BetaNPC.gd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -tool +@tool extends "res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.gd" const PlayerClass = preload("Player.gd") @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ const OpMon = preload("res://Objects/OpMon.gd") var opponent_team: OpTeam func _ready(): - ._ready() - if not Engine.editor_hint: + super._ready() + if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): var tackle = load("res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/Tackle.tres") var harden = load("res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/Harden.tres") var ember = load("res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/Ember.tres") @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ func _ready(): # Called when the player interacts with the NPC func interact(player: PlayerClass): - .interact(player) + super.interact(player) if _moving != Vector2.ZERO: return _paused = true change_faced_direction(player.get_direction()) # Changes the faced direction of the NPC to face the player _map_manager.pause_player() - var battle_scene = load("res://Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.tscn").instance() + var battle_scene = load("res://Scenes/Battle/BattleScene.tscn").instantiate() battle_scene.init(_map_manager.player_data.team, opponent_team) _map_manager.load_interface(battle_scene) @@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ func change_faced_direction(player_faced_direction): # Change the direction the NPC is facing based on the direction the player # is facing: if the player is facing up then face down, etc. if player_faced_direction == Vector2.UP: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_down" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_down" elif player_faced_direction == Vector2.DOWN: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_up" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_up" elif player_faced_direction == Vector2.RIGHT: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = true - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_side" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_side" elif player_faced_direction == Vector2.LEFT: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_side" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_side" func _unpause(): _paused = false diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.gd b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.gd index f1e9fab..b64b5a6 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.gd +++ b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.gd @@ -1,16 +1,40 @@ +@tool # Describes the physics of a basic character -tool extends "res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Interactable.gd" -export var textures: SpriteFrames setget set_textures +@export var textures: SpriteFrames: + set(new_textures): + $AnimatedSprite2D.frames = new_textures + textures = new_textures # Signal launched when the character finishes walking on a square (and will be going onto the next one # one if its programmation tells so) # At this moment, the player’s position is exactly aligned with the tiles. signal square_tick +var tween: Tween +var tile_reservation_tween: Tween + # Variable used in the editor to have string labels of vector directions -export(String, "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down") var faced_direction: String setget set_faced_direction +@export var faced_direction: String: + set(new_faced_direction): + faced_direction = new_faced_direction + if faced_direction == "Up": + _faced_direction = Vector2.UP + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_up" + elif faced_direction == "Down": + _faced_direction = Vector2.DOWN + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_down" + elif faced_direction == "Right": + _faced_direction = Vector2.RIGHT + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_side" + elif faced_direction == "Left": + _faced_direction = Vector2.LEFT + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_side" # Vector indicating direction in the code var _faced_direction: Vector2 @@ -27,33 +51,20 @@ var _interaction_requested = null # The distance between the player and the character when the interaction has been requested. var _interaction_distance: float -func set_textures(new_textures: SpriteFrames): - $AnimatedSprite.frames = new_textures - textures = new_textures - -func set_faced_direction(new_faced_direction: String): - faced_direction = new_faced_direction - if faced_direction == "Up": - _faced_direction = Vector2.UP - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_up" - elif faced_direction == "Down": - _faced_direction = Vector2.DOWN - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_down" - elif faced_direction == "Right": - _faced_direction = Vector2.RIGHT - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_side" - elif faced_direction == "Left": - _faced_direction = Vector2.LEFT - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = true - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_side" - func _ready(): + super._ready() # Sets the texture and the faced direction - set_textures(textures) - set_faced_direction(faced_direction) + $AnimatedSprite2D.frames = textures + faced_direction = faced_direction # TODO: check if it works without this line + _create_tweens() + +func _create_tweens(): + tween = get_tree().create_tween() + tween.set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN) + tween.set_trans(Tween.TRANS_LINEAR) + tile_reservation_tween = $TileReservation.create_tween() + tile_reservation_tween.set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN) + tile_reservation_tween.set_trans(Tween.TRANS_LINEAR) func interact(_player): # If the player requested an interaction but the character is moving, @@ -69,13 +80,13 @@ func interact(_player): func _process(_delta): if not _paused: - update() + queue_redraw() func _get_collider(direction: Vector2): var local_target_position = direction * _constants.TILE_SIZE var raycast = $RayCast2D - $RayCast2D.cast_to = local_target_position # Sets the position to check + $RayCast2D.target_position = local_target_position # Sets the position to check $RayCast2D.force_raycast_update ( ) if $RayCast2D.is_colliding(): # Checks the collision return $RayCast2D.get_collider() @@ -95,17 +106,19 @@ func move(direction: Vector2): _faced_direction = direction # Chooses the animation to play if direction == Vector2.UP: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_up" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_up" elif direction == Vector2.DOWN: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_down" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_down" elif direction == Vector2.RIGHT: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_side" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_side" elif direction == Vector2.LEFT: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = true - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_side" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_side" + + _create_tweens() var next = position # If there is no collisions, do a real movement. @@ -116,20 +129,18 @@ func move(direction: Vector2): $TileReservation.set_position(direction * _constants.TILE_SIZE + Vector2(8,8)) # Makes the collision used for the reservation move against the player's movements # so it stays in the same tile on the map. - $TileReservation.get_node("Tween").interpolate_property( - $TileReservation, "position", $TileReservation.position, - $CharacterCollision.position, _constants.WALK_SPEED, - Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_IN) - $TileReservation.get_node("Tween").start() + tile_reservation_tween.tween_property($TileReservation, "position", + $CharacterCollision.position, _constants.WALK_SPEED) + tile_reservation_tween.play() $TileReservation.disabled = false # Starts the movement if position and next are different. - $Tween.interpolate_property(self, "position", position, next, - _constants.WALK_SPEED, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_IN) - $Tween.start() + tween.tween_property(self, "position", next, _constants.WALK_SPEED) + tween.tween_callback(_end_move) + tween.play() # Starts the animation that will loop until the movement is over. - $AnimatedSprite.play() + $AnimatedSprite2D.play() return ret func face(direction: Vector2): @@ -155,13 +166,13 @@ func _check_pending_interaction(): # The movement is stopped if it has explicitely been stopped by calling stop_move # Function connected to the end of the Tween -func _end_move(_object, _key): +func _end_move(): emit_signal("square_tick") _check_pending_interaction() # This method might set _moving to true if the player continues moving if _moving == Vector2.ZERO or _paused: # If not, then the movement is over, stop the animation - $AnimatedSprite.stop() - $AnimatedSprite.frame = 0 + $AnimatedSprite2D.stop() + $AnimatedSprite2D.frame = 0 $TileReservation.disabled = true else: _moving = Vector2.ZERO diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.tscn b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.tscn index ef8dc42..22c170e 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.tscn @@ -1,39 +1,32 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://c7s75w0ldamla"] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/SpriteInEditor.gd" type="Script" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.gd" type="Script" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/chara/player_spriteframes.tres" type="SpriteFrames" id=3] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Events/SpriteInEditor.gd" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.gd" id="2"] -[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=1] +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="1"] resource_local_to_scene = true -extents = Vector2( 8, 8 ) +size = Vector2(8, 8) -[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=2] -extents = Vector2( 8, 8 ) +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="2"] +size = Vector2(8, 8) -[node name="Character" type="KinematicBody2D"] -script = ExtResource( 2 ) +[node name="Character" type="CharacterBody2D"] +script = ExtResource("2") -[node name="AnimatedSprite" type="AnimatedSprite" parent="."] -position = Vector2( 8, 0 ) -frames = ExtResource( 3 ) -script = ExtResource( 1 ) +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(8, 0) +animation = &"" +script = ExtResource("1") [node name="RayCast2D" type="RayCast2D" parent="."] -position = Vector2( 8, 8 ) -cast_to = Vector2( 0, 16 ) +position = Vector2(8, 8) +target_position = Vector2(0, 16) [node name="CharacterCollision" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] -position = Vector2( 8, 8 ) -shape = SubResource( 1 ) - -[node name="Tween" type="Tween" parent="."] +position = Vector2(8, 8) +shape = SubResource("1") [node name="TileReservation" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] -position = Vector2( 8, 24 ) -shape = SubResource( 2 ) +position = Vector2(8, 24) +shape = SubResource("2") disabled = true - -[node name="Tween" type="Tween" parent="TileReservation"] - -[connection signal="tween_completed" from="Tween" to="." method="_end_move"] diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/DialogNPC.gd b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/DialogNPC.gd index 2351b95..ba5db67 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/DialogNPC.gd +++ b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/DialogNPC.gd @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -tool +@tool extends "res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.gd" -export var dialog_key := "" +@export var dialog_key := "" # Countdown to avoid the confusion between the event that closes a dialog with the event that # interacts with the NPC to start a dialog @@ -9,21 +9,21 @@ var _dialog_countdown := 0 # Called when the player interacts with the NPC func interact(player): - .interact(player) + super.interact(player) if _moving != Vector2.ZERO: return if _dialog_countdown == 0: _paused = true change_faced_direction(player.get_direction()) # Changes the faced direction of the NPC to face the player - var dialog_box_instance = load(_constants.PATH_DIALOG_BOX_SCENE).instance() # Loads the dialog + var dialog_box_instance = load(_constants.PATH_DIALOG_BOX_SCENE).instantiate() # Loads the dialog dialog_box_instance.set_dialog_key(dialog_key) # Adds the dialog lines to the dialog dialog_box_instance.close_when_over = true _map_manager.load_interface(dialog_box_instance) dialog_box_instance.go() # Starts the dialog - dialog_box_instance.connect("dialog_over", self, "_unpause") # When the dialog is over, unpauses the character + dialog_box_instance.connect("dialog_over", Callable(self, "_unpause")) # When the dialog is over, unpauses the character func _process(delta): - ._process(delta) + super._process(delta) if _dialog_countdown > 0: _dialog_countdown -= 1 @@ -31,17 +31,17 @@ func change_faced_direction(player_faced_direction): # Change the direction the NPC is facing based on the direction the player # is facing: if the player is facing up then face down, etc. if player_faced_direction == Vector2.UP: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_down" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_down" elif player_faced_direction == Vector2.DOWN: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_up" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_up" elif player_faced_direction == Vector2.RIGHT: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = true - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_side" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_side" elif player_faced_direction == Vector2.LEFT: - $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false - $AnimatedSprite.animation = "walk_side" + $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "walk_side" func _unpause(): _paused = false diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Interactable.gd b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Interactable.gd index 48a3ecd..7a484ef 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Interactable.gd +++ b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Interactable.gd @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # Represents anything the player can interact with. -extends KinematicBody2D +extends CharacterBody2D class_name Iteractable diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/PathNPC.gd b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/PathNPC.gd index e5b9ac9..57097e4 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/PathNPC.gd +++ b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/PathNPC.gd @@ -1,19 +1,21 @@ -tool +@tool extends "res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/DialogNPC.gd" +enum Dir {LEFT = 0, RIGHT = 1, UP = 2, DOWN = 3, STAND = 4} + # List of instructions for the path # Can't be empty -export(Array, String, "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down", "Stand") var path: Array +@export var path: Array[Dir] # Duration of each instruction of the path, in tiles -export(Array, int, 1, 1000000) var durations: Array +@export var durations: Array[int] # (Array, int, 1, 1000000) # These two arrays above must have the same size # True if when the instructions of path are over, return at the beginning. -export(bool) var loop: bool +@export var loop: bool # True if the path goes to the next instruction even if the NPC couldn't move -export(bool) var progress_despite_obstacles: bool +@export var progress_despite_obstacles: bool # Keeps track of the current step of "path" var _current_step := 0 @@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ var _pause := -1 var start := false func save() -> Dictionary: - var ret := .save() + var ret := super.save() ret["_current_step"] = _current_step ret["_progress"] = _progress ret["_stopped"] = _stopped @@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ func save() -> Dictionary: return ret func load_save(data: Dictionary) -> void: - .load_save(data) + super.load_save(data) _current_step = data["_current_step"] _progress = data["_progress"] _stopped = data["_stopped"] @@ -48,15 +50,15 @@ func _ready(): push_error("No path defined, use DialogNPC instead.") if path.size() != durations.size(): push_error("The array of durations does not have the same size as the array of paths.") - if not Engine.editor_hint: + if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): start = true - ._ready() + super._ready() func _next_move(): _check_pending_interaction() if _paused: # Stop the animation if the movement is paused. - $AnimatedSprite.stop() - $AnimatedSprite.frame = 0 + $AnimatedSprite2D.stop() + $AnimatedSprite2D.frame = 0 return # When the instruction has been running long enough if _progress == durations[_current_step]: @@ -69,8 +71,8 @@ func _next_move(): _progress = 0 else: # Definitely stop the movement _stopped = true - $AnimatedSprite.stop() - $AnimatedSprite.frame = 0 + $AnimatedSprite2D.stop() + $AnimatedSprite2D.frame = 0 return var dir: Vector2 = _get_direction(path[_current_step]) if dir != Vector2.ZERO: # It it is a movement @@ -79,11 +81,11 @@ func _next_move(): _progress+=1 else: # The "Stand" instruction _pause = 16 - $AnimatedSprite.stop() - $AnimatedSprite.frame = 0 + $AnimatedSprite2D.stop() + $AnimatedSprite2D.frame = 0 func _process(_delta): - if not Engine.editor_hint: + if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): if start: start = false _next_move() @@ -93,19 +95,19 @@ func _process(_delta): _next_move() elif _pause > 0: # Else continue the countdown _pause -= 1 - ._process(_delta) + super._process(_delta) -func _get_direction(sdir: String): +func _get_direction(sdir: Dir): match sdir: - "Up": return Vector2.UP - "Down": return Vector2.DOWN - "Left": return Vector2.LEFT - "Right": return Vector2.RIGHT - "Stand": return Vector2.ZERO + Dir.UP: return Vector2.UP + Dir.DOWN: return Vector2.DOWN + Dir.LEFT: return Vector2.LEFT + Dir.RIGHT: return Vector2.RIGHT + Dir.STAND: return Vector2.ZERO -func _end_move(_1, _2): +func _end_move(): _next_move() func _unpause(): - ._unpause() + super._unpause() call_deferred("_next_move") diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.gd b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.gd index 99f18f3..f2e54dd 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.gd +++ b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.gd @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ -tool +# This class represents the Player as the character moving on the map. +# For the Player as a set of data, see Playerdata + +@tool extends "res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.gd" const InteractableClass = preload("Interactable.gd") @@ -6,20 +9,20 @@ const InteractableClass = preload("Interactable.gd") var player_data: PlayerData func _ready(): - ._ready() + super._ready() player_data = get_node("/root/PlayerData") func _input(event): - if not Engine.editor_hint: + if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): if event.is_action_pressed("interact") and not _paused: _interact() func _process(_delta): if not self._paused: - if not Engine.editor_hint: + if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): _check_move() - update() - + queue_redraw() + # Checks if the player wants to move the character and starts # the movement if so. func _check_move(): @@ -46,13 +49,13 @@ func _interact(): collider.interact(self) # Function connected to the end of the Tween -func _end_move(_object, _key): +func _end_move(): emit_signal("square_tick") _moving = Vector2.ZERO _check_move() if _moving == Vector2.ZERO: # If not, then the movement is over, stop the animation - $AnimatedSprite.stop() - $AnimatedSprite.frame = 0 + $AnimatedSprite2D.stop() + $AnimatedSprite2D.frame = 0 # If _moving is true, the animation continues func is_moving(): diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.tscn b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.tscn index a0b3c06..521bd2c 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.tscn @@ -1,19 +1,20 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://dm7qtfj2r1yiw"] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.gd" type="Script" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/chara/player_spriteframes.tres" type="SpriteFrames" id=4] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://c7s75w0ldamla" path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.tscn" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.gd" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="SpriteFrames" uid="uid://bro2srv81ccr5" path="res://Data/Sprites/chara/player_spriteframes.tres" id="4"] -[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=1] +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="1"] resource_local_to_scene = true -extents = Vector2( 8, 8 ) +size = Vector2(8, 8) -[node name="Character" instance=ExtResource( 1 )] -script = ExtResource( 2 ) -textures = ExtResource( 4 ) +[node name="Character" instance=ExtResource("1")] +script = ExtResource("2") +textures = ExtResource("4") -[node name="AnimatedSprite" parent="." index="0"] -animation = "walk_down" +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="." index="0"] +sprite_frames = ExtResource("4") +animation = &"walk_down" [node name="CharacterCollision" parent="." index="2"] -shape = SubResource( 1 ) +shape = SubResource("1") diff --git a/Scenes/Events/SpriteInEditor.gd b/Scenes/Events/SpriteInEditor.gd index e52a60d..d133eca 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/SpriteInEditor.gd +++ b/Scenes/Events/SpriteInEditor.gd @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ +@tool # Used to run the AnimatedSprite in the Character scene in the editor # It allows to show the characters’ sprites inside the editor -tool -extends AnimatedSprite +extends AnimatedSprite2D func _process(delta): - update() + queue_redraw() diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Door.gd b/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Door.gd index 6a41546..850747a 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Door.gd +++ b/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Door.gd @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ -tool +@tool extends Teleporter -export(String, "wooden_door", "shop_door") var animation := "" setget set_animation +@export var animation := "": set = set_animation func set_animation(new_animation): - $AnimatedSprite.animation = new_animation + $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = new_animation animation = new_animation func start(player): - .start(player) - $AnimatedSprite.play() + super.start(player) + $AnimatedSprite2D.play() func teleport(_object,_key): - .teleport(_object,_key) - $AnimatedSprite.frame = 0 + super.teleport(_object,_key) + $AnimatedSprite2D.frame = 0 diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Door.tscn b/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Door.tscn index bd26071..fc43927 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Door.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Door.tscn @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ [node name="Door" instance=ExtResource( 1 )] script = ExtResource( 3 ) -[node name="AnimatedSprite" type="AnimatedSprite" parent="." index="0"] +[node name="AnimatedSprite2D" type="AnimatedSprite2D" parent="." index="0"] position = Vector2( 8, 6 ) scale = Vector2( 0.523809, 0.5 ) frames = ExtResource( 2 ) diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.gd b/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.gd index ea03ca0..f1535f5 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.gd +++ b/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.gd @@ -3,34 +3,33 @@ extends Trigger class_name Teleporter # The name of the map the teleporter will lead -export var _map_name: String +@export var _map_name: String # The position of the player in the new map -export var _position: Vector2 +@export var _position: Vector2 # The teleporter keeps the fade object var _fade: ColorRect func _ready(): - ._ready() - get_parent().connect("map_loaded", self, "map_loaded") + super._ready() + get_parent().connect("map_loaded", Callable(self, "map_loaded")) func start(player): - .start(player) + super.start(player) if _active: _map_manager.pause_player() # Prevents the player from moving before being teleported func frame(): - .frame() + super.frame() func end(): - .end() + super.end() _fade = _map_manager.fade(0.5) # Waits for the end of the fading animation to teleport the player - _fade.get_node("Tween").connect("tween_completed", self, "teleport") + _fade.tween.tween_callback(Callable(self, "teleport")) -func teleport(_object, _key): +func teleport(): _map_manager.change_map(_map_name, _position) # Teleports the player - _fade.get_node("Tween").disconnect("tween_completed", self, "teleport") _map_manager.unfade(0.5, _fade) func map_loaded(): diff --git a/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Trigger.tscn b/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Trigger.tscn index 669397b..4e7ac10 100644 --- a/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Trigger.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Events/Trigger/Trigger.tscn @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Trigger.gd" type="Script" id=1] [sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=1] -extents = Vector2( 7, 7 ) +size = Vector2( 7, 7 ) [node name="Trigger" type="Area2D"] script = ExtResource( 1 ) diff --git a/Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.gd b/Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.gd index 306d447..99c1df6 100644 --- a/Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.gd +++ b/Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.gd @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ extends Interface var labels := [] -var options := ["res://Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.tscn", "", "", "", "", ""] +var options := ["res://Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.tscn", "res://Scenes/Interface/Bag/Bag.tscn", "", "", "", ""] var selection := 0 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ func _ready(): labels.append($IDLabel) labels.append($SaveLabel) labels.append($SettingsLabel) - self.rect_position = (Vector2(960,640) / 2) - (self.rect_size / 2) + self.position = (Vector2(960,640) / 2) - (self.size / 2) func _input(event): if not subinterface_opened: @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ func _input(event): if selection == 4: self._map_manager.save() else: - subinterface = load(options[selection]).instance() + subinterface = load(options[selection]).instantiate() subinterface._map_manager = _map_manager subinterface_opened = true - subinterface.connect("closed", self, "close_subinterface") + subinterface.connect("closed", Callable(self, "close_subinterface")) $Subinterface.add_child(subinterface) elif event.is_action_pressed("menu"): emit_signal("closed") @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func _input(event): selection = 0 elif selection > 5: selection = 5 - $ChoiceRect.rect_position = labels[selection].rect_position + $ChoiceRect.position = labels[selection].position func _process(_delta): if subinterface_cooldown > 0: diff --git a/Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.tscn b/Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.tscn index ca6c835..a85b403 100644 --- a/Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.tscn +++ b/Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.tscn @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ [gd_scene load_steps=5 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.gd" type="Script" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=2] +[ext_resource path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" type="FontFile" id=2] -[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=3] +[sub_resource type="FontFile" id=3] size = 24 font_data = ExtResource( 2 ) @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Label/fonts/font = null [node name="GameMenu" type="Control"] anchor_right = 0.417 anchor_bottom = 0.625 -margin_right = -0.320038 +offset_right = -0.320038 theme = SubResource( 4 ) script = ExtResource( 1 ) @@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="OpMonLabel" type="Label" parent="."] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 192.0 -margin_bottom = 136.0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 192.0 +offset_bottom = 136.0 text = "GAMEMENU_OPMON" align = 1 valign = 1 @@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="BagLabel" type="Label" parent="."] -margin_left = 208.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 392.0 -margin_bottom = 136.0 +offset_left = 208.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 392.0 +offset_bottom = 136.0 text = "GAMEMENU_BAG" align = 1 valign = 1 @@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="OpDexLabel" type="Label" parent="."] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 144.0 -margin_right = 192.0 -margin_bottom = 269.0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 144.0 +offset_right = 192.0 +offset_bottom = 269.0 text = "GAMEMENU_ENCYCLOPEDIA" align = 1 valign = 1 @@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="IDLabel" type="Label" parent="."] -margin_left = 208.0 -margin_top = 144.0 -margin_right = 392.0 -margin_bottom = 269.0 +offset_left = 208.0 +offset_top = 144.0 +offset_right = 392.0 +offset_bottom = 269.0 text = "GAMEMENU_ID" align = 1 valign = 1 @@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="SaveLabel" type="Label" parent="."] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 269.0 -margin_right = 192.0 -margin_bottom = 394.0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 269.0 +offset_right = 192.0 +offset_bottom = 394.0 text = "GAMEMENU_SAVE" align = 1 valign = 1 @@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="SettingsLabel" type="Label" parent="."] -margin_left = 208.0 -margin_top = 269.0 -margin_right = 392.0 -margin_bottom = 394.0 +offset_left = 208.0 +offset_top = 269.0 +offset_right = 392.0 +offset_bottom = 394.0 text = "GAMEMENU_SETTINGS" align = 1 valign = 1 @@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="ChoiceRect" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 192.0 -margin_bottom = 136.0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 192.0 +offset_bottom = 136.0 color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 0.45098 ) [node name="Subinterface" type="Node" parent="."] diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/Bag/Bag.gd b/Scenes/Interface/Bag/Bag.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c885a92 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scenes/Interface/Bag/Bag.gd @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +extends Interface + +# The number of items the list can show. In reality, the list can show one more item, +# but the twelfth item implies by its placement that there is more items below, so +# it must not be present at the end of the list. +const LIST_SIZE := 11 + +# The different modes of the bag +enum Mode { + OVERWORLD, # If the bag is opened from the game menu + BATTLE # If the bag is opened during a battle +} + +var _item_boxes: Array[HBoxContainer] # each container contains the name and quantity of an item +var _all_items: Array # an array of all the items in the bag (items IDs) + + +var _cur_pos_rel := 0 # Cursor position on the current screen +var _first_item := 0 # Position of the first item in the shown list in the item array +var _current_list_size := 0 # Number of items currently shown on the list + +# Prevents the ui_accept action of the Submenu from reactivating the submenu at +# the same time as closing it +var _accept_cooldown = 5 + +# Updates the list with the currently shown items +func _update_items(): + _current_list_size = 0 + for i in range(_first_item, _first_item + LIST_SIZE + 1): + if i < _all_items.size(): # There is still items + _item_boxes[i - _first_item].get_child(0).text = "ITEMNAME_" + _all_items[i] + _item_boxes[i - _first_item].get_child(1).text = "x" + String.num(PlayerData.bag[_all_items[i]]) + _item_boxes[i - _first_item].visible = true + _current_list_size += 1 + else: # No items left + _item_boxes[i - _first_item].visible = false + _update_description() + +func _update_description(): + $ItemDescription/Description.text = "ITEMDESC_" + _all_items[_cur_pos_rel + _first_item] + +func _ready(): + _item_boxes = [ + $List/Items/Item0, + $List/Items/Item1, + $List/Items/Item2, + $List/Items/Item3, + $List/Items/Item4, + $List/Items/Item5, + $List/Items/Item6, + $List/Items/Item7, + $List/Items/Item8, + $List/Items/Item9, + $List/Items/Item10, + $List/Items/Item11 + ] + _all_items = PlayerData.bag.keys().filter(func(item): return PlayerData.bag[item] > 0) + _all_items.sort() + _update_items() + $Submenu.connect("choice", _submenu_selection) + +func _input(event): + if not $Submenu.visible and _accept_cooldown == 0 and self.visible: + if event.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): + if _cur_pos_rel == 0 and _first_item > 0: + _first_item -= 1 + _update_items() + elif _cur_pos_rel > 0: + _cur_pos_rel -= 1 + _update_description() + elif event.is_action_pressed("ui_down"): + if _cur_pos_rel == LIST_SIZE - 1 and _first_item + LIST_SIZE < _all_items.size(): + _first_item += 1 + _update_items() + elif _cur_pos_rel < LIST_SIZE - 1 and _cur_pos_rel < _current_list_size: + _cur_pos_rel += 1 + _update_description() + elif event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"): + _accept_cooldown = 5 + $Submenu.visible = true + elif event.is_action_pressed("ui_cancel"): + emit_signal("closed") + + $List/Selector.position = Vector2($List/Selector.position.x, 8 + _cur_pos_rel*40) + +func _process(delta): + if _accept_cooldown != 0: + _accept_cooldown -= 1 + +func _submenu_selection(selection): + $Submenu.visible = false + _accept_cooldown = 5 diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/Bag/Bag.tscn b/Scenes/Interface/Bag/Bag.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e6e035 --- /dev/null +++ b/Scenes/Interface/Bag/Bag.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=3 uid="uid://bj1cwqnk6ko4a"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bmrmuv5nvgor7" path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrChoice.png" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Interface/Bag/Bag.gd" id="2_wc0kd"] +[ext_resource type="Theme" uid="uid://cpw3rvof6qohv" path="res://Data/Fonts/Menu_Theme.tres" id="3_u35m5"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Interface/Submenu.gd" id="4_hpnxt"] +[ext_resource type="Theme" uid="uid://cir3f60kwn7dv" path="res://Data/Fonts/Dialog_Theme.tres" id="4_wtqv5"] + +[node name="Bag" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 0 +theme = ExtResource("3_u35m5") +script = ExtResource("2_wc0kd") + +[node name="Background" type="ColorRect" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_right = 960.0 +offset_bottom = 640.0 +color = Color(0.67451, 0.67451, 0.67451, 1) + +[node name="List" type="ColorRect" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 304.0 +offset_top = 152.0 +offset_right = 688.0 +offset_bottom = 632.0 + +[node name="Selector" type="TextureRect" parent="List"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 16.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 48.0 +offset_bottom = 40.0 +texture = ExtResource("1") +expand_mode = 1 + +[node name="ArrowUp" type="TextureRect" parent="List"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 374.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 394.0 +offset_bottom = 28.0 +rotation = 1.5708 +texture = ExtResource("1") +expand_mode = 1 +flip_h = true + +[node name="ArrowDown" type="TextureRect" parent="List"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 376.0 +offset_top = 452.0 +offset_right = 396.0 +offset_bottom = 472.0 +rotation = 1.5708 +texture = ExtResource("1") +expand_mode = 1 + +[node name="Items" type="VBoxContainer" parent="List"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 64.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 344.0 +offset_bottom = 472.0 +theme = ExtResource("3_u35m5") + +[node name="Item0" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item0"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item0"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="Item1" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item1"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item1"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="Item2" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item2"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 2" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item2"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x5" + +[node name="Item3" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item3"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item3"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="Item4" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item4"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item4"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="Item5" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item5"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item5"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="Item6" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item6"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item6"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="Item7" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item7"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item7"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="Item8" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item8"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item8"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="Item9" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item9"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item9"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="Item10" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item10"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item10"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="Item11" type="HBoxContainer" parent="List/Items"] +visible = false +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Name" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item11"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +text = "Item 1" + +[node name="Quantity" type="Label" parent="List/Items/Item11"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +text = "x1" + +[node name="HideBar" type="ColorRect" parent="List"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_top = 472.0 +offset_right = 384.0 +offset_bottom = 480.0 + +[node name="HideBar2" type="ColorRect" parent="List"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_top = 479.0 +offset_right = 384.0 +offset_bottom = 487.0 +color = Color(0.67451, 0.67451, 0.67451, 1) + +[node name="CategorySelector" type="ColorRect" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 304.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 952.0 +offset_bottom = 72.0 + +[node name="Container" type="HBoxContainer" parent="CategorySelector"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_right = 640.0 +offset_bottom = 64.0 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="ArrowLeft" type="TextureRect" parent="CategorySelector/Container"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(50, 50) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 4 +texture = ExtResource("1") +expand_mode = 1 +flip_h = true + +[node name="Category1" type="TextureRect" parent="CategorySelector/Container"] +editor_description = "TODO" +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="ArrowRight" type="TextureRect" parent="CategorySelector/Container"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(50, 50) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 10 +size_flags_vertical = 4 +texture = ExtResource("1") +expand_mode = 1 + +[node name="CategoryName" type="ColorRect" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 304.0 +offset_top = 80.0 +offset_right = 952.0 +offset_bottom = 144.0 + +[node name="Container" type="HBoxContainer" parent="CategoryName"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 640.0 +offset_bottom = 56.0 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="CategoryName/Container"] +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 6 +text = "Bag category" +horizontal_alignment = 1 +vertical_alignment = 1 + +[node name="ItemDescription" type="ColorRect" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 696.0 +offset_top = 152.0 +offset_right = 952.0 +offset_bottom = 432.0 + +[node name="ItemSprite" type="TextureRect" parent="ItemDescription"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 80.0 +offset_bottom = 80.0 + +[node name="Description" type="RichTextLabel" parent="ItemDescription"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 96.0 +offset_right = 248.0 +offset_bottom = 272.0 +theme = ExtResource("4_wtqv5") +theme_type_variation = &"RichTextLabel" +theme_override_font_sizes/normal_font_size = 16 +text = "Item description" +scroll_active = false + +[node name="Mons" type="ColorRect" parent="."] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 296.0 +offset_bottom = 632.0 + +[node name="Container" type="VBoxContainer" parent="Mons"] +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 280.0 +offset_bottom = 616.0 + +[node name="Container" type="Container" parent="Mons/Container"] +layout_mode = 2 + +[node name="Submenu" type="ColorRect" parent="."] +visible = false +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(256, 191) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 696.0 +offset_top = 440.0 +offset_right = 1016.0 +offset_bottom = 631.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(0, 191) +color = Color(0.960784, 0.960784, 0.960784, 1) +script = ExtResource("4_hpnxt") +choices = Array[String](["ITEMMENU_USE", "ITEMMENU_THROW", "MENU_BACK"]) +cursor_texture = ExtResource("1") diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/Camera.tscn b/Scenes/Interface/Camera.tscn index 1c7780a..2d4a629 100644 --- a/Scenes/Interface/Camera.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Interface/Camera.tscn @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://d0p7vse2gfwr2"] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Interface/Camera.gd" type="Script" id=1] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Interface/Camera.gd" id="1"] -[node name="Camera" type="Camera2D"] +[node name="Camera3D" type="Camera2D"] anchor_mode = 0 -current = true -zoom = Vector2( 0.5, 0.5 ) +zoom = Vector2(2, 2) editor_draw_drag_margin = true -script = ExtResource( 1 ) +script = ExtResource("1") diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.gd b/Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.gd index 03848d7..c3ec20d 100644 --- a/Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.gd +++ b/Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.gd @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ extends "res://Scenes/Interface/Interface.gd" # Speed at which the dialog lines are displayed -export var dialog_speed := 10.0 +@export var dialog_speed := 30.0 # If the dialog auto-closes when finished -export var close_when_over := true +@export var close_when_over := true # Lines of dialog stored as an array var _dialog_lines: Array @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ func go(): _start_new_line(); # Start the animation of the dial arrow - $NinePatchRect/DialArrow.get_node("AnimationPlayer").current_animation = "idle" - $NinePatchRect/DialArrow.get_node("AnimationPlayer").playback_active = true + $NinePatchRect/DialArrow/AnimationPlayer.current_animation = "idle" + $NinePatchRect/DialArrow/AnimationPlayer.playback_active = true func _ready(): if _map_manager != null: @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func _ready(): # Prepare the timer _timer = Timer.new() add_child(_timer) - _timer.connect("timeout", self, "_on_Timer_timeout") + _timer.connect("timeout", Callable(self, "_on_Timer_timeout")) _timer.set_one_shot(false) _timer.set_wait_time(1/dialog_speed) diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.tscn b/Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.tscn index 4d6e94c..43385cf 100644 --- a/Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.tscn @@ -1,82 +1,830 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=9 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=10 format=3 uid="uid://clmpeqndxb3r7"] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" type="Texture" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.gd" type="Script" id=3] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrDial.png" type="Texture" id=4] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/sfx/sfx_dialog_change.ogg" type="AudioStream" id=5] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=6] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dokdrfxtwvvk3" path="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.gd" id="3"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b6hc4vouolvar" path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrDial.png" id="4"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://bh80yayp2sgrj" path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/sfx/sfx_dialog_change.ogg" id="5"] +[ext_resource type="FontFile" uid="uid://c5pnk4yop31d" path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" id="6"] -[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=2] -size = 8 -font_data = ExtResource( 6 ) +[sub_resource type="FontFile" id="2"] +fallbacks = Array[Font]([ExtResource("6")]) +cache/0/16/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/2/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/2/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/2/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/2/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/2/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/3/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/3/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/3/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/3/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/3/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/4/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/4/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/4/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/4/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/4/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/5/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/5/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/5/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/5/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/5/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/6/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/6/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/6/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/6/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/6/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/7/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/7/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/7/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/7/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/7/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/8/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/8/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/9/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/9/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/9/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/9/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/9/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/10/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/10/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/10/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/10/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/10/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/11/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/11/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/11/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/11/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/11/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/12/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/12/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/12/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/12/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/12/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/13/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/13/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/13/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/13/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/13/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/14/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/14/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/14/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/14/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/14/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/15/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/15/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/15/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/15/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/15/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/17/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/17/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/17/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/17/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/17/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/18/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/18/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/18/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/18/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/18/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/19/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/19/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/19/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/19/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/19/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/20/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/20/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/20/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/20/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/20/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/21/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/21/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/21/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/21/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/21/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/22/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/22/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/22/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/22/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/22/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/23/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/23/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/23/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/23/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/23/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/24/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/24/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/24/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/24/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/24/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/25/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/25/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/25/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/25/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/25/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/26/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/26/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/26/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/26/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/2/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/3/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/4/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/5/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/6/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/7/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/8/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/9/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/10/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/11/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/12/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/13/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/14/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/15/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/17/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/18/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/19/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/20/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/21/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/22/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/23/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/24/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/25/0 = Vector2(0, 0) +cache/0/26/0/kerning_overrides/26/0 = Vector2(0, 0) -[sub_resource type="Theme" id=3] -default_font = SubResource( 2 ) -RichTextLabel/colors/default_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) +[sub_resource type="Theme" id="3"] +default_font = SubResource("2") +RichTextLabel/colors/default_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) -[sub_resource type="Animation" id=1] +[sub_resource type="Animation" id="1"] resource_name = "idle" -loop = true tracks/0/type = "value" -tracks/0/path = NodePath(".:rect_position") -tracks/0/interp = 1 -tracks/0/loop_wrap = true tracks/0/imported = false tracks/0/enabled = true +tracks/0/path = NodePath(".:position") +tracks/0/interp = 1 +tracks/0/loop_wrap = true tracks/0/keys = { -"times": PoolRealArray( 0, 1 ), -"transitions": PoolRealArray( 1, 1 ), +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 1), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1), "update": 0, -"values": [ Vector2( 238, 22 ), Vector2( 238, 18 ) ] +"values": [Vector2(452, 72), Vector2(452, 75)] } -[node name="DialogBox" type="Control"] -margin_right = 480.0 -margin_bottom = 320.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 2, 2 ) -theme = SubResource( 3 ) -script = ExtResource( 3 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false +[sub_resource type="AnimationLibrary" id="AnimationLibrary_3b5a0"] +_data = { +"idle": SubResource("1") } +[node name="DialogBox" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 0 +offset_right = 480.0 +offset_bottom = 320.0 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +theme = SubResource("3") +script = ExtResource("3") + [node name="NinePatchRect" type="NinePatchRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 48.0 -margin_top = 260.0 -margin_right = 304.0 -margin_bottom = 300.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 1.5, 1.5 ) -texture = ExtResource( 2 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 4.0 +offset_top = 224.0 +offset_right = 476.0 +offset_bottom = 316.0 +texture = ExtResource("2") patch_margin_left = 16 patch_margin_top = 16 patch_margin_right = 16 patch_margin_bottom = 16 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Text" type="RichTextLabel" parent="NinePatchRect"] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 248.0 -margin_bottom = 32.0 +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 12.0 +offset_top = 12.0 +offset_right = 448.0 +offset_bottom = 79.0 +text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua." scroll_active = false -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="DialArrow" type="TextureRect" parent="NinePatchRect"] -margin_left = 238.0 -margin_top = 22.0 -margin_right = 248.0 -margin_bottom = 32.0 -texture = ExtResource( 4 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 452.0 +offset_top = 75.0 +offset_right = 462.0 +offset_bottom = 85.0006 +texture = ExtResource("4") [node name="AnimationPlayer" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="NinePatchRect/DialArrow"] -anims/idle = SubResource( 1 ) +libraries = { +"": SubResource("AnimationLibrary_3b5a0") +} [node name="DialogSound" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] -stream = ExtResource( 5 ) +stream = ExtResource("5") diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/Fade.gd b/Scenes/Interface/Fade.gd index b19e8c0..aa90310 100644 --- a/Scenes/Interface/Fade.gd +++ b/Scenes/Interface/Fade.gd @@ -1,9 +1,21 @@ extends ColorRect +class_name Fade + var alpha: float = 0.0 +var tween: Tween +var duration: int + func _ready(): color = Color(0, 0, 0, alpha) - + tween = create_tween() + tween.tween_property(self, "alpha", 1.0, duration) + tween.play() + +func unfade(duration_: int): + tween.interpolate_property(self, "alpha", 0.0, duration_) + tween.play() + func _process(_delta): color = Color(0, 0, 0, alpha) diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/Fade.tscn b/Scenes/Interface/Fade.tscn index 8d14773..8cbe7cc 100644 --- a/Scenes/Interface/Fade.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Interface/Fade.tscn @@ -1,14 +1,9 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://cd3wskcv4g43f"] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Interface/Fade.gd" type="Script" id=1] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Interface/Fade.gd" id="1"] [node name="ColorRect" type="ColorRect"] -margin_right = 856.0 -margin_bottom = 420.0 -color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -script = ExtResource( 1 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} - -[node name="Tween" type="Tween" parent="."] +offset_right = 856.0 +offset_bottom = 420.0 +color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) +script = ExtResource("1") diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/Interface.gd b/Scenes/Interface/Interface.gd index cf44717..f603767 100644 --- a/Scenes/Interface/Interface.gd +++ b/Scenes/Interface/Interface.gd @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ extends Control class_name Interface -var _map_manager +var _map_manager: MapManager signal closed(interface_id) -func set_map(map_manager: Node): +func set_map(map_manager: MapManager): _map_manager = map_manager - connect("closed", _map_manager, "unload_interface") + connect("closed", Callable(_map_manager, "unload_interface")) diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/Submenu.gd b/Scenes/Interface/Submenu.gd index 4b635e0..9263fe3 100644 --- a/Scenes/Interface/Submenu.gd +++ b/Scenes/Interface/Submenu.gd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -tool +@tool extends ColorRect class_name Submenu @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ class_name Submenu # Returns the identifier of the option chosen. Returns -1 if no option chosen (submenu closed) signal choice(curpos) -export(Array, String) var choices setget set_choices -export(Texture) var cursor_texture setget set_cursor_texture +@export var choices: Array[String]: set = set_choices +@export var cursor_texture: Texture2D: set = set_cursor_texture var choices_nodes: Array var cursor_positions: Array @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ var cursor := TextureRect.new() var curpos: int -func set_choices(new_choices: Array): +func set_choices(new_choices: Array[String]): choices = new_choices # Clears old nodes for choice_node in choices_nodes: @@ -33,18 +33,18 @@ func set_choices(new_choices: Array): var node: Label = choices_nodes.back() node.set_text(choice) self.add_child(node) - node.rect_position = Vector2(25, y) # 25: Leaves place for the cursor + node.position = Vector2(25, y) # 25: Leaves place for the cursor cursor_positions.append(Vector2(5, y)) - cursor_sizes.append(Vector2(15, node.rect_size.y)) - y += node.rect_size.y + 10 # + 10: Leaves place for the next label - if max_x < node.rect_size.x: - max_x = node.rect_size.x + cursor_sizes.append(Vector2(15, node.size.y)) + y += node.size.y + 10 # + 10: Leaves place for the next label + if max_x < node.size.x: + max_x = node.size.x - self.rect_size = Vector2(35 + max_x, y) - self.rect_pivot_offset = Vector2(0, self.rect_size.y) + self.size = Vector2(35 + max_x, y) + self.pivot_offset = Vector2(0, self.size.y) -func set_cursor_texture(new_texture: Texture): +func set_cursor_texture(new_texture: Texture2D): cursor_texture = new_texture cursor.texture = cursor_texture @@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ func _enter_tree(): set_choices(choices) set_cursor_texture(cursor_texture) if choices.size() > 0: - cursor.rect_position = cursor_positions[0] - cursor.rect_size = cursor_sizes[0] - self.color = Color.whitesmoke + cursor.position = cursor_positions[0] + cursor.size = cursor_sizes[0] + self.color = Color.WHITE_SMOKE func _input(event): - if not Engine.editor_hint and visible: + if not Engine.is_editor_hint() and visible: if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"): emit_signal("choice", curpos) curpos = 0 @@ -71,5 +71,5 @@ func _input(event): curpos += 1 elif event.is_action_pressed("ui_up") and curpos != 0: curpos -= 1 - cursor.rect_position = cursor_positions[curpos] - cursor.rect_size = cursor_sizes[curpos] + cursor.position = cursor_positions[curpos] + cursor.size = cursor_sizes[curpos] diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.gd b/Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.gd index b3269e5..6e1954a 100644 --- a/Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.gd +++ b/Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.gd @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ enum Mode { REORDER # Switches the position of two OpMons } -const SUBMENU_CHOICES := { - Mode.MANAGER: ["TEAMMANAGER_ORDER","MENU_BACK"], - Mode.SELECTOR: ["TEAMMANAGER_SELECT", "MENU_BACK"] +var SUBMENU_CHOICES := { + Mode.MANAGER: ["TEAMMANAGER_ORDER","MENU_BACK"] as Array[String], + Mode.SELECTOR: ["TEAMMANAGER_SELECT", "MENU_BACK"] as Array[String] } var mode = Mode.MANAGER @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func _quit_reorder_mode(): func _reorder_select(r_selection: int): _reorder_selection = r_selection - $ReorderRect.rect_position = opmons_rects[_reorder_selection].rect_position + $ReorderRect.position = opmons_rects[_reorder_selection].position $ReorderRect.visible = true func _input(event): @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ func _input(event): _selection = 0 elif _selection > (team.size() - 1): _selection = team.size() - 1 - $Selrect.rect_position = opmons_rects[_selection].rect_position + $Selrect.position = opmons_rects[_selection].position func _process(_delta): if _accept_cooldown != 0: diff --git a/Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.tscn b/Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.tscn index e10c932..ba6f50d 100644 --- a/Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.tscn @@ -1,237 +1,209 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=8 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.gd" type="Script" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Interface/Submenu.gd" type="Script" id=3] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrChoice.png" type="Texture" id=4] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/sfx/sfx_nope.ogg" type="AudioStream" id=5] - -[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=1] -size = 24 -font_data = ExtResource( 2 ) - -[sub_resource type="Theme" id=2] -default_font = SubResource( 1 ) -Label/colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) +[gd_scene load_steps=8 format=3 uid="uid://bqox68mawuc6k"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Interface/Team/Team.gd" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="FontFile" uid="uid://c5pnk4yop31d" path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Interface/Submenu.gd" id="3"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bmrmuv5nvgor7" path="res://Data/Sprites/UI/arrChoice.png" id="4"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://cx5jm6ygu78xq" path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/sfx/sfx_nope.ogg" id="5"] + +[sub_resource type="FontFile" id="1"] +fallbacks = Array[Font]([ExtResource("2")]) +cache/0/16/0/ascent = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/descent = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/underline_position = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/underline_thickness = 0.0 +cache/0/16/0/scale = 1.0 +cache/0/16/0/kerning_overrides/16/0 = Vector2(0, 0) + +[sub_resource type="Theme" id="2"] +default_font = SubResource("1") +Label/colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) [node name="TeamManager" type="Control"] +layout_mode = 3 +anchors_preset = 15 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 -theme = SubResource( 2 ) -script = ExtResource( 1 ) +theme = SubResource("2") +script = ExtResource("1") [node name="Background" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_right = 960.0 -margin_bottom = 640.0 -color = Color( 0.67451, 0.67451, 0.67451, 1 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_right = 960.0 +offset_bottom = 640.0 +color = Color(0.67451, 0.67451, 0.67451, 1) [node name="Mon1" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 24.0 -margin_top = 24.0 -margin_right = 472.0 -margin_bottom = 205.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( 400, 88 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 24.0 +offset_top = 24.0 +offset_right = 472.0 +offset_bottom = 205.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(400, 88) [node name="Name" type="Label" parent="Mon1"] -margin_left = 112.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 404.0 -margin_bottom = 72.0 +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 112.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 404.0 +offset_bottom = 72.0 text = "{opmon_name}" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Pict" type="TextureRect" parent="Mon1"] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 104.0 -margin_bottom = 104.0 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 104.0 +offset_bottom = 104.0 [node name="Mon2" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 488.0 -margin_top = 24.0 -margin_right = 936.0 -margin_bottom = 205.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( 280, 96 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 488.0 +offset_top = 24.0 +offset_right = 936.0 +offset_bottom = 205.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(280, 96) [node name="Name" type="Label" parent="Mon2"] -margin_left = 112.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 404.0 -margin_bottom = 72.0 +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 112.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 404.0 +offset_bottom = 72.0 text = "{opmon_name}" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Pict" type="TextureRect" parent="Mon2"] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 104.0 -margin_bottom = 104.0 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 104.0 +offset_bottom = 104.0 [node name="Mon6" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 488.0 -margin_top = 424.0 -margin_right = 936.0 -margin_bottom = 605.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( 400, 88 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 488.0 +offset_top = 424.0 +offset_right = 936.0 +offset_bottom = 605.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(400, 88) [node name="Name" type="Label" parent="Mon6"] -margin_left = 112.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 404.0 -margin_bottom = 72.0 +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 112.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 404.0 +offset_bottom = 72.0 text = "{opmon_name}" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Pict" type="TextureRect" parent="Mon6"] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 104.0 -margin_bottom = 104.0 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 104.0 +offset_bottom = 104.0 [node name="Mon5" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 24.0 -margin_top = 424.0 -margin_right = 472.0 -margin_bottom = 605.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( 400, 88 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 24.0 +offset_top = 424.0 +offset_right = 472.0 +offset_bottom = 605.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(400, 88) [node name="Name" type="Label" parent="Mon5"] -margin_left = 112.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 404.0 -margin_bottom = 72.0 +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 112.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 404.0 +offset_bottom = 72.0 text = "{opmon_name}" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Pict" type="TextureRect" parent="Mon5"] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 104.0 -margin_bottom = 104.0 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 104.0 +offset_bottom = 104.0 [node name="Mon4" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 488.0 -margin_top = 224.0 -margin_right = 936.0 -margin_bottom = 405.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( 400, 88 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 488.0 +offset_top = 224.0 +offset_right = 936.0 +offset_bottom = 405.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(400, 88) [node name="Name" type="Label" parent="Mon4"] -margin_left = 112.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 404.0 -margin_bottom = 72.0 +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 112.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 404.0 +offset_bottom = 72.0 text = "{opmon_name}" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Pict" type="TextureRect" parent="Mon4"] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 104.0 -margin_bottom = 104.0 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 104.0 +offset_bottom = 104.0 [node name="Mon3" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 24.0 -margin_top = 224.0 -margin_right = 472.0 -margin_bottom = 405.0 -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( 400, 88 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 24.0 +offset_top = 224.0 +offset_right = 472.0 +offset_bottom = 405.0 +pivot_offset = Vector2(400, 88) [node name="Name" type="Label" parent="Mon3"] -margin_left = 112.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 404.0 -margin_bottom = 72.0 +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 112.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 404.0 +offset_bottom = 72.0 text = "{opmon_name}" -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="Pict" type="TextureRect" parent="Mon3"] -margin_left = 8.0 -margin_top = 8.0 -margin_right = 104.0 -margin_bottom = 104.0 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = 104.0 +offset_bottom = 104.0 [node name="Selrect" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_left = 24.0 -margin_top = 24.0 -margin_right = 472.0 -margin_bottom = 205.0 -color = Color( 0.984314, 0.792157, 0.792157, 0.407843 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 24.0 +offset_top = 24.0 +offset_right = 472.0 +offset_bottom = 205.0 +color = Color(0.984314, 0.792157, 0.792157, 0.407843) [node name="ReorderRect" type="ColorRect" parent="."] visible = false -margin_left = 25.0 -margin_top = 25.0 -margin_right = 473.0 -margin_bottom = 206.0 -color = Color( 0.984314, 0.792157, 0.792157, 0.407843 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 25.0 +offset_top = 25.0 +offset_right = 473.0 +offset_bottom = 206.0 +color = Color(0.984314, 0.792157, 0.792157, 0.407843) [node name="Submenu" type="ColorRect" parent="."] visible = false -margin_left = 5.0 -margin_top = 545.0 -margin_right = 406.0 -margin_bottom = 636.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 1.5, 1.5 ) -rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( 0, 91 ) -color = Color( 0.96, 0.96, 0.96, 1 ) -script = ExtResource( 3 ) -choices = [ "TEAMMANAGER_ORDER", "MENU_BACK" ] -cursor_texture = ExtResource( 4 ) +layout_mode = 0 +offset_left = 5.0 +offset_top = 545.0 +offset_right = 284.0 +offset_bottom = 620.0 +scale = Vector2(1.5, 1.5) +pivot_offset = Vector2(0, 75) +color = Color(0.960784, 0.960784, 0.960784, 1) +script = ExtResource("3") +choices = ["TEAMMANAGER_ORDER", "MENU_BACK"] +cursor_texture = ExtResource("4") [node name="Nope" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] -pause_mode = 1 -stream = ExtResource( 5 ) +process_mode = 1 +stream = ExtResource("5") [connection signal="choice" from="Submenu" to="." method="_submenu_selection"] diff --git a/Scenes/Intro/IntroScene.tscn b/Scenes/Intro/IntroScene.tscn index 25da06f..affbb0d 100644 --- a/Scenes/Intro/IntroScene.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Intro/IntroScene.tscn @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ [gd_scene load_steps=4 format=2] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/chara/prof/profkiwai.png" type="Texture" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Backgrounds/start/introscene.png" type="Texture" id=2] +[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Sprites/chara/prof/profkiwai.png" type="Texture2D" id=1] +[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Backgrounds/start/introscene.png" type="Texture2D" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Interface/DialogBox.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=3] [node name="IntroScene" type="Control"] @@ -12,22 +12,22 @@ __meta__ = { } [node name="Background" type="TextureRect" parent="."] -margin_right = 1280.0 -margin_bottom = 720.0 +offset_right = 1280.0 +offset_bottom = 720.0 texture = ExtResource( 2 ) expand = true [node name="TextureRect" type="TextureRect" parent="Background"] -margin_left = 565.114 -margin_top = 236.523 -margin_right = 647.114 -margin_bottom = 372.523 -rect_scale = Vector2( 2, 2 ) +offset_left = 565.114 +offset_top = 236.523 +offset_right = 647.114 +offset_bottom = 372.523 +scale = Vector2( 2, 2 ) texture = ExtResource( 1 ) [node name="DialogBox" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )] -margin_left = 406.994 -margin_top = 613.854 -margin_right = 910.994 -margin_bottom = 713.854 +offset_left = 406.994 +offset_top = 613.854 +offset_right = 910.994 +offset_bottom = 713.854 dialog_speed = 1.5 diff --git a/Scenes/MainMenu/MainMenu.gd b/Scenes/MainMenu/MainMenu.gd index e9b6c33..6579eed 100644 --- a/Scenes/MainMenu/MainMenu.gd +++ b/Scenes/MainMenu/MainMenu.gd @@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ var just_moved := false # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): _buttons = [get_node("MainMenuButtons/NewGameButton") as NinePatchRect, - get_node("MainMenuButtons/LoadGameButton") as NinePatchRect, - get_node("MainMenuButtons/SettingsButton") as NinePatchRect, - get_node("MainMenuButtons/QuitButton") as NinePatchRect] - connect("button_pressed", self, "pressed") + get_node("MainMenuButtons/LoadGameButton") as NinePatchRect, + get_node("MainMenuButtons/SettingsButton") as NinePatchRect, + get_node("MainMenuButtons/QuitButton") as NinePatchRect] + connect("button_pressed", Callable(self, "pressed")) _buttons[_selection].modulate = Color(1,1,1,1) randomize() @@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ func _process(_delta): func pressed(id): if id == 0: - var map = load("res://Scenes/Maps/MapManager.tscn").instance() - map.init("/EuviTown/EuviTown", Vector2(-6,-11)) + var map = load("res://Scenes/Maps/MapManager.tscn").instantiate() + map.init("/MapTest/MapTest", Vector2(5,5)) get_tree().root.add_child(map) get_tree().root.remove_child(self) self.call_deferred("free") elif id == 1: - var map = load("res://Scenes/Maps/MapManager.tscn").instance() + var map = load("res://Scenes/Maps/MapManager.tscn").instantiate() if map.load_save(): get_tree().root.add_child(map) get_tree().root.remove_child(self) diff --git a/Scenes/MainMenu/MainMenu.tscn b/Scenes/MainMenu/MainMenu.tscn index 5d36ec7..df44b17 100644 --- a/Scenes/MainMenu/MainMenu.tscn +++ b/Scenes/MainMenu/MainMenu.tscn @@ -1,153 +1,142 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=9 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/sfx/sfx_nope.ogg" type="AudioStream" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" type="Texture" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Fonts/main_font.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=3] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/MainMenu/MainMenu.gd" type="Script" id=4] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/sfx/sfx_select_buttons.ogg" type="AudioStream" id=5] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/music/title.ogg" type="AudioStream" id=6] - -[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=2] -size = 8 -font_data = ExtResource( 3 ) - -[sub_resource type="Theme" id=1] -default_font = SubResource( 2 ) -Label/colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) - -[node name="MainMenu" type="Control"] -anchor_right = 1.0 -anchor_bottom = 1.0 -margin_right = -480.0 -margin_bottom = -320.0 -rect_scale = Vector2( 2, 2 ) -theme = SubResource( 1 ) -script = ExtResource( 4 ) +[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://bfrakbi6wo64u"] + +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://cx5jm6ygu78xq" path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/sfx/sfx_nope.ogg" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="Theme" uid="uid://cir3f60kwn7dv" path="res://Data/Fonts/Dialog_Theme.tres" id="1_bdd0d"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dokdrfxtwvvk3" path="res://Data/Backgrounds/menuframe.png" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/MainMenu/MainMenu.gd" id="4"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://b53nqo27v7nl3" path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/sfx/sfx_select_buttons.ogg" id="5"] +[ext_resource type="AudioStream" uid="uid://b6w18xtq8l0t7" path="res://OpMon-Data/Audio/music/title.ogg" id="6"] + +[node name="MainMenu" type="ColorRect"] +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(960, 640) +offset_right = 480.0 +offset_bottom = 320.0 +theme = ExtResource("1_bdd0d") +color = Color(0.376471, 0.431373, 0.854902, 1) +script = ExtResource("4") [node name="Background" type="ColorRect" parent="."] -margin_right = 480.0 -margin_bottom = 320.0 -color = Color( 0.376471, 0.431373, 0.854902, 1 ) -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +layout_mode = 0 +offset_right = 480.0 +offset_bottom = 320.0 +color = Color(0.376471, 0.431373, 0.854902, 1) [node name="MainMenuButtons" type="VBoxContainer" parent="."] -margin_left = 112.0 -margin_top = 4.0 -margin_right = 208.0 -margin_bottom = 316.0 +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = 5 +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +offset_left = -146.0 +offset_right = 146.0 +offset_bottom = 174.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +scale = Vector2(2, 2) +pivot_offset = Vector2(146, -20) +alignment = 1 [node name="NewGameButton" type="NinePatchRect" parent="MainMenuButtons"] -modulate = Color( 0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 1 ) -margin_right = 256.0 -margin_bottom = 32.0 -rect_min_size = Vector2( 256, 32 ) -texture = ExtResource( 2 ) +modulate = Color(0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 1) +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(256, 32) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +texture = ExtResource("2") patch_margin_left = 16 patch_margin_top = 16 patch_margin_right = 16 patch_margin_bottom = 16 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="NewGameLabel" type="Label" parent="MainMenuButtons/NewGameButton"] -margin_left = 16.0 -margin_right = 224.0 -margin_bottom = 32.0 +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = -1 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = -8.0 +offset_bottom = -8.0 text = "MAINMENU_NEW_GAME" -valign = 1 -autowrap = true -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +vertical_alignment = 2 [node name="LoadGameButton" type="NinePatchRect" parent="MainMenuButtons"] -modulate = Color( 0.313726, 0.313726, 0.313726, 1 ) -margin_top = 36.0 -margin_right = 256.0 -margin_bottom = 68.0 -rect_min_size = Vector2( 256, 32 ) -texture = ExtResource( 2 ) +modulate = Color(0.313726, 0.313726, 0.313726, 1) +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(256, 32) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +texture = ExtResource("2") patch_margin_left = 16 patch_margin_top = 16 patch_margin_right = 16 patch_margin_bottom = 16 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="LoadGameLabel" type="Label" parent="MainMenuButtons/LoadGameButton"] -margin_left = 16.0 -margin_right = 224.0 -margin_bottom = 32.0 +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = -1 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = -8.0 +offset_bottom = -8.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 text = "MAINMENU_LOAD_GAME" -valign = 1 -autowrap = true -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +vertical_alignment = 2 [node name="SettingsButton" type="NinePatchRect" parent="MainMenuButtons"] -modulate = Color( 0.313726, 0.313726, 0.313726, 1 ) -margin_top = 72.0 -margin_right = 256.0 -margin_bottom = 104.0 -rect_min_size = Vector2( 256, 32 ) -texture = ExtResource( 2 ) +modulate = Color(0.313726, 0.313726, 0.313726, 1) +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(256, 32) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +texture = ExtResource("2") patch_margin_left = 16 patch_margin_top = 16 patch_margin_right = 16 patch_margin_bottom = 16 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="SettingsLabel" type="Label" parent="MainMenuButtons/SettingsButton"] -margin_left = 16.0 -margin_right = 224.0 -margin_bottom = 32.0 +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = -1 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = -8.0 +offset_bottom = -8.0 text = "MAINMENU_SETTINGS" -valign = 1 -autowrap = true -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +vertical_alignment = 2 [node name="QuitButton" type="NinePatchRect" parent="MainMenuButtons"] -modulate = Color( 0.313726, 0.313726, 0.313726, 1 ) -margin_top = 108.0 -margin_right = 256.0 -margin_bottom = 140.0 -rect_min_size = Vector2( 256, 32 ) -texture = ExtResource( 2 ) +modulate = Color(0.313726, 0.313726, 0.313726, 1) +custom_minimum_size = Vector2(256, 32) +layout_mode = 2 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +texture = ExtResource("2") patch_margin_left = 16 patch_margin_top = 16 patch_margin_right = 16 patch_margin_bottom = 16 -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} [node name="QuitLabel" type="Label" parent="MainMenuButtons/QuitButton"] -margin_left = 16.0 -margin_right = 224.0 -margin_bottom = 32.0 +layout_mode = 1 +anchors_preset = -1 +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +offset_left = 8.0 +offset_top = 8.0 +offset_right = -8.0 +offset_bottom = -8.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 text = "MAINMENU_QUIT" -valign = 1 -autowrap = true -__meta__ = { -"_edit_use_anchors_": false -} +vertical_alignment = 2 [node name="Nope" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] -pause_mode = 1 -stream = ExtResource( 1 ) +process_mode = 1 +stream = ExtResource("1") [node name="Change" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] -stream = ExtResource( 5 ) +stream = ExtResource("5") [node name="BGM" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] -stream = ExtResource( 6 ) +stream = ExtResource("6") autoplay = true diff --git a/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/EuviTown.tscn b/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/EuviTown.tscn index 84e60d7..59a332d 100644 --- a/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/EuviTown.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/EuviTown.tscn @@ -1,111 +1,104 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=12 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/Ground.tres" type="TileSet" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/Static.tres" type="TileSet" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=3] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/PathNPC.gd" type="Script" id=4] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/chara/kid.tres" type="SpriteFrames" id=5] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/chara/beta.tres" type="SpriteFrames" id=6] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/BetaNPC.gd" type="Script" id=7] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/DialogNPC.gd" type="Script" id=8] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Maps/Map.gd" type="Script" id=9] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=10] - -[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=1] -extents = Vector2( 480, 352 ) - -[node name="EuviTown" type="YSort"] -script = ExtResource( 9 ) -adjacent_maps_names = [ "MapTest" ] -adjacent_maps_positions = [ Vector2( 51, 9 ) ] +[gd_scene load_steps=12 format=3 uid="uid://c2kw6er4pgkf8"] + +[ext_resource type="TileSet" path="res://Data/Tileset/Ground.tres" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="TileSet" path="res://Data/Tileset/Static.tres" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://c7s75w0ldamla" path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.tscn" id="3"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/PathNPC.gd" id="4"] +[ext_resource type="SpriteFrames" uid="uid://bl2fqw14hgjqd" path="res://Data/Sprites/chara/kid.tres" id="5"] +[ext_resource type="SpriteFrames" uid="uid://bkvw6f81371xh" path="res://Data/Sprites/chara/beta.tres" id="6"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/BetaNPC.gd" id="7"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/DialogNPC.gd" id="8"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Maps/Map.gd" id="9"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.tscn" id="10"] + +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="1"] +size = Vector2(480, 352) + +[node name="EuviTown" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("9") +adjacent_maps_names = ["MapTest"] +adjacent_maps_positions = [Vector2(51, 9)] [node name="Base" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = -2 -tile_set = ExtResource( 1 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -1769519, 7, 65539, -1769518, 7, 65539, -1769517, 7, 65539, -1769516, 7, 65539, -1769515, 7, 65539, -1769514, 7, 65539, -1769513, 7, 65539, -1769512, 7, 65539, -1769511, 7, 65539, -1769510, 7, 65539, -1769509, 7, 65539, -1769508, 7, 65539, -1769507, 7, 65539, -1769506, 7, 65539, -1769505, 7, 65539, -1769504, 7, 65539, -1769503, 7, 65540, -1769502, 0, 1, -1769501, 0, 0, -1769500, 0, 65537, -1769499, 0, 65537, -1769498, 0, 65536, -1769497, 0, 65536, -1769496, 0, 65537, -1769495, 0, 0, -1769494, 0, 0, -1769493, 0, 0, -1769492, 0, 1, -1769491, 0, 65536, -1769490, 0, 1, -1769489, 0, 65537, -1769488, 0, 1, -1769487, 0, 0, -1769486, 0, 65536, -1769485, 0, 0, -1769484, 0, 0, -1769483, 0, 1, -1769482, 0, 65537, -1769481, 0, 65537, -1769480, 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1769455, 24, 0, 1769457, 24, 0, 1769459, 24, 0, 1769461, 24, 0, 1769463, 24, 0, 1769465, 24, 0, 1769467, 24, 0, 1769469, 24, 0, 1769471, 24, 0, 1703937, 24, 0, 1703939, 24, 0, 1703941, 24, 0, 1703943, 24, 0, 1703945, 24, 0, 1703947, 24, 0, 1703949, 24, 0) + +[node name="Beta" parent="." groups=["Persist"] instance=ExtResource("3")] +position = Vector2(-176, -208) +script = ExtResource("7") +textures = ExtResource("6") faced_direction = "Down" -[node name="Kid" parent="." groups=["Persist"] instance=ExtResource( 3 )] -position = Vector2( -160, -80 ) -script = ExtResource( 4 ) -textures = ExtResource( 5 ) -faced_direction = "Down" -dialog_key = "EUVITOWN_KID_DIALOG" -path = [ "Down", "Right", "Up", "Left" ] -durations = [ 4, 8, 4, 8 ] +[node name="Kid" parent="." groups=["Persist"] instance=ExtResource("3")] +position = Vector2(-160, -80) +script = ExtResource("4") +path = Array[int]([3, 1, 2, 0]) +durations = Array[int]([4, 8, 4, 8]) loop = true +progress_despite_obstacles = false +dialog_key = "EUVITOWN_KID_DIALOG" +textures = ExtResource("5") +faced_direction = "Down" -[node name="FieldSign" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )] -position = Vector2( -16, 16 ) -script = ExtResource( 8 ) +[node name="FieldSign" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3")] +position = Vector2(-16, 16) +script = ExtResource("8") dialog_key = "EUVITOWN_FIELD_SIGN" -[node name="DescriptionSign" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )] -position = Vector2( 64, 96 ) -script = ExtResource( 8 ) +[node name="DescriptionSign" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3")] +position = Vector2(64, 96) +script = ExtResource("8") dialog_key = "EUVITOWN_DESCRIPTION_SIGN" -[node name="KiwaiMailbox" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )] -position = Vector2( 16, 160 ) -script = ExtResource( 8 ) +[node name="KiwaiMailbox" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3")] +position = Vector2(16, 160) +script = ExtResource("8") dialog_key = "EUVITOWN_KIWAI_MAILBOX" -[node name="RivalMailbox" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )] -position = Vector2( 144, 16 ) -script = ExtResource( 8 ) +[node name="RivalMailbox" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3")] +position = Vector2(144, 16) +script = ExtResource("8") dialog_key = "EUVITOWN_RIVAL_MAILBOX" -[node name="PlayerMailbox" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )] -position = Vector2( -64, -176 ) -script = ExtResource( 8 ) +[node name="PlayerMailbox" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3")] +position = Vector2(-64, -176) +script = ExtResource("8") dialog_key = "EUVITOWN_PLAYER_MAILBOX" [node name="MapZone" type="Area2D" parent="."] [node name="CollisionRect" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="MapZone"] visible = false -position = Vector2( -256, -80 ) -shape = SubResource( 1 ) +position = Vector2(-256, -80) +shape = SubResource("1") -[node name="PlayerHouse_Teleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 10 )] -position = Vector2( -96.8368, -193.674 ) +[node name="PlayerHouse_Teleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource("10")] +position = Vector2(-96.8368, -193.674) _map_name = "/EuviTown/PlayerHouse" +_position = Vector2(0, 0) -[node name="RivalHouse_Teleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 10 )] -position = Vector2( 113, 0 ) +[node name="RivalHouse_Teleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource("10")] +position = Vector2(113, 0) _map_name = "/EuviTown/RivalHouse" -_position = Vector2( -1, 0 ) +_position = Vector2(-1, 0) -[node name="RivalHouse_Teleporter2" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 10 )] -position = Vector2( 129, -32 ) +[node name="RivalHouse_Teleporter2" parent="." instance=ExtResource("10")] +position = Vector2(129, -32) _map_name = "/EuviTown/RivalHouse" -_position = Vector2( 7, -7 ) +_position = Vector2(7, -7) [connection signal="body_entered" from="MapZone" to="." method="_on_map_entered"] diff --git a/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/PlayerHouse.tscn b/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/PlayerHouse.tscn index 8e5f76a..83dcd65 100644 --- a/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/PlayerHouse.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/PlayerHouse.tscn @@ -1,62 +1,54 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://2xtn8q8jpjq7"] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/Ground.tres" type="TileSet" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/Static.tres" type="TileSet" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Maps/Map.gd" type="Script" id=3] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/Collider.tres" type="TileSet" id=4] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=5] +[ext_resource type="TileSet" path="res://Data/Tileset/Ground.tres" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="TileSet" path="res://Data/Tileset/Static.tres" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Maps/Map.gd" id="3"] +[ext_resource type="TileSet" path="res://Data/Tileset/Collider.tres" id="4"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.tscn" id="5"] -[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=1] -extents = Vector2( 480, 352 ) +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="1"] +size = Vector2(480, 352) -[node name="PlayerHouse" type="YSort"] -script = ExtResource( 3 ) +[node name="PlayerHouse" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("3") -[node name="PlayerRoom_Teleporter2" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 5 )] -position = Vector2( 95.1741, -112.343 ) +[node name="PlayerRoom_Teleporter2" parent="." instance=ExtResource("5")] +position = Vector2(95.1741, -112.343) _map_name = "EuviTown/PlayerRoom" +_position = Vector2(0, 0) -[node name="EuviTown_Teleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 5 )] -position = Vector2( -1.14821, 16.4017 ) +[node name="EuviTown_Teleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource("5")] +position = Vector2(-1.14821, 16.4017) _map_name = "EuviTown/EuviTown" -_position = Vector2( -6, -11 ) +_position = Vector2(-6, -11) [node name="Base" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = -2 -tile_set = ExtResource( 1 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -655368, 56, 65537, -655367, 56, 65537, -655366, 56, 65537, -655365, 56, 65537, -655364, 56, 65537, -655363, 56, 65537, -655362, 56, 65537, -655361, 56, 65537, -720896, 56, 65537, -720895, 56, 65537, -720894, 56, 65537, -720893, 56, 65537, -720892, 56, 65537, -720891, 56, 65537, -720890, 56, 65537, -720889, 56, 65537, -589832, 56, 131073, -589831, 56, 131073, -589830, 56, 131073, -589829, 56, 131073, -589828, 56, 131073, -589827, 56, 131073, -589826, 56, 131073, -589825, 56, 131073, -655360, 56, 131073, -655359, 56, 131073, -655358, 56, 131073, -655357, 56, 131073, -655356, 56, 131073, -655355, 56, 131073, -655354, 56, 131073, -655353, 56, 131073, -524296, 55, 65537, -524295, 55, 196608, -524294, 55, 0, -524293, 55, 0, -524292, 55, 0, -524291, 55, 0, -524290, 55, 0, -524289, 55, 0, -589824, 55, 0, -589823, 55, 0, -589822, 55, 0, -589821, 55, 0, -589820, 55, 0, -589819, 55, 0, -589818, 55, 0, -589817, 55, 0, -458760, 55, 65537, -458759, 55, 196608, -458758, 55, 0, -458757, 55, 0, -458756, 55, 0, -458755, 55, 0, -458754, 55, 0, -458753, 15, 2, -524288, 15, 3, -524287, 15, 3, -524286, 15, 3, -524285, 15, 4, -524284, 55, 0, -524283, 55, 0, -524282, 55, 0, -524281, 55, 0, -393224, 55, 65537, -393223, 55, 196608, -393222, 55, 0, -393221, 55, 0, -393220, 55, 0, -393219, 55, 0, -393218, 55, 0, -393217, 15, 65538, -458752, 15, 65539, -458751, 15, 65539, -458750, 15, 65539, -458749, 15, 65540, -458748, 55, 0, -458747, 55, 0, -458746, 55, 0, -458745, 55, 0, -458742, 56, 65537, -458741, 56, 65537, -458740, 56, 65537, -458739, 56, 65537, -458738, 56, 65537, -458737, 56, 65537, -458736, 56, 65537, -458735, 56, 65537, -458734, 56, 65537, -327688, 55, 65537, -327687, 12, 2, -327686, 12, 3, -327685, 12, 3, -327684, 12, 3, -327683, 12, 4, -327682, 55, 0, -327681, 15, 131074, -393216, 15, 131075, -393215, 15, 131075, -393214, 15, 131075, -393213, 15, 131076, -393212, 55, 0, -393211, 55, 0, -393210, 55, 0, -393209, 55, 0, -393206, 56, 131073, -393205, 56, 131073, -393204, 56, 131073, -393203, 56, 131073, -393202, 56, 131073, 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55, 0, -2, 55, 0, -1, 55, 0, -65536, 55, 0, -65535, 55, 0, -65534, 55, 0, -65533, 55, 0, -65532, 55, 0, -65531, 55, 0, -65530, 55, 0, -65529, 55, 0, -65528, 55, 0, -65527, 55, 0, -65526, 55, 0, -65525, 55, 0, -65524, 12, 131074, -65523, 12, 131075, -65522, 12, 131075, -65521, 12, 131075, -65520, 12, 131076, -65519, 55, 0, -65518, 55, 0, 65528, 55, 65537, 65529, 55, 196608, 65530, 55, 0, 65531, 55, 0, 65532, 55, 0, 65533, 55, 0, 65534, 55, 0, 65535, 55, 0, 0, 55, 0, 1, 55, 0, 2, 55, 0, 3, 55, 0, 4, 55, 0, 5, 55, 0, 6, 55, 0, 7, 55, 0, 10, 55, 65536, 11, 55, 0, 12, 55, 0, 13, 55, 0, 14, 55, 0, 15, 55, 0, 16, 55, 0, 17, 55, 0, 18, 55, 0, 65546, 55, 65536, 65547, 55, 196608, 65548, 55, 0, 65549, 55, 0, 65550, 55, 0, 65551, 55, 0, 65552, 55, 0, 65553, 55, 0, 65554, 55, 0 ) +tile_set = ExtResource("1") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-655368, 65589, 1, -655367, 65589, 1, -655366, 65589, 1, -655365, 65589, 1, -655364, 65589, 1, -655363, 65589, 1, -655362, 65589, 1, -655361, 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0, -393218, 52, 0, -458748, 52, 0, -458747, 52, 0, -458746, 52, 0, -458745, 52, 0, -458742, 65589, 1, -458741, 65589, 1, -458740, 65589, 1, -458739, 65589, 1, -458738, 65589, 1, -458737, 65589, 1, -458736, 65589, 1, -458735, 65589, 1, -458734, 65589, 1, -327688, 65588, 1, -327682, 52, 0, -393212, 52, 0, -393211, 52, 0, -393210, 52, 0, -393209, 52, 0, -393206, 65589, 2, -393205, 65589, 2, -393204, 65589, 2, -393203, 65589, 2, -393202, 65589, 2, -393201, 65589, 2, -393200, 65589, 2, -393199, 65589, 2, -393198, 65589, 2, -262152, 65588, 1, -262146, 52, 0, -262145, 52, 0, -327680, 52, 0, -327679, 52, 0, -327678, 52, 0, -327677, 52, 0, -327676, 52, 0, -327675, 52, 0, -327674, 52, 0, -327673, 52, 0, -327670, 52, 1, -327669, 52, 3, -327668, 52, 0, -327667, 52, 0, -327666, 52, 0, -327665, 52, 0, -327664, 52, 0, -327663, 52, 0, -327662, 52, 0, -196616, 65588, 1, -196610, 52, 0, -196609, 52, 0, -262144, 52, 0, -262143, 52, 0, -262142, 52, 0, -262141, 52, 0, -262140, 52, 0, -262139, 52, 0, -262138, 52, 0, -262137, 52, 0, -262136, 65589, 1, -262135, 65589, 1, -262134, 52, 1, -262133, 52, 0, -262132, 52, 0, -262131, 52, 0, -262130, 52, 0, -262129, 52, 0, -262128, 52, 0, -262127, 52, 0, -262126, 52, 0, -131080, 65588, 1, -131074, 52, 0, -131073, 52, 0, -196608, 52, 0, -196607, 52, 0, -196606, 52, 0, -196605, 52, 0, -196604, 52, 0, -196603, 52, 0, -196602, 52, 0, -196601, 52, 0, -196600, 65589, 2, -196599, 65589, 2, -196598, 52, 1, -196597, 52, 0, -196591, 52, 0, -196590, 52, 0, -65544, 65588, 1, -65538, 52, 0, -65537, 52, 0, -131072, 52, 0, -131071, 52, 0, -131070, 52, 0, -131069, 52, 0, -131068, 52, 0, -131067, 52, 0, -131066, 52, 0, -131065, 52, 0, -131064, 52, 0, -131063, 52, 0, -131062, 52, 0, -131061, 52, 0, -131055, 52, 0, -131054, 52, 0, -8, 65588, 1, -7, 52, 3, -6, 52, 0, -5, 52, 0, -4, 52, 0, -3, 52, 0, -2, 52, 0, -1, 52, 0, -65536, 52, 0, -65535, 52, 0, -65534, 52, 0, -65533, 52, 0, -65532, 52, 0, -65531, 52, 0, -65530, 52, 0, -65529, 52, 0, -65528, 52, 0, -65527, 52, 0, -65526, 52, 0, -65525, 52, 0, -65519, 52, 0, -65518, 52, 0, 65528, 65588, 1, 65529, 52, 3, 65530, 52, 0, 65531, 52, 0, 65532, 52, 0, 65533, 52, 0, 65534, 52, 0, 65535, 52, 0, 0, 52, 0, 1, 52, 0, 2, 52, 0, 3, 52, 0, 4, 52, 0, 5, 52, 0, 6, 52, 0, 7, 52, 0, 10, 52, 1, 11, 52, 0, 12, 52, 0, 13, 52, 0, 14, 52, 0, 15, 52, 0, 16, 52, 0, 17, 52, 0, 18, 52, 0, 65546, 52, 1, 65547, 52, 3, 65548, 52, 0, 65549, 52, 0, 65550, 52, 0, 65551, 52, 0, 65552, 52, 0, 65553, 52, 0, 65554, 52, 0) [node name="Solid" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = -1 -tile_set = ExtResource( 2 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -655362, 28, 0, -720894, 40, 0, -720893, 40, 1, -720892, 40, 2, -589832, 26, 0, -589830, 26, 0, -589825, 4, 9, -655360, 4, 10, -655359, 4, 15, -655358, 40, 65536, -655357, 40, 65537, -655356, 40, 65538, -524289, 4, 65545, -589824, 4, 65546, -589823, 4, 65551, -589822, 40, 131072, -589821, 40, 131073, -589820, 40, 131074, -589817, 35, 2, -524282, 35, 65537, -524281, 35, 65538, -458747, 35, 131072, -458746, 35, 131073, -458745, 35, 131074, -458741, 28, 0, -327681, 4, 65537, -393216, 4, 65538, -393215, 4, 65538, -393214, 4, 65538, -393213, 4, 65539, -393211, 35, 196608, -393210, 35, 196609, -393209, 35, 196610, -393203, 27, 0, -393200, 3, 0, -262150, 4, 196621, -262149, 4, 196622, -262148, 4, 196623, -327680, 6, 1, -327678, 6, 1, -327664, 3, 65536, -327663, 2, 0, -131077, 4, 65549, -131076, 4, 65550, -196605, 37, 0, -196604, 37, 1, -131070, 38, 65536, -131069, 37, 65536, -131068, 37, 65537, -131067, 39, 65536, -7, 30, 0, -4, 30, 0, -65533, 37, 131072, -65532, 37, 131073, -65530, 30, 0, 65529, 34, 65536, 65532, 34, 65536, 65535, 33, 0, 65547, 36, 65536, 65550, 36, 65536, 65553, 36, 65536 ) +tile_set = ExtResource("2") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-655362, 27, 0, -720894, 38, 0, -720893, 65574, 0, -720892, 131110, 0, -589832, 25, 0, -589830, 25, 0, -589825, 589828, 0, -655360, 655364, 0, -655359, 983044, 0, -655358, 38, 1, -655357, 65574, 1, -655356, 131110, 1, -524289, 589828, 1, -589824, 655364, 1, -589823, 983044, 1, -589822, 38, 2, -589821, 65574, 2, -589820, 131110, 2, -589817, 131105, 0, -524282, 65569, 1, -524281, 131105, 1, -458747, 33, 2, -458746, 65569, 2, -458745, 131105, 2, -458741, 27, 0, -327681, 65540, 1, -393216, 131076, 1, -393215, 131076, 1, -393214, 131076, 1, -393213, 196612, 1, -393211, 33, 3, -393210, 65569, 3, -393209, 131105, 3, -393203, 26, 0, -393200, 3, 0, -262150, 851972, 3, -262149, 917508, 3, -262148, 983044, 3, -327680, 65542, 0, -327678, 65542, 0, -327664, 3, 1, -327663, 2, 0, -131077, 851972, 1, -131076, 917508, 1, -196605, 35, 0, -196604, 65571, 0, -131070, 36, 1, -131069, 35, 1, -131068, 65571, 1, -131067, 37, 1, -65533, 35, 2, -65532, 65571, 2, 65529, 32, 1, 65532, 32, 1, 65535, 31, 0, 65547, 34, 1, 65550, 34, 1, 65553, 34, 1) [node name="Detail" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = 1 -tile_set = ExtResource( 2 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -393217, 4, 1, -458752, 4, 2, -458751, 4, 2, -458750, 4, 2, -458749, 4, 3, -327686, 4, 131085, -327685, 4, 131086, -327684, 4, 131087, -196613, 4, 13, -196612, 4, 14, -196606, 38, 0, -196603, 39, 0, -7, 34, 0, -4, 34, 0, 11, 36, 0, 14, 36, 0, 17, 36, 0 ) +tile_set = ExtResource("2") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-393217, 65540, 0, -458752, 131076, 0, -458751, 131076, 0, -458750, 131076, 0, -458749, 196612, 0, -327686, 851972, 2, -327685, 917508, 2, -327684, 983044, 2, -196613, 851972, 0, -196612, 917508, 0, -196606, 36, 0, -196603, 37, 0, -7, 32, 0, -4, 32, 0, 11, 34, 0, 14, 34, 0, 17, 34, 0) [node name="Collider" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = 1 -tile_set = ExtResource( 4 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -show_collision = true -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -589833, 0, 0, -589832, 0, 0, -589831, 0, 0, -589830, 0, 0, -589829, 0, 0, -589828, 0, 0, -589827, 0, 0, -589826, 0, 0, -589825, 0, 0, -655360, 0, 0, -655359, 0, 0, -655358, 0, 0, -655357, 0, 0, -655356, 0, 0, -655355, 0, 0, -655354, 0, 0, -655353, 0, 0, -655352, 0, 0, -524297, 0, 0, -589824, 0, 0, -589823, 0, 0, -589822, 0, 0, -589816, 0, 0, -458761, 0, 0, -524282, 0, 0, -524281, 0, 0, -524280, 0, 0, -393225, 0, 0, -458744, 0, 0, -327689, 0, 0, -393208, 0, 0, -393207, 0, 0, -393206, 0, 0, -393205, 0, 0, -393204, 0, 0, -393203, 0, 0, -393202, 0, 0, -393201, 0, 0, -393200, 0, 0, -393199, 0, 0, -393198, 0, 0, -393197, 0, 0, -262153, 0, 0, -327672, 0, 0, -327671, 0, 0, -327663, 0, 0, -327661, 0, 0, -196617, 0, 0, -262136, 0, 0, -262135, 0, 0, -262127, 0, 0, -262125, 0, 0, -131081, 0, 0, -196600, 0, 0, -196599, 0, 0, -196589, 0, 0, -65545, 0, 0, -131053, 0, 0, -9, 0, 0, -65517, 0, 0, 65527, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 131063, 0, 0, 131064, 0, 0, 131065, 0, 0, 131066, 0, 0, 131067, 0, 0, 131068, 0, 0, 131069, 0, 0, 131070, 0, 0, 131071, 0, 0, 65537, 0, 0, 65538, 0, 0, 65539, 0, 0, 65540, 0, 0, 65541, 0, 0, 65542, 0, 0, 65543, 0, 0, 65544, 0, 0, 65545, 0, 0, 65555, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 131082, 0, 0, 131083, 0, 0, 131084, 0, 0, 131085, 0, 0, 131086, 0, 0, 131087, 0, 0, 131088, 0, 0, 131089, 0, 0, 131090, 0, 0, 131091, 0, 0 ) +tile_set = ExtResource("4") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-589833, 0, 0, -589832, 0, 0, -589831, 0, 0, -589830, 0, 0, -589829, 0, 0, -589828, 0, 0, -589827, 0, 0, -589826, 0, 0, -589825, 0, 0, -655360, 0, 0, -655359, 0, 0, -655358, 0, 0, -655357, 0, 0, -655356, 0, 0, -655355, 0, 0, -655354, 0, 0, -655353, 0, 0, -655352, 0, 0, -524297, 0, 0, -589824, 0, 0, -589823, 0, 0, -589822, 0, 0, -589816, 0, 0, -458761, 0, 0, -524282, 0, 0, -524281, 0, 0, -524280, 0, 0, -393225, 0, 0, -458744, 0, 0, -327689, 0, 0, -393208, 0, 0, -393207, 0, 0, -393206, 0, 0, -393205, 0, 0, -393204, 0, 0, -393203, 0, 0, -393202, 0, 0, -393201, 0, 0, -393200, 0, 0, -393199, 0, 0, -393198, 0, 0, -393197, 0, 0, -262153, 0, 0, -327672, 0, 0, -327671, 0, 0, -327663, 0, 0, -327661, 0, 0, -196617, 0, 0, -262136, 0, 0, -262135, 0, 0, -262127, 0, 0, -262125, 0, 0, -131081, 0, 0, -196600, 0, 0, -196599, 0, 0, -196589, 0, 0, -65545, 0, 0, -131053, 0, 0, -9, 0, 0, -65517, 0, 0, 65527, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 131063, 0, 0, 131064, 0, 0, 131065, 0, 0, 131066, 0, 0, 131067, 0, 0, 131068, 0, 0, 131069, 0, 0, 131070, 0, 0, 131071, 0, 0, 65537, 0, 0, 65538, 0, 0, 65539, 0, 0, 65540, 0, 0, 65541, 0, 0, 65542, 0, 0, 65543, 0, 0, 65544, 0, 0, 65545, 0, 0, 65555, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 131082, 0, 0, 131083, 0, 0, 131084, 0, 0, 131085, 0, 0, 131086, 0, 0, 131087, 0, 0, 131088, 0, 0, 131089, 0, 0, 131090, 0, 0, 131091, 0, 0) [node name="MapZone" type="Area2D" parent="."] visible = false [node name="CollisionRect" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="MapZone"] -position = Vector2( -256, -80 ) -shape = SubResource( 1 ) +position = Vector2(-256, -80) +shape = SubResource("1") diff --git a/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/PlayerRoom.tscn b/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/PlayerRoom.tscn index 69afd8c..55077f4 100644 --- a/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/PlayerRoom.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/PlayerRoom.tscn @@ -1,58 +1,49 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://6t66ehdysjvu"] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/Ground.tres" type="TileSet" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/Collider.tres" type="TileSet" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Tileset/Static.tres" type="TileSet" id=3] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Maps/Map.gd" type="Script" id=4] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=5] +[ext_resource type="TileSet" path="res://Data/Tileset/Ground.tres" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="TileSet" path="res://Data/Tileset/Collider.tres" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="TileSet" path="res://Data/Tileset/Static.tres" id="3"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Maps/Map.gd" id="4"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.tscn" id="5"] -[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=1] -extents = Vector2( 480, 352 ) +[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="1"] +size = Vector2(480, 352) -[node name="PlayerRoom" type="YSort"] -script = ExtResource( 4 ) +[node name="PlayerRoom" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("4") [node name="Base" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = -2 -tile_set = ExtResource( 1 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -327682, 56, 65537, -327681, 56, 65537, -393216, 56, 65537, -393215, 56, 65537, -393214, 56, 65537, -393213, 56, 65537, -393212, 56, 65537, -393211, 56, 65537, -393210, 56, 65537, -393209, 56, 65537, -393208, 56, 65537, -262146, 56, 131073, -262145, 56, 131073, -327680, 56, 131073, -327679, 56, 131073, -327678, 56, 131073, -327677, 56, 131073, -327676, 56, 131073, -327675, 56, 131073, -327674, 56, 131073, -327673, 56, 131073, -327672, 56, 131073, -196610, 55, 65537, -196609, 55, 65536, -262144, 55, 65536, -262143, 55, 65536, -262142, 55, 65536, -262141, 55, 65536, -262140, 55, 65536, -262139, 55, 65536, -262138, 55, 65536, -262137, 55, 65536, -262136, 55, 65536, -131074, 55, 65537, -131073, 55, 196608, -196608, 55, 0, -196607, 55, 0, -196606, 55, 0, -196605, 55, 0, -196604, 55, 0, -196603, 55, 0, -196602, 55, 0, -196601, 55, 0, -196600, 55, 0, -65538, 55, 65537, -65537, 55, 196608, -131072, 55, 0, -131071, 55, 0, -131070, 55, 0, -131069, 55, 0, -131068, 55, 0, -131067, 55, 0, -131066, 55, 0, -131065, 55, 0, -131064, 55, 0, -2, 55, 65537, -1, 55, 196608, -65536, 55, 0, -65535, 55, 0, -65534, 55, 0, -65533, 12, 2, -65532, 12, 3, -65531, 12, 3, -65530, 12, 3, -65529, 12, 4, -65528, 55, 0, 65534, 55, 65537, 65535, 55, 196608, 0, 55, 0, 1, 55, 0, 2, 55, 0, 3, 12, 65538, 4, 12, 65539, 5, 12, 65539, 6, 12, 65539, 7, 12, 65540, 8, 55, 0, 131070, 55, 65537, 131071, 55, 196608, 65536, 55, 0, 65537, 55, 0, 65538, 55, 0, 65539, 12, 65538, 65540, 12, 65539, 65541, 12, 65539, 65542, 12, 65539, 65543, 12, 65540, 65544, 55, 0, 196606, 55, 65537, 196607, 55, 196608, 131072, 55, 0, 131073, 55, 0, 131074, 55, 0, 131075, 12, 131074, 131076, 12, 131075, 131077, 12, 131075, 131078, 12, 131075, 131079, 12, 131076, 131080, 55, 0, 262142, 55, 65537, 262143, 55, 196608, 196608, 55, 0, 196609, 55, 0, 196610, 55, 0, 196611, 55, 0, 196612, 55, 0, 196613, 55, 0, 196614, 55, 0, 196615, 55, 0, 196616, 55, 0 ) +tile_set = ExtResource("1") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-327682, 65589, 1, -327681, 65589, 1, -393216, 65589, 1, -393215, 65589, 1, -393214, 65589, 1, -393213, 65589, 1, -393212, 65589, 1, -393211, 65589, 1, -393210, 65589, 1, -393209, 65589, 1, -393208, 65589, 1, -262146, 65589, 2, -262145, 65589, 2, -327680, 65589, 2, -327679, 65589, 2, -327678, 65589, 2, -327677, 65589, 2, -327676, 65589, 2, -327675, 65589, 2, -327674, 65589, 2, -327673, 65589, 2, -327672, 65589, 2, -196610, 65588, 1, -196609, 52, 1, -262144, 52, 1, -262143, 52, 1, -262142, 52, 1, -262141, 52, 1, -262140, 52, 1, -262139, 52, 1, -262138, 52, 1, -262137, 52, 1, -262136, 52, 1, -131074, 65588, 1, -131073, 52, 3, -196608, 52, 0, -196607, 52, 0, -196606, 52, 0, -196605, 52, 0, -196604, 52, 0, -196603, 52, 0, -196602, 52, 0, -196601, 52, 0, -196600, 52, 0, -65538, 65588, 1, -65537, 52, 3, -131072, 52, 0, -131071, 52, 0, -131070, 52, 0, -131069, 52, 0, -131068, 52, 0, -131067, 52, 0, -131066, 52, 0, -131065, 52, 0, -131064, 52, 0, -2, 65588, 1, -1, 52, 3, -65536, 52, 0, -65535, 52, 0, -65534, 52, 0, -65528, 52, 0, 65534, 65588, 1, 65535, 52, 3, 0, 52, 0, 1, 52, 0, 2, 52, 0, 8, 52, 0, 131070, 65588, 1, 131071, 52, 3, 65536, 52, 0, 65537, 52, 0, 65538, 52, 0, 65544, 52, 0, 196606, 65588, 1, 196607, 52, 3, 131072, 52, 0, 131073, 52, 0, 131074, 52, 0, 131080, 52, 0, 262142, 65588, 1, 262143, 52, 3, 196608, 52, 0, 196609, 52, 0, 196610, 52, 0, 196611, 52, 0, 196612, 52, 0, 196613, 52, 0, 196614, 52, 0, 196615, 52, 0, 196616, 52, 0) [node name="Solid" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = -1 -tile_set = ExtResource( 3 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -393215, 28, 0, -262146, 26, 0, -327680, 44, 0, -327679, 44, 1, -327676, 27, 0, -262144, 44, 65536, -262143, 44, 65537, -262137, 2, 0, -196608, 45, 0, -2, 46, 0, -1, 46, 1, -65532, 43, 65536, -65531, 43, 65537, -65530, 43, 65538, 65534, 46, 65536, 65535, 46, 65537, 4, 43, 131072, 5, 43, 131073, 6, 43, 131074, 131070, 46, 131072, 131071, 46, 131073, 65541, 42, 0 ) +tile_set = ExtResource("3") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-393215, 27, 0, -262146, 25, 0, -327680, 41, 0, -327679, 65577, 0, -327676, 26, 0, -262144, 41, 1, -262143, 65577, 1, -262137, 2, 0, -196608, 42, 0, -2, 43, 0, -1, 65579, 0, -65532, 40, 1, -65531, 65576, 1, -65530, 131112, 1, 65534, 43, 1, 65535, 65579, 1, 4, 40, 2, 5, 65576, 2, 6, 131112, 2, 131070, 43, 2, 131071, 65579, 2, 65541, 39, 0) [node name="Detail" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = 1 -tile_set = ExtResource( 3 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -131068, 43, 0, -131067, 43, 1, -131066, 43, 2 ) +tile_set = ExtResource("3") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-131068, 40, 0, -131067, 65576, 0, -131066, 131112, 0) [node name="Collider" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = 1 -tile_set = ExtResource( 2 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -show_collision = true -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -262147, 0, 0, -262146, 0, 0, -262145, 0, 0, -327680, 0, 0, -327679, 0, 0, -327678, 0, 0, -327677, 0, 0, -327676, 0, 0, -327675, 0, 0, -327674, 0, 0, -327673, 0, 0, -327672, 0, 0, -327671, 0, 0, -196611, 0, 0, -262137, 0, 0, -262135, 0, 0, -131075, 0, 0, -196601, 0, 0, -196599, 0, 0, -65539, 0, 0, -131063, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, -65527, 0, 0, 65533, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 131069, 0, 0, 65545, 0, 0, 196605, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 262141, 0, 0, 196617, 0, 0, 327677, 0, 0, 327678, 0, 0, 327679, 0, 0, 262144, 0, 0, 262145, 0, 0, 262146, 0, 0, 262147, 0, 0, 262148, 0, 0, 262149, 0, 0, 262150, 0, 0, 262151, 0, 0, 262152, 0, 0, 262153, 0, 0 ) - -[node name="PlayerHouse_Teleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 5 )] -position = Vector2( -27.5, 7.5 ) +tile_set = ExtResource("2") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-262147, 0, 0, -262146, 0, 0, -262145, 0, 0, -327680, 0, 0, -327679, 0, 0, -327678, 0, 0, -327677, 0, 0, -327676, 0, 0, -327675, 0, 0, -327674, 0, 0, -327673, 0, 0, -327672, 0, 0, -327671, 0, 0, -196611, 0, 0, -262137, 0, 0, -262135, 0, 0, -131075, 0, 0, -196601, 0, 0, -196599, 0, 0, -65539, 0, 0, -131063, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, -65527, 0, 0, 65533, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 131069, 0, 0, 65545, 0, 0, 196605, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 262141, 0, 0, 196617, 0, 0, 327677, 0, 0, 327678, 0, 0, 327679, 0, 0, 262144, 0, 0, 262145, 0, 0, 262146, 0, 0, 262147, 0, 0, 262148, 0, 0, 262149, 0, 0, 262150, 0, 0, 262151, 0, 0, 262152, 0, 0, 262153, 0, 0) + +[node name="PlayerHouse_Teleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource("5")] +position = Vector2(-27.5, 7.5) _map_name = "EuviTown/PlayerHouse" -_position = Vector2( 6, -7 ) +_position = Vector2(6, -7) [node name="MapZone" type="Area2D" parent="."] visible = false [node name="CollisionRect" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="MapZone"] -position = Vector2( -256, -80 ) -shape = SubResource( 1 ) +position = Vector2(-256, -80) +shape = SubResource("1") diff --git a/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/RivalHouse.tscn b/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/RivalHouse.tscn index ea78133..bdbcfff 100644 --- a/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/RivalHouse.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/RivalHouse.tscn @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=5] [sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=1] -extents = Vector2( 480, 352 ) +size = Vector2( 480, 352 ) -[node name="RivalHouse" type="YSort"] +[node name="RivalHouse" type="Node2D"] script = ExtResource( 3 ) [node name="RivalRoom_Teleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 5 )] @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ tile_set = ExtResource( 1 ) cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -655368, 56, 65537, -655367, 56, 65537, -655366, 56, 65537, -655365, 56, 65537, -655364, 56, 65537, -655363, 56, 65537, -655362, 56, 65537, -655361, 56, 65537, -720896, 56, 65537, -720895, 56, 65537, -720894, 56, 65537, -720893, 56, 65537, -720892, 56, 65537, -720891, 56, 65537, -720890, 56, 65537, -720889, 56, 65537, -589832, 56, 131073, -589831, 56, 131073, -589830, 56, 131073, -589829, 56, 131073, -589828, 56, 131073, -589827, 56, 131073, -589826, 56, 131073, -589825, 56, 131073, -655360, 56, 131073, -655359, 56, 131073, -655358, 56, 131073, -655357, 56, 131073, -655356, 56, 131073, -655355, 56, 131073, -655354, 56, 131073, -655353, 56, 131073, -524296, 55, 65537, -524295, 55, 196608, -524294, 55, 0, -524293, 55, 0, -524292, 55, 0, -524291, 55, 0, -524290, 55, 0, -524289, 55, 0, -589824, 55, 0, -589823, 55, 0, -589822, 55, 0, -589821, 55, 0, -589820, 55, 0, -589819, 55, 0, -589818, 55, 0, -589817, 55, 0, -458760, 55, 65537, -458759, 55, 196608, -458758, 55, 0, -458757, 55, 0, -458756, 55, 0, -458755, 55, 0, -458754, 55, 0, -458753, 15, 2, -524288, 15, 3, -524287, 15, 3, -524286, 15, 3, -524285, 15, 4, -524284, 55, 0, -524283, 55, 0, -524282, 55, 0, -524281, 55, 0, -393224, 55, 65537, -393223, 55, 196608, -393222, 55, 0, -393221, 55, 0, -393220, 55, 0, -393219, 55, 0, -393218, 55, 0, -393217, 15, 65538, -458752, 15, 65539, -458751, 15, 65539, -458750, 15, 65539, -458749, 15, 65540, -458748, 55, 0, -458747, 55, 0, -458746, 55, 0, -458745, 55, 0, -458742, 56, 65537, -458741, 56, 65537, -458740, 56, 65537, -458739, 56, 65537, -458738, 56, 65537, -458737, 56, 65537, -458736, 56, 65537, -458735, 56, 65537, -458734, 56, 65537, -327688, 55, 65537, -327687, 12, 2, -327686, 12, 3, -327685, 12, 3, -327684, 12, 3, -327683, 12, 4, -327682, 55, 0, -327681, 15, 131074, -393216, 15, 131075, -393215, 15, 131075, -393214, 15, 131075, -393213, 15, 131076, -393212, 55, 0, -393211, 55, 0, -393210, 55, 0, -393209, 55, 0, -393206, 56, 131073, -393205, 56, 131073, -393204, 56, 131073, -393203, 56, 131073, -393202, 56, 131073, -393201, 56, 131073, -393200, 56, 131073, -393199, 56, 131073, -393198, 56, 131073, -262152, 55, 65537, -262151, 12, 65538, -262150, 12, 65539, -262149, 12, 65539, -262148, 12, 65539, -262147, 12, 65540, -262146, 55, 0, -262145, 55, 0, -327680, 55, 0, -327679, 55, 0, -327678, 55, 0, -327677, 55, 0, -327676, 55, 0, -327675, 55, 0, -327674, 55, 0, -327673, 55, 0, -327670, 55, 65536, -327669, 55, 196608, -327668, 55, 0, -327667, 55, 0, -327666, 55, 0, -327665, 55, 0, -327664, 55, 0, -327663, 55, 0, -327662, 55, 0, -196616, 55, 65537, -196615, 12, 65538, -196614, 12, 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131076, -65538, 55, 0, -65537, 55, 0, -131072, 55, 0, -131071, 55, 0, -131070, 55, 0, -131069, 55, 0, -131068, 55, 0, -131067, 55, 0, -131066, 55, 0, -131065, 55, 0, -131064, 55, 0, -131063, 55, 0, -131062, 55, 0, -131061, 55, 0, -131060, 12, 65538, -131059, 12, 65539, -131058, 12, 65539, -131057, 12, 65539, -131056, 12, 65540, -131055, 55, 0, -131054, 55, 0, -8, 55, 65537, -7, 55, 196608, -6, 55, 0, -5, 55, 0, -4, 55, 0, -3, 55, 0, -2, 55, 0, -1, 55, 0, -65536, 55, 0, -65535, 55, 0, -65534, 55, 0, -65533, 55, 0, -65532, 55, 0, -65531, 55, 0, -65530, 55, 0, -65529, 55, 0, -65528, 55, 0, -65527, 55, 0, -65526, 55, 0, -65525, 55, 0, -65524, 12, 131074, -65523, 12, 131075, -65522, 12, 131075, -65521, 12, 131075, -65520, 12, 131076, -65519, 55, 0, -65518, 55, 0, 65528, 55, 65537, 65529, 55, 196608, 65530, 55, 0, 65531, 55, 0, 65532, 55, 0, 65533, 55, 0, 65534, 55, 0, 65535, 55, 0, 0, 55, 0, 1, 55, 0, 2, 55, 0, 3, 55, 0, 4, 55, 0, 5, 55, 0, 6, 55, 0, 7, 55, 0, 10, 55, 65536, 11, 55, 0, 12, 55, 0, 13, 55, 0, 14, 55, 0, 15, 55, 0, 16, 55, 0, 17, 55, 0, 18, 55, 0, 65546, 55, 65536, 65547, 55, 196608, 65548, 55, 0, 65549, 55, 0, 65550, 55, 0, 65551, 55, 0, 65552, 55, 0, 65553, 55, 0, 65554, 55, 0 ) +tile_data = PackedInt32Array( -655368, 56, 65537, -655367, 56, 65537, -655366, 56, 65537, -655365, 56, 65537, -655364, 56, 65537, -655363, 56, 65537, -655362, 56, 65537, -655361, 56, 65537, -720896, 56, 65537, -720895, 56, 65537, -720894, 56, 65537, -720893, 56, 65537, -720892, 56, 65537, -720891, 56, 65537, -720890, 56, 65537, -720889, 56, 65537, -589832, 56, 131073, -589831, 56, 131073, -589830, 56, 131073, -589829, 56, 131073, -589828, 56, 131073, -589827, 56, 131073, -589826, 56, 131073, -589825, 56, 131073, -655360, 56, 131073, -655359, 56, 131073, -655358, 56, 131073, -655357, 56, 131073, -655356, 56, 131073, -655355, 56, 131073, -655354, 56, 131073, -655353, 56, 131073, -524296, 55, 65537, -524295, 55, 196608, -524294, 55, 0, -524293, 55, 0, -524292, 55, 0, -524291, 55, 0, 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55, 0, -327681, 15, 131074, -393216, 15, 131075, -393215, 15, 131075, -393214, 15, 131075, -393213, 15, 131076, -393212, 55, 0, -393211, 55, 0, -393210, 55, 0, -393209, 55, 0, -393206, 56, 131073, -393205, 56, 131073, -393204, 56, 131073, -393203, 56, 131073, -393202, 56, 131073, -393201, 56, 131073, -393200, 56, 131073, -393199, 56, 131073, -393198, 56, 131073, -262152, 55, 65537, -262151, 12, 65538, -262150, 12, 65539, -262149, 12, 65539, -262148, 12, 65539, -262147, 12, 65540, -262146, 55, 0, -262145, 55, 0, -327680, 55, 0, -327679, 55, 0, -327678, 55, 0, -327677, 55, 0, -327676, 55, 0, -327675, 55, 0, -327674, 55, 0, -327673, 55, 0, -327670, 55, 65536, -327669, 55, 196608, -327668, 55, 0, -327667, 55, 0, -327666, 55, 0, -327665, 55, 0, -327664, 55, 0, -327663, 55, 0, -327662, 55, 0, -196616, 55, 65537, -196615, 12, 65538, -196614, 12, 65539, -196613, 12, 65539, -196612, 12, 65539, -196611, 12, 65540, -196610, 55, 0, -196609, 55, 0, -262144, 55, 0, -262143, 55, 0, -262142, 55, 0, -262141, 55, 0, -262140, 55, 0, -262139, 55, 0, -262138, 55, 0, -262137, 55, 0, -262136, 56, 65537, -262135, 56, 65537, -262134, 55, 65536, -262133, 55, 0, -262132, 55, 0, -262131, 55, 0, -262130, 55, 0, -262129, 55, 0, -262128, 55, 0, -262127, 55, 0, -262126, 55, 0, -131080, 55, 65537, -131079, 12, 65538, -131078, 12, 65539, -131077, 12, 65539, -131076, 12, 65539, -131075, 12, 65540, -131074, 55, 0, -131073, 55, 0, -196608, 55, 0, -196607, 55, 0, -196606, 55, 0, -196605, 55, 0, -196604, 55, 0, -196603, 55, 0, -196602, 55, 0, -196601, 55, 0, -196600, 56, 131073, -196599, 56, 131073, -196598, 55, 65536, -196597, 55, 0, -196596, 12, 2, -196595, 12, 3, -196594, 12, 3, -196593, 12, 3, -196592, 12, 4, -196591, 55, 0, -196590, 55, 0, -65544, 55, 65537, -65543, 12, 131074, -65542, 12, 131075, -65541, 12, 131075, -65540, 12, 131075, -65539, 12, 131076, -65538, 55, 0, -65537, 55, 0, -131072, 55, 0, -131071, 55, 0, -131070, 55, 0, -131069, 55, 0, -131068, 55, 0, -131067, 55, 0, -131066, 55, 0, 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0, 65551, 55, 0, 65552, 55, 0, 65553, 55, 0, 65554, 55, 0 ) [node name="Solid" type="TileMap" parent="."] scale = Vector2( -1, 1 ) @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tile_set = ExtResource( 2 ) cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -655362, 28, 0, -720894, 40, 0, -720893, 40, 1, -720892, 40, 2, -589832, 26, 0, -589830, 26, 0, -589825, 4, 9, -655360, 4, 10, -655359, 4, 15, -655358, 40, 65536, -655357, 40, 65537, -655356, 40, 65538, -524289, 4, 65545, -589824, 4, 65546, -589823, 4, 65551, -589822, 40, 131072, -589821, 40, 131073, -589820, 40, 131074, -589817, 35, 2, -524282, 35, 65537, -524281, 35, 65538, -458747, 35, 131072, -458746, 35, 131073, -458745, 35, 131074, -458741, 28, 0, -327681, 4, 65537, -393216, 4, 65538, -393215, 4, 65538, -393214, 4, 65538, -393213, 4, 65539, -393211, 35, 196608, -393210, 35, 196609, -393209, 35, 196610, -393203, 27, 0, -393200, 3, 0, -262150, 4, 196621, -262149, 4, 196622, -262148, 4, 196623, -327680, 6, 1, -327678, 6, 1, -327664, 3, 65536, -327663, 2, 0, -131077, 4, 65549, -131076, 4, 65550, -196605, 37, 0, -196604, 37, 1, -131070, 38, 65536, -131069, 37, 65536, -131068, 37, 65537, -131067, 39, 65536, -7, 30, 0, -4, 30, 0, -65533, 37, 131072, -65532, 37, 131073, -65530, 30, 0, 65529, 34, 65536, 65532, 34, 65536, 65535, 33, 0, 65547, 36, 65536, 65550, 36, 65536, 65553, 36, 65536 ) +tile_data = PackedInt32Array( -655362, 28, 0, -720894, 40, 0, -720893, 40, 1, -720892, 40, 2, -589832, 26, 0, -589830, 26, 0, -589825, 4, 9, -655360, 4, 10, -655359, 4, 15, -655358, 40, 65536, -655357, 40, 65537, -655356, 40, 65538, -524289, 4, 65545, -589824, 4, 65546, -589823, 4, 65551, -589822, 40, 131072, -589821, 40, 131073, -589820, 40, 131074, -589817, 35, 2, -524282, 35, 65537, -524281, 35, 65538, -458747, 35, 131072, -458746, 35, 131073, -458745, 35, 131074, -458741, 28, 0, -327681, 4, 65537, -393216, 4, 65538, -393215, 4, 65538, -393214, 4, 65538, -393213, 4, 65539, -393211, 35, 196608, -393210, 35, 196609, -393209, 35, 196610, -393203, 27, 0, -393200, 3, 0, -262150, 4, 196621, -262149, 4, 196622, -262148, 4, 196623, -327680, 6, 1, -327678, 6, 1, -327664, 3, 65536, -327663, 2, 0, -131077, 4, 65549, -131076, 4, 65550, -196605, 37, 0, -196604, 37, 1, -131070, 38, 65536, -131069, 37, 65536, -131068, 37, 65537, -131067, 39, 65536, -7, 30, 0, -4, 30, 0, -65533, 37, 131072, -65532, 37, 131073, -65530, 30, 0, 65529, 34, 65536, 65532, 34, 65536, 65535, 33, 0, 65547, 36, 65536, 65550, 36, 65536, 65553, 36, 65536 ) [node name="SideDoorRug" type="TileMap" parent="Solid"] rotation = 1.5708 @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ tile_set = ExtResource( 2 ) cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( 524280, 33, 0 ) +tile_data = PackedInt32Array( 524280, 33, 0 ) [node name="Detail" type="TileMap" parent="."] scale = Vector2( -1, 1 ) @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ tile_set = ExtResource( 2 ) cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -327686, 4, 131085, -327685, 4, 131086, -327684, 4, 131087, -196606, 38, 0, -196603, 39, 0, -7, 34, 0, -4, 34, 0, 11, 36, 0, 14, 36, 0, 17, 36, 0 ) +tile_data = PackedInt32Array( -327686, 4, 131085, -327685, 4, 131086, -327684, 4, 131087, -196606, 38, 0, -196603, 39, 0, -7, 34, 0, -4, 34, 0, 11, 36, 0, 14, 36, 0, 17, 36, 0 ) [node name="Collider" type="TileMap" parent="."] scale = Vector2( -1, 1 ) @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) show_collision = true format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -589833, 0, 0, -589832, 0, 0, -589831, 0, 0, -589830, 0, 0, -589829, 0, 0, -589828, 0, 0, -589827, 0, 0, -589826, 0, 0, -589825, 0, 0, -655360, 0, 0, -655359, 0, 0, -655358, 0, 0, -655357, 0, 0, -655356, 0, 0, -655355, 0, 0, -655354, 0, 0, -655353, 0, 0, -655352, 0, 0, -524297, 0, 0, -589824, 0, 0, -589823, 0, 0, -589822, 0, 0, -589816, 0, 0, -458761, 0, 0, -524282, 0, 0, -524281, 0, 0, -524280, 0, 0, -458744, 0, 0, -327689, 0, 0, -393208, 0, 0, -393207, 0, 0, -393206, 0, 0, -393205, 0, 0, -393204, 0, 0, -393203, 0, 0, -393202, 0, 0, -393201, 0, 0, -393200, 0, 0, -393199, 0, 0, -393198, 0, 0, -393197, 0, 0, -262153, 0, 0, -327672, 0, 0, -327671, 0, 0, -327663, 0, 0, -327661, 0, 0, -196617, 0, 0, -262136, 0, 0, -262135, 0, 0, -262127, 0, 0, -262125, 0, 0, -131081, 0, 0, -196600, 0, 0, -196599, 0, 0, -196589, 0, 0, -65545, 0, 0, -131053, 0, 0, -9, 0, 0, -65517, 0, 0, 65527, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 131063, 0, 0, 131064, 0, 0, 131065, 0, 0, 131066, 0, 0, 131067, 0, 0, 131068, 0, 0, 131069, 0, 0, 131070, 0, 0, 131071, 0, 0, 65537, 0, 0, 65538, 0, 0, 65539, 0, 0, 65540, 0, 0, 65541, 0, 0, 65542, 0, 0, 65543, 0, 0, 65544, 0, 0, 65545, 0, 0, 65555, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 131082, 0, 0, 131083, 0, 0, 131084, 0, 0, 131085, 0, 0, 131086, 0, 0, 131087, 0, 0, 131088, 0, 0, 131089, 0, 0, 131090, 0, 0, 131091, 0, 0 ) +tile_data = PackedInt32Array( -589833, 0, 0, -589832, 0, 0, -589831, 0, 0, -589830, 0, 0, -589829, 0, 0, -589828, 0, 0, -589827, 0, 0, -589826, 0, 0, -589825, 0, 0, -655360, 0, 0, -655359, 0, 0, -655358, 0, 0, -655357, 0, 0, -655356, 0, 0, -655355, 0, 0, -655354, 0, 0, -655353, 0, 0, -655352, 0, 0, -524297, 0, 0, -589824, 0, 0, -589823, 0, 0, -589822, 0, 0, -589816, 0, 0, -458761, 0, 0, -524282, 0, 0, -524281, 0, 0, -524280, 0, 0, -458744, 0, 0, -327689, 0, 0, -393208, 0, 0, -393207, 0, 0, -393206, 0, 0, -393205, 0, 0, -393204, 0, 0, -393203, 0, 0, -393202, 0, 0, -393201, 0, 0, -393200, 0, 0, -393199, 0, 0, -393198, 0, 0, -393197, 0, 0, -262153, 0, 0, -327672, 0, 0, -327671, 0, 0, -327663, 0, 0, -327661, 0, 0, -196617, 0, 0, -262136, 0, 0, -262135, 0, 0, -262127, 0, 0, -262125, 0, 0, -131081, 0, 0, -196600, 0, 0, -196599, 0, 0, -196589, 0, 0, -65545, 0, 0, -131053, 0, 0, -9, 0, 0, -65517, 0, 0, 65527, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 131063, 0, 0, 131064, 0, 0, 131065, 0, 0, 131066, 0, 0, 131067, 0, 0, 131068, 0, 0, 131069, 0, 0, 131070, 0, 0, 131071, 0, 0, 65537, 0, 0, 65538, 0, 0, 65539, 0, 0, 65540, 0, 0, 65541, 0, 0, 65542, 0, 0, 65543, 0, 0, 65544, 0, 0, 65545, 0, 0, 65555, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 131082, 0, 0, 131083, 0, 0, 131084, 0, 0, 131085, 0, 0, 131086, 0, 0, 131087, 0, 0, 131088, 0, 0, 131089, 0, 0, 131090, 0, 0, 131091, 0, 0 ) [node name="MapZone" type="Area2D" parent="."] visible = false diff --git a/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/RivalRoom.tscn b/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/RivalRoom.tscn index b0ce809..4cb028e 100644 --- a/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/RivalRoom.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Maps/EuviTown/RivalRoom.tscn @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=5] [sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=1] -extents = Vector2( 480, 352 ) +size = Vector2( 480, 352 ) -[node name="RivalRoom" type="YSort"] +[node name="RivalRoom" type="Node2D"] script = ExtResource( 4 ) [node name="Base" type="TileMap" parent="."] @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ tile_set = ExtResource( 1 ) cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -327682, 56, 65537, -327681, 56, 65537, -393216, 56, 65537, -393215, 56, 65537, -393214, 56, 65537, -393213, 56, 65537, -393212, 56, 65537, -393211, 56, 65537, -393210, 56, 65537, -393209, 56, 65537, -393208, 56, 65537, -262146, 56, 131073, -262145, 56, 131073, -327680, 56, 131073, -327679, 56, 131073, -327678, 56, 131073, -327677, 56, 131073, -327676, 56, 131073, -327675, 56, 131073, -327674, 56, 131073, -327673, 56, 131073, -327672, 56, 131073, -196610, 55, 65537, -196609, 55, 65536, -262144, 55, 65536, -262143, 55, 65536, -262142, 55, 65536, -262141, 55, 65536, -262140, 55, 65536, -262139, 55, 65536, -262138, 55, 65536, -262137, 55, 65536, -262136, 55, 65536, -131074, 55, 65537, -131073, 55, 196608, -196608, 55, 0, -196607, 55, 0, -196606, 55, 0, -196605, 55, 0, -196604, 55, 0, -196603, 55, 0, -196602, 55, 0, -196601, 55, 0, -196600, 55, 0, -65538, 55, 65537, -65537, 55, 196608, -131072, 55, 0, -131071, 55, 0, -131070, 55, 0, -131069, 55, 0, -131068, 55, 0, -131067, 55, 0, -131066, 55, 0, -131065, 55, 0, -131064, 55, 0, -2, 55, 65537, -1, 55, 196608, -65536, 55, 0, -65535, 55, 0, -65534, 55, 0, -65533, 12, 2, -65532, 12, 3, -65531, 12, 3, -65530, 12, 3, -65529, 12, 4, -65528, 55, 0, 65534, 55, 65537, 65535, 55, 196608, 0, 55, 0, 1, 55, 0, 2, 55, 0, 3, 12, 65538, 4, 12, 65539, 5, 12, 65539, 6, 12, 65539, 7, 12, 65540, 8, 55, 0, 131070, 55, 65537, 131071, 55, 196608, 65536, 55, 0, 65537, 55, 0, 65538, 55, 0, 65539, 12, 65538, 65540, 12, 65539, 65541, 12, 65539, 65542, 12, 65539, 65543, 12, 65540, 65544, 55, 0, 196606, 55, 65537, 196607, 55, 196608, 131072, 55, 0, 131073, 55, 0, 131074, 55, 0, 131075, 12, 131074, 131076, 12, 131075, 131077, 12, 131075, 131078, 12, 131075, 131079, 12, 131076, 131080, 55, 0, 262142, 55, 65537, 262143, 55, 196608, 196608, 55, 0, 196609, 55, 0, 196610, 55, 0, 196611, 55, 0, 196612, 55, 0, 196613, 55, 0, 196614, 55, 0, 196615, 55, 0, 196616, 55, 0 ) +tile_data = PackedInt32Array( -327682, 56, 65537, -327681, 56, 65537, -393216, 56, 65537, -393215, 56, 65537, -393214, 56, 65537, -393213, 56, 65537, -393212, 56, 65537, -393211, 56, 65537, -393210, 56, 65537, -393209, 56, 65537, -393208, 56, 65537, -262146, 56, 131073, -262145, 56, 131073, -327680, 56, 131073, -327679, 56, 131073, -327678, 56, 131073, -327677, 56, 131073, -327676, 56, 131073, -327675, 56, 131073, -327674, 56, 131073, -327673, 56, 131073, -327672, 56, 131073, -196610, 55, 65537, -196609, 55, 65536, -262144, 55, 65536, -262143, 55, 65536, -262142, 55, 65536, -262141, 55, 65536, -262140, 55, 65536, -262139, 55, 65536, -262138, 55, 65536, -262137, 55, 65536, -262136, 55, 65536, -131074, 55, 65537, -131073, 55, 196608, -196608, 55, 0, -196607, 55, 0, -196606, 55, 0, -196605, 55, 0, -196604, 55, 0, -196603, 55, 0, -196602, 55, 0, -196601, 55, 0, -196600, 55, 0, -65538, 55, 65537, -65537, 55, 196608, -131072, 55, 0, -131071, 55, 0, -131070, 55, 0, -131069, 55, 0, -131068, 55, 0, -131067, 55, 0, -131066, 55, 0, -131065, 55, 0, -131064, 55, 0, -2, 55, 65537, -1, 55, 196608, -65536, 55, 0, -65535, 55, 0, -65534, 55, 0, -65533, 12, 2, -65532, 12, 3, -65531, 12, 3, -65530, 12, 3, -65529, 12, 4, -65528, 55, 0, 65534, 55, 65537, 65535, 55, 196608, 0, 55, 0, 1, 55, 0, 2, 55, 0, 3, 12, 65538, 4, 12, 65539, 5, 12, 65539, 6, 12, 65539, 7, 12, 65540, 8, 55, 0, 131070, 55, 65537, 131071, 55, 196608, 65536, 55, 0, 65537, 55, 0, 65538, 55, 0, 65539, 12, 65538, 65540, 12, 65539, 65541, 12, 65539, 65542, 12, 65539, 65543, 12, 65540, 65544, 55, 0, 196606, 55, 65537, 196607, 55, 196608, 131072, 55, 0, 131073, 55, 0, 131074, 55, 0, 131075, 12, 131074, 131076, 12, 131075, 131077, 12, 131075, 131078, 12, 131075, 131079, 12, 131076, 131080, 55, 0, 262142, 55, 65537, 262143, 55, 196608, 196608, 55, 0, 196609, 55, 0, 196610, 55, 0, 196611, 55, 0, 196612, 55, 0, 196613, 55, 0, 196614, 55, 0, 196615, 55, 0, 196616, 55, 0 ) [node name="Solid" type="TileMap" parent="."] scale = Vector2( -1, 1 ) @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ tile_set = ExtResource( 3 ) cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -393215, 28, 0, -262146, 26, 0, -327680, 44, 0, -327679, 44, 1, -327676, 27, 0, -262144, 44, 65536, -262143, 44, 65537, -262137, 2, 0, -196608, 45, 0, -2, 46, 0, -1, 46, 1, -65532, 43, 65536, -65531, 43, 65537, -65530, 43, 65538, 65534, 46, 65536, 65535, 46, 65537, 4, 43, 131072, 5, 43, 131073, 6, 43, 131074, 131070, 46, 131072, 131071, 46, 131073, 65541, 42, 0 ) +tile_data = PackedInt32Array( -393215, 28, 0, -262146, 26, 0, -327680, 44, 0, -327679, 44, 1, -327676, 27, 0, -262144, 44, 65536, -262143, 44, 65537, -262137, 2, 0, -196608, 45, 0, -2, 46, 0, -1, 46, 1, -65532, 43, 65536, -65531, 43, 65537, -65530, 43, 65538, 65534, 46, 65536, 65535, 46, 65537, 4, 43, 131072, 5, 43, 131073, 6, 43, 131074, 131070, 46, 131072, 131071, 46, 131073, 65541, 42, 0 ) [node name="Detail" type="TileMap" parent="."] scale = Vector2( -1, 1 ) @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ tile_set = ExtResource( 3 ) cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -131068, 43, 0, -131067, 43, 1, -131066, 43, 2 ) +tile_data = PackedInt32Array( -131068, 43, 0, -131067, 43, 1, -131066, 43, 2 ) [node name="Collider" type="TileMap" parent="."] scale = Vector2( -1, 1 ) @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) show_collision = true format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -262147, 0, 0, -262146, 0, 0, -262145, 0, 0, -327680, 0, 0, -327679, 0, 0, -327678, 0, 0, -327677, 0, 0, -327676, 0, 0, -327675, 0, 0, -327674, 0, 0, -327673, 0, 0, -327672, 0, 0, -327671, 0, 0, -196611, 0, 0, -262137, 0, 0, -262135, 0, 0, -131075, 0, 0, -196601, 0, 0, -196599, 0, 0, -65539, 0, 0, -131063, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, -65527, 0, 0, 65533, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 131069, 0, 0, 65545, 0, 0, 196605, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 262141, 0, 0, 196617, 0, 0, 327677, 0, 0, 327678, 0, 0, 327679, 0, 0, 262144, 0, 0, 262145, 0, 0, 262146, 0, 0, 262147, 0, 0, 262148, 0, 0, 262149, 0, 0, 262150, 0, 0, 262151, 0, 0, 262152, 0, 0, 262153, 0, 0 ) +tile_data = PackedInt32Array( -262147, 0, 0, -262146, 0, 0, -262145, 0, 0, -327680, 0, 0, -327679, 0, 0, -327678, 0, 0, -327677, 0, 0, -327676, 0, 0, -327675, 0, 0, -327674, 0, 0, -327673, 0, 0, -327672, 0, 0, -327671, 0, 0, -196611, 0, 0, -262137, 0, 0, -262135, 0, 0, -131075, 0, 0, -196601, 0, 0, -196599, 0, 0, -65539, 0, 0, -131063, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, -65527, 0, 0, 65533, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 131069, 0, 0, 65545, 0, 0, 196605, 0, 0, 131081, 0, 0, 262141, 0, 0, 196617, 0, 0, 327677, 0, 0, 327678, 0, 0, 327679, 0, 0, 262144, 0, 0, 262145, 0, 0, 262146, 0, 0, 262147, 0, 0, 262148, 0, 0, 262149, 0, 0, 262150, 0, 0, 262151, 0, 0, 262152, 0, 0, 262153, 0, 0 ) [node name="RivalHouse_Teleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 5 )] position = Vector2( 11, 9 ) diff --git a/Scenes/Maps/Map.gd b/Scenes/Maps/Map.gd index 2583123..5d38093 100644 --- a/Scenes/Maps/Map.gd +++ b/Scenes/Maps/Map.gd @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -tool -extends YSort +@tool +extends Node2D const PlayerObject = preload("res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Player.gd") @@ -8,54 +8,50 @@ signal map_entered(map) const _constants = preload("res://Utils/Constants.gd") -export(Array, String) var adjacent_maps_names := [] setget set_adjacent_maps_names -export(Array, Vector2) var adjacent_maps_positions := [] setget set_adjacent_maps_positions +@export var adjacent_maps_names := []: + set(new_adjacent_maps_names): + adjacent_maps_names = new_adjacent_maps_names + if Engine.is_editor_hint() and do_show_adjacent_maps: + show_adjacent_maps(self, _adjacent_maps) + +@export var adjacent_maps_positions := []: + set(new_adjacent_maps_positions): + adjacent_maps_positions = new_adjacent_maps_positions + if Engine.is_editor_hint() and do_show_adjacent_maps: + show_adjacent_maps(self, _adjacent_maps) # Only used in editor to toogle the adjacent maps # If the adjacent maps are shown, it is possible the map can't be saved (circular dependancies) # This has no effect outside of the editor -export(bool) var show_adjacent_maps := false setget set_show_adjacent_maps +@export var do_show_adjacent_maps := false: + set(new_sam): + do_show_adjacent_maps = new_sam + if do_show_adjacent_maps: + show_adjacent_maps(self, _adjacent_maps) + else: + clear_adjacent_maps() var _adjacent_maps := {} - var zone: Area2D -func set_show_adjacent_maps(new_sam): - show_adjacent_maps = new_sam - if show_adjacent_maps: - show_adjacent_maps(self, _adjacent_maps) - else: - clear_adjacent_maps() - -func set_adjacent_maps_names(new_adjacent_maps_names): - adjacent_maps_names = new_adjacent_maps_names - if Engine.editor_hint and show_adjacent_maps: - show_adjacent_maps(self, _adjacent_maps) - - -func set_adjacent_maps_positions(new_adjacent_maps_positions): - adjacent_maps_positions = new_adjacent_maps_positions - if Engine.editor_hint and show_adjacent_maps: - show_adjacent_maps(self, _adjacent_maps) - # The parameters differ according to the situation # In editor, they are the map and its _adjacent_maps container # In game, they are the map manager and its maps container func show_adjacent_maps(parent, container): if not(adjacent_maps_names.size() == adjacent_maps_positions.size()): - if not Engine.editor_hint: + if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): assert(adjacent_maps_names.size() == adjacent_maps_positions.size()) return # Checks for map addition / Shows the maps for map in adjacent_maps_names: if not container.has(map): - container[map] = load(_constants.PATH_MAP_SCENE + map + "/" + map + ".tscn").instance() - container[map].position = adjacent_maps_positions[adjacent_maps_names.find(map)] * (_constants.TILE_SIZE) + (position if not Engine.editor_hint else Vector2.ZERO) - if Engine.editor_hint: + container[map] = load(_constants.PATH_MAP_SCENE + map + "/" + map + ".tscn").instantiate() + container[map].position = adjacent_maps_positions[adjacent_maps_names.find(map)] * (_constants.TILE_SIZE) + (position if not Engine.is_editor_hint() else Vector2.ZERO) + if Engine.is_editor_hint(): container[map].modulate = Color(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5) else: - container[map].connect("map_entered", self, "_on_adjacent_entered") + container[map].connect("map_entered", Callable(self, "_on_adjacent_entered")) parent.call_deferred("add_child",container[map]) # Checks for map deletion @@ -68,24 +64,24 @@ func show_adjacent_maps(parent, container): # Updates positions for map in container: if container[map] != self: - container[map].position = adjacent_maps_positions[adjacent_maps_names.find(map)] * (_constants.TILE_SIZE) + (position if not Engine.editor_hint else Vector2.ZERO) + container[map].position = adjacent_maps_positions[adjacent_maps_names.find(map)] * (_constants.TILE_SIZE) + (position if not Engine.is_editor_hint() else Vector2.ZERO) # Called when switched to adjacent mode: the map doesn’t have the player in it # and has to notify the main map when the player enters in it. func adjacent_mode(map_manager, main_map): - self.disconnect("map_entered", map_manager, "map_entered") - self.connect("map_entered", main_map, "_on_adjacent_entered") + self.disconnect("map_entered", Callable(map_manager, "map_entered")) + self.connect("map_entered", Callable(main_map, "_on_adjacent_entered")) # Called when the main map changed but the current map is still not the main map func switch_main_map(old_main_map, new_main_map): - self.disconnect("map_entered", old_main_map, "_on_adjacent_entered") - self.connect("map_entered", new_main_map, "_on_adjacent_entered") + self.disconnect("map_entered", Callable(old_main_map, "_on_adjacent_entered")) + self.connect("map_entered", Callable(new_main_map, "_on_adjacent_entered")) # Called when switched to main mode: the map is the main one and has the player in it. # It has to be notified when the player enters an adjacent map. func main_mode(map_manager, maps, old_main_map): - self.disconnect("map_entered", old_main_map, "_on_adjacent_entered") - self.connect("map_entered", map_manager, "map_entered") + self.disconnect("map_entered", Callable(old_main_map, "_on_adjacent_entered")) + self.connect("map_entered", Callable(map_manager, "map_entered")) show_adjacent_maps(map_manager, maps) for map in maps: if maps[map] != self and maps[map] != old_main_map: @@ -100,7 +96,7 @@ func clear_adjacent_maps(): func _ready(): # Do not show adjacent maps if not in editor: MapManager will handle it. - if not Engine.editor_hint: + if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): clear_adjacent_maps() zone = $MapZone diff --git a/Scenes/Maps/MapManager.gd b/Scenes/Maps/MapManager.gd index 76e2e79..114f1ab 100644 --- a/Scenes/Maps/MapManager.gd +++ b/Scenes/Maps/MapManager.gd @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ # It also manages the player in the overworld. extends Node +class_name MapManager + const _constants = preload("res://Utils/Constants.gd") var _first_map := "" @@ -39,8 +41,8 @@ func init(p_first_map: String, p_first_player_pos := Vector2.ZERO): _first_player_pos = p_first_player_pos func _ready(): - player_instance = load(_constants.PATH_PLAYER_SCENE).instance() - camera_instance = load(_constants.PATH_CAMERA_SCENE).instance() + player_instance = load(_constants.PATH_PLAYER_SCENE).instantiate() + camera_instance = load(_constants.PATH_CAMERA_SCENE).instantiate() player_data = get_node("/root/PlayerData") camera_instance.set_map_mode() player_instance.add_child(camera_instance) @@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ func _ready(): func _input(event): if event.is_action_pressed("menu") and interface_closed_delay < 0 and not player_instance.is_moving(): - var menu = load("res://Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.tscn").instance() + var menu = load("res://Scenes/GameMenu/GameMenu.tscn").instantiate() pause_player() load_interface(menu) @@ -90,8 +92,8 @@ func change_map(map_name: String, player_pos = Vector2(0,0), map_pos = Vector2(0 maps.erase(key) # Loads the new map current_map = map_name - maps[map_name] = load(_constants.PATH_MAP_SCENE + map_name + ".tscn").instance() - maps[current_map].connect("map_entered", self, "map_entered") + maps[map_name] = load(_constants.PATH_MAP_SCENE + map_name + ".tscn").instantiate() + maps[current_map].connect("map_entered", Callable(self, "map_entered")) # Sets the positions maps[current_map].position = map_pos * _constants.TILE_SIZE player_instance.position = player_pos * _constants.TILE_SIZE @@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ func change_map(map_name: String, player_pos = Vector2(0,0), map_pos = Vector2(0 func map_entered(map): if next_map == "": next_map = get_map_key(map) - player_instance.connect("square_tick",self,"switch_map") + player_instance.connect("square_tick", Callable(self, "switch_map")) # Called when the player enters a map already shown on the screen and has finished walking on a square. # Switches the main map to the new one @@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ func switch_map(): current_map = next_map player_data.current_map = current_map next_map = "" - player_instance.disconnect("square_tick",self,"switch_map") + player_instance.disconnect("square_tick", Callable(self, "switch_map")) func get_map_key(map) -> String: @@ -138,19 +140,17 @@ func get_map_key(map) -> String: return "" func fade(duration: float): - var fade: ColorRect = load(_constants.PATH_FADE_SCENE).instance() - var tween: Tween = fade.get_node("Tween") + var fade: Fade = load(_constants.PATH_FADE_SCENE).instantiate() + var tween = fade.tween fade.set_size(get_viewport().size) + fade.duration = duration $Interface.add_child(fade) - tween.interpolate_property(fade, "alpha", 0.0, 1.0, duration) - tween.start() return fade -func unfade(duration: float, fade: ColorRect): - var tween: Tween = fade.get_node("Tween") - tween.interpolate_property(fade, "alpha", 1.0, 0.0, duration) - tween.start() - tween.connect("tween_completed", self, "remove_fade") +func unfade(duration: float, fade: Fade): + fade.unfade(duration) + + fade.tween.tween_callback(Callable(self, "remove_fade")) func remove_fade(object, _key): object.call_deferred("queue_free") @@ -170,18 +170,19 @@ func save() -> void: # Since the player is always paused in the menu to save # and we want the player to be able to move after loading to_save["player_character"]["_paused"] = false - var save_file := File.new() - save_file.open("user://opsave.json", File.WRITE) - save_file.store_line(to_json(to_save)) + var save_file := FileAccess.open("user://opsave.json", FileAccess.WRITE) + save_file.store_line(JSON.new().stringify(to_save)) save_file.close() func load_save() -> bool: - var save_file := File.new() - if save_file.open("user://opsave.json", File.READ) == 0: - load_data = parse_json(save_file.get_as_text()) + if FileAccess.file_exists("user://opsave.json"): + var save_file := FileAccess.open("user://opsave.json", FileAccess.READ) + var test_json_conv = JSON.new() + test_json_conv.parse(save_file.get_as_text()) + load_data = test_json_conv.get_data() self.init(load_data["current_map"]["name"]) # Next step in _ready() return true else: - printerr("Can’t load user save file. It might doesn’t exist.") + printerr("No save file found.") return false diff --git a/Scenes/Maps/MapManager.tscn b/Scenes/Maps/MapManager.tscn index dfbe541..2ddf0a2 100644 --- a/Scenes/Maps/MapManager.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Maps/MapManager.tscn @@ -1,11 +1,8 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dvpycv5u7dnjh"] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Maps/MapManager.gd" type="Script" id=1] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Maps/MapManager.gd" id="1"] [node name="Map" type="Node"] -script = ExtResource( 1 ) -__meta__ = { -"_editor_description_": "Contains the maps" -} +script = ExtResource("1") [node name="Interface" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."] diff --git a/Scenes/Maps/MapTest/MapTest.tscn b/Scenes/Maps/MapTest/MapTest.tscn index 223e398..697f3d8 100644 --- a/Scenes/Maps/MapTest/MapTest.tscn +++ b/Scenes/Maps/MapTest/MapTest.tscn @@ -1,140 +1,241 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=11 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=14 format=3 uid="uid://clueo45h8bvwm"] -[ext_resource path="res://OpMon-Data/Tileset/tileset.png" type="Texture" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=2] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/DialogNPC.gd" type="Script" id=3] -[ext_resource path="res://Data/Sprites/chara/kid.tres" type="SpriteFrames" id=4] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=5] -[ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Maps/Map.gd" type="Script" id=6] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://3my3ar8woqy8" path="res://OpMon-Data/Tileset/tileset.png" id="1"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://c7s75w0ldamla" path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/Character.tscn" id="2"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/DialogNPC.gd" id="3"] +[ext_resource type="SpriteFrames" uid="uid://bl2fqw14hgjqd" path="res://Data/Sprites/chara/kid.tres" id="4"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" path="res://Scenes/Events/Trigger/Teleporter.tscn" id="5"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Maps/Map.gd" id="6"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Scenes/Events/Interactable/BetaNPC.gd" id="7_tv7ag"] +[ext_resource type="SpriteFrames" uid="uid://bkvw6f81371xh" path="res://Data/Sprites/chara/beta.tres" id="8_nnq5g"] -[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=1] -points = PoolVector2Array( 0, 0, 80, 0, 80, 48, 64, 48, 64, 32, 48, 32, 48, 48, 0, 48, 0, 48 ) +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_j8pkg"] +texture = ExtResource("1") +0:0/next_alternative_id = 8 +0:0/0 = 0 +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/1 = 1 +0:0/1/flip_h = true +0:0/1/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/1/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/2 = 2 +0:0/2/flip_v = true +0:0/2/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/2/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/3 = 3 +0:0/3/flip_h = true +0:0/3/flip_v = true +0:0/3/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/3/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/4 = 4 +0:0/4/transpose = true +0:0/4/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/4/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/5 = 5 +0:0/5/flip_h = true +0:0/5/transpose = true +0:0/5/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/5/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/6 = 6 +0:0/6/flip_v = true +0:0/6/transpose = true +0:0/6/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/6/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/7 = 7 +0:0/7/flip_h = true +0:0/7/flip_v = true +0:0/7/transpose = true +0:0/7/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/7/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 -[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape2D" id=2] -points = PoolVector2Array( 32, 48, 0, 48, 0, 0, 32, 0 ) +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_aiwxc"] +texture = ExtResource("1") +margins = Vector2i(64, 400) +texture_region_size = Vector2i(80, 48) +0:0/next_alternative_id = 8 +0:0/0 = 0 +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-40, -24, 40, -24, 40, 24, 24, 24, 24, 8, 8, 8, 8, 24, -40, 24, -40, 24) +0:0/1 = 1 +0:0/1/flip_h = true +0:0/1/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/1/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/1/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(40, -24, -40, -24, -40, 24, -24, 24, -24, 8, -8, 8, -8, 24, 40, 24, 40, 24) +0:0/2 = 2 +0:0/2/flip_v = true +0:0/2/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/2/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/2/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-40, 24, 40, 24, 40, -24, 24, -24, 24, -8, 8, -8, 8, -24, -40, -24, -40, -24) +0:0/3 = 3 +0:0/3/flip_h = true +0:0/3/flip_v = true +0:0/3/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/3/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/3/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(40, 24, -40, 24, -40, -24, -24, -24, -24, -8, -8, -8, -8, -24, 40, -24, 40, -24) +0:0/4 = 4 +0:0/4/transpose = true +0:0/4/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/4/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/4/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-40, -24, 40, -24, 40, 24, 24, 24, 24, 8, 8, 8, 8, 24, -40, 24, -40, 24) +0:0/5 = 5 +0:0/5/flip_h = true +0:0/5/transpose = true +0:0/5/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/5/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/5/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(40, -24, -40, -24, -40, 24, -24, 24, -24, 8, -8, 8, -8, 24, 40, 24, 40, 24) +0:0/6 = 6 +0:0/6/flip_v = true +0:0/6/transpose = true +0:0/6/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/6/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/6/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-40, 24, 40, 24, 40, -24, 24, -24, 24, -8, 8, -8, 8, -24, -40, -24, -40, -24) +0:0/7 = 7 +0:0/7/flip_h = true +0:0/7/flip_v = true +0:0/7/transpose = true +0:0/7/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/7/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/7/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(40, 24, -40, 24, -40, -24, -24, -24, -24, -8, -8, -8, -8, -24, 40, -24, 40, -24) -[sub_resource type="TileSet" id=3] -0/name = "tileset.png 0" -0/texture = ExtResource( 1 ) -0/tex_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -0/modulate = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) -0/region = Rect2( 0, 0, 16, 16 ) -0/tile_mode = 0 -0/occluder_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -0/navigation_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -0/shape_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -0/shape_transform = Transform2D( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ) -0/shape_one_way = false -0/shape_one_way_margin = 0.0 -0/shapes = [ ] -0/z_index = 0 -1/name = "tileset.png 1" -1/texture = ExtResource( 1 ) -1/tex_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -1/modulate = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) -1/region = Rect2( 64, 400, 80, 48 ) -1/tile_mode = 0 -1/occluder_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -1/navigation_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -1/shape_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -1/shape_transform = Transform2D( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ) -1/shape = SubResource( 1 ) -1/shape_one_way = false -1/shape_one_way_margin = 1.0 -1/shapes = [ { -"autotile_coord": Vector2( 0, 0 ), -"one_way": false, -"one_way_margin": 1.0, -"shape": SubResource( 1 ), -"shape_transform": Transform2D( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ) -} ] -1/z_index = 0 -2/name = "tileset.png 2" -2/texture = ExtResource( 1 ) -2/tex_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -2/modulate = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) -2/region = Rect2( 64, 384, 80, 16 ) -2/tile_mode = 0 -2/occluder_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -2/navigation_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -2/shape_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -2/shape_transform = Transform2D( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ) -2/shape_one_way = false -2/shape_one_way_margin = 0.0 -2/shapes = [ ] -2/z_index = 0 -3/name = "tileset.png 3" -3/texture = ExtResource( 1 ) -3/tex_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -3/modulate = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) -3/region = Rect2( 288, 304, 32, 48 ) -3/tile_mode = 0 -3/occluder_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -3/navigation_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -3/shape_offset = Vector2( 0, 0 ) -3/shape_transform = Transform2D( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ) -3/shape = SubResource( 2 ) -3/shape_one_way = false -3/shape_one_way_margin = 1.0 -3/shapes = [ { -"autotile_coord": Vector2( 0, 0 ), -"one_way": false, -"one_way_margin": 1.0, -"shape": SubResource( 2 ), -"shape_transform": Transform2D( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ) -} ] -3/z_index = 0 +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_gq7ku"] +texture = ExtResource("1") +margins = Vector2i(64, 384) +texture_region_size = Vector2i(80, 16) +0:0/next_alternative_id = 8 +0:0/0 = 0 +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/1 = 1 +0:0/1/flip_h = true +0:0/1/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/1/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/2 = 2 +0:0/2/flip_v = true +0:0/2/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/2/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/3 = 3 +0:0/3/flip_h = true +0:0/3/flip_v = true +0:0/3/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/3/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/4 = 4 +0:0/4/transpose = true +0:0/4/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/4/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/5 = 5 +0:0/5/flip_h = true +0:0/5/transpose = true +0:0/5/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/5/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/6 = 6 +0:0/6/flip_v = true +0:0/6/transpose = true +0:0/6/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/6/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/7 = 7 +0:0/7/flip_h = true +0:0/7/flip_v = true +0:0/7/transpose = true +0:0/7/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/7/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 -[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=4] -extents = Vector2( 208, 152 ) +[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_urn25"] +texture = ExtResource("1") +margins = Vector2i(288, 304) +texture_region_size = Vector2i(32, 48) +0:0/next_alternative_id = 8 +0:0/0 = 0 +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, 24, -16, 24, -16, -24, 16, -24) +0:0/1 = 1 +0:0/1/flip_h = true +0:0/1/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/1/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/1/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, 24, 16, 24, 16, -24, -16, -24) +0:0/2 = 2 +0:0/2/flip_v = true +0:0/2/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/2/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/2/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -24, -16, -24, -16, 24, 16, 24) +0:0/3 = 3 +0:0/3/flip_h = true +0:0/3/flip_v = true +0:0/3/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/3/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/3/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -24, 16, -24, 16, 24, -16, 24) +0:0/4 = 4 +0:0/4/transpose = true +0:0/4/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/4/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/4/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, 24, -16, 24, -16, -24, 16, -24) +0:0/5 = 5 +0:0/5/flip_h = true +0:0/5/transpose = true +0:0/5/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/5/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/5/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, 24, 16, 24, 16, -24, -16, -24) +0:0/6 = 6 +0:0/6/flip_v = true +0:0/6/transpose = true +0:0/6/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/6/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/6/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(16, -24, -16, -24, -16, 24, 16, 24) +0:0/7 = 7 +0:0/7/flip_h = true +0:0/7/flip_v = true +0:0/7/transpose = true +0:0/7/physics_layer_0/linear_velocity = Vector2(0, 0) +0:0/7/physics_layer_0/angular_velocity = 0.0 +0:0/7/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-16, -24, 16, -24, 16, 24, -16, 24) -[node name="MapTest" type="YSort"] -script = ExtResource( 6 ) -adjacent_maps_names = [ "EuviTown" ] -adjacent_maps_positions = [ Vector2( -51, -9 ) ] +[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="3"] +physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 +sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_j8pkg") +sources/1 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_aiwxc") +sources/2 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_gq7ku") +sources/3 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_urn25") + +[node name="MapTest" type="Node2D"] +script = ExtResource("6") [node name="DetailLayer" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = 1 -tile_set = SubResource( 3 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -show_collision = true -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( 131081, 2, 0 ) +tile_set = SubResource("3") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(131081, 2, 0) [node name="SolidLayer" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = -1 -tile_set = SubResource( 3 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -show_collision = true -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( -131072, 3, 0, -131070, 3, 0, -131068, 3, 0, -131066, 3, 0, -131064, 3, 0, -131062, 3, 0, -131060, 3, 0, -131058, 3, 0, -131056, 3, 0, -131054, 3, 0, -131052, 3, 0, -131050, 3, 0, -131048, 3, 0, -131046, 3, 0, -131044, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 28, 3, 0, 131072, 3, 0, 131100, 3, 0, 196617, 1, 0, 262172, 3, 0, 393244, 3, 0, 524316, 3, 0, 655388, 3, 0, 786432, 3, 0, 786460, 3, 0, 917504, 3, 0, 917532, 3, 0, 1048576, 3, 0, 1048604, 3, 0, 1179648, 3, 0, 1179650, 3, 0, 1179652, 3, 0, 1179654, 3, 0, 1179656, 3, 0, 1179658, 3, 0, 1179660, 3, 0, 1179662, 3, 0, 1179664, 3, 0, 1179666, 3, 0, 1179668, 3, 0, 1179670, 3, 0, 1179672, 3, 0, 1179674, 3, 0, 1179676, 3, 0 ) +tile_set = SubResource("3") +format = 2 +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-131072, 3, 0, -131070, 3, 0, -131068, 3, 0, -131066, 3, 0, -131064, 3, 0, -131062, 3, 0, -131060, 3, 0, -131058, 3, 0, -131056, 3, 0, -131054, 3, 0, -131052, 3, 0, -131050, 3, 0, -131048, 3, 0, -131046, 3, 0, -131044, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 28, 3, 0, 131072, 3, 0, 131100, 3, 0, 196617, 1, 0, 262172, 3, 0, 393244, 3, 0, 524316, 3, 0, 655388, 3, 0, 786432, 3, 0, 786460, 3, 0, 917504, 3, 0, 917532, 3, 0, 1048576, 3, 0, 1048604, 3, 0, 1179648, 3, 0, 1179650, 3, 0, 1179652, 3, 0, 1179654, 3, 0, 1179656, 3, 0, 1179658, 3, 0, 1179660, 3, 0, 1179662, 3, 0, 1179664, 3, 0, 1179666, 3, 0, 1179668, 3, 0, 1179670, 3, 0, 1179672, 3, 0, 1179674, 3, 0, 1179676, 3, 0) [node name="BaseLayer" type="TileMap" parent="."] z_index = -2 -tile_set = SubResource( 3 ) -cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 ) -cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) -show_collision = true -format = 1 -tile_data = PoolIntArray( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 17, 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0, 0, 1179662, 0, 0, 1179663, 0, 0, 1179664, 0, 0, 1179665, 0, 0, 1179666, 0, 0, 1179667, 0, 0, 1179668, 0, 0, 1179669, 0, 0, 1179670, 0, 0, 1179671, 0, 0, 1179672, 0, 0, 1179673, 0, 0, 1179674, 0, 0, 1179675, 0, 0, 1179676, 0, 0, 1179677, 0, 0, 1245184, 0, 0, 1245185, 0, 0, 1245186, 0, 0, 1245187, 0, 0, 1245188, 0, 0, 1245189, 0, 0, 1245190, 0, 0, 1245191, 0, 0, 1245192, 0, 0, 1245193, 0, 0, 1245194, 0, 0, 1245195, 0, 0, 1245196, 0, 0, 1245197, 0, 0, 1245198, 0, 0, 1245199, 0, 0, 1245200, 0, 0, 1245201, 0, 0, 1245202, 0, 0, 1245203, 0, 0, 1245204, 0, 0, 1245205, 0, 0, 1245206, 0, 0, 1245207, 0, 0, 1245208, 0, 0, 1245209, 0, 0, 1245210, 0, 0, 1245211, 0, 0, 1245212, 0, 0, 1245213, 0, 0) -[node name="Character" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 2 )] -position = Vector2( 96, 48 ) -script = ExtResource( 3 ) -textures = ExtResource( 4 ) +[node name="Character" parent="." instance=ExtResource("2")] +position = Vector2(96, 48) +script = ExtResource("3") dialog_key = "EUVITOWN_KID_DIALOG" +textures = ExtResource("4") -[node name="HouseTeleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 5 )] -position = Vector2( 192, 80 ) -_map_name = "MapHouse" -_position = Vector2( 3, 3 ) +[node name="HouseTeleporter" parent="." instance=ExtResource("5")] +position = Vector2(192, 80) +_map_name = "EuviTown/MapHouse" +_position = Vector2(3, 3) [node name="MapZone" type="Area2D" parent="."] -[node name="CollisionRect" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="MapZone"] -position = Vector2( 240, 152 ) -shape = SubResource( 4 ) +[node name="Beta" parent="." groups=["Persist"] instance=ExtResource("2")] +position = Vector2(128, 80) +script = ExtResource("7_tv7ag") +textures = ExtResource("8_nnq5g") +faced_direction = "Down" [connection signal="body_entered" from="MapZone" to="." method="_on_map_entered"] diff --git a/Utils/Constants.gd b/Utils/Constants.gd index 34d23e4..9198bc8 100644 --- a/Utils/Constants.gd +++ b/Utils/Constants.gd @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -tool +@tool extends Node const TILE_SIZE = 16 diff --git a/Utils/PlayerData.gd b/Utils/PlayerData.gd index 6a4d8e7..bfa684f 100644 --- a/Utils/PlayerData.gd +++ b/Utils/PlayerData.gd @@ -1,25 +1,64 @@ extends Node # This singleton contains player-related data like name, id, or team -# This is this class that will be saved and loaded +# It also contains some resources (OpMon species, moves, natures, items) var player_name: String var team: OpTeam +# Lists of loaded resources +# Keys: IDs (String) +var res_species: Dictionary +var res_move: Dictionary +var res_nature: Dictionary +var res_item: Dictionary + +# Keys: Item ID (String) +# Values: Quantity (int) +var bag: Dictionary + +# Loads every resource in a given directory. +# Warning: don’t forget to include "/" at the end of the directory. +func _load_dir(path: String) -> Array[Resource]: + var dir = DirAccess.open(path) + var files := dir.get_files() + var ret: Array[Resource] = [] + for file in files: + if file.ends_with(".tres"): + ret.append(load(path + file)) + return ret + +func _load_resources(): + print("Loading resources...") + for species in _load_dir("res://Data/GodotResources/Species/"): + res_species[species.id] = species + print("Species loaded.") + for move in _load_dir("res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/"): + res_move[move.id] = move + print("Moves loaded.") + for nature in _load_dir("res://Data/GodotResources/Natures/"): + res_nature[nature.id] = nature + print("Natures loaded.") + for item in _load_dir("res://Data/GodotResources/Items/"): + res_item[item.id] = item + #TODO: Temporary filling the player’s inventory for testing purposes. Don’t + # forget to delete + for i in range(20): + res_item["DUMMY_" + String.num(i)] = Item.new("DUMMY_" + String.num(i)) + bag["DUMMY_" + String.num(i)] = i + print("Items loaded. All resources are now loaded.") + func _ready(): - var tackle = load("res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/Tackle.tres") - var growl = load("res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/Growl.tres") - var ember = load("res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/Ember.tres") - var vine_whip = load("res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/VineWhip.tres") - var water_gun = load("res://Data/GodotResources/Moves/WaterGun.tres") - var bot_nature = load("res://Data/GodotResources/Natures/Bot.tres") - var furnurus = OpMon.new("", load("res://Data/GodotResources/Species/Furnurus.tres"), 10, - [tackle, growl, ember, null], bot_nature) - var nanolphin = OpMon.new("", load("res://Data/GodotResources/Species/Nanolphin.tres"), 10, - [tackle, growl, water_gun, null], bot_nature) - var rosarin = OpMon.new("", load("res://Data/GodotResources/Species/Rosarin.tres"), 10, - [tackle, growl, vine_whip, null], bot_nature) + _load_resources() + var furnurus = OpMon.new("", res_species["FURNURUS"], 10, + [res_move["TACKLE"], res_move["GROWL"], res_move["EMBER"], null], res_nature["BOT"]) + var nanolphin = OpMon.new("", res_species["NANOLPHIN"], 10, + [res_move["TACKLE"], res_move["GROWL"], res_move["WATER_GUN"], null], res_nature["BOT"]) + var rosarin = OpMon.new("", res_species["ROSARIN"], 10, + [res_move["TACKLE"], res_move["GROWL"], res_move["VINE_WHIP"], null], res_nature["BOT"]) team = OpTeam.new([rosarin, furnurus, nanolphin, null, null, null]) + bag["POTION"] = 3 + bag["XATTACK"] = 2 func save() -> Dictionary: return { @@ -29,9 +68,12 @@ func save() -> Dictionary: }, "player_character" : null, # Filled by MapManager "team" : team.save(), - "player_name" : player_name + "player_name" : player_name, + "bag": bag } func load_save(data: Dictionary) -> void: - team = OpTeam.new().load_save(data["team"]) + team = OpTeam.new() + team.load_save(data["team"]) player_name = data["player_name"] + bag = data["bag"] diff --git a/icon.png.import b/icon.png.import index a4c02e6..1867eac 100644 --- a/icon.png.import +++ b/icon.png.import @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ [remap] importer="texture" -type="StreamTexture" -path="res://.import/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.stex" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://p240hci87gxl" +path="res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.ctex" metadata={ "vram_texture": false } @@ -10,26 +11,24 @@ metadata={ [deps] source_file="res://icon.png" -dest_files=[ "res://.import/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.stex" ] +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.ctex"] [params] compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false compress/lossy_quality=0.7 -compress/hdr_mode=0 -compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/hdr_compression=1 compress/normal_map=0 -flags/repeat=0 -flags/filter=true -flags/mipmaps=false -flags/anisotropic=false -flags/srgb=2 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" process/fix_alpha_border=true process/premult_alpha=false -process/HDR_as_SRGB=false -process/invert_color=false process/normal_map_invert_y=false -stream=false -size_limit=0 -detect_3d=true -svg/scale=1.0 +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot index 907cdfe..4edb13e 100644 --- a/project.godot +++ b/project.godot @@ -6,87 +6,18 @@ ; [section] ; section goes between [] ; param=value ; assign values to parameters -config_version=4 - 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