Version 11 Update 2
MD5-Hash SHA256-Hash c43eb7042b505106e5f3a28d6a365f77
Release Notes for the Open Systems Pharmacology Software Suite 11 Update 2
New features
This is a pure bug fix release. No new features implemented.
Fixed issues and Improvements
- PK-Sim changes molecule name while importing a project from a snapshot file
- Projects created with <= V10 are sometimes not properly exported to snapshot with >= V11
- Loading project from snaphot: observed data which was previously added to a simulation is plotted but not added to the curves browser
- Number of cells/g tissue missing for monkey and minipig
- MoBi cannot handle observed data sets with only 1 point anymore
- "Notifications": weird column "No image data"
PK-Sim and MoBi
New release of the ospsuite R package
No new features. New release only due to the changes in the embedded OSP libraries.