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Yohann Ferreira edited this page Jul 9, 2015 · 6 revisions


The creatures in OpenDungeons are the most important entities you will encounter and use in-game. They will dig, fetch, build, fight, destroy and die for you, at least if you take care of them and their needs.


The workers creatures will be able to dig dirt and gold, and claim territory. Workers will usually rebel against enemy workers but they will try to flee in a pathetic way as soon as they catch a glimpse of an enemy fighter creature. On the other hand, you can spawn as many as your mana permits, and they never ask any gold of take any rest. You wouldn't permit it, anyway...


The base worker for Keepers.


The base worker for Heroes.


The fighters creatures will be your only cannon fodder against your opponents. The most clever of them will also be able to craft traps, and do some research for you. Remember that those creatures are also the most greedy, lazy, famish among the critters you will be able to obtain. And they will start to cause trouble as soon as they lack something of the three.

Hence, workers creatures will need a bed in the dormitory, some chicken from the hatchery and gold on each pay day to stay with you. They will even start to get angry when they cross the path of another minion they don't like. If they are sufficiently unhappy, they may want to leave your dungeon through the portal they came from, or even become rogue and attack their former mates.

Creatures mood icons

When creatures lack of something, an icon above their head will tell you what. Here is the signification of each icon.

Hungry: The creature needs to get food from the Hatchery.

Sleepy: The creature needs some rest in his bed, within the Dormitory.

Pay Day: The creature wants his wage and is surely going to get it.

Angry: The creature is angry and needs something to calm down, (like being paid, a bed, ...). Note that a creature can become angry because he lost too much HP or crossed the path of a minion he dislikes.

Furious: The creature is really furious. If things keep on that way for it, it will leave your team.

Leaving: Too late, the creature is leaving your dungeon. If you prevent it from doing exactly that, it will become feral and start attacking your own minions.

KO: The creature isn't dead, no, it's a game. It went to a better world, it kicked the bucket, it is off the twig, ...

Keepers creatures

Tier I

Slimes are slow, weak, and love libraries even if they don't have a clue of what a book is.

Cavehornets are weak, but very fast and can fly above water and lava. They hate spiders.

Spiders are the standard animal fighter you will be able to obtain. They of course hate cavehornets. Life would be too simple in your dungeon otherwise....

Tier II

Goblin are the standard Tier II fighters. They are very capable at crafting traps. :>

Tentacles can come in two flavour. Choose you favourite for dinner.

Wyverns are flying creatures and can come in handy when in need of more flying punch power.

Lizard Man
Another good fighter, using tiger fashion.

Their ugly shapes lurking in the corners of your dungeons are always so much reassuring...

Orcs are one of the strongest fighters of this tier and they are used at taking hits.

Tier III

Rock Golem
Rock Golems are slow, veeerry slow, but hey, they punch hard.

The only creature that can stand ground against Dragons.

The only creature that can stand ground against Pit Demons.

Tier IV

Pit Demon
The big one. Very useful in every dire situation. Try them against Big Knights and you'll love them.


Tier I

The basic adventurer. The perfect shape of his muscled chin always makes creatures want to punch him...

You may happen to stomp one or two while happily fighting. The sound they make when crushed is lovely.

That one was so useless even as a worker that they told him to fight.

Tier II

Dwarf Chief
That one showed skills for melee after all, and survived long enough to prove it.

A more fiersome opponent spending his life to chase all what is unholy, or at least until he was turned into one of the dark creature haunting the underground...

A nasty melee and magic fighter, very useful also in Heroes' libraries.

Tier III

Dwarf Runelord
A master of war. Beware of his axe as this one knows where to aim...

Big Knight
Like other knights, but much more deadly.

Tier IV

The biggest hero opponent you'll encounter...