------- STRUCTURAL CONTROL (StC) INPUT FILE ---------------------------- Input file for tuned mass damper, module by Matt Lackner, Meghan Glade, and Semyung Park (UMass) ---------------------- SIMULATION CONTROL -------------------------------------- True Echo - Echo input data to .ech (flag) ---------------------- StC DEGREES OF FREEDOM ---------------------------------- 1 StC_DOF_MODE - DOF mode (switch) {0: No StC or TLCD DOF; 1: StC_X_DOF, StC_Y_DOF, and/or StC_Z_DOF (three independent StC DOFs); 2: StC_XY_DOF (Omni-Directional StC); 3: TLCD; 4: Prescribed force/moment time series; 5: Force determined by external DLL} true StC_X_DOF - DOF on or off for StC X (flag) [Used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1] false StC_Y_DOF - DOF on or off for StC Y (flag) [Used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1] FALSE StC_Z_DOF - DOF on or off for StC Z (flag) [Used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1] ---------------------- StC LOCATION ------------------------------------------- [relative to the reference origin of component attached to] 0 StC_P_X - At rest X position of StC (m) 0 StC_P_Y - At rest Y position of StC (m) 150 StC_P_Z - At rest Z position of StC (m) ---------------------- StC INITIAL CONDITIONS --------------------------------- [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 or 2] 1 StC_X_DSP - StC X initial displacement (m) [relative to at rest position] 1 StC_Y_DSP - StC Y initial displacement (m) [relative to at rest position] 0 StC_Z_DSP - StC Z initial displacement (m) [relative to at rest position; used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] "none" StC_Z_PreLd - StC Z pre-load (N) {"gravity" to offset for gravity load; "none" or 0 to turn off} [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] ---------------------- StC CONFIGURATION -------------------------------------- [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 or 2] 5 StC_X_PSP - Positive stop position (maximum X mass displacement) (m) -5 StC_X_NSP - Negative stop position (minimum X mass displacement) (m) 5 StC_Y_PSP - Positive stop position (maximum Y mass displacement) (m) -5 StC_Y_NSP - Negative stop position (minimum Y mass displacement) (m) 0 StC_Z_PSP - Positive stop position (maximum Z mass displacement) (m) [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] 0 StC_Z_NSP - Negative stop position (minimum Z mass displacement) (m) [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] ---------------------- StC MASS, STIFFNESS, & DAMPING ------------------------- [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 or 2] 20000 StC_X_M - StC X mass (kg) [must equal StC_Y_M for StC_DOF_MODE = 2] 20000 StC_Y_M - StC Y mass (kg) [must equal StC_X_M for StC_DOF_MODE = 2] 0 StC_Z_M - StC Z mass (kg) [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] 20000 StC_XY_M - StC XY mass (kg) [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=2] 28000 StC_X_K - StC X stiffness (N/m) 28000 StC_Y_K - StC Y stiffness (N/m) 0 StC_Z_K - StC Z stiffness (N/m) [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] 2800 StC_X_C - StC X damping (N/(m/s)) 2800 StC_Y_C - StC Y damping (N/(m/s)) 0 StC_Z_C - StC Z damping (N/(m/s)) [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] 15000 StC_X_KS - Stop spring X stiffness (N/m) 15000 StC_Y_KS - Stop spring Y stiffness (N/m) 0 StC_Z_KS - Stop spring Z stiffness (N/m) [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] 10000 StC_X_CS - Stop spring X damping (N/(m/s)) 10000 StC_Y_CS - Stop spring Y damping (N/(m/s)) 0 StC_Z_CS - Stop spring Z damping (N/(m/s)) [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] ---------------------- StC USER-DEFINED SPRING FORCES ------------------------- [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 or 2] False Use_F_TBL - Use spring force from user-defined table (flag) 17 NKInpSt - Number of spring force input stations ---------------------- StC SPRING FORCES TABLE -------------------------------- [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 or 2] X F_X Y F_Y Z F_Z (m) (N) (m) (N) (m) (N) -6.0000000E+00 -4.8000000E+06 -6.0000000E+00 -4.8000000E+06 -6.0000000E+00 -4.8000000E+06 -5.0000000E+00 -2.4000000E+06 -5.0000000E+00 -2.4000000E+06 -5.0000000E+00 -2.4000000E+06 -4.5000000E+00 -1.2000000E+06 -4.5000000E+00 -1.2000000E+06 -4.5000000E+00 -1.2000000E+06 -4.0000000E+00 -6.0000000E+05 -4.0000000E+00 -6.0000000E+05 -4.0000000E+00 -6.0000000E+05 -3.5000000E+00 -3.0000000E+05 -3.5000000E+00 -3.0000000E+05 -3.5000000E+00 -3.0000000E+05 -3.0000000E+00 -1.5000000E+05 -3.0000000E+00 -1.5000000E+05 -3.0000000E+00 -1.5000000E+05 -2.5000000E+00 -1.0000000E+05 -2.5000000E+00 -1.0000000E+05 -2.5000000E+00 -1.0000000E+05 -2.0000000E+00 -6.5000000E+04 -2.0000000E+00 -6.5000000E+04 -2.0000000E+00 -6.5000000E+04 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 2.0000000E+00 6.5000000E+04 2.0000000E+00 6.5000000E+04 2.0000000E+00 6.5000000E+04 2.5000000E+00 1.0000000E+05 2.5000000E+00 1.0000000E+05 2.5000000E+00 1.0000000E+05 3.0000000E+00 1.5000000E+05 3.0000000E+00 1.5000000E+05 3.0000000E+00 1.5000000E+05 3.5000000E+00 3.0000000E+05 3.5000000E+00 3.0000000E+05 3.5000000E+00 3.0000000E+05 4.0000000E+00 6.0000000E+05 4.0000000E+00 6.0000000E+05 4.0000000E+00 6.0000000E+05 4.5000000E+00 1.2000000E+06 4.5000000E+00 1.2000000E+06 4.5000000E+00 1.2000000E+06 5.0000000E+00 2.4000000E+06 5.0000000E+00 2.4000000E+06 5.0000000E+00 2.4000000E+06 6.0000000E+00 4.8000000E+06 6.0000000E+00 4.8000000E+06 6.0000000E+00 4.8000000E+06 ---------------------- StructCtrl CONTROL -------------------------------------------- [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 or 2] 1 StC_CMODE - Control mode (switch) {0:none; 1: Semi-Active Control Mode; 4: Active Control Mode through Simulink (not available); 5: Active Control Mode through Bladed interface} 0 StC_CChan - Control channel group (1:10) for stiffness and damping (StC_[XYZ]_K, StC_[XYZ]_C, and StC_[XYZ]_Brake) (specify additional channels for blade instances of StC active control -- one channel per blade) [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 or 2, and StC_CMODE=4 or 5] 3 StC_SA_MODE - Semi-Active control mode {1: velocity-based ground hook control; 2: Inverse velocity-based ground hook control; 3: displacement-based ground hook control 4: Phase difference Algorithm with Friction Force 5: Phase difference Algorithm with Damping Force} (-) 0.1 StC_X_C_HIGH - StC X high damping for ground hook control 0 StC_X_C_LOW - StC X low damping for ground hook control 0.1 StC_Y_C_HIGH - StC Y high damping for ground hook control 0 StC_Y_C_LOW - StC Y low damping for ground hook control 0 StC_Z_C_HIGH - StC Z high damping for ground hook control [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] 0 StC_Z_C_LOW - StC Z low damping for ground hook control [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] 0 StC_X_C_BRAKE - StC X high damping for braking the StC (Don't use it now. should be zero) 0 StC_Y_C_BRAKE - StC Y high damping for braking the StC (Don't use it now. should be zero) 0 StC_Z_C_BRAKE - StC Z high damping for braking the StC (Don't use it now. should be zero) [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=1 and StC_Z_DOF=TRUE] ---------------------- TLCD --------------------------------------------------- [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=3] 7.9325 L_X - X TLCD total length (m) 6.5929 B_X - X TLCD horizontal length (m) 2.0217 area_X - X TLCD cross-sectional area of vertical column (m^2) 0.913 area_ratio_X - X TLCD cross-sectional area ratio (vertical column area divided by horizontal column area) (-) 2.5265 headLossCoeff_X - X TLCD head loss coeff (-) 1000 rho_X - X TLCD liquid density (kg/m^3) 3.5767 L_Y - Y TLCD total length (m) 2.1788 B_Y - Y TLCD horizontal length (m) 1.2252 area_Y - Y TLCD cross-sectional area of vertical column (m^2) 2.7232 area_ratio_Y - Y TLCD cross-sectional area ratio (vertical column area divided by horizontal column area) (-) 0.6433 headLossCoeff_Y - Y TLCD head loss coeff (-) 1000 rho_Y - Y TLCD liquid density (kg/m^3) ---------------------- PRESCRIBED TIME SERIES --------------------------------- [used only when StC_DOF_MODE=4] 1 PrescribedForcesCoord- Prescribed forces are in global or local coordinates (switch) {1: global; 2: local} "TimeForceSeries.dat" PrescribedForcesFile - Time series force and moment (7 columns of time, FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, MZ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------