Name Company "Alessandrini, Victor" IDRIS-CNRS "Antonioletti, Mario" EPCC "Atkinson, Malcolm" e-Science Institute "Bacon, Charles" University of Chicago "Basney, Jim" NCSA "Baxevanidis, Kyriakos" European Commission "Beadles, Jeff" Mentor Graphics Corporation "Becker, Owen" "Global Sciences & Technology, Inc" "Begin, Marc-Elian" CERN "Berlich, Ruediger" Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe "Berry, Dave" National e-Science Centre "Biggs, Byron" "Engineous Software, Inc." "Billy, Almoza Billy" Jacp "Boisseau, John" Texas Advanced Computing Center "Borne, Kirk" George Mason University "Brieger, Leesa" Renaissance Computing Institute "Brisse, Matthew" Dell "Cacciari, Claudio" CINECA "Caron, Eddy" ENS Lyon / LIP "Cassidy, Kathryn" Trinity College Dublin "Chadwick, David" University of Kent "Charbonneau, Andre" National Research Council Canada (NRC) "CHEN, HsinYen" ASGC "Childers, Lisa" Argonne National Laboratory "Chue Hong, Neil" "EPCC, University of Edinburgh" "Clifford, Ben" University of Chicago "Covitz, Peter" NCI Center for Bioinformatics "Cowles, Robert" SLAC "Dabrowski, Christopher" National Institute of Standards and Technolgy "Dalheimer, Mathias" Fraunhofer ITWM "Date, Susumu" Osaka University "de Laat, Cees" Univ. of Amsterdam "De Roure, David" University of Southampton "Desprez, Frederic" INRIA "Devera, Demosthenes" "Department of Defense, DISA" "Dillaway, Blair" Microsoft Corporation "Djaoui, Abdeslem" Rutherford Appleton Laboratory "Doninger, Cheryl" SAS "Drescher, Michel" Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe Ltd. "Ehling, Jennifer" Open Grid Forum "Ennis, John" FiberNet Telecom Group "Erwin, Dietmar" Forschungszentrum Juelich "Esteban Gutiérrez, Miguel" "Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid" "Everhart, Craig" Network Appliance "Fallen, Christopher" "Arctic Region Supercomputing Center, UAF" "Fay, Dan" Microsoft "Feiereisen, William" Los Alamos National Laboratory "Fellows, Donal" University of Manchester "Field, Laurence" CERN "Fisher, Steve" RAL "Florio, Licia" TERENA "Fogel, Robert" Intel "Foster, Ian" Argonne National Laboratory "Fox, Geoffrey" Indiana University "Franceschini, Vincent" Hitachi Data Systems "Frey, Jeremy" University of Southampton "Fuentes, Antonio" RedIRIS "Fukui, Keisuke" Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd "Gagliardi, Fabrizio" Microsoft "Galang, Gerson" SAPAC "Garros, Cecile" Bestsystems Inc. "Gentzsch, Wolfgang" D-Grid "Goble, Carole" Univ. of Manchester "Goble, Carole" Univ. of Manchester "Gommans, Leon" University of Amsterdam "Greene, Wedge" LTC International "Grimshaw, Andrew" University of Virginia "Groep, David" NIKHEF "GUILLEMIN, Patrick" ETSI "HAFEEZULLAH, SHAIK" AICA COMPUTECH (P) LIMITED "Haigh, Doug" SAS "Hastings, Shannon" "Biomedical Informatics, OSU" "Hayashi, Michiaki" KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc. "Hedman, Fredrik" PDC "Hiltunen, Matti" AT&T Labs - Research "Horton, Glenn" SAS "Hughes-Jones, Richard" The University of Manchester "Hurley, J.S." The Boeing Company "Illingworth, Malcolm" "EPCC, University of Edinburgh" "Itoh, Satoshi" AIST "Jagatheesan, Arun swaran" San Diego Supercomputer Center "JAWEED ALI, MOHAMMED" Icon Global Solutions "Jenkins, Graham" Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing "Jha, Shantenu" lsu/cct "Johnsson, Lennart" TX Learning & Computation Center "Jones, Mike" The University of Manchester "Kaiser, Hartmut" CCT @ LSU "Kantarjiev, Christopher" Oracle Corporation "Katz, Daniel" CCT/LSU "Kelsey, David" CCLRC/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory "Kielmann, Thilo" Vrije Universiteit & CoreGRID "Kim, YangWoo" Dongguk University "Kishimoto, Hiro" Fujitsu "Kleijer, Pascal" NEC Corporation "Klingenstein, Ken" Internet2 "Klingenstein, Nate" Internet2 "Koeroo, Oscar" NIKHEF "Kojima, Isao" AIST "Koller, Bastian" High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart "KONISHI, Fumikazu" RIKEN GSC "Kónya, Balázs" Lund University / NorduGrid Collaboration "Kourpas, Elias" IBM "Kranzlmueller, Dieter" "GUP, Joh. Kepler University Linz" "Kudoh, Tomohiro" "GTRC, AIST" "Kurowski, Krzysztof" Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAN-PSNC "Laure, Erwin" CERN/EGEE "Lawson, Jeff" United Devices "Liu, Yong" NCSA @ University of Illinois "Luniewski, Allen" IBM "Maciel, Fred" Hitachi America R&D "Madduri, Ravi" Argonne National Laboratory "MAEKAWA, FUMITO" "HONDA R&D Co.,Ltd" "MAEKAWA, FUMITO" Honda R&D Ltd "MAEKAWA, FUMITO" "Honda R&D Co., Ltd." "Martin, David" IBM "Matsuda, Hideo" Osaka University "Matsuoka, Satoshi" "GSIC, Tokyo Inst. of Technology" "McGough, Andrew Stephen" London e-Science Centre "McKinley, Douglas" NICE s.r.l. "Merzky, Andre" "Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam" "Miller, Timothy" Wake Forest University "Mills, Hugo" OMII-UK "Moore, Reagan" San Diego Supercomputer Center "Mori, Takuya" NEC Corporation "Nabrzyski, Jarek" Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAN-PSNC "Nakada, Hidemoto" Nat'l Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science "Navarro, John-Paul" Univ of Chicago/Argonne Nat. Lab. "Nenadic, Alexandra" The University of Manchester "Nenadic, Alexandra" The University of Manchester "Nenadic, Alexandra" The University of Manchester "Netzer, Gilbert" Royal Institute of Technology "Newhouse, Steven" Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute "Niederberger, Ralph" Research Center Juelich "Nitzberg, Bill" Altair Grid Technologies "Nordén, Markus" Uppsala University "Nurmi, Daniel" UCSB "Ohishi, Masatoshi" National Astronomical Observatory of Japan "Oster, Scott" The Ohio State Univ. "Oyanagi, Yoshio" Kogakuin University "Parastatidis, Savas" Microsoft Corporation "Perez, Jerry" Texas Tech University "Pickles, Stephen" University of Manchester "Primet, Pascale" INRIA "Prost, Jean-Pierre" IBM France "Pulley, Robert" Orange-FTGroup "Quesnel, Darcy" CANARIE "Rabb, Merry" SAS Institute Inc "Rana, Omer" Cardiff University "Rea, Scott" Dartmouth College "Riedel, Morris" Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH "Rohaly, Gregg" Hewlett Packard Company "Roney, Tom" NCSA/U of I "Russell, Michael" Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAN-PSNC "Saeki, Yuji" Nat'l Inst. of Informatics "Saga, Kazushige" National Institute of informatics / NAREGI "Said, Mirza" AIST "Salasin, John" National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) "SAMSON, EMANUEL" AICA Computech (P) Limited "Saunders, Drew" "Global Sciences & Technology, Inc" "Savva, Andreas" Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd "Scavo, Tom" NCSA@UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS "Schopf, Jennifer" Argonne National Laboratory "Schwarz, Kilian" GSI "Sekiguchi, Satoshi" AIST "Sengupta, Shubhashis" Infosys Tech Limited "Shaw, David" The Boeing Company "Shoshani, Arie" Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory "Siebenlist, Frank" Argonne National Laboratory "Sill, Alan" Texas Tech University "Sim, Alexander" Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory "Simeonidou, Dimitra" University of Essex "Smith, Chris" Platform Computing Inc. "Smith, Warren" University of Texas at Austin "Snelling, David" Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe Ltd. "Sova, Milan" CESNET "Stewart, Walter" CANARIE "Stokes, Ellen" IBM "Streit, Achim" Research Centre Juelich "Strong, Paul" eBay Inc. "Suguri, Hiroki" Communication Technologies "Swany, Martin" U. Delaware "Takefusa, Atsuko" National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology "Tanaka, Yoshio" AIST "Tanimura, Yusuke" "Grid Technology Research Center, AIST" "Tewari, Vijay" Intel Corporation "Treloar, Andrew" Monash University "Tsai, Fu-Ming" Academic Sinica Grid Computing Centre "Tsukishima, Yukio" NTT "Tuecke, Steve" Univa "Ugolotti, Giuseppe" NICE s.r.l. "Unger, Jay" IBM Corporation "Usami, Hitohide" National Institute of Informatics "Van den Berghe, Sven" Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe Ltd. "Vanni, Andrea" CINECA "Viljoen, Matthew" CCLRC RAL "Vuerli, Claudio" INAF - OA Trieste "Wäldrich, Oliver" Fraunhofer Institute SCAI "Walker, Martin" Hewlett-Packard "Walton, Nicholas" "Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge" "Wasson, Glenn" University of Virginia "Welch, Von" NCSA "Werstiuk, Nicholas" Platform Computing Inc. "Wesley, Marty" rPath "Wieder, Philipp" Research Centre Juelich "Witzig, Christoph" SWITCH "Yafchak, Mary Fran" Southeastern Universities Research Association "YAGI, Toru" Bestsystems Inc. "Yahyapour, Ramin" University Dortmund-IRF "Yoshida, Arihiro" National Institute of Informatics "Zervas, Georgios" University of Essex "Zhang, Ning" The University of Manchester "Zhang, Ning" The University of Manchester "Zhang, Ning" The University of Manchester "Ziegler, Wolfgang" Fraunhofer Institute SCAI