# # ADflow, multiblock structured flow solver # # This code solves the 3D RANS, laminar NS or Euler equations # on multiblock structured hexahedral grids. # This is a parallel executable running on 1 processors. # It has been compiled with the following options: # - Optimized mode. # - Size of standard integers: 4 bytes. # - Size of standard floating point types: 8 bytes. # - With cgns support # - With support for signals. # '+----------------------------------------+' '| All ADFLOW Options: |' '+----------------------------------------+' {'adjointdivtol': 100000.0, 'adjointl2convergence': 1e-06, 'adjointl2convergenceabs': 1e-16, 'adjointl2convergencerel': 1e-16, 'adjointmaxiter': 500, 'adjointmonitorstep': 10, 'adjointsolver': 'GMRES', 'adjointsubspacesize': 100, 'adpc': False, 'agmglevels': 1, 'agmgnsmooth': 3, 'alphafollowing': True, 'alphamode': False, 'altitudemode': False, 'ankadpc': False, 'ankasmoverlap': 1, 'ankcfl0': 5.0, 'ankcflcutback': 0.5, 'ankcflexponent': 0.5, 'ankcflfactor': 10.0, 'ankcfllimit': 100000.0, 'ankcflmin': 1.0, 'ankconstcflstep': 0.4, 'ankcoupledswitchtol': 1e-06, 'ankinnerpreconits': 2, 'ankjacobianlag': 10, 'anklinearsolvetol': 0.05, 'anklinresmax': 0.1, 'ankmaxiter': 40, 'anknsubiterturb': 1, 'ankouterpreconits': 2, 'ankpcilufill': 2, 'ankpcupdatetol': 0.5, 'ankphysicallstol': 0.2, 'ankphysicallstolturb': 0.99, 'anksecondordswitchtol': 0.0001, 'ankstepfactor': 1.0, 'ankstepmin': 0.01, 'anksubspacesize': -1, 'ankswitchtol': 1.0, 'ankturbcflscale': 1.0, 'ankturbkspdebug': False, 'ankunsteadylstol': 1.0, 'ankusefullvisc': True, 'ankusematrixfree': True, 'ankuseturbdadi': True, 'applyadjointpcsubspacesize': 20, 'applypcsubspacesize': 10, 'approxpc': True, 'asmoverlap': 1, 'backgroundvolscale': 1.0, 'betamode': False, 'blocksplitting': True, 'cavitationnumber': 1.4, 'cfl': 0.5, 'cflcoarse': 0.25, 'cfllimit': 1.5, 'closedsurfacefamilies': None, 'coarsediscretization': 'central plus scalar dissipation', 'computecavitation': False, 'coupledsolution': False, 'cutcallback': None, 'debugzipper': False, 'deltat': 0.01, 'designsurfacefamily': None, 'discretization': 'central plus scalar dissipation', 'dissipationlumpingparameter': 6.0, 'dissipationscalingexponent': 0.67, 'eddyvisinfratio': 0.009, 'equationmode': 'steady', 'equationtype': 'RANS', 'eulerwalltreatment': 'linear pressure extrapolation', 'firstrun': True, 'flowtype': 'external', 'forcesastractions': True, 'frozenturbulence': False, 'globalpreconditioner': 'additive Schwarz', 'gridfile': 'wing_vol.cgns', 'gridprecision': 'double', 'gridprecisionsurface': 'single', 'ilufill': 2, 'infchangecorrection': True, 'innerpreconits': 1, 'isosurface': {}, 'isovariables': [], 'l2convergence': 1e-12, 'l2convergencecoarse': 0.01, 'l2convergencerel': 1e-16, 'liftindex': 2, 'limiter': 'van Albada', 'loadbalanceiter': 10, 'loadimbalance': 0.1, 'localpreconditioner': 'ILU', 'lowspeedpreconditioner': False, 'machmode': False, 'matrixordering': 'RCM', 'maxl2deviationfactor': 1.0, 'meshsurfacefamily': None, 'mgcycle': 'sg', 'mgstartlevel': -1, 'monitorvariables': ['resrho', 'cl', 'cd'], 'ncycles': 1000, 'ncyclescoarse': 250, 'nearwalldist': 0.1, 'nkadpc': False, 'nkasmoverlap': 1, 'nkfixedstep': 0.25, 'nkinnerpreconits': 1, 'nkjacobianlag': 20, 'nklinearsolvetol': 0.3, 'nkls': 'cubic', 'nkouterpreconits': 1, 'nkpcilufill': 2, 'nksubspacesize': 60, 'nkswitchtol': 1e-05, 'nkuseew': True, 'nkviscpc': False, 'nrefine': 10, 'nrkreset': 5, 'nsavesurface': 1, 'nsavevolume': 1, 'nsubiter': 1, 'nsubiterturb': 5, 'ntimestepscoarse': 48, 'ntimestepsfine': 400, 'numbersolutions': True, 'outerpreconits': 3, 'outputdirectory': '.', 'outputsurfacefamily': 'allSurfaces', 'overlapfactor': 0.9, 'oversetloadbalance': True, 'oversetpriority': {}, 'oversetprojtol': 1e-12, 'oversetupdatemode': 'frozen', 'partitionlikenproc': -1, 'partitiononly': False, 'pmode': False, 'preconditionerside': 'right', 'printiterations': True, 'printtiming': True, 'printwarnings': True, 'qmode': False, 'resaveraging': 'alternate', 'restartadjoint': True, 'restartfile': None, 'restrictionrelaxation': 0.8, 'rkreset': False, 'rmode': False, 'selfzipcutoff': 120.0, 'sepsensoroffset': 0.0, 'sepsensorsharpness': 10.0, 'setmonitor': True, 'skipafterfailedadjoint': True, 'smoother': 'DADI', 'smoothparameter': 1.5, 'solutionprecision': 'single', 'solutionprecisionsurface': 'single', 'storerindlayer': True, 'surfacevariables': ['cp', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'mach'], 'timeaccuracy': 2, 'timeintegrationscheme': 'BDF', 'timeintervals': 1, 'timelimit': -1.0, 'tsstability': False, 'turbresscale': 10000.0, 'turbulencemodel': 'SA', 'turbulenceorder': 'first order', 'turbulenceproduction': 'strain', 'useale': True, 'useanksolver': True, 'useapproxwalldistance': True, 'useblockettes': True, 'usediagtspc': True, 'useft2sa': True, 'usegridmotion': False, 'uselinresmonitor': False, 'usematrixfreedrdw': True, 'usenksolver': False, 'useoversetwallscaling': False, 'useqcr': False, 'userotationsa': False, 'usewallfunctions': False, 'usezippermesh': True, 'verifyextra': True, 'verifyspatial': True, 'verifystate': True, 'vis2': 0.25, 'vis2coarse': 0.5, 'vis4': 0.0156, 'viscoussurfacevelocities': True, 'viscpc': False, 'viscwalltreatment': 'constant pressure extrapolation', 'volumevariables': ['resrho'], 'walldistcutoff': 1e+20, 'windaxis': False, 'writesurfacesolution': True, 'writetecplotsurfacesolution': True, 'writevolumesolution': True, 'zippersurfacefamily': None} -> Alpha... 0.000000 # # Warning # Conversion factor from grid units to meter not specified and some blocks # do not have units. It is assumed that the grid is given in meters. # # # Specified load imbalance tolerance 0.100 acheived # Continuing with 0.000 load imbalance for the cells and 0.000 for the faces # # # Grid level: 1, Total number of cells: 193536 # +--------------------------------------------------+ CGNS Surface Families by Boundary Condition Type +--------------------------------------------------+ | Wall Types : wall | Inflow Types : | Outflow Types : | Symmetry Types : sym | Farfield Types : far | Oveset Types : +--------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------+ | | Initialization Times: | | Library Load Time : 0.054 sec | Set Defaults Time : 0.000 sec | Base class init Time : 0.002 sec | Introductory Time : 0.008 sec | Partitioning Time : 0.023 sec | Preprocessing Time : 3.098 sec | Family Setup Time : 0.000 sec | Cut callback Time : 0.000 sec | Overset Preprocessing Time : 0.001 sec | Initialize Flow Time : 0.032 sec | | Total Init Time : 3.219 sec +--------------------------------------------------+ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/baseclasses/BaseSolver.py", line 115, in setOption defaultType, defaultValue = self.defaultOptions[name] File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/baseclasses/utils.py", line 21, in __getitem__ return super().__getitem__(key.lower()) KeyError: 'outputdirectory' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "mphys_aero.py", line 99, in prob.setup() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/openmdao/core/problem.py", line 904, in setup model._setup(model_comm, mode, self._metadata) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/openmdao/core/system.py", line 711, in _setup self._setup_procs(self.pathname, comm, mode, self._problem_meta) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/openmdao/core/group.py", line 591, in _setup_procs subsys._setup_procs(subsys.pathname, sub_comm, mode, prob_meta) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/openmdao/core/group.py", line 536, in _setup_procs self.setup() File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mphys/multipoint.py", line 33, in setup self.aero_builder.init_solver(self.comm) File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mphys/mphys_adflow.py", line 1029, in init_solver mesh = USMesh(options=self.options, comm=comm) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/idwarp/UnstructuredMesh.py", line 103, in __init__ super().__init__(name, category, defaultOptions=defOpts, options=options, comm=comm) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/baseclasses/BaseSolver.py", line 88, in __init__ self.setOption(key, options[key]) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/baseclasses/BaseSolver.py", line 121, in setOption raise Error(f"Option {name} is not a valid {self.name} option. Perhaps you meant {guess}?") baseclasses.utils.Error: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Error: Option outputdirectory is not a valid IDWarp option. Perhaps you | | meant ldeffact? | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Exception ignored in: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/idwarp/UnstructuredMesh.py", line 1116, in __del__ self.warp.releasememory() AttributeError: 'USMesh' object has no attribute 'warp'