[00:00:08:14 00:00:15:22 Unnamed Speaker] not your traditional town hall I am the only person up here you all are the participants in this town hall and we're going have a [00:06:31:16 00:06:46:14 Unnamed Speaker] we're going to just eventually see it trickle down and I'm not sure that that's necessarily true when we talk about the healthcare space in the six percent of Medicaid beneficiaries that utilize long term care long term services and [00:07:57:14 00:08:06:09 Unnamed Speaker] I think that so much of our preoccupation when we think about healthcare or public health is focused on how can we expand the frontier of what's possible [00:09:47:00 00:09:57:11 Unnamed Speaker] you still have over a hundred thousand central line infections each year even though we know exactly how to get to zero so I wrote a long story kind of exploring that question of why it is [00:28:04:09 00:28:11:19 Unnamed Speaker] food and but seriously when you think about it right so my daughter because of affluence right she doesn't have to be on subsidized or free [00:31:26:06 00:31:45:13 Unnamed Speaker] technologies having kind of the same positive impact is having some of the other sectors so to me when I when I hear all the ideas I know as herb said we shouldn't be constrained by what's possible in the world of politics but I do think one of the questions we have to tackle is how can we make our politics better to make a lot of the changes that were sitting here talking about [00:37:05:08 00:37:25:18 Unnamed Speaker] know what is being achieved so alright well it's unfortunate Arab time but that was an awesome thank you guys for being such good participants I've not moderated anything like this before you do there's other people up here with me but you all have been amazing co panelists or whatever we all are here I'm sorry take about a half hour break we've a few more