- You need to have web3 RPC endpoint of mosaic mainnet
auxiliary chain 1414
. You can run a full node by installing mosaic chains npm package (in your dev dependencies).
npm init -y
npm i @openst/mosaic-chains --save-dev
If you already have mosaic-chains
installed, go to next step.
- Run below command to start a full node of auxiliary chain 1414 in the background:
./node_modules/.bin/mosaic start 1414 --origin ethereum
Once chain have been successfully started, it will display web3 endpoint, graph admin rpc endpoint
, graph ws endpoint and ipfs url
. Please keep a copy of these endpoints
. These URLs will be
needed in further steps.
- Make sure chain 1414 is synced. You can see the syncing status with below command:
./node_modules/.bin/mosaic attach 1414
git clone git@github.com:ostdotcom/pepo-subgraph.git
export GRAPH_ADMIN_RPC_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:9434/
export GRAPH_IPFS_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:6415
Update above values if you are running on different ports.
Go to root directory and run below commands one by one:
- Install packages
cd pepo-subgraph
npm ci
- Remove subgraph if you have already deployed and there is schema change
npm run remove-local
- Deploy subgraph
npm run create-local
npm run deploy-local
You should see success message when subgraph is deployed. It can take sometime to completely index Pepo entities.
- Open GraphQL editor to query indexed entities.
- Query
transfers(orderBy: blockNumber, orderDirection: desc, first: 100, skip: 0) {
- Query Pepo economy
registered internal actors
registeredInternalActors(orderBy: blockNumber, orderDirection: desc, first: 100, skip: 0) {
For more query options please visit GraphQL documentation.