For most data-independent acquisition (DIA) analysis, a well-represented
spectral library is required for precursors, peptide, and protein
identifications. Currently, we support library generation with the diapysef
package directly from a MaxQuant analysis of several DDA-PASEF runs. Make sure
is installed before you proceed.
The general steps for generating the spectral library are, (i) annotating ion mobility values in the MQ output, (ii) correcting retention time and ion mobility values against iRT peptides, (iii) formatting it to OpenSwath read-able format, (iv) generate the spectral library formats (.TraML, .pqp, .tsv) with OpenSwath.
Generating the library requires the DDA output files from MaxQuant as well as one of the original DDA PASEF files.
- msms.txt
- allPeptides.txt
- evidence.txt
- .d folder (DDA PASEF)
The library generation script can then be called:
python --pasefdata data.d --mqout path/to/maxquant_data --irt irt_file.tsv
For details and options of the script, simply type:
python --help
After generating the spectral library with diapysef, the tsv
file can be imported into OpenSwathAssayGenerator
and OpenSwathDecoyGenerator
as documented in :doc:`pqp`