diff --git a/image/BuildPharo6VMMakerImage.st b/image/BuildPharo6VMMakerImage.st index cb63df54db..e91e07d212 100644 --- a/image/BuildPharo6VMMakerImage.st +++ b/image/BuildPharo6VMMakerImage.st @@ -1 +1 @@ -| manifest load | manifest := #( "('http://source.squeak.org/FFI' 1 ('FFI-Pools' 'FFI-Kernel')) already in Pharo" ('http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker' 6 ('Balloon-Engine-Pools' 'CogPools-ISAs' 'BytecodeSets.spur' 'VMMaker.oscog' 'VMMakerUI' 'Cog' 'CogTools' 'ImageFormat' 'FileAttributesPlugin.oscog')) ('http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker' 0 ('VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6')) ('http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/MethodMassage' 3 ('MethodMassage' 'MethodMassageCompatibility')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/AioPlugin' 7 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin.oscog')) "('http://www.squeaksource.com/Alien' 0 ('Alien-Core' 'Alien-Tests-Core' 'Alien-Win32')) already in Pharo" "('http://www.squeaksource.com/FreeTypePlus' 5 ('FreeType')) can't load this. it is toxic to Squeak 4.5" "('http://www.squeaksource.com/FreetypePlugin' 8 ('Freetype-Plugin')) hence we can do without this" "('http://www.squeaksource.com/OSProcess' 4 ('OSProcess')) appears to conflict with OSSVMProcess" ('http://www.squeaksource.com/OSProcessPlugin' 9 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog')) "('http://www.squeaksource.com/rb' 5 ('AST-Core' 'AST-Semantic' 'AST-Tests-Core' 'AST-Tests-Semantic' 'Refactoring-Changes' 'Refactoring-Core' 'Refactoring-Environment' 'Refactoring-Tests-Changes' 'Refactoring-Tests-Core' 'Refactoring-Tests-Environment' 'Refactoring-Squeak-Platform')) already in Pharo" "This for the Klatt speech synthesiser, but seems to be AWOL" ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Speech' 2 ('SharedPool-Speech' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/XDCP' 9 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-XDisplayControlPlugin.oscog' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Balloon3D' 9 ('Balloon3D-Constants' 'Balloon3D-Plugins' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Cryptography' 9 ('CryptographyPlugins' )) ('http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/AndreasSystemProfiler' 9 ('AndreasProfiler')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Printf' 5 ('Printf')) ). load := (manifest collect: [:tuple| [:path :order :packages| | repository | repository := MCHttpRepository location: path user: 'squeak' password: 'squeak'. MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: repository. {repository. order. packages}] valueWithArguments: tuple]) sort: [:a :b| a second <= b second]. #( "'FT2Constants.st'" ) do: [:fileName| (FileLocator cwd / fileName) fileIn]. load do: [:tuple| [:repository :order :packages| packages do: [:package | | packageVersions latestVersion | "We need to filter-out branches of unbranched packages, but can't assume the package list is (reverse) ordered." packageVersions := ((repository retrieveVersionsWithPackageNames: Set new) "e.g. Set with: #('Alien-Core' 'IgorStasenko' 71 'Alien-Core-IgorStasenko.71.mcz')" select: [ :v | v first = package and: [(v last at: package size + 1) = $-]]) asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a third < b third ]. latestVersion := packageVersions last fourth. [| version | version := ((MCCacheRepository default includesVersionNamed: latestVersion) ifTrue: [MCCacheRepository default] ifFalse: [repository]) loadVersionFromFileNamed: latestVersion. version load. version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository] on: Warning do: [:ex| ((ex messageText beginsWith: 'This package depends on the following classes') or: [ex messageText beginsWith: 'About to serialize an empty diffy version.']) ifFalse: [ex pass]. ex resume]]] valueWithArguments: tuple]. UIManager default edit: 'PharoWorkspace.text' asFileReference contents label: 'Overview'. #('VM Simulation' 'Source Generation' 'Slang Test' 'In-image Compilation') reverseDo: [ :nickname | GTPlayground openContents: (nickname , ' Workspace.text') asFileReference contents label: nickname, ' Playground']. #('Cog' 'CogTools' 'VMMaker') do: [ :pkg | (RPackageSet named: pkg) definedClasses do: [ :c | c organization sortCategories. c class organization sortCategories]]. "Alas not. (Smalltalk classNamed: #StackInterpreter) withAllSubclasses do: [:sic| sic reorganizeAsISeeFit]." Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true \ No newline at end of file +| manifest load | manifest := #( "('http://source.squeak.org/FFI' 1 ('FFI-Pools' 'FFI-Kernel')) already in Pharo" ('http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker' 6 ('Balloon-Engine-Pools' 'CogPools-ISAs' 'BytecodeSets.spur' 'VMMaker.oscog' 'VMMakerUI' 'Cog' 'CogTools' 'ImageFormat' 'FileAttributesPlugin.oscog')) ('http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker' 0 ('VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6')) ('http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/MethodMassage' 3 ('MethodMassage' 'MethodMassageCompatibility')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/AioPlugin' 7 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin.oscog')) "('http://www.squeaksource.com/Alien' 0 ('Alien-Core' 'Alien-Tests-Core' 'Alien-Win32')) already in Pharo" "('http://www.squeaksource.com/FreeTypePlus' 5 ('FreeType')) can't load this. it is toxic to Squeak 4.5" "('http://www.squeaksource.com/FreetypePlugin' 8 ('Freetype-Plugin')) hence we can do without this" "('http://www.squeaksource.com/OSProcess' 4 ('OSProcess')) appears to conflict with OSSVMProcess" ('http://www.squeaksource.com/OSProcessPlugin' 9 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog')) "('http://www.squeaksource.com/rb' 5 ('AST-Core' 'AST-Semantic' 'AST-Tests-Core' 'AST-Tests-Semantic' 'Refactoring-Changes' 'Refactoring-Core' 'Refactoring-Environment' 'Refactoring-Tests-Changes' 'Refactoring-Tests-Core' 'Refactoring-Tests-Environment' 'Refactoring-Squeak-Platform')) already in Pharo" "This for the Klatt speech synthesiser, but seems to be AWOL" ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Speech' 2 ('SharedPool-Speech' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/XDCP' 9 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-XDisplayControlPlugin.oscog' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Balloon3D' 9 ('Balloon3D-Constants' 'Balloon3D-Plugins' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Cryptography' 9 ('CryptographyPlugins' )) ('http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/AndreasSystemProfiler' 9 ('AndreasProfiler')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Printf' 5 ('Printf')) ). load := (manifest collect: [:tuple| [:path :order :packages| | repository | repository := MCHttpRepository location: path user: 'squeak' password: 'squeak'. MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: repository. {repository. order. packages}] valueWithArguments: tuple]) sort: [:a :b| a second <= b second]. #( "'FT2Constants.st'" ) do: [:fileName| (FileLocator cwd / fileName) fileIn]. load do: [:tuple| [:repository :order :packages| packages do: [:package | | packageVersions latestVersion | "We need to filter-out branches of unbranched packages, but can't assume the package list is (reverse) ordered." packageVersions := ((repository retrieveVersionsWithPackageNames: Set new) "e.g. Set with: #('Alien-Core' 'IgorStasenko' 71 'Alien-Core-IgorStasenko.71.mcz')" select: [ :v | v first = package and: [(v last at: package size + 1) = $-]]) asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a third < b third ]. latestVersion := packageVersions last fourth. [| version | version := (MCCacheRepository default loadVersionFromFileNamed: latestVersion) ifNil: [repository loadVersionFromFileNamed: latestVersion]. version load. version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository] on: Warning do: [:ex| ((ex messageText beginsWith: 'This package depends on the following classes') or: [ex messageText beginsWith: 'About to serialize an empty diffy version.']) ifFalse: [ex pass]. ex resume]]] valueWithArguments: tuple]. UIManager default edit: 'PharoWorkspace.text' asFileReference contents label: 'Overview'. #('VM Simulation' 'Source Generation' 'Slang Test' 'In-image Compilation') reverseDo: [ :nickname | GTPlayground openContents: (nickname , ' Workspace.text') asFileReference contents label: nickname, ' Playground']. #('Cog' 'CogTools' 'VMMaker') do: [ :pkg | (RPackageSet named: pkg) definedClasses do: [ :c | c organization sortCategories. c class organization sortCategories]]. "Alas not. (Smalltalk classNamed: #StackInterpreter) withAllSubclasses do: [:sic| sic reorganizeAsISeeFit]." Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/image/BuildSqueakSpurTrunkVMMakerImage.st b/image/BuildSqueakSpurTrunkVMMakerImage.st index 44b9881589..2300964a0d 100644 --- a/image/BuildSqueakSpurTrunkVMMakerImage.st +++ b/image/BuildSqueakSpurTrunkVMMakerImage.st @@ -1 +1 @@ -| manifest load | "Disable underscore as assignment, allowing underscores in method names." Scanner allowUnderscoreAsAssignment: false. manifest := #( ('http://source.squeak.org/FFI' 1 ('FFI-Pools' 'FFI-Kernel')) ('http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker' 6 ('Balloon-Engine-Pools' 'CogPools-ISAs' 'BytecodeSets.spur' 'VMMaker.oscog' 'VMMakerUI' 'Cog' 'CogTools' 'ImageFormat' 'FileAttributesPlugin.oscog')) ('http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/MethodMassage' 3 ('MethodMassage' 'MethodMassageCompatibility')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/ClosedVMMaker' 7 ('ClosedVMMaker')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/AioPlugin' 7 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin.oscog')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Alien' 0 ('Alien-Core' 'Alien-Tests-Core' 'Alien-Win32')) "('http://www.squeaksource.com/FreeTypePlus' 5 ('FreeType')) can't load this. it is toxic to Squeak 4.5" "('http://www.squeaksource.com/FreetypePlugin' 8 ('Freetype-Plugin')) hence we can do without this" ('http://www.squeaksource.com/OSProcess' 4 ('OSProcess')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/OSProcessPlugin' 9 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/rb' 5 ('AST-Core' 'AST-Semantic' 'AST-Tests-Core' 'AST-Tests-Semantic' 'Refactoring-Changes' 'Refactoring-Core' 'Refactoring-Environment' 'Refactoring-Tests-Changes' 'Refactoring-Tests-Core' 'Refactoring-Tests-Environment' 'Refactoring-Squeak-Platform')) "This for the Klatt speech synthesiser, but seems to be AWOL" ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Speech' 2 ('SharedPool-Speech' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/XDCP' 9 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-XDisplayControlPlugin.oscog' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Balloon3D' 9 ('Balloon3D-Constants' 'Balloon3D-Plugins' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Cryptography' 9 ('CryptographyPlugins' )) ('http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/AndreasSystemProfiler' 9 ('AndreasProfiler')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Printf' 5 ('Printf')) ). load := (manifest collect: [:tuple| [:path :order :packages| | repository | repository := MCHttpRepository location: path user: 'squeak' password: 'squeak'. MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: repository. {repository. order. packages}] valueWithArguments: tuple]) sort: [:a :b| a second <= b second]. #( "'FT2Constants.st'" ) do: [:fileName| (FileDirectory default fileNamed: fileName) fileIn]. load do: [:tuple| [:repository :order :packages| packages do: [:package | | packageVersions latestVersion | "We need to filter-out branches of unbranched packages, but can't assume the package list is (reverse) ordered." packageVersions := ((repository versionNamesForPackageNamed: package) select: [:versionName| (versionName at: package size + 1) = $-]) asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a versionNumber < b versionNumber ]. latestVersion := packageVersions last. [| version | version := ((MCCacheRepository default includesVersionNamed: latestVersion) ifTrue: [MCCacheRepository default] ifFalse: [repository]) versionNamed: latestVersion. version load. version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository] on: Warning do: [:ex| ((ex messageText beginsWith: 'This package depends on the following classes') or: [ex messageText beginsWith: 'About to serialize an empty diffy version.']) ifFalse: [ex pass]. ex resume]]] valueWithArguments: tuple]. World findATranscript: nil. UIManager default edit: (FileDirectory default fileNamed: 'Workspace.text') contentsOfEntireFile label: 'Overview'. #('VM Simulation' 'Source Generation' 'Slang Test' 'In-image Compilation') reverseDo: [:nickname| | label workspace | label := nickname, ' Workspace'. workspace := (UIManager default edit: (FileDirectory default fileNamed: label, '.text') contentsOfEntireFile label: label) model. workspace shouldStyle ifFalse: [workspace toggleStyling]]. (Utilities classPool at: #CommonRequestStrings) ifNotNil: [:crs| crs contents: crs contents, '\-\VMMaker generateConfiguration\VMMaker generateAllConfigurationsUnderVersionControl\VMClass openCogMultiWindowBrowser\VMClass openObjectMemoriesInterpretersBrowser\VMClass openSpurMultiWindowBrowser' withCRs]. CodeHolder useMultiWindowBrowsers: true. #('Cog' 'CogTools' 'VMMaker') do: [:pkg| (PackageInfo named: pkg) classes do: [:c| c organization sortCategories. c class organization sortCategories]]. (Smalltalk classNamed: #StackInterpreter) withAllSubclasses do: [:sic| sic reorganizeAsISeeFit]. Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true \ No newline at end of file +| manifest load | "Disable underscore as assignment, allowing underscores in method names." Scanner allowUnderscoreAsAssignment: false. manifest := #( ('http://source.squeak.org/FFI' 1 ('FFI-Pools' 'FFI-Kernel')) ('http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker' 6 ('Balloon-Engine-Pools' 'CogPools-ISAs' 'BytecodeSets.spur' 'VMMaker.oscog' 'VMMakerUI' 'Cog' 'CogTools' 'ImageFormat' 'FileAttributesPlugin.oscog')) ('http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/MethodMassage' 3 ('MethodMassage' 'MethodMassageCompatibility')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/ClosedVMMaker' 7 ('ClosedVMMaker')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/AioPlugin' 7 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin.oscog')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Alien' 0 ('Alien-Core' 'Alien-Tests-Core' 'Alien-Win32')) "('http://www.squeaksource.com/FreeTypePlus' 5 ('FreeType')) can't load this. it is toxic to Squeak 4.5" "('http://www.squeaksource.com/FreetypePlugin' 8 ('Freetype-Plugin')) hence we can do without this" ('http://www.squeaksource.com/OSProcess' 4 ('OSProcess')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/OSProcessPlugin' 9 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/rb' 5 ('AST-Core' 'AST-Semantic' 'AST-Tests-Core' 'AST-Tests-Semantic' 'Refactoring-Changes' 'Refactoring-Core' 'Refactoring-Environment' 'Refactoring-Tests-Changes' 'Refactoring-Tests-Core' 'Refactoring-Tests-Environment' 'Refactoring-Squeak-Platform')) "This for the Klatt speech synthesiser, but seems to be AWOL" ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Speech' 2 ('SharedPool-Speech' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/XDCP' 9 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-XDisplayControlPlugin.oscog' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Balloon3D' 9 ('Balloon3D-Constants' 'Balloon3D-Plugins' )) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Cryptography' 9 ('CryptographyPlugins' )) ('http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/AndreasSystemProfiler' 9 ('AndreasProfiler')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Printf' 5 ('Printf')) ). load := (manifest collect: [:tuple| [:path :order :packages| | repository | repository := MCHttpRepository location: path user: 'squeak' password: 'squeak'. MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: repository. {repository. order. packages}] valueWithArguments: tuple]) sort: [:a :b| a second <= b second]. #( "'FT2Constants.st'" ) do: [:fileName| (FileDirectory default fileNamed: fileName) fileIn]. load do: [:tuple| [:repository :order :packages| packages do: [:package | | packageVersions latestVersion | "We need to filter-out branches of unbranched packages, but can't assume the package list is (reverse) ordered." packageVersions := ((repository versionNamesForPackageNamed: package) select: [:versionName| (versionName at: package size + 1) = $-]) asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a versionNumber < b versionNumber ]. latestVersion := packageVersions last. [| version | version := (MCCacheRepository default versionNamed: latestVersion) ifNil: [repository versionNamed: latestVersion]. version load. version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository] on: Warning do: [:ex| ((ex messageText beginsWith: 'This package depends on the following classes') or: [ex messageText beginsWith: 'About to serialize an empty diffy version.']) ifFalse: [ex pass]. ex resume]]] valueWithArguments: tuple]. World findATranscript: nil. UIManager default edit: (FileDirectory default fileNamed: 'Workspace.text') contentsOfEntireFile label: 'Overview'. #('VM Simulation' 'Source Generation' 'Slang Test' 'In-image Compilation') reverseDo: [:nickname| | label workspace | label := nickname, ' Workspace'. workspace := (UIManager default edit: (FileDirectory default fileNamed: label, '.text') contentsOfEntireFile label: label) model. workspace shouldStyle ifFalse: [workspace toggleStyling]]. (Utilities classPool at: #CommonRequestStrings) ifNotNil: [:crs| crs contents: crs contents, '\-\VMMaker generateConfiguration\VMMaker generateAllConfigurationsUnderVersionControl\VMClass openCogMultiWindowBrowser\VMClass openObjectMemoriesInterpretersBrowser\VMClass openSpurMultiWindowBrowser' withCRs]. CodeHolder useMultiWindowBrowsers: true. #('Cog' 'CogTools' 'VMMaker') do: [:pkg| (PackageInfo named: pkg) classes do: [:c| c organization sortCategories. c class organization sortCategories]]. (Smalltalk classNamed: #StackInterpreter) withAllSubclasses do: [:sic| sic reorganizeAsISeeFit]. Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/image/LoadFFI.st b/image/LoadFFI.st index f4840bd10f..a675ef0117 100644 --- a/image/LoadFFI.st +++ b/image/LoadFFI.st @@ -1 +1 @@ -| manifest load | manifest := #( ('http://source.squeak.org/FFI' 1 ('FFI-Pools' 'FFI-Kernel' 'FFI-MacOS' 'FFI-Unix' 'FFI-Win32' 'FFI-Tests')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Alien' 0 ('Alien-Core' 'Alien-Tests-Core' 'Alien-Win32')) ). load := (manifest collect: [:tuple| [:path :order :packages| | repository | repository := MCHttpRepository location: path user: 'squeak' password: 'squeak'. MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: repository. {repository. order. packages}] valueWithArguments: tuple]) sort: [:a :b| a second <= b second]. load do: [:tuple| [:repository :order :packages| packages do: [:package | | packageVersions latestVersion | "We need to filter-out branches of unbranched packages, but can't assume the package list is (reverse) ordered." packageVersions := ((repository versionNamesForPackageNamed: package) select: [:versionName| (versionName at: package size + 1) = $-]) asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a versionNumber < b versionNumber ]. latestVersion := packageVersions last. [| version | version := ((MCCacheRepository default includesVersionNamed: latestVersion) ifTrue: [MCCacheRepository default] ifFalse: [repository]) versionNamed: latestVersion. version load. version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository] on: Warning do: [:ex| ((ex messageText beginsWith: 'This package depends on the following classes') or: [ex messageText beginsWith: 'About to serialize an empty diffy version.']) ifFalse: [ex pass]. ex resume]]] valueWithArguments: tuple]. Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true \ No newline at end of file +| manifest load | manifest := #( ('http://source.squeak.org/FFI' 1 ('FFI-Pools' 'FFI-Kernel' 'FFI-MacOS' 'FFI-Unix' 'FFI-Win32' 'FFI-Tests')) ('http://www.squeaksource.com/Alien' 0 ('Alien-Core' 'Alien-Tests-Core' 'Alien-Win32')) ). load := (manifest collect: [:tuple| [:path :order :packages| | repository | repository := MCHttpRepository location: path user: 'squeak' password: 'squeak'. MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: repository. {repository. order. packages}] valueWithArguments: tuple]) sort: [:a :b| a second <= b second]. load do: [:tuple| [:repository :order :packages| packages do: [:package | | packageVersions latestVersion | "We need to filter-out branches of unbranched packages, but can't assume the package list is (reverse) ordered." packageVersions := ((repository versionNamesForPackageNamed: package) select: [:versionName| (versionName at: package size + 1) = $-]) asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a versionNumber < b versionNumber ]. latestVersion := packageVersions last. [| version | version := (MCCacheRepository default versionNamed: latestVersion) ifNil: [repository versionNamed: latestVersion]. version load. version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository] on: Warning do: [:ex| ((ex messageText beginsWith: 'This package depends on the following classes') or: [ex messageText beginsWith: 'About to serialize an empty diffy version.']) ifFalse: [ex pass]. ex resume]]] valueWithArguments: tuple]. Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/image/LoadReader.st b/image/LoadReader.st index 4d58bb5f57..f5f87bfb68 100644 --- a/image/LoadReader.st +++ b/image/LoadReader.st @@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ package := 'CogTools-Listener'. latestVersion := (repository versionNamesForPackageNamed: package) detect: [:versionName| (versionName at: package size + 1) = $-]. [| version | -version := ((MCCacheRepository default includesVersionNamed: latestVersion) - ifTrue: [MCCacheRepository default] - ifFalse: [repository]) versionNamed: latestVersion. +version := (MCCacheRepository default versionNamed: latestVersion) + ifNil: [repository versionNamed: latestVersion]. version load. version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository] on: Warning diff --git a/image/LoadSistaSupport.st b/image/LoadSistaSupport.st index 315c8331db..056aed1867 100644 --- a/image/LoadSistaSupport.st +++ b/image/LoadSistaSupport.st @@ -1 +1 @@ -| manifest load | manifest := #( ('http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker' 6 ('BytecodeSets.spur' )) ('http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/MethodMassage' 3 ('MethodMassage' 'MethodMassageCompatibility')) ). load := (manifest collect: [:tuple| [:path :order :packages| | repository | repository := MCHttpRepository location: path user: 'squeak' password: 'squeak'. MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: repository. {repository. order. packages}] valueWithArguments: tuple]) sort: [:a :b| a second <= b second]. load do: [:tuple| [:repository :order :packages| packages do: [:package| | latestVersion | "We need to filter-out branches of unbranched packages." latestVersion := (repository versionNamesForPackageNamed: package) detect: [:versionName| (versionName at: package size + 1) = $-]. [| version | version := ((MCCacheRepository default includesVersionNamed: latestVersion) ifTrue: [MCCacheRepository default] ifFalse: [repository]) versionNamed: latestVersion. version load. version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository] on: Warning do: [:ex| (ex messageText beginsWith: 'This package depends on the following classes') ifFalse: [ex pass]. ex resume]]] valueWithArguments: tuple]. CompiledMethod installSecondaryBytecodeSet: (Smalltalk classNamed: #EncoderForSistaV1). FullBlockClosure tryPrimitive: 161 withArgs: #(38 true). Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true \ No newline at end of file +| manifest load | manifest := #( ('http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker' 6 ('BytecodeSets.spur' )) ('http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/MethodMassage' 3 ('MethodMassage' 'MethodMassageCompatibility')) ). load := (manifest collect: [:tuple| [:path :order :packages| | repository | repository := MCHttpRepository location: path user: 'squeak' password: 'squeak'. MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: repository. {repository. order. packages}] valueWithArguments: tuple]) sort: [:a :b| a second <= b second]. load do: [:tuple| [:repository :order :packages| packages do: [:package| | latestVersion | "We need to filter-out branches of unbranched packages." latestVersion := (repository versionNamesForPackageNamed: package) detect: [:versionName| (versionName at: package size + 1) = $-]. [| version | version := (MCCacheRepository default versionNamed: latestVersion) ifNil: [repository versionNamed: latestVersion]. version load. version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository] on: Warning do: [:ex| (ex messageText beginsWith: 'This package depends on the following classes') ifFalse: [ex pass]. ex resume]]] valueWithArguments: tuple]. CompiledMethod installSecondaryBytecodeSet: (Smalltalk classNamed: #EncoderForSistaV1). FullBlockClosure tryPrimitive: 161 withArgs: #(38 true). Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true \ No newline at end of file