Document structure: lessonset section unit lesson vocab dialog line migmaq english soundfile img activity list item first second XML Conventions: A game or exercise to practice a lesson. A note that explains design decisions. Not meant to be displayed. An ordered set of lines that form a conversation. A line of English accompanying a line of Mi'gmaq. The first item in a pair in an activity list. A picture. A pair in a list in an activity. Teaches or practices topics, dialogues, or vocabulary. Contains a title and may contain explanatory notes, pictures, dialogues, vocabulary sets, and activities. Root node that contains everything else. Contains a title and sections. A line containing Mi'gmaq, English translation, a soundfile, and (optionally) an image. A list of items in an activity. A Mi'gmaq word in a note. A line of Mi'gmaq. Text to introduce or explain content. The second item in a pair in an activity list.
Ordered collection of units at a certain skill level. Contains a title, introduction notes, and units. An audio file to go with a line. Timestamp that notes what audio file contains what lines. Title at any level. <unit> Collection of lessons arranged around a theme. Contains a title, introduction notes, and lessons. <vocab> A set of vocabulary lines.