This PR should be backport to current release (RC / stable)
This PR is backported to a current release (RC / stable)
This Pull Request is probably going to be accepted
This Pull Request needs more opinions
This Pull Request will most likely be closed soon
This Pull Request is a candidate for being merged
This issue is related to Squirrel (Scripting language)
Issue caused by problems with ICU layout
This is an interface issue
This issue is related to NewGRFs
This issue is related to Pathfinder
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Issue would be a good enhancement; we accept Pull Requests!
This issue is imported from FlySpray (
Review requested from a C++ expert
Review requested from a NewGRF expert
Review requested from GS/AI expert
This issue needs further investigation before it becomes actionable
Issues specific to Linux builds
This issue is related to a Mac OS problem
This issue is related to a MS Windows problem
This issue is in fact a Patch, but imported from FlySrpay