[ "The CEO of Quillcorp, has announced that it main and only shareholder is still the main and only shareholder, Quill18.", "Notice: Quillcorp has placed an embargo on \"Chairs\", any Quillcorp Basic Utility Station found in possession of this illegal contraband will be fined 2 million Quillbucks.", "Introducing the MagBlast 2200 magnetic rifle. 70% of the time, it hits every time.", "Thinktank finds something that could go wrong. Head of QuillCorp not available for comment.", "Attention: Quillcorp has banned all video games except for ProjectPorcupine. Any person caught playing a banned game will face severe penalties.", "Attention all Quillcorp customers: Quillcorp security wishes to inform you that everything is okay. There is nothing wrong. Not even a little bit. Please be reassured that staff are doing all that they can to ensure that nothing remains to be amiss, continuing the situation of complete normality and lack of cause for alarm as was previously mentioned.", "Quillcorp invites all customers who feel even the slightest bit of unease to please remain calm. Claims that a neurotoxin has been inadvertently released into the air supply are likely to be grossly exaggerated.", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.", "[redacted] has denied claims that [redacted]. All personnel are cautioned that [redacted].", "Quillcorp reminds all staff that the Quillcorp brand cloning pod is strictly illegal in most municipalities. Do not mention the cloning pod.", "This just in: a SPACE dog has been discovered!", "This just in: man bites SPACE dog!", "A Kessler swarm of typewriters has been spotted incoming. Do not worry, there is only a small risk of writing Hamlet by chance.", "Quillcorp is asking for volunteers to take part in a vacuum breathing study.", "Quilcrop news edtors go on stirk.", "Handy tip: walls help to keep the space out. Quillcorp brand steel walls are now 98% less porous.", "Quillcorp reminds all employees that this is not a democracy. There is no voting in Quillcorp. Your master has spoken.", "Breaking: reports of a ship breaking up in orbit around a distant rimworld. Three escape pods are missing. The search for survivors ensues." ]