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Orderry SSE Server

This is only a part of our infrastructure for easy integration of push notifications between Server-side and Client-side. Our infrastructure are based on SSE interface.

The purpose for creating this library was the need to support data synchronization in cabinets of our customers. Our infrastructure must support synchronization between Server-side frameworks, also including mobile applications, and Client-side SPA.

Read more about other QRI components:

  1. JS interface;
  2. Python lib;


 |--------|     |---------|     |---------|
 | Python | ... | Clojure | ... | Haskell |
 |--------|     |---------|     |---------|
         \           |            /
          \          |           /
        | Erlang SSE Proxy Server | <-- Orderry Qri
        |-------------------------| <
             |               |       \
             |               |        \ http
       |----------|     |----------|   \
       | Client_1 | ... | Client_N |    |----------------|
       |----------|     |----------|    | Management API |


Install Erlang runtime. TODO: Describe Erlang setup in details.

Install pyenv: packages needed to build Python by this guide and then use pyenv-installer.

Ensure that pyenv shims come first at PATH. Place these lines

export PATH="~/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

as last ones in .bashrc for interactive sessions and also in .bash_profile for non-interactive sessions.

Install Python 3.6.5: pyenv install 3.6.5.

Install Pipenv into 3.6.5 distribution: pip install pipenv.

Getting started

Setup runtime and build environment:

$ make setup
$ make build

Start server for development in foreground:

$ make run

Management API

GET     %QRI_HOST%/backdoor {type: %MESSAGE_TYPE%} =>
            200 {type: %MESSAGE_TYPE%, message: [undefined|%THE_MESSAGE%]}

POST    %QRI_HOST%/backdoor {type: %MESSAGE_TYPE%, message: %THE_MESSAGE%} =>

DELETE  %QRI_HOST%/backdoor {type: %MESSAGE_TYPE%} =>