- Install
npm install --save origen-react-instagram-feed
yarn add origen-react-instagram-feed
- Use it in a component
Quick recipe for use with Material-UI
// @flow
import * as React from 'react';
import withInstagramFeed from 'origen-react-instagram-feed';
import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import ButtonBase from '@material-ui/core/ButtonBase';
import compose from 'recompose/compose';
const styles = () => ({
wrapper: {},
image: {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
export type Props = {
media?: Array<{
displayImage: string,
id?: string,
postLink?: string,
accessibilityCaption?: string,
account: string,
classes: { [$Keys<$Call<typeof styles>>]: string },
status: 'completed' | 'loading' | 'failed',
const InstaGrid = ({ classes, media, account, status}: Props) => {
return (
<Grid container spacing={32} className={classes.wrapper}>
{media &&
status === 'completed' &&
media.map(({ displayImage, id, postLink, accessibilityCaption }) => (
<Grid item xs={12} sm={6} md={4} key={id || displayImage}>
href={postLink || `https://www.instagram.com/${account}/`}
alt={accessibilityCaption || 'Instagram picture'}
{status === 'loading' && <p>loading...</p>}
{status === 'failed' && <p>Check instagram here</p>}
InstaGrid.defaultProps = {
media: undefined,
export default compose(
- Use the component
<InstaGrid account="origenstudio" numberOfMediaElements={9} />
This is a HoC that injects instagram data as props. See supported props below:
Type: HOC<Base, Enhanced>
string account from where to get data from.numberOfMediaElements
number number of media elements to get. Max 12. (optional, default12
boolean discard videos from media elements. (optional, defaultfalse
Returns any injects the data from getInstagramFeedInfo
to the props of the wrapped component.
This function returns a promise that when resolves return data extracted from the public profile page of an instagram account.
{numberOfMediaElements: number, discardVideos: boolean} (optional, default{numberOfMediaElements:12,discardVideos:false}
Returns Promise<{accountInfo: any, accountFollowedBy: number, accountFollow: number, postsCount: number, profilePic: string, accountName: string, media: Array<{id: string, displayImage: string, thumbnail: string, likes: number, caption: string, commentsNumber: number, accessibilityCaption: string, dimensions: {width: number, height: number}, postLink: string}>}>
MIT © Origen Studio
Package generated using Nod
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- Documentation - A documentation system so good, you'll actually write documentation.
- Conventional Changelog - Generate a changelog from git metadata.
$ yarn test # run tests with Jest
$ yarn run coverage # run tests with coverage and open it on browser
$ yarn run lint # lint code
$ yarn run docs # generate docs
$ yarn run build # generate docs and transpile code
$ yarn run version patch|minor|major
$ yarn publish
It'll automatically run test
, lint
, docs
, build
, generate CHANGELOG.md
, and push commits and tags to the remote repository.