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Cisco ISE pxGrid Session Miner


The miner.PxgridRestSession() class implements an EXPERIMENTAL MineMeld miner to poll for sessions from ISE using the pxGrid REST API request used in the pxGrid SDK for bulk session download.

It polls for all ISE sessions at a configurable time interval (default 5 minutes). IPv4 or IPv6 indicators are published with SGT (Security Group Tag) and/or user attributes. Indicators with SGT can be pushed to PAN-OS as registered-ip objects for use in Dynamic Address Groups (DAGs) using the minemeld.ft.dag.DagPusher() class.

There is currently not a MineMeld output node to push ip-user mappings to PAN-OS.

ISE pxGrid Configuration

ISE must be configured for pxGrid. The pxGrid client must use either SSL client certificate authentication or username and password authentication. Configuration guides for these methods include:


Username and password authentication is not currently handled seamlessly. The password provided by ISE when you create an account with the username/password auth method is not the password that must be base64 encoded in the HTTP Authorization header for the request; it appears it is encoded in some way. This can be made to work if you sniff the encoded password in the SSL session HTTP Authorization header using something like Wireshark, however the details of this are not provided.

After you have configured pxGrid with self-signed certificates as described in DOC-68291 above, registered the pxGrid client to the ISE pxGrid node, and verified the configuration using one of the sample scripts from the SDK (e.g.,, you can perform the following steps to:

  • Convert the PKCS12 client key pair to PEM with no passphrase
  • Export the ISE pxGrid SSL server certificate


The Python requests module used for HTTPS connections to pxGrid does not currently support encrypted key files.

Convert the PKCS12 key pair to PEM with no passphrase

In step 4 of DOC-68291 alpha.p12 was created containing the client public key certificate and private key. The PKCS12 key pair is converted to PEM with no passphrase using the OpenSSL command line tool: :

$ openssl pkcs12 -in alpha.p12 -out alpha-nopw.pem -nodes
Enter Import Password:
MAC verified OK


The openssl -nodes argument means no DES.

This file will be used for the cert argument below.

Export the ISE pxGrid SSL server certificate

In step 6 of DOC-68291 the ISE public key certificate was exported and renamed to isemnt.pem.

This file will be used for the verify argument below.

MineMeld Node Configuration

The most common configuration will be a pxgrid_rest_session miner node and a sgt_dag output node as follows: :

    inputs: []
    output: true
    prototype: ciscoise.pxgrid_rest_session
    - pxgrid_rest_session-1506445499389
    output: false
    prototype: ciscoise.sgt_dag

pxgrid_rest_session Prototype Configuration

pxgrid_rest_session is configured in the prototype config dictionary, and using a side config file containing YAML. The side config resides in the /opt/minemeld/local/config directory and is named node_side_config.yml, where node is the name of the miner node.


Non-null variables in the side config will override variables set in the prototype config.

The following configuration variables are available:

Variable Name Type Description Default
attribute_prefix string prefix for sgt/user attributes ise_
hostname string ISE hostname null
username string pxGrid client name/username null
password string pxGrid password null
cert string pxGrid client key/certificate null


string boolean

pxGrid server certificate


timeout float HTTPS connection timeout no timeout


If the subjectAltName or commonName in the certificate does not match the hostname used, you can set up a hostname in DNS or a local host file, or disable server certificate verification with verify: false.

Sample side config: :

$ pwd

$ cat pxgrid_rest_session-1506445499389_side_config.yml 
hostname: ise.paloaltonetworks.local
username: sim01
cert: /opt/minemeld/local/certs/miners/alpha2-nopw.pem
verify: /opt/minemeld/local/certs/miners/isemnt.pem

Install Client and Server Key Files

It is suggested to install the client and server key files in the /opt/minemeld/local/certs/miners/ directory and ensure its permissions are 750 minemeld:minemeld: :

$ ls -ld /opt/minemeld/local/certs/miners
drwxr-x--- 2 minemeld minemeld 4096 Oct  4 20:05 /opt/minemeld/local/certs/miners
$ ls -l /opt/minemeld/local/certs/miners/*.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 minemeld minemeld 5516 Oct  4 20:04 /opt/minemeld/local/certs/miners/alpha-nopw.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 minemeld minemeld 1192 Oct  4 20:04 /opt/minemeld/local/certs/miners/isemnt.pem

sgt_dag Prototype Configuration

sgt_dag is configured in the prototype config dictionary, and PAN-OS API arguments are configured in a device list file containing YAML. The device list resides in the /opt/minemeld/local/config directory and is named node_device_list.yml, where node is the name of the output node.

sgt_dag prototype configuration variables:

Variable Name Type Description Default
persistent_registered_ips boolean registered-ip persistent flag false
tag_attributes list attribute names to register ise_sgt

device config configuration variables:

Variable Name Type Description Default
hostname string PAN-OS hostname null
api_username string user for type=keygen null
api_password string password for type=keygen null
api_key string key for API requests null


device config is a list of dictionaries.

You must specify either api_key or api_username and api_password.

Sample device config: :

$ cat sgt_dag-1507045805691_device_list.yml
- hostname:
  api_username: admin
  api_password: admin

- hostname:
  api_key: LUFRPT14MW5xOEo1R09KVlBZNnpnemh0VHRBOWl6TGM9bXcwM3JHUGVhRlNiY0dCR0srNERUQT09

ciscoise-miner Installation

The ciscoise-miner is available as a MineMeld extension. In the WebUI under SYSTEM->EXTENSIONS you upload the extension from a wheel package or from git (, then activate the extension. The pxgrid_rest_session and sgt_dag prototypes are then available to configure nodes.


Extensions are not available in AutoFocus-hosted MineMeld.

Sample registered-ip SGT Objects

Sample IPv4 indicators pushed to PAN-OS as IP-SGT mappings: :

admin@PA-220> show object registered-ip all

registered IP                             Tags
----------------------------------------  -----------------

Total: 3 registered addresses
*: received from user-id agent  #: persistent


Cisco ISE session miner using pxGrid bulk download REST API



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