diff --git a/code/game/gamemodes/changeling/powers/mutations.dm b/code/game/gamemodes/changeling/powers/mutations.dm index 9d09afa96f96..3ff9c3a33e01 100644 --- a/code/game/gamemodes/changeling/powers/mutations.dm +++ b/code/game/gamemodes/changeling/powers/mutations.dm @@ -313,12 +313,12 @@ if(iscarbon(L)) var/mob/living/carbon/C = L switch(firer.a_intent) - if(I_HELP) + if(INTENT_HELP) C.visible_message("[L] is pulled by [H]'s tentacle!","A tentacle grabs you and pulls you towards [H]!") C.throw_at(get_step_towards(H,C), 8, 2) return 1 - if(I_DISARM) + if(INTENT_DISARM) var/obj/item/I = C.get_active_hand() if(I) if(C.drop_item()) @@ -332,12 +332,12 @@ to_chat(firer, "[C] has nothing in hand to disarm!") return 0 - if(I_GRAB) + if(INTENT_GRAB) C.visible_message("[L] is grabbed by [H]'s tentacle!","A tentacle grabs you and pulls you towards [H]!") C.throw_at(get_step_towards(H,C), 8, 2, callback=CALLBACK(H, /mob/proc/tentacle_grab, C)) return 1 - if(I_HARM) + if(INTENT_HARM) C.visible_message("[L] is thrown towards [H] by a tentacle!","A tentacle grabs you and throws you towards [H]!") C.throw_at(get_step_towards(H,C), 8, 2, callback=CALLBACK(H, /mob/proc/tentacle_stab, C)) return 1