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cca-core (Civic CrowdAnalytics Core) offers machine learning and natural language processing utilities for processing civic text input.


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cca-core (Civic CrowdAnalytics Core) offers machine learning and natural language processing utilities for processing civic text input.


  • scipy >= 0.19.1
  • nltk >= 3.2.4
  • scikit-learn >= 0.18.2
  • beautifulsoup4 >= 4.6.0
  • googletrans >= 2.2.0
  • pandas >= 0.20.3

Classes and Usage


Analyzes the sentiment polarity of a collection of documents. It determines wether the feeling about each doc is positive, negative or neutral.


  • neu_inf_lim : float, -0.05 by default If a doc's polarity score is lower than this paramenter, then the sentiment is considered negative. Use values greater than -1 and lower than 0.
  • neu_sup_lim : float, 0.05 by default If a doc's polarity score is greater than this parameter, then the sentiment is considered positive. Use values greater than 0 and lower than 1.
  • language: string, 'english'; by default Language on which documents are written. There are 2 languages supported natively: - 'english': through the ntlk_vader algorithms - 'spanish': through the ML_SentiCon algorithm If you use another language, the module will first translate each document to english (using Google Translate AJAX API), so it can late re-use ntlk_vader algorithm for english docs.


  • analyze_docs:
    • Description: It takes as input a list of strings. For each document on that list, a sentiment label and a polarity score is assigned. The possible values for the label are 'pos' (for positive), 'neu' (for neutral), and 'neg' (for negative). The score is a float number.
    • Method Parameters:
      • docs: list of strings.


  • tagged_docs: list of tuples on which each tuple consists of three elements:
    • the original text document. Data type: string
    • the sentiment label of that document. Data type: string
    • the polarity score of that document. Data type: float


# import the Sentiment Analyzer class
from cca_core import SentimentAnalyzer

# create an instance of the analyzer
sa = SentimentAnalyzer(neu_inf_lim=-0.05,
# sample docs
docs = [
        'Reciclar me parece buena idea. Reutilizar desechos es muy provechoso.',
        'Mala gestión. Lamentable y pobre manjeo de los encargados.'

# analyze docs with the 'analyze_docs' method

# results are accesible through the 'tagged_docs' attribute
# ('Reciclar me parece buena idea. Reutilizar desechos es muy provechoso.', 'pos', 1.0)

# ('Mala gestión. Lamentable y pobre manjeo de los encargados.', 'neg', -0.15)


Extract the most common concepts from a collection of documents.


  • num_concepts : int, 5 by default. The number of concepts to extract.
  • context_words : list, empty list by default. List of context-specific words that should notbe considered in the analysis.
  • ngram_range: tuple, (1,1) by default. The lower and upper boundary of the range of n-values for different n-grams to be extracted. All values of n such that min_n <= n <= max_n will be used.
  • pos_vec: list, only words tagged as nouns (i.e., ['NN', 'NNP']) are considered by default. List of tags related with the part-of-speech that should be considered in the analysis. Please check this link for a complete list of tags.
  • consider_urls: boolean, False by default Whether URLs should be removed or not.
  • language: string, 'english' by default Language of the documents. Only the languages supported by the library NLTK are supported.


  • extract_concepts:
    • Description: Extract the most common concepts in the collection of documents.
    • Method Parameters:
      • docs: list of strings.


  • common_concepts: list of tuples on which each tuple consists of two elements:
    • A concept, represented by a text n-gram . Data type: string.
    • The number of occurrences of the concept within the document collection . Data type: integer.


# import the Concept Extractor class
from cca_core import ConceptExtractor

# create an instance of the extractor
ce = ConceptExtractor(
                    pos_vec=['NN', 'NNP', 'NNS', 'NNPS']
# sample docs
docs = [
    'Make new bikes lanes in the park',
    'Clean the campus and add more trash cans',
    'Use bikes instead of cars during weekends',
    'Clean up the streets',
    'Create a bike renting service for employees',
    'Too much garbage. Cleaning needed',
    'Use bikes or another alternative trasnportation',
    'Keep streets clean',

# extract most common concepts with the 'extract_concepts method'

# the 'common_concepts' attribute has the extracted concepts and its number of appearances
# [('bikes', 2), ('use', 2), ('streets', 2), ('lanes', 1)]


Cluster documents by similarity using the k-means algorithm.


  • num_clusters : int, 5 by default The number of clusters in which the documents will be grouped.
  • context_words : list, empty list by default List of context-specific words that should notbe considered in the analysis.
  • ngram_range: tuple, (1,1) by default The lower and upper boundary of the range of n-values for different n-grams to be extracted. All values of n such that min_n <= n <= max_n will be used.
  • min_df: float in range [0.0, 1.0] or int, default=0.1 The minimum number of documents that any term is contained in. It can either be an integer which sets the number specifically, or a decimal between 0 and 1 which is interpreted as a percentage of all documents.
  • max_df: float in range [0.0, 1.0] or int, default=0.9 The maximum number of documents that any term is contained in. It can either be an integer which sets the number specifically, or a decimal between 0 and 1 which is interpreted as a percentage of all documents.
  • consider_urls: boolean, False by default Whether URLs should be removed or not.
  • language: string, 'english' by default Language of the documents. Only the languages supported by the library NLTK are supported.
  • algorithm: string, 'k-means' by default Clustering algorithm use to group documents Currently available: k-means and agglomerative (hierarchical)
  • use_idf: boolean, False by default If true, it will use TF-IDF vectorization for feature extraction. If false it will use only TF.


  • clustering:
    • Description: Cluster, by similarity, a collection of documents into groups.
    • Method Parameters:
      • docs: list of strings.
  • top_terms_per_cluster:
    • Description: extract the most common concepts of each cluster
    • Method Parameters:
      • num_terms_per_cluster: integer, the number of concepts to extract from each cluster


  • num_docs_per_cluster: dict where the keys are cluster labels, while the values are the number of docs in a cluster.


# import the Document Clustering class
from cca_core import DocumentClustering

# create an instance of the class
clu = DocumentClustering(num_clusters=2,

# sample docs
docs = [
    'Make new bikes lanes in the park',
    'Clean the campus and add more trash cans',
    'Use bikes instead of cars during weekends',
    'Clean up the streets',
    'Create a bike renting service for employees',
    'Too much garbage. Cleaning needed',
    'Use bikes or another alternative trasnportation',
    'Keep streets clean',

# start the clustering process with the 'clustering' method 

# the 'clusters' attribute has the cluster label assigned to each doc
# [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]

# the 'num_docs_per_cluster' is a dict that shows how many docs were assigned to each cluster
# {'0': 4, '1': 4}


Train a classifier with labeled documents and classify new documents into one of the labeled clases.


  • train_p : float, 0.8 by default The proportion of the 'dev docs' used as 'train docs'. Use values greater than 0 and lower than 1. The remaining docs will be using as 'test docs'
  • n_folds : integer, 10 by default Number of folds to be used in k-fold cross validation technique for choosing different sets as 'train docs'
  • vocab_size : integer, 500 by default This is the size of the vocabulary set that will be used for extracting features out of the docs
  • t_classifier : string, 'NB' by default This is the type of classifier model used. Available types are 'NB' (Naive Bayes), 'DT' (decision tree), 'RF' (Random Forest), and 'SVM' (Support Vector Machine)
  • language: string, 'english' by default Language on which documents are written
  • train_method: string, 'all_class_train' by default Choose the method to train the classifier. There are two options: 'all_class_train' and 'cross_validation'


  • classify_docs:
    • Description: First train the classifier with the labeled data. Then classifies the unlabeled data.
    • Method Parameters:
      • docs: list of tuples (t,c), where t is text document, and c is the category label of t. Both, t and c, are strings. If c is an empty string, it means that t is unlabeled and is ment to be classified.


  • classified_docs: list of tuples (t,c), where t is text document, and c is the category label of t. Both, t and c, are strings. All t's are those that where unlabeled when calling classify_docs method. The ones that were already labeled are not included in this list.


# import the Document Classifier class
from cca_core import DocumentClassifier

# create an instance of the classifier
cla = DocumentClassifier(
# sample docs. The last two are unclissified docs
docs = [
    ('Make new bikes lanes in the park', 'trasnportation'),
    ('Clean the campus and add more trash cans','cleaning'),
    ('Use bikes instead of cars during weekends', 'transportation'),
    ('Clean up the streets','cleaning'),
    ('Create a bike renting service for employees', 'transportation'),
    ('Too much garbage. Cleaning needed','cleaning'),
    ('Use bikes or another alternative trasnportation',''),
    ('Keep streets clean',''),

# classify docs with the 'classify_docs' method

# all previously unclassified docs are now classified
# ('Use bikes or another alternative trasnportation', 'transportation')
# ('Keep streets clean', 'cleaning')


cca-core (Civic CrowdAnalytics Core) offers machine learning and natural language processing utilities for processing civic text input.







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