[11/22/2023 02:29:27] WARNING: Potential error in item variant "slipsuit": the item inherits the fabrication requirement of x1 "titaniumaluminiumalloy" from the base item "combatdivingsuit". If this is not intentional, you can use empty elements in the item variant to remove any excess inherited fabrication requirements. [11/22/2023 02:29:27] WARNING: Potential error in item variant "slipsuit": the item inherits the fabrication requirement of x1 "rubber" from the base item "combatdivingsuit". If this is not intentional, you can use empty elements in the item variant to remove any excess inherited fabrication requirements. [11/22/2023 02:29:27] WARNING: Potential error in item variant "slipsuit": the item inherits the fabrication requirement of x1 "ballisticfiber" from the base item "combatdivingsuit". If this is not intentional, you can use empty elements in the item variant to remove any excess inherited fabrication requirements. [11/22/2023 02:29:27] WARNING: Potential error in item variant "slipsuit": the item inherits the fabrication requirement of x1 "rubber" from the base item "combatdivingsuit". If this is not intentional, you can use empty elements in the item variant to remove any excess inherited fabrication requirements. [11/22/2023 02:29:27] WARNING: Unrecognized element in affliction "buckled" (ReduceAffliction) [11/22/2023 02:29:27] WARNING: Potential error in item variant "slipsuit": the item inherits the fabrication requirement of x1 "titaniumaluminiumalloy" from the base item "combatdivingsuit". If this is not intentional, you can use empty elements in the item variant to remove any excess inherited fabrication requirements. [11/22/2023 02:29:27] WARNING: Potential error in item variant "slipsuit": the item inherits the fabrication requirement of x1 "rubber" from the base item "combatdivingsuit". If this is not intentional, you can use empty elements in the item variant to remove any excess inherited fabrication requirements. [11/22/2023 02:29:27] WARNING: Potential error in item variant "slipsuit": the item inherits the fabrication requirement of x1 "ballisticfiber" from the base item "combatdivingsuit". If this is not intentional, you can use empty elements in the item variant to remove any excess inherited fabrication requirements. [11/22/2023 02:29:27] WARNING: Potential error in item variant "slipsuit": the item inherits the fabrication requirement of x1 "rubber" from the base item "combatdivingsuit". If this is not intentional, you can use empty elements in the item variant to remove any excess inherited fabrication requirements. [11/22/2023 02:29:27] Selected sub: Azimuth [11/22/2023 02:29:27] Selected shuttle: Hemulen [11/22/2023 02:29:27] Error in Data\clientpermissions.xml - "mechtraumaclean" is not a valid console command. [11/22/2023 02:29:27] [11/22/2023 02:29:27] Starting the server... [11/22/2023 02:29:27] [11/22/2023 02:29:27] Using SteamP2P networking. [11/22/2023 02:29:27] Lua! Version 759f66cf9f [11/22/2023 02:29:27] Cs! Version 759f66cf9f [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] Loading assemblies for CPackage Modding Toolkit [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] Assemblies from CPackage Modding Toolkit loaded with Guid 4facfbb3-87a3-431f-bdeb-3a4fb9759180. [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] Loading assemblies for CPackage Mechtrauma [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] Assemblies from CPackage Mechtrauma loaded with Guid f2e68a88-c683-43dd-923c-daef08cfc68a. [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] Loading type: MTKBootloader [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] Loading type: Plugin [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] CsPackageManager: Error while instantiating plugin of type ModdingToolkit.MTKBootloader. Now disposing... [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] CsPackageManager: Details: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. | System.MethodAccessException: Attempt by method 'ModdingToolkit.Utils+Logging.PrintMessage(System.String)' to access method 'Barotrauma.LuaCsLogger.LogMessage(System.String, System.Nullable`1, System.Nullable`1)' failed. at ModdingToolkit.Utils.Logging.PrintMessage(String s) at ModdingToolkit.MTKBootloader..ctor() at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean wrapExceptions) [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] CsPackageManager: Error while running Initialize() on plugin of type CP: Mechtrauma Plugin: Plugin [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] CsPackageManager: Details: Attempt by method 'ModdingToolkit.Utils+Logging.PrintMessage(System.String)' to access method 'Barotrauma.LuaCsLogger.LogMessage(System.String, System.Nullable`1, System.Nullable`1)' failed. | [11/22/2023 02:29:28] [Server] LuaCsSetup: Completed assembly loading. Total time 211ms. [11/22/2023 02:29:28] Using LuaSetup.lua from the content package. [11/22/2023 02:29:29] Mechtrauma [11/22/2023 02:29:29] CS IS ACTIVE! [11/22/2023 02:29:29] - init.lua (Took 0.00971ms) [11/22/2023 02:29:29] [11/22/2023 02:29:29] Server started [11/22/2023 02:29:29] [11/22/2023 02:29:29] Bunnymap has joined the server. [11/22/2023 02:29:29] [11/22/2023 02:29:29] Saving client permissions [11/22/2023 02:29:29] [11/22/2023 02:29:29] Saving client permissions [11/22/2023 02:29:29] /// Running Mechtrauma V 1.2.0 /// ---------------------------------------- [11/22/2023 02:29:32] [11/22/2023 02:29:32] Client "Bunnymap" started the round. [11/22/2023 02:29:32] [11/22/2023 02:29:32] Starting a new round... [11/22/2023 02:29:32] WARNING: Affliction "scba" contains effects with overlapping strength ranges. Only one effect can be active at a time, meaning one of the effects won't work. [11/22/2023 02:29:33] Level identifier: coldcavernsadvanced [11/22/2023 02:29:33] Generating an outpost for the end of the level... (Location: Skadi's Cauldron Mine, level type: LocationConnection) [11/22/2023 02:29:34] WARNING: Entity events have been created during level generation. Events should not be created until the round is fully initialized. [11/22/2023 02:29:34] [11/22/2023 02:29:34] Mission: Destroy a Mudraptor nest [11/22/2023 02:29:34] [11/22/2023 02:29:34] A mudraptor nest was recently discovered in a cave near Set Facility. A reward of 4,000 marks has been promised to any crew that can get rid of the nest. [11/22/2023 02:29:34] [11/22/2023 02:29:34] Game mode: Mission [11/22/2023 02:29:34] [11/22/2023 02:29:34] Submarine: Azimuth Funko [11/22/2023 02:29:34] [11/22/2023 02:29:34] Level seed: NFY6RNdI [11/22/2023 02:29:34] [11/22/2023 02:29:34] Mission: Destroy a Mudraptor nest [11/22/2023 02:29:34] WARNING: Potentially invalid damage modifier in "Dry Suit, Wearable". Could not find any afflictions with the identifier "contamination". Did you mean to use an affliction type instead? [11/22/2023 02:29:34] WARNING: Potentially invalid damage modifier in "Dry Suit, Wearable". Could not find any afflictions with the identifier "lethalradiation". Did you mean to use an affliction type instead? [11/22/2023 02:29:34] WARNING: Potentially invalid damage modifier in "Dry Suit, Wearable". Could not find any afflictions with the identifier "contamination". Did you mean to use an affliction type instead? [11/22/2023 02:29:34] WARNING: Potentially invalid damage modifier in "Dry Suit, Wearable". Could not find any afflictions with the identifier "lethalradiation". Did you mean to use an affliction type instead? [11/22/2023 02:29:34] WARNING: Potentially invalid damage modifier in "Dry Suit, Wearable". Could not find any afflictions with the identifier "contamination". Did you mean to use an affliction type instead? [11/22/2023 02:29:34] WARNING: Potentially invalid damage modifier in "Dry Suit, Wearable". Could not find any afflictions with the identifier "lethalradiation". Did you mean to use an affliction type instead? [11/22/2023 02:29:34] WARNING: Potentially invalid damage modifier in "Dry Suit, Wearable". Could not find any afflictions with the identifier "contamination". Did you mean to use an affliction type instead? [11/22/2023 02:29:34] WARNING: Potentially invalid damage modifier in "Dry Suit, Wearable". Could not find any afflictions with the identifier "lethalradiation". Did you mean to use an affliction type instead? [11/22/2023 02:29:34] WARNING: Beard index out of range (character: Bunnymap, index: 9) [11/22/2023 02:29:34] [11/22/2023 02:29:34] Round started. [11/22/2023 02:29:34] There are: 5 items in the MT.itemCache. [11/22/2023 02:29:34] There are: 0 oxygen vents. [11/22/2023 02:29:35] Could not find a spawn point for a SpawnAction (spawn location: BeaconStation (tag: beacon_bandit), skipping. [11/22/2023 02:29:40] [11/22/2023 02:29:40] Bunnymap set the value "Channel" of the item "Headset" to "0". [11/22/2023 02:29:42] [11/22/2023 02:29:42] Saving banlist