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Essential Translation with README & CODE_OF_CONDUCT
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RockfordWei committed Sep 27, 2016
1 parent f68a50d commit 7dff05f
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Showing 4 changed files with 219 additions and 8 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at [INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS]. All
reported by contacting the project team at []. All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Expand Down
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# 贡献者行为规范

## 我们的承诺


## 我们的标准


* 采用友好的语言,秉持包容的态度
* 充分尊重不同的观点和对问题的不同看法
* 耐心接纳建设性批评
* 关注于为社区未来提高产品价值
* 对其他社区成员保持同情心


* 淫秽言语或低级下流的措辞
* 恶意评论,针对人身和政治观点的言语攻击
* 公开或私下的言语骚扰
* 未经许可公布他人隐私,包括实际住址或电子地址
* 从专业角度考虑的其他不正当行为

## 我们的责任



## 适用范围


## 加强措施



## 文件归属

本文节选自 [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
可从以下网址查看: [][version]

14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Perfect: Server-Side Swift
# Perfect: Server-Side Swift [简体中文](
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Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ Our library continues to grow as members of [the Swift-Perfect development commu
- [Ultimate Naughts & Crosses]( multiplayer game

There are [many more examples]( you can explore. Please share yours!
[Access tutorials for working in Perfect 1.0]( (which supports Swift 2.2) published by members of the Swift-Perfect community. Or [start working in Perfect 2.0]( (supports Swift 3.0).

[Access tutorials for working in Perfect 1.0]( (which supports Swift 2.2) published by members of the Swift-Perfect community. Or [start working in Perfect 2.0]( (supports Swift 3.0).

## Core Perfect Modules

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Perfect project is divided into several repositories to make it easy for you to

### Utilities

- [Perfect FastCGI Apache 2.4]( - Apache 2.4 FastCGI module; required for the Perfect FastCGI server variant
- [Perfect FastCGI Apache 2.4]( - Apache 2.4 FastCGI module; required for the Perfect FastCGI server variant
- [Perfect XML]( - DOM Core level 2 read-only APIs and XPath support
- [Perfect HTTP Server]( - HTTP 1.1 server for Perfect
- [Perfect Mustache]( - Mustache template support for Perfect
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ If you would like to share your example project, tutorial, or video, please shar
### Code of Conduct
The Perfect team welcomes people of all ethnicities, nationalities, ages, gender, disability, levels of experience, and religious beliefs to use and contribute to the Perfect project. We pledge to foster and enforce a harassment-free environment of openness, respect, and cooperation for everyone in all project and public spaces online or offline.

Please report any behaviour that violates our [Code of Conduct]( to []( The Perfect team is committed to enforcing this Code of Conduct to ensure everyone who wishes to use, contribute to, and comment on the Perfect project may do so freely and openly and without fear of reprisal.
Please report any behaviour that violates our [Code of Conduct]( to []( The Perfect team is committed to enforcing this Code of Conduct to ensure everyone who wishes to use, contribute to, and comment on the Perfect project may do so freely and openly and without fear of reprisal.

We will investigate all complaints of unacceptable or abusive behaviour or comments expediently, and we will maintain the confidentiality of the person who reports any perceived infraction or wrongdoing to us. We will not tolerate any form of direct or indirect harassment or discrimination within the Swift-Perfect community, and will take appropriate, fair, and corrective action to any instance of inappropriate behaviour.
We will investigate all complaints of unacceptable or abusive behaviour or comments expediently, and we will maintain the confidentiality of the person who reports any perceived infraction or wrongdoing to us. We will not tolerate any form of direct or indirect harassment or discrimination within the Swift-Perfect community, and will take appropriate, fair, and corrective action to any instance of inappropriate behaviour.

The Perfect team maintains the right to remove, edit, or reject any comments, code, edits, or issues that do not align with our Code of Conduct.
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
# Perfect:用于服务器端编程的Swift语言 [English](
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## Perfect:用于服务器端编程的Swift语言

Perfect是一组完整、强大的工具箱、软件框架体系和Web应用服务器,可以在Linux、iOS和macOS (OS X)上使用。该软件体系为Swift工程师量身定制了一整套用于开发轻量、易维护、规模可扩展的Web应用及其它REST服务的解决方案,这样Swift工程师就可以实现同时在服务器和客户端上采用同一种语言开发软件项目。



## 使用Perfect


**目前本项目主干版本基于Xcode 8 GM release发行版本。 **

Current version: DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-09-05-a, or Xcode 8 GM release


[在线教程(简体中文)]( 能够帮助您快速开始使用Perfect。该指南包括了如何使用Perfect的几个典型例子。

### 文档
[Perfect帮助文档(简体中文)]( 如何部署应用程序、如何查找详细文档和帮助。


### 社区

[Slack]( | [Gitter]( | [Twitter](

### 部署

目前,部署Perfect的方式可以选择[Docker]([Heroku](。我们强烈推荐使用这种方式进行部署,因为这些部署方式是通过最新Swift 3.0 和 Perfect 2.0编译完成的。

### 教程和案例


- [WebSockets 服务器](
- [URL 路由](
- [文件上传](
- [终极混战]( 一个井字棋的双人对战游戏


[Perfect 1.0教程]( (支持 Swift 2.2) 由Swift-Perfect社区成员贡献。或者[从Perfect 2.0开始]( (支持 Swift 3.0).

## 核心 Perfect 模块

Perfect 项目由若干代码资源库构成,便于您按需查找、下载和安装必要的组件:

- [Perfect](核心的程序库和基础软件框架
- [Perfect Docs](所有必要的程序文档和帮助内容

### 参考和样例

- [Perfect 模板](一个使用SPM软件包管理器快速上手的入门项目,能够编译为一个独立运行的HTTP服务器。该代码资源非常适合基于Perfect的项目就此开始开发过程。
- [Perfect 样例](所有Perfect 项目的典型样例

### 数据源

- [Perfect Redis]( 数据库连接工具
- [Perfect SQLite]( 数据库连接工具
- [Perfect PostgreSQL]( 数据库连接工具
- [Perfect MySQL]( 数据库连接工具
- [Perfect MongoDB]( 数据库连接工具
- [Perfect FileMaker]( 数据库连接工具

### 工具集

- [Perfect FastCGI Apache 2.4]( - Apache 2.4 FastCGI 模块。如果您使用FastCGI用于基础Web服务,请使用该模块
- [Perfect XML]( - DOM文档对象二级核心只读函数库和XPath路径支持
- [Perfect HTTP Server]( - HTTP 1.1标准的 Perfect服务器
- [Perfect Mustache]( - Mustache静态模板支持
- [Perfect CURL]( - cURL网页传输支持
- [Perfect WebSockets]( - 网络套接字WebSockets支持
- [Perfect Zip]( - 提供简单的zip压缩和解压缩功能
- [Perfect Notifications]( - 提供苹果消息推送服务支持(APNS)

## 更多内容

Perfect 可以作为一个独立的[HTTP服务器]([HTTPS加密服务器](进行运行,或者通过[FastCGI快速网关服务器](进行运行。简单来说就是提供一个能够在系统启动是加载的Web服务,从而能够将您自行开发的Swift源码模块根据URL路由要求实现请求/响应,或者根据内建的[Mustache模板](处理页面。



### 加入我们的开发社区并贡献自己的力量


在社区里,您可以通过加入[Perfect Slack 频道]([Perfect Gitter 频道](互相帮助、分享技术、互相学习和研究诀窍。任何一种贡献方式我们都非常欢迎:问题汇报、文档更新、补丁修复、编写案例、分享项目或者任何编程窍门,我们相信这些都能够极大地帮助我们的Swift-Perfect社区。

如果您发现了任何文字或者内容有错误,或者有任何建议,请[查看我们的Perfect JIRA资源库](

如果您希望分享一下您的项目、教程或者视频,请将URL共享到我们的推特或者GitHub账号:[Perfect 推特](。之后我们的Perfect团队会继续推广。

### 行为规范




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