We're Perth's makerspace.
- Door Bot - Access control system.
- Vending Machine - Code that runs our vending machine.
- Slack Scroll - A scrolling LED matrix fed from Slack messages.
- Drawing Matrix - LED matrix that can be drawn on through a web interface.
- Storage Tickets - Print tickets to label projects left around the space.
- Website - Our front website
- Utility scripts - A series of small scripts used to solve different projects around the space. Projects that aren't complex enough to justify a repository end up here.
- Urlcrypt - An authenticated URL mapping service.
- Filament Sync - Scripts that interact with Spoolman and help manage our filament inventory.
- Tidy Auth - Provides limited access to TidyHQ data for devices that lack physical security.
- Tidy Proxy - Provides unrestricted access to TidyHQ data designed for projects that need access faster than the TidyHQ API can provide.
- Webcam Scripts - Scripts to interact with our security system.
- Secretary Bot - Automation of secretary tasks.
- Reports - Various reports used to make decisions around the space.
- Google Calendar Themeing - Themeing for embedded Google Calendar.
- Icon Generator - Github actions for creating Home Assistant icon packs.
- Training Tracker - Tracks tool sign offs and inductions.
- Taiga Sync - A Slack interface for Taiga.
- Query Bot - A Slack interface for ChatGPT with Artifactory resources.
- Pledge Bot - A self-service crowd funding service.
- File Butler - Upload files from Slack to a file server.
- Treasurer Bot - Invoice reminders.
- Wiki - Git backend for our wiki.
- Courses - Resources for courses run by Artifactory volunteers.
- Docs - IT Documentation.
- Governing Documents - Version control for some of our governing documents.
- Branding - Branding resources.
Archived projects can be found here.