Rough on time: On: Tue May 24 15:58:25 CDT 2022 Rough off time: Tue May 24 16:01:28 CDT 2022 I think zoningMode=central/zoned is the good stuff in the status block. 2022-05-24 15:57:48,104 [MainThread ] [DEBUG] { "MessageType": "RequestData", "SenderID": "**redacted**", "MessageID": "b02512de-aa65-46d7-a80c-0628b7da6f3a", "TargetID": "LCC", "AdditionalParameters": { "JSONPath": "1;/systemControl;/devices;/zones;/equipments;/schedules;/occupancy;/system" } } 2022-05-24 15:57:49,060 [MainThread ] [DEBUG] { "messages": [ { "MessageId": 0, "SenderID": "**redacted**", "TargetID": "homeassistant", "MessageType": "PropertyChange" } ] } 2022-05-24 15:57:49,301 [MainThread ] [DEBUG] { "messages": [ { "MessageId": 0, "SenderID": "**redacted**", "TargetID": "homeassistant", "MessageType": "PropertyChange", "Data": { "systemControl": { "publisher": { "writeAccess": "openAll", "publisherName": "unknown", "doNotPersist": true }, "doNotPersist": true, "getAlarms": false, "zoneTestControl": { 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