If you are looking at this you are interested in PtBi's source code. General information about the program for end-users is available at: http://ptbi.metaclassofnil.com/
I sometimes post about its development at: http://blog.metaclassofnil.com/
This is not a particularly clean project, it was never really intended for public release and has been developed over more than 6 years now. Some of the code is even older and hijacked from other projects, so I'd appreciate not drawing too many conclusions about my development skills/style from this.
I primarily released the code since two people expressed interest, and since I believe that there is some interesting stuff in there that might be of use, including:
- the example of Blackmagic Decklink API usage, including video and sound, and GPU decoding
- using libraries for Dolby Digital and DTS decoding from an unformatted bitstream
- the OpenGL integration of FXAA/SMAA
The Visual Studio project file supplied here has plenty of hard references to my local paths, and obviously needs to be adjusted.
The external dependencies required by PtBi include:
- GLEW (OpenGL extension handling)
- BASS (audio output)
- DevIL (screenshots)
- a52dec (DD decoding)
- libdca (DTS decoding)
- The Blackmagic DeckLink API
The stb_truetype header for text rendering is included in the repository, as are FXAA and SMAA codes and files. Oh, and there is a dependency on Ruby for version number incrementing (I know this makes no sense).
PtBi should be run in the "run" folder, which contains the files required during execution.
All the source code is released under the conditions of the GPLv3, except for the dependencies listed above, which have their own licensing terms
If you want to report bugs or contribute you can do so directly on GitHub (e.g. open an issue or pull request).
You can always reach me at peter at metaclassofnil dot com if you have any questions or comments.