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Releases: Pherakki/BlenderToolsForGFS


15 Jan 18:33
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NOTE: Blend files that use previous versions of this plugin are NOT compatible with this update. Please export your files using the previous version of the plugin, and re-import with this one.


  • Fixed draw error in the preferences menu due to the deprecated "WIP Animation Refactor" preference.
  • Fixed API incompatibility with Blender versions 2.81 - 3.2 in the NLA editor.


  • Replace the variables unknown_0x0A and unknown_0x0B on texture samplers with wrap_mode_u and wrap_mode_v (thanks DniweTamp)
  • Use color wheels for colors in the material properties. Values outside the range 0-1 can be entered via the widget pop-up.


24 Dec 11:10
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NOTE: Blend files that use previous versions of this plugin are NOT compatible with this update. Please export your files using the previous version of the plugin, and re-import with this one.


  • New mesh handling system! Instead of parenting meshes under other meshes in order to make them share a GFS Node, each mesh now has a property stating which GFS Node they are attached to.
  • Ability to export all meshes that require new nodes as attachments of the same node
  • Operator in the GFS Mesh panel to convert a mesh to an unrigged mesh
  • Operator to auto-rename mesh UV maps to ones recognisable by the plugin
  • Meshes now have individual and interactable bounding boxes
  • Animations now have individual and interactable bounding boxes
  • Operators to copy/paste bounding boxes
  • Option to auto-triangulate meshes on export
  • Multiple animation packs can now be loaded at once on the same model.
  • A new UI to activate, deactivate, and manipulate GAPs and their animations is provided.
  • Errorlog text formatting is now a bit prettier.
  • Add option to automatically connect parent and child bones, where possible.
  • The plugin should now work with Blender 4.X!


  • Materials with different 'in' and 'out' texcoords will now export both of these coords, instead of just the 'in' coords duplicated into both slots. Although the 'in' and 'out' coords are usually identical, this fixes export for the few models that do not have this.
  • Meshes rigged to the root node should not export correctly
  • Fixed unrigged meshes sometimes being exported as rigged
  • Fixed LookAt animation export for LookAts attached to animations
  • Fixed the vertex-merger breaking some shapekeys
  • Files with invalid filesizes in the header will now be imported
  • Fixed weapons not disappearing correctly when re-exported by the tool
  • Fixed bind-pose palette size optimization
  • Fixed the remaining model re-export failures caused due to bind-pose matrix palette inflation
  • Fixed root rotations being created when unnecessary
  • Fixed a rare bug where vertex colors weren't exported
  • Numerous crashes which should have resulted in a specific error message


16 Sep 10:11
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NOTE: Blend files that use previous versions of this plugin are NOT compatible with this update. Please export your files using the previous version of the plugin, and re-import with this one.


  • Added an option to strip EPLs on export.
  • Physics bones are accessible from the GFS Model UI on armatures.
  • Physics colliders are imported as meshes, and can be marked as colliders in the GFS Mesh UI on meshes.
  • Physics colliders for a model can all be hidden or shown simultaneously using a button on the GFS Model UI.
  • Added a warning if a mesh is exported with more than 6192 vertices (not a correct number, but indicative of when this starts to cause problems)
  • Added a warning if a mesh is missing UV maps
  • Animation bounding boxes are viewable and editable from the GFS Animation UI.
  • Model bounding boxes are viewable and editable from the GFS Model UI.
  • Added options for automatically splitting meshes with more than one material on export.
  • Added an option to set Blender's default draw distance to 1000000 rather than 1000, which is True by default. This is required to view many animations and Field models.
  • Added an option to automatically triangulate meshes on export.
  • Added an option to automatically strip the least influential vertex groups for any vertices belonging to more than 4 groups.


  • Quaternion signs no longer flip during I/O.
  • Vertex colours now export correctly instead of as full white.
  • Camera FOV should now be much closer to the in-game FOV
  • Automatic model bounding box/sphere calculations now exactly matches the original bounding box/sphere calculations for the models (up to floating-point precision).
  • Mesh bounding spheres are closer, but not exactly equal to, the original bounding sphere calculations.
  • Bone animations which did not have an appropriate Keyframe Type available will now fall back to a TRS Keyframe with identity-transform data inserted for the missing channels.


  • Significant performance improvements to animation coordinate system transformations.
  • The Addon Preference to set Blender's FPS to 30 is now True by default.

Extensive documentation is included with the download, which should be consulted on how to use the plugin.

A collection of preset materials, which you should use alongside this plugin to maximise your likelihood of a successful export, can be found in MadMax1960's GFD Asset Library repository.


31 Mar 20:31
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Initial release. Extensive documentation is included with the download, which should be consulted on how to use the plugin.

A collection of preset materials, which you should use alongside this plugin to maximise your likelihood of a successful export, can be found in MadMax1960's GFD Asset Library repository.