The current installation instructions have been tested against an
empty Anaconda Python environment, with python3.7
Install requirements in requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
To avoid any conflicts with existing packages, ideally create a new virtual environment for this tool.
Additionally, the nltk.stopwords
and spaCy's en_core_web_md
or de_core_news_md
for German, respectively, are required.
These can be installed with
python3 -m nltk.downloader stopwords
python3 -m spacy download en_core_web_md
python3 -m spacy download de_core_news_md
We further require the python_heideltime
which also details the installation instructions in a similar manner, and includes the download and setup of the HeidelTime library.
Lastly, the runtime requires an available MongoDB host at mongodb://localhost:27017/
If you do not have MongoDB installed already, see the official MongoDB docs.
The connection port is set under database/
, as well as api/
This is important if your MongoDB is running under a port different from the default setting.
A public demonstration of this work can be found under For purposes of reproducibility, we also provide the already processed Wikipedia articles as well as the resulting time-centric-co-occurrence graphs. It can be downloaded here.
For the sake of reference and reproducibility, we have included a small test dataset to demonstrate the input format,
both for Germand and English data. They can be found in test_files/
. Note that each JSON file represents an entire collection.
A single document in the JSON input file should look like this:
"article_title": "The Article Title",
"title": "The Current Section Title (Can be the same as article_title)",
"subtitle": "Subsection title",
"text": "The text of the current part",
"url": ""
To generate the time-centric co-occurrence graphs, a minimal call should look like this:
python3 -d input/file.json -o output_folder/
The full available options can be inspected with
python3 --help
which outputs
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DATA, --data DATA Relative or absolute file location for input JSON
-hlang LANGUAGE Document language. Default: GERMAN
-htype TYPE Type of document. Default: NARRATIVES
-o PATH, --output PATH
Relative or absolute directory path where the result
is stored.
-f Folder, --folder Folder
Folder where intermediate results are stored, or
-hskip, --skipHeidelTime
Skips the tagging with HeidelTime if a further
processed file exists.
-hload, --loadHeidelTime
Load a file already tagged with HeidelTime (specified
with -d).
-dcolload, --loadDocumentCollection
Load a pickle file containing a already processed
Document Collection (specified with-d).
-w SIZE, --window_size SIZE
Window size for co-occurrence extraction in each
direction, s.t. total window size equals 2*w+1.
Default: 2
-start YEAR, --start-year YEAR
Minimal year for which a time-centric co-occurrence
network is constructed.
-end YEAR, --end-year YEAR
Maximal year for which a time-centric co-occurrence
network is constructed.
--disable-tqdm BOOL Disable progress bars created by tqdm for
During the generation of time-centric co-occurrence graphs, a file named indexed_documents.json
is created in the output folder. In api/
specify the path to this file in the variable INDEXED_DOCUMENTS_PATH
To start the user interface, cd
into the api/
folder, and run
uvicorn API:app --reload
The website will be served to http://localhost:8000
To inspect the underlying API structure,
you can view the API documentation auto-generated by fastAPI under http://localhost:8000/docs
Disclaimer: This work is currently under review at the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2020).
If you intend to use this work in your research, please cite a preliminary version of this work:
author = "Philip Hausner and Dennis Aumiller and Michael Gertz",
title = "TiCCo: Time-Centric Content Exploration",
year = "2020",
note = "submitted to CIKM'20",
For any further questions, reach out to Philip Hausner or Dennis Aumiller.