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The grunt API / grunt.config

Access project-specific configuration data defined in the grunt.js gruntfile.

See the config lib source for more information.

The config API

Note that any method marked with a ☃ (unicode snowman) is also available directly on the grunt object, and any method marked with a ☆ (white star) is also available inside tasks on the this object. Just so you know. See the API main page for more usage information.

Initializing Config Data

Note that the method listed below is also available on the grunt object as grunt.initConfig.

grunt.config.init ☃

Initialize a configuration object for the current project. The specified configObject is used by tasks and helpers and can also be accessed using the grunt.config method. Nearly every project's grunt.js gruntfile will call this method.


Note that any specified <config> and <json> directives will be automatically processed when the config object is initialized.

This example contains sample config data for the lint task:

  lint: {
    all: ['lib/*.js', 'test/*.js', 'grunt.js']

See the configuring grunt page for more configuration examples.

This method is also available as grunt.initConfig.

Accessing Config Data

The following methods allow grunt configuration data to be accessed either via dot-delimited string like '' or via array of property name parts like ['pkg', 'author', 'name'].

Note that if a specified property name contains a . dot, it must be escaped with a literal backslash, eg. 'concat.dist/built\\.js'. If an array of parts is specified, grunt will handle the escaping internally with the grunt.config.escape method.


Get or set a value from the project's grunt configuration. This method serves as an alias to other methods; if two arguments are passed, grunt.config.set is called, otherwise grunt.config.get is called.

grunt.config([prop [, value]])


Get a value from the project's grunt configuration. If prop is specified, that property's value is returned, or null if that property is not defined. If prop isn't specified, a copy of the entire config object is returned.


Any <% %> templates in returned values will not be automatically processed, but can be processed afterwards using the grunt.template.process method. If you want to do both at once, the grunt.config.process method can be used.


Set a value into the project's grunt configuration.

grunt.config.set(prop, value)

Note that any specified <config> and <json> directives will be automatically processed when the config data is set.


Escape . dots in the given propString. This should be used for property names that contain dots.



Behaves like grunt.config.get, but additionally recursively processes all <% %> templates in the returned data.


Requiring Config Data

Note that the method listed below is also available inside tasks on the this object as this.requiresConfig.

grunt.config.requires ☆

Fail the current task if one or more required config properties is missing. One or more string or array config properties may be specified.

grunt.config.requires(prop [, prop [, ...]])

This method is also available inside tasks as this.requiresConfig.