Releases: Pigeoncoin/pigeoncoin
Mandatory release to stop block spam
Over the past 5 years of Pigeoncoin a typical month saw around a 31MB increase in the blockchain, around 1MB a day. In June this number grew to 13.5GB and in July it grew to 23.97 GB and the month is not yet up. This patch does not remove the close to 40GB of extra space taken up on the blockchain, but it does make it more expensive to do what has been happening in June and July. What happened was someone filled up most blocks with as many tiny transactions as they could stuff in there.
Patch Details
- Increase the min fee per kb to 0.1 PGN
- Fork activates on block 2,722,924 (around 2023-07-26 10:37:59 ET / 2023-07-26 14:37:59 UTC)
Installation Procedure:
It is always recommended to back up your wallet.dat before upgrading, but beyond that there are no special upgrade instructions for this version.
NOTE: If you are upgrading from a version OLDER then, you can still upgrade to this version directly, but follow the wallet conversion process as outlined in the release notes.
Mandatory release to correct emission schedule back to 21B
This is a mandatory update, please everyone update ASAP.
this update will start come into effect at block 2300000. this will change from emission to
- correct a flaw in last update that emission was not reduce by half by introduce new schedule that take into account of exceed supply from wrong reduction
- in addition, we also cut emission a bit faster at first to curve exceed supply created by an inflation exploited back in 2019
It is always recommended to back up your wallet.dat before upgrading, but beyond that there are no special upgrade instructions for this version like there were with the previous one.
NOTE: If you are upgrading from a version OLDER then, you can still upgrade to this version directly, but follow the wallet conversion process as outlined in the release notes. - Masternode Fork - Hard Fork - Required Upgrade to operate on the Pigeoncoin Network
Pools/Miners previously were told to wait until close to fork time, but should update now.
Note for exchanges, the binaries/code in this version are exactly the same as No further action is required.
Lastly, please make sure you read the migration instructions carefully below, notably the use of -salvagewallet. Also note if your wallet is encrypted with a password follow upgrade Option C.
Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions
This release is a major, required upgrade to continue operating on the Pigeoncoin blockchain. This release has been in the works for several years after being directed by the community. Thank you to the developers and testers and to the community who helped make this happen.
Previous versions of the Pigeoncoin client were based on the Bitcoin codebase. This version ported everything over to the Dash codebase. After upgrading your wallet to the new format as an end user, other then a new look to the wallet, things should operate just the same. There is no airdrop, simply a wallet database upgrade done by the software.
The dash codebase was required to add the masternode capability which lays the groundwork for the upcoming datanodes which are required for the future of Pigeoncoin.
A hard fork occurs at block 2,074,070, which is roughly May 1st 2022 03:00 UTC. At this time Masternodes can be created. Payouts begin at block 2,094,230, which is roughly May 15th 2022 03:00 UTC. Exact times may be several hours off depending on how fast blocks are mined. See discord for updated estimations.
Please ensure you upgrade your wallet prior to May 1st to ensure a smooth transition.
For new users, simply download the new binary or build from source. No special configuration is required.
For users upgrading, please read the following very carefully prior to moving forward.
Here are two very similar upgrade paths to follow depending on your preference. Instructions are for windows users, but instead of looking in %appdata% for linux typically look in your ~ (home directory, ~/.pigeon). For mac typically look in ~/Library/Application Support/
BACK UP your wallet.dat file to somewhere other then %appdata% . This is the most important file. It stores your private keys. If you lose this no one can help you. Bonus points if you back up the entire Pigeon directory for a quick way to revert any changes. Save these backups until at least after the fork occurs.
Existing sending/receiving address labels don't get transferred. Back these up from your existing wallet first if you use these
NOTE: All data files from the existing wallet are stored in a directory called Pigeon (in %appdata%, etc). The new wallet uses by default Pigeoncore instead. It is recommended to use the new directory, but during install you can change this if you want. Instructions below assume you are following the new standard.
Option A) Standard Upgrade Procedure: Creating a new empty directory
- Go into %appdata% and create a new directory called Pigeoncore
- Copy wallet.dat from in %appdata%/Pigeon into the new %appdata%/Pigeoncore directory
- Create a new text file in the directory where pigeon-qt.exe was extracted to. Call it migratewallet.bat
- Inside that bat file write only this one line: pigeon-qt.exe -salvagewallet
4b) If for some reason this does not work specify the data directory as well: pigeon-qt.exe -salvagewallet -datadir=C:\Users\replace_this_with_your_username\AppData\Roaming\PigeonCore - Save and close the file, then run it
- The upgrade process will happen and then pigeoncoin will typically exit
- Start pigeon-qt.exe normally
- It should sync and all will work
Option B) Alternative Upgrade Procedure: Copying over Pigeon directory as Pigeoncore
- Go into %appdata% and make a copy of the entire Pigeon directory and call it Pigeoncore
- Create a new text file in the directory where pigeon-qt.exe was extracted to. Call it migratewallet.bat
- Inside that bat file write only this one line: pigeon-qt.exe -salvagewallet
3b) If for some reason this does not work specify the data directory as well: pigeon-qt.exe -salvagewallet -datadir=C:\Users\replace_this_with_your_username\AppData\Roaming\PigeonCore - Save and close the file, then run it
- The upgrade process will happen and then pigeoncoin will typically exit
- Start pigeon-qt.exe normally
- You'll get an error with reading the block database. Say OK to rebuild
- It should sync and all will work
Option C) If you have a password on your wallet, the -salvagewallet upgrade procedures will not work. Instead:
- On the old locked wallet, open the debug console and run: walletpassphrase password timeunlockedinseconds
(replacing password with your password and timeunlockedinseconds for how long you want it to be left unlocked, for example 300 seconds) - Next type dumpprivkey address
Where address is the address you want to get the private key for
NOTE: DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE. IF YOU DO THEY HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR FUNDS - Repeat step 4 for every address you want to move over to the new wallet
- Now close the old wallet and install the new wallet as a fresh install
- Once synced, open the debug console there and type: importprivkey privkey
Replacing privkey with the private key from step 2 - Repeat step 5 for each of your private keys
Final note: Until the fork occurs, it is possible to run both version of Pigeoncoin simultaneously. If you do not remove/move out of %appdata% the old Pigeon directory after completing the steps above the wallet may get confused too. If you do so though you should use the -datadir flag when starting the wallet. For example, similar toi creating the batch file above to migrate your wallet, create one with just the following: pigeon-qt.exe -datadir=C:\Users\replace_this_with_your_username\AppData\Roaming\PigeonCore . Similarly make a batch file for your old wallet replacing Pigeoncore with Pigeon in the datadir parameter.
For end users this should be all you need to do. If you run into any issues please join our discord server and ask for help.
Note to pools/miners: Please ensure that your pool software is configured to handle masternode payouts. If you do not process these your blocks will fail.
Instructions for running a masternode are not included in these release notes but can be found in the #resources channel on discord as well as on the website.
Key thing to know though is a masternode requires 1,000,000 PGN and returns 20% of the block reward (split between other nodes).
Again if you have any questions/issues with the upgrade procedure please ask on discord: and make sure to upgrade before May 1st 2022! for exchanges only currently
This release is currently for exchanges only.
Pools/Miners: DO NOT INSTALL
NOTE: An issue has been identified with this release. DO NOT UPGRADE TO IT RIGHT NOW. Please roll back if you did upgrade.
Use instead
This release is a major, required upgrade to continue operating on the Pigeoncoin blockchain. This release has been in the works for several years after being directed by the community. Thank you to the developers and testers and to the community who helped make this happen.
Previous versions of the Pigeoncoin client were based on the Bitcoin codebase. This version ported everything over to the Dash codebase. After upgrading your wallet to the new format as an end user, other then a new look to the wallet, things should operate just the same. There is no airdrop, simply a wallet database upgrade done by the software.
The dash codebase was required to add the masternode capability which lays the groundwork for the upcoming datanodes which are required for the future of Pigeoncoin.
A hard fork occurs at block 2,074,070, which is roughly May 1st 2022 00:00 UTC. At this time Masternodes can be created. Payouts begin at block 2,094,230, which is roughly May 15th 2022 00:00 UTC. Exact times may be several hours off depending on how fast blocks are mined. See discord for updated estimations.
Please ensure you upgrade your wallet prior to May 1st to ensure a smooth transition.
For new users, simply download the new binary or build from source. No special configuration is required.
For users upgrading, please read the following very carefully prior to moving forward.
Here are two very similar upgrade paths to follow depending on your preference. Instructions are for windows users, but instead of looking in %appdata% for linux typically look in your ~ (home directory, ~/.pigeon). For mac typically look in ~/Library/Application Support/
BACK UP your wallet.dat file to somewhere other then %appdata% . This is the most important file. It stores your private keys. If you lose this no one can help you. Bonus points if you back up the entire Pigeon directory for a quick way to revert any changes.
Existing sending/receiving address labels don't get transferred. Back these up from your existing wallet first if you use these
NOTE: All data files from the existing wallet are stored in a directory called Pigeon (in %appdata%, etc). The new wallet uses by default Pigeoncore instead. It is recommended to use the new directory, but during install you can change this if you want. Instructions below assume you are following the new standard.
Standard Upgrade Procedure: Creating a new empty directory
- Go into %appdata% and create a new directory called Pigeoncore
- Copy wallet.dat from in %appdata%/Pigeon into the new %appdata%/Pigeoncore directory
- Create a new text file in the directory where pigeon-qt.exe was extracted to. Call it migratewallet.bat
- Inside that bat file write only this one line: pigeon-qt.exe -salvagewallet
4b) If for some reason this does not work specify the data directory as well: pigeon-qt.exe -salvagewallet -datadir=C:\Users\replace_this_with_your_username\AppData\Roaming\PigeonCore - Save and close the file, then run it
- The upgrade process will happen and then pigeoncoin will typically exit
- Start pigeon-qt.exe normally
- It should sync and all will work
Alternative Upgrade Procedure: Copying over Pigeon directory as Pigeoncore
- Go into %appdata% and make a copy of the entire Pigeon directory and call it Pigeoncore
- Create a new text file in the directory where pigeon-qt.exe was extracted to. Call it migratewallet.bat
- Inside that bat file write only this one line: pigeon-qt.exe -salvagewallet
3b) If for some reason this does not work specify the data directory as well: pigeon-qt.exe -salvagewallet -datadir=C:\Users\replace_this_with_your_username\AppData\Roaming\PigeonCore - Save and close the file, then run it
- The upgrade process will happen and then pigeoncoin will typically exit
- Start pigeon-qt.exe normally
- You'll get an error with reading the block database. Say OK to rebuild
- It should sync and all will work
Final note: Until the fork occurs, it is possible to run both version of Pigeoncoin simultaneously. If you do not remove/move out of %appdata% the old Pigeon directory after completing the steps above the wallet may get confused too. If you do so though you should use the -datadir flag when starting the wallet. For example, similar toi creating the batch file above to migrate your wallet, create one with just the following: pigeon-qt.exe -datadir=C:\Users\replace_this_with_your_username\AppData\Roaming\PigeonCore . Similarly make a batch file for your old wallet replacing Pigeoncore with Pigeon in the datadir parameter.
For end users this should be all you need to do. If you run into any issues please join our discord server and ask for help.
Note to pools/miners: Please ensure that your pool software is configured to handle masternode payouts. If you do not process these your blocks will fail.
Instructions for running a masternode are not included in these release notes but can be found in the #resources channel on discord as well as on the website.
Key thing to know though is a masternode requires 1,000,000 PGN and returns 20% of the block reward (split between other nodes).
Again if you have any questions/issues with the upgrade procedure please ask on discord: and make sure to upgrade before May 1st 2022!
NOTE: An issue has been identified with this release. DO NOT UPGRADE TO IT RIGHT NOW. Please roll back if you did upgrade.
x21s algo change
changed mining algo from x16s to x21s at 10-15-2019 00:00:00GMT
changed protocol version fro 70015 to 70035.
protocol version older then 70026 will get disconnection from network starting block 738178
dev fee address changed from rQG3D3nzy3jfFxugbmUoZ9LhjpeJ4vrYbR to rLzD7RxVS1QMZ5yYrmoUvfnTNuzgUqJVVK at block 738178
added check point
test wallet
Test Wallet, do not use this for mainnet.
blocktemplate fix for pools
fix coinbasevalue of getblocktemplate results having wrong value when dev fee kick in
Dev fee
This release is now in production.