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@prisma-cms/nextjs Typescript Boilerplate

Based on

Bootstrap a developer-friendly NextJS app configured with:

Deploy your own

Deploy the example using Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

How to use

# Clone project
git clone

# Install dependencies
yarn install

# Build bundles
yarn build

# Start bundled project
yarn start


@prisma-cms/nextjs support custom GrapghQL API endpoints. By default used

  1. In root of project create .env file (dot is necessary in start of filename).
  2. Added line with your GraphQL API endpoint address e.g. API_ENDPOINT=
  3. Generate front GraphQL schema and types
yarn generate:types
  1. Start server in development mode
yarn dev



yarn lint

Typescript types checking

yarn types

Jest unit tests

yarn test

Test code coverage

yarn test --coverage

Jest unit tests real API

Attension! For unit tests with real API started server required.

# Build bundles
yarn build

# Start bundled project
yarn start

After this open yet another terminal and run tests

yarn test:api

Run all test

yarn test:all

Analyze bundles

yarn build:analyze



yarn storybook

build storybook

yarn build:storybook

Deploy it to the cloud with Vercel (Documentation).