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api is channel playing

Jesse Freeman edited this page Nov 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Returns a bool if the specified audio channel is playing a sound. Since channels can only play one sound effect at a time, you may need to test if a channel is currently playing before playing a new sound effect.


IsChannelPlaying ( channel )


Name Value Description
channel int The ID of the channel you want to test. There are 5 audio channels but each game’s SoundChip can be configured to have less.


Value Description
bool Returns true if there is a sound playing on the audio chanel


In this example, we are going to play two different sound effects on their own channels. The first song will play every time you hit the 1 key and the second sound effect, key 2, will only play when the previous sound has completed. Running this code will output the following:

image alt text


function Init()

  -- Example Title
  DrawText("IsChannelPlaying()", 8, 8, DrawMode.TilemapCache, "large", 15)
  DrawText("Lua Example", 8, 16, DrawMode.TilemapCache, "medium", 15, -4)
  -- Display the instructions
  DrawText("Press the 1 or 2 key", 1, 4, DrawMode.Tile, "large", 15)
  DrawText("Channel 0 is playing ", 1, 5, DrawMode.Tile, "large", 15)
  DrawText("Channel 1 is playing ", 1, 6, DrawMode.Tile, "large", 15)


function Update(timeDelta)

  -- Check for the 1 key to be pressed and play sound ID 0 on channel 0
  if(Key(Keys.D1, InputState.Released)) then
    PlaySound(0, 0)

  -- Only play sound 1 if the channel is not currently playing a sound
  if(Key(Keys.D2, InputState.Released) and IsChannelPlaying(1) == false) then
    PlaySound(1, 1)


-- The Draw() method is part of the game's life cycle. It is called after Update() and is where
-- all of our draw calls should go. We'll be using this to render sprites to the display.
function Draw()

  -- Redraw the display

  -- Draw channel 0 and 1's current playing state to the display
  DrawText(tostring(IsChannelPlaying(0)), 176, 40, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 14)
  DrawText(tostring(IsChannelPlaying(1)), 176, 48, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 14)



using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;

namespace PixelVision8.Player
    class IsChannelPlayingExample : GameChip
        public override void Init()

            // Example Title
            DrawText("IsChannelPlaying()", 8, 8, DrawMode.TilemapCache, "large", 15);
            DrawText("C Sharp Example", 8, 16, DrawMode.TilemapCache, "medium", 15, -4);
            // Display the instructions
            DrawText("Press the 1 or 2 key", 1, 4, DrawMode.Tile, "large", 15);
            DrawText("Channel 0 is playing ", 1, 5, DrawMode.Tile, "large", 15);
            DrawText("Channel 1 is playing ", 1, 6, DrawMode.Tile, "large", 15);


        public override void Update(int timeDelta)
            // Check for the 1 key to be pressed and play sound ID 0 on channel 0
            if (Key(Keys.D1, InputState.Released))
                PlaySound(0, 0);

            // Only play sound 1 if the channel is not currently playing a sound
            if (Key(Keys.D2, InputState.Released) & IsChannelPlaying(1) == false)
                PlaySound(1, 1);


        // The Draw() method is part of the game's life cycle. It is called after Update() and is where
        // all of our draw calls should go.We'll be using this to render sprites to the display.
        public override void Draw()

            // Redraw the display

            // Draw channel 0 and 1's current playing state to the display
            DrawText(IsChannelPlaying(0).ToString(), 176, 40, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 14);
            DrawText(IsChannelPlaying(1).ToString(), 176, 48, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 14);

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