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'⨻', + 'iprod': '⨼', + 'amalg': '⨿', + 'capdot': '⩀', + 'ncup': '⩂', + 'ncap': '⩃', + 'capand': '⩄', + 'cupor': '⩅', + 'cupcap': '⩆', + 'capcup': '⩇', + 'cupbrcap': '⩈', + 'capbrcup': '⩉', + 'cupcup': '⩊', + 'capcap': '⩋', + 'ccups': '⩌', + 'ccaps': '⩍', + 'ccupssm': '⩐', + 'And': '⩓', + 'Or': '⩔', + 'andand': '⩕', + 'oror': '⩖', + 'orslope': '⩗', + 'andslope': '⩘', + 'andv': '⩚', + 'orv': '⩛', + 'andd': '⩜', + 'ord': '⩝', + 'wedbar': '⩟', + 'sdote': '⩦', + 'simdot': '⩪', + 'congdot': '⩭', + 'easter': '⩮', + 'apacir': '⩯', + 'apE': '⩰', + 'eplus': '⩱', + 'pluse': '⩲', + 'Esim': '⩳', + 'Colone': '⩴', + 'Equal': '⩵', + 'eDDot': '⩷', + 'equivDD': '⩸', + 'ltcir': '⩹', + 'gtcir': '⩺', + 'ltquest': '⩻', + 'gtquest': '⩼', + 'les': '⩽', + 'ges': '⩾', + 'lesdot': '⩿', + 'gesdot': '⪀', + 'lesdoto': '⪁', + 'gesdoto': '⪂', + 'lesdotor': '⪃', + 'gesdotol': '⪄', + 'lessapprox': '⪅', + 'gtrapprox': '⪆', + 'lneq': '⪇', + 'gneq': '⪈', + 'lnapprox': '⪉', + 'gnapprox': '⪊', + 'lesseqqgtr': '⪋', + 'gtreqqless': '⪌', + 'lsime': '⪍', + 'gsime': '⪎', + 'lsimg': '⪏', + 'gsiml': '⪐', + 'lgE': '⪑', + 'glE': '⪒', + 'lesges': '⪓', + 'gesles': '⪔', + 'eqslantless': '⪕', + 'eqslantgtr': '⪖', + 'elsdot': '⪗', + 'egsdot': '⪘', + 'el': '⪙', + 'eg': '⪚', + 'siml': '⪝', + 'simg': '⪞', + 'simlE': '⪟', + 'simgE': '⪠', + 'LessLess': '⪡', + 'GreaterGreater': '⪢', + 'glj': '⪤', + 'gla': '⪥', + 'ltcc': '⪦', + 'gtcc': '⪧', + 'lescc': '⪨', + 'gescc': '⪩', + 'smt': '⪪', + 'lat': '⪫', + 'smte': '⪬', + 'late': '⪭', + 'bumpE': '⪮', + 'preceq': '⪯', + 'succeq': '⪰', + 'prE': '⪳', + 'scE': '⪴', + 'prnE': '⪵', + 'succneqq': '⪶', + 'precapprox': '⪷', + 'succapprox': '⪸', + 'prnap': '⪹', + 'succnapprox': '⪺', + 'Pr': '⪻', + 'Sc': '⪼', + 'subdot': '⪽', + 'supdot': '⪾', + 'subplus': '⪿', + 'supplus': '⫀', + 'submult': '⫁', + 'supmult': '⫂', + 'subedot': '⫃', + 'supedot': '⫄', + 'subseteqq': '⫅', + 'supseteqq': '⫆', + 'subsim': '⫇', + 'supsim': '⫈', + 'subsetneqq': '⫋', + 'supsetneqq': '⫌', + 'csub': '⫏', + 'csup': '⫐', + 'csube': '⫑', + 'csupe': '⫒', + 'subsup': '⫓', + 'supsub': '⫔', + 'subsub': '⫕', + 'supsup': '⫖', + 'suphsub': '⫗', + 'supdsub': '⫘', + 'forkv': '⫙', + 'topfork': '⫚', + 'mlcp': '⫛', + 'DoubleLeftTee': '⫤', + 'Vdashl': '⫦', + 'Barv': '⫧', + 'vBar': '⫨', + 'vBarv': '⫩', + 'Vbar': '⫫', + 'Not': '⫬', + 'bNot': '⫭', + 'rnmid': '⫮', + 'cirmid': '⫯', + 'midcir': '⫰', + 'topcir': '⫱', + 'nhpar': '⫲', + 'parsim': '⫳', + 'parsl': '⫽', + 'fflig': 'ff', + 'filig': 'fi', + 'fllig': 'fl', + 'ffilig': 'ffi', + 'ffllig': 'ffl', + 'Ascr': '풜', + 'Cscr': '풞', + 'Dscr': '풟', + 'Gscr': '풢', + 'Jscr': '풥', + 'Kscr': '풦', + 'Nscr': '풩', + 'Oscr': '풪', + 'Pscr': '풫', + 'Qscr': '풬', + 'Sscr': '풮', + 'Tscr': '풯', + 'Uscr': '풰', + 'Vscr': '풱', + 'Wscr': '풲', + 'Xscr': '풳', + 'Yscr': '풴', + 'Zscr': '풵', + 'ascr': '풶', + 'bscr': '풷', + 'cscr': '풸', + 'dscr': '풹', + 'fscr': '풻', + 'hscr': '풽', + 'iscr': '풾', + 'jscr': '풿', + 'kscr': '퓀', + 'lscr': '퓁', + 'mscr': '퓂', + 'nscr': '퓃', + 'pscr': '퓅', + 'qscr': '퓆', + 'rscr': '퓇', + 'sscr': '퓈', + 'tscr': '퓉', + 'uscr': '퓊', + 'vscr': '퓋', + 'wscr': '퓌', + 'xscr': '퓍', + 'yscr': '퓎', + 'zscr': '퓏', + 'Afr': '프', + 'Bfr': '픅', + 'Dfr': '픇', + 'Efr': '픈', + 'Ffr': '픉', + 'Gfr': '픊', + 'Jfr': '픍', + 'Kfr': '픎', + 'Lfr': '픏', + 'Mfr': '픐', + 'Nfr': '픑', + 'Ofr': '픒', + 'Pfr': '픓', + 'Qfr': '픔', + 'Sfr': '픖', + 'Tfr': '픗', + 'Ufr': '픘', + 'Vfr': '픙', + 'Wfr': '픚', + 'Xfr': '픛', + 'Yfr': '픜', + 'afr': '픞', + 'bfr': '픟', + 'cfr': '픠', + 'dfr': '픡', + 'efr': '픢', + 'ffr': '픣', + 'gfr': '픤', + 'hfr': '픥', + 'ifr': '픦', + 'jfr': '픧', + 'kfr': '픨', + 'lfr': '픩', + 'mfr': '픪', + 'nfr': '픫', + 'ofr': '픬', + 'pfr': '픭', + 'qfr': '픮', + 'rfr': '픯', + 'sfr': '픰', + 'tfr': '픱', + 'ufr': '픲', + 'vfr': '픳', + 'wfr': '픴', + 'xfr': '픵', + 'yfr': '픶', + 'zfr': '픷', + 'Aopf': '픸', + 'Bopf': '픹', + 'Dopf': '픻', + 'Eopf': '피', + 'Fopf': '픽', + 'Gopf': '픾', + 'Iopf': '핀', + 'Jopf': '핁', + 'Kopf': '핂', + 'Lopf': '핃', + 'Mopf': '필', + 'Oopf': '핆', + 'Sopf': '핊', + 'Topf': '핋', + 'Uopf': '핌', + 'Vopf': '핍', + 'Wopf': '핎', + 'Xopf': '핏', + 'Yopf': '핐', + 'aopf': '핒', + 'bopf': '핓', + 'copf': '핔', + 'dopf': '핕', + 'eopf': '핖', + 'fopf': '핗', + 'gopf': '하', + 'hopf': '학', + 'iopf': '핚', + 'jopf': '핛', + 'kopf': '한', + 'lopf': '핝', + 'mopf': '핞', + 'nopf': '핟', + 'oopf': '할', + 'popf': '핡', + 'qopf': '핢', + 'ropf': '핣', + 'sopf': '핤', + 'topf': '핥', + 'uopf': '핦', + 'vopf': '핧', + 'wopf': '함', + 'xopf': '합', + 'yopf': '핪', + 'zopf': '핫' }; var specialCharEntities = { @@ -110,29 +1472,22 @@ var specialCharEntities = { '\xA0': ' ' }; -var entityRegExp = /&([#a-z0-9]+);/gi; +var entityRegExp = /&(?:#([0-9]+)|#x([0-9a-f]+)|([a-z0-9]+));/gi; var attributeModeSpecialCharRegExp = /["&<>\xA0]/g; var nonAttributeModeSpecialCharRegExp = /[&<>\xA0]/g; -function entityToChar(s, name) { - var code = entityCharCodes[name]; - if (!code && name[0] === '#') { - if (name[1] === 'x' || name[1] === 'X') { - code = parseInt(name.substring(2), 16); - } - else { - code = parseInt(name.substring(1), 10); - } - if (isNaN(code)) { - code = undefined; - } - } - return code ? String.fromCharCode(code) : s; -} - exports.HTMLDecode = function decode(s) { - if (!s) return ''; - return s.replace(entityRegExp, entityToChar); + if (!s) return ''; + return s.replace(entityRegExp, function ($0, decimalStr, hexStr, entityName) { + if (decimalStr) { + return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(decimalStr, 10)); + } else if (hexStr) { + return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hexStr, 16)); + } else { + // Fall back to the original string if we don't know the entity, as per browser behavior: + return charByEntityName[entityName] || $0; + } + }); }; function specialCharToEntity(s) { diff --git a/test/jsdom/index.js b/test/jsdom/index.js index 5ddfe77735..d438376301 100644 --- a/test/jsdom/index.js +++ b/test/jsdom/index.js @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ exports.tests = { test.notEqual(window.location, null, 'window.location should not be null'); test.done(); } - }) + }); }, env_with_overridden_url : function(test) { @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ exports.tests = { "hash should be empty string by default"); test.done(); } - }) + }); }, env_with_overridden_hash: function(test) { @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ exports.tests = { "hash should pull from URL"); test.done(); } - }) + }); }, env_with_non_existant_script : function(test) { @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ exports.tests = { scripts: ['path/to/invalid.js', 'another/invalid.js'], done: function(errors, window) { test.notEqual(errors, null, 'errors should not be null'); - test.equal(errors.length, 2, 'errors is an array') + test.equal(errors.length, 2, 'errors is an array'); test.notEqual(window.location, null, 'window.location should not be null'); test.done(); } @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ exports.tests = { done: function(errors, window) { server.close(); if (errors) { - test.ok(false, errors.message) + test.ok(false, errors.message); } else { test.notEqual(window.location, null, 'window.location should not be null'); test.equal(window.attachedHere, 123, 'script should execute on our window'); @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ exports.tests = { scripts: 'https://doesntmatter.com/script.js', done: function(errors, window) { if (errors) { - test.ok(false, errors.message) + test.ok(false, errors.message); } else { test.notEqual(window.location, null, 'window.location should not be null'); test.equal(window.attachedHere, 123, 'script should execute on our window'); @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ exports.tests = { done : function(errors, window) { test.ok(null === errors, "error should not be null"); test.ok(null !== window.location, "window should be valid"); - test.equal(window.attachedHere, 123, "script should execute on our window") + test.equal(window.attachedHere, 123, "script should execute on our window"); test.equal(window.document.getElementsByTagName("p").item(0).innerHTML, 'hello world!', "anchor text"); test.done(); } @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ exports.tests = { var doc = jsdom.jsdom(); doc.appendChild(doc.createElement('html')); } catch (e) { - test.equal(e.code, 3, 'Should throw HIERARCHY_ERR') + test.equal(e.code, 3, 'Should throw HIERARCHY_ERR'); code = e.code; throw(e); } @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ exports.tests = { doc2.onload = function() { test.equal(doc2.getElementById("test").innerHTML, 'hello from html', 'js should not be executed (doc2)'); test.done(); - } + }; }, load_multiple_resources_with_defer_close: function(test) { @@ -511,10 +511,10 @@ exports.tests = { link5\ protocol\ \ - ' + '; function testLocal() { - var url = '/path/to/docroot/index.html' + var url = '/path/to/docroot/index.html'; var doc = jsdom.jsdom(html, null, {url: url}); test.equal(doc.getElementById("link1").href, 'http://example.com', 'Absolute URL should be left alone'); test.equal(doc.getElementById("link2").href, '/local.html', 'Relative URL should be resolved'); @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ exports.tests = { } function testRemote() { - var url = 'http://example.com/path/to/docroot/index.html' + var url = 'http://example.com/path/to/docroot/index.html'; var doc = jsdom.jsdom(html, null, {url: url}); test.equal(doc.getElementById("link1").href, 'http://example.com', 'Absolute URL should be left alone'); test.equal(doc.getElementById("link2").href, 'http://example.com/local.html', 'Relative URL should be resolved'); @@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ exports.tests = { var buffer = require("fs").readFileSync(__dirname + "/files/env.html"), dom; test.doesNotThrow(function(){ dom = jsdom.jsdom(buffer); }, 'buffers should automatically be stringified'); - test.equal(dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("*").length, 3, 'should parse as per usual') + test.equal(dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("*").length, 3, 'should parse as per usual'); test.done(); }, @@ -670,13 +670,13 @@ exports.tests = { childNodes_updates_on_insertChild : function(test) { var window = jsdom.jsdom("").createWindow(); - var div = window.document.createElement("div") - var text = window.document.createTextNode("bar") + var div = window.document.createElement("div"); + var text = window.document.createTextNode("bar"); div.appendChild(text); test.strictEqual(text, div.childNodes[0], "childNodes NodeList should update after appendChild"); - text = window.document.createTextNode("bar") + text = window.document.createTextNode("bar"); div.insertBefore(text, null); test.strictEqual(text, div.childNodes[1], "childNodes NodeList should update after insertBefore"); @@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ exports.tests = { option_set_selected : function(test) { var window = jsdom.jsdom("").createWindow(); - var select = window.document.createElement("select") + var select = window.document.createElement("select"); var option0 = window.document.createElement('option'); select.appendChild(option0); @@ -716,16 +716,16 @@ exports.tests = { }, case_sensitivity_of_markup_missing_html_and_body : function(test){ - var spaces = /[ \n]*/g, - doc1 = jsdom.html("").outerHTML.replace(spaces, ''), - doc2 = jsdom.html("").outerHTML.replace(spaces, ''), - doc3 = jsdom.html("").outerHTML.replace(spaces, ''), - doc4 = jsdom.html("").outerHTML.replace(spaces, ''), - doc5 = jsdom.html("").outerHTML.replace(spaces, ''); - - test.ok(doc1 === doc2 && doc2 == doc3 && doc3 === doc4 && doc4 == doc5, - 'they should all serialize the same'); - test.done(); + var spaces = /[ \n]*/g, + doc1 = jsdom.html("").outerHTML.replace(spaces, ''), + doc2 = jsdom.html("").outerHTML.replace(spaces, ''), + doc3 = jsdom.html("").outerHTML.replace(spaces, ''), + doc4 = jsdom.html("").outerHTML.replace(spaces, ''), + doc5 = jsdom.html("").outerHTML.replace(spaces, ''); + + test.ok(doc1 === doc2 && doc2 == doc3 && doc3 === doc4 && doc4 == doc5, + 'they should all serialize the same'); + test.done(); }, children_should_be_available_right_after_document_creation : function(test) { @@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ exports.tests = { 'jquery.js' ], function () { // ensure the callback gets called! - test.done() + test.done(); }); }, @@ -769,22 +769,32 @@ exports.tests = { }, parsing_and_serializing_entities: function(test) { - var html = '<æ☺foo'; - var document = jsdom.jsdom(html); - var anchor = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; + var html = '<æ☺foo'; + var document = jsdom.jsdom(html); + var anchor = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; - test.strictEqual(anchor.getAttribute('href'), 'http://example.com/?a=b&c=d', - "href attribute value should be deentitified"); + test.strictEqual(anchor.getAttribute('href'), 'http://example.com/?a=b&c=d', + "href attribute value should be deentitified"); - test.strictEqual(anchor.firstChild.nodeValue, '<æ☺foo', - "nodeValue of text node should be deentitified"); + test.strictEqual(anchor.firstChild.nodeValue, '<æ☺foo', + "nodeValue of text node should be deentitified"); - test.ok(anchor.outerHTML.indexOf('http://example.com/?a=b&c=d') !== -1, - "outerHTML of anchor href should be entitified"); + test.ok(anchor.outerHTML.indexOf('http://example.com/?a=b&c=d') !== -1, + "outerHTML of anchor href should be entitified"); - test.ok(anchor.innerHTML.indexOf("<") === 0, - "innerHTML of anchor should begin with <"); - test.done(); + test.ok(anchor.innerHTML.indexOf("<") === 0, + "innerHTML of anchor should begin with <"); + test.done(); + }, + + parsing_and_serializing_unknown_entities: function (test) { + var html = '&nowayjose;☺ lah; q;'; + var document = jsdom.jsdom(html); + test.strictEqual(document.body.firstChild.nodeValue, "&nowayjose;☺ lah; q;", + "Unknown and unparsable entities should be left in the decoded text"); + test.strictEqual(document.body.innerHTML, "&nowayjose;☺&#xblah;&#9q;", + "Unknown and unparsable entities should be reserialized as literal text"); + test.done(); }, document_title_and_entities: function (test) { @@ -865,10 +875,10 @@ exports.tests = { allow_ender_to_run : function(test) { jsdom.env('', [__dirname + '/files/ender-qwery.js'], function(e, w) { test.ok(!e, 'no errors'); - test.ok(w.ender, 'ender exists') + test.ok(w.ender, 'ender exists'); test.ok(w.$, 'window contains $'); test.done(); - }) + }); }, // see: https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom/issues/259 @@ -912,7 +922,7 @@ exports.tests = { var thrown = false; var doc; try { - doc = jsdom.jsdom('
') + doc = jsdom.jsdom('
'); } catch (e) { thrown = true; }