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Pluies committed Jan 3, 2012
1 parent fbd36c0 commit a0bd196
Showing 1 changed file with 121 additions and 0 deletions.
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions Chapter 4.scm
Expand Up @@ -719,7 +719,128 @@
; #t ; #t

;-- 4.11 ;-- 4.11
; Instead of representing a frame as a pair of lists, we can represent a frame
; as a list of bindings, where each binding is a name-value pair.
(define (make-frame variables values)
(zip variables values))
(define (frame-variables frame) (map car frame))
(define (frame-values frame) (map cadr frame))
(define (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame)
(set-cdr! frame (cons (car frame) (cdr frame)))
(set-car! frame (list var val)))

; Let's try:
(eval '(+ 2 3) the-global-environment)
; Value: 5
; Good!
(eval '(define a 10) the-global-environment)
; Value: ok
; Good!
(eval 'a the-global-environment)
; 10
; Perfect!

;-- 4.12
(define (lookup-variable-value var env)
(define (env-loop env)
(if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
(error "Unbound variable" var)
(let ((frame (first-frame env)))
(scan (frame-variables frame)
(frame-values frame)
(lambda ()
(env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))))))
(env-loop env))
(define (set-variable-value! var val env)
(define (env-loop env)
(if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
(error "Unbound variable -- SET!" var)
(let ((frame (first-frame env)))
(scan (frame-variables frame)
(frame-values frame)
(lambda ()
(env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))))))
(env-loop env))
(define (define-variable! var val env)
(let ((frame (first-frame env)))
(scan (frame-variables frame)
(frame-values frame)
(lambda ()
(add-binding-to-frame! var val frame)))))
; These three methods all perform a search of the environment.
(define (scan vars vals var val callback)
(cond ((null? vars)
((eq? var (car vars))
(set-car! vals val))
(else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))

; Test:
(eval '(define b 10) the-global-environment)

;-- 4.13
; Design an un-binding mechanism
; Helper functions:
(define (undefinition? exp)
(tagged-list? exp 'make-unbound!))
(define (undefinition-variable exp) (cadr exp))
(define (eval-undefinition exp env)
(undefine-variable! (undefinition-variable exp)
; Reminder: our variable list for each is composed of two lists: one containing
; the variable names, the other containing the actual values.
; We'll only look for the variable in the first frame.
(define (undefine-variable! var env)
(let ((frame (first-frame env)))
(define (scan vars vals)
(cond ((null? vars)
(error "Variable does not exist -- MAKE-UNBOUND!" var))
((eq? var (car vars)) ; Remove binding:
(set-car! vars (cdr vars)))
(else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
(scan (frame-variables frame)
(frame-values frame))))
; Then we redefine eval:
(define (eval exp env)
(cond ((self-evaluating? exp) exp)
((variable? exp) (lookup-variable-value exp env))
((quoted? exp) (text-of-quotation exp))
((assignment? exp) (eval-assignment exp env))
((definition? exp) (eval-definition exp env))
((undefinition? exp) (eval-undefinition exp env))
((if? exp) (eval-if exp env))
((let? exp) (eval (let->combination exp) env))
((lambda? exp)
(make-procedure (lambda-parameters exp)
(lambda-body exp)
((begin? exp)
(eval-sequence (begin-actions exp) env))
((cond? exp) (eval (cond->if exp) env))
((application? exp)
(apply (eval (operator exp) env)
(list-of-values (operands exp) env)))
(error "Unknown expression type -- EVAL" exp))))

; Test:
(eval 'a the-global-environment)
; Unbound variable a
(eval '(define a 12) the-global-environment)
;Value: ok
(eval 'a the-global-environment)
;Value: 12
(eval '(make-unbound! a) the-global-environment)
;Value: ok
(eval 'a the-global-environment)
; Unbound variable a

;-- 4.14

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