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Quick start to ODE

Serge Stinckwich edited this page Jan 18, 2021 · 15 revisions

The following code shows how to obtain the numerical solution of a simple one-dimensional ODE. Note the configuration of the stepper type showing the flexibility of the library. We solve the simple ODE x' = 3/(2t^2) + x/(2t) with initial condition x(1) = 0 and step size 0.1.

|dt system stepper solver| 
dt := 0.1. 
system := PMExplicitSystem block: [:x :t | 3.0 / (2.0 * t * t) + (x / (2.0 * t))]. 
stepper := PMRungeKuttaStepper onSystem: system. 
solver := (PMExplicitSolver new) stepper: stepper; system: system; dt: dt. 
solver solve: system startState: 0 startTime: 1 endTime: 10

Every time, you need to solve an ODE, you will need to setup three different object: a system that represent an or a set of ODEs, a stepper that deals with the method that will be used to solve your ODE and finally a solver.

With the PMExplicitSystem block you can represent as a function of 2 arguments (t and x), the rhs (right hand side) of the differential equation: dx/dt = f(x,t).

Let's try to do plot the behavior of an compartimental model in epidemiology like SIR:

|solver state system dt beta gamma values stepper grapher dataSet|
dt := 1.0.
beta := 0.01.
gamma := 0.1.
system := PMExplicitSystem block: [ :x :t| {
	(beta negated) * (x at: 1) * (x at: 2).
	(beta * (x at: 1) * (x at: 2)) - (gamma * (x at: 2)).
	gamma * (x at: 2).
stepper := PMRungeKuttaStepper onSystem: system.
solver := (PMExplicitSolver new) stepper: stepper; system: system; dt: dt.
state := #(99 1 0).
values := (0.0 to: 200.0 by: dt) collect: [ :t| state := stepper doStep: state 
                                                          time: t stepSize: dt. t@(state at:1)].

grapher := RTGrapher new.
dataSet := RTData new.
dataSet noDot.
dataSet points: values;
	x: #x;
	y: #y.
dataSet connectColor: (Color blue).
grapher add: dataSet.

We use Roassal 2 to plot the S curve.

For the three curves: S (blue), I (red) and R (green)

|solver state system dt beta gamma values stepper grapher dataSet|
dt := 1.0.
beta := 0.01.
gamma := 0.1.
system := PMExplicitSystem block: [ :x :t| {
	(beta negated) * (x at: 1) * (x at: 2).
	(beta * (x at: 1) * (x at: 2)) - (gamma * (x at: 2)).
	gamma * (x at: 2).
stepper := PMRungeKuttaStepper onSystem: system.
solver := (PMExplicitSolver new) stepper: stepper; system: system; dt: dt.
state := #(99 1 0).
values := (0.0 to: 60.0 by: dt) collect: [ :t| state := stepper doStep: state 
                                                          time: t stepSize: dt. {t. state at:1. state at:2. state at:3}].

grapher := RTGrapher new.

dataSet := RTData new.
dataSet noDot.
dataSet points: values;
	x: [:v| v at:1];
	y: [:v| v at:2].
dataSet connectColor: (Color green).
grapher add: dataSet.

dataSet := RTData new.
dataSet noDot.
dataSet points: values;
	x: [:v| v at:1];
	y: [:v| v at:3].
dataSet connectColor: (Color red).
grapher add: dataSet.

dataSet := RTData new.
dataSet noDot.
dataSet points: values;
	x: [:v| v at:1];
	y: [:v| v at:4].
dataSet connectColor: (Color blue).
grapher add: dataSet.


Let's try to implement the Lorenz attractor as the a set of 3 differential equations, that we will solved with a Runge-Kutta solver:

sigma := 10.0.
r := 28.
b := 8.0/3.0.
dt := 0.01.
system := PMExplicitSystem
block: [:x :t | | c |
   c:= Array new: 3.
   c at: 1 put: sigma * ((x at: 2) - (x at: 1)).
   c at: 2 put: r * (x at: 1) - (x at: 2) - ((x at: 1) * (x at: 3)).
   c at: 3 put: (b negated * (x at: 3) + ((x at: 1) * (x at: 2))).
stepper := PMRungeKuttaStepper onSystem: system.
solver := (PMExplicitSolver new) stepper: stepper; system: system; dt: dt.
state := #(10.0 10.0 10.0).

values := (0.0 to: 100.0 by: dt) collect:[:t |
   state := stepper doStep: state time: t stepSize: dt.

grapher := RTGrapher new.
dataSet := RTData new.
dataSet dotShape ellipse size:1; color: (Color red alpha: 0.5).
	points: values;
	x: [:v | v at: 2];
	y: [:v | v at: 3].
grapher add: dataSet.

As there are different case what value to write for system, stepper and solver here you have a hint:

(Pay attentions: for first 3 methods you should write your order of method like thisAB3Stepper. )

Methods System Stepper Solver Comment
Adams - Bashforth method of order n=2,3,4 ExplicitSystem ABnStepper ABnSolver
Adams - Moulton method of order n=3,4 ImplicitSystem AMnStepper AMnSolver
Backward differentiation formulas method of order n=2,3,4 ImplicitSystem BDFnStepper BDFnSolver
Beckward Euler method ImplicitSystem ImplicitStepper ImplicitSolver
Euler method ExplicitSystem ExplicitStepper ExplicitSolver
Heun method ExplicitSystem HeunStepper ExplicitSolver Heun's method may refer to the improved or modified Euler's method (that is, the explicit trapezoidal rule), or a similar two-stage Runge-Kutta method.
Implicit midpoint method ImplicitSystem ImplicitMidpointStepper ImplicitMidpointSolver
Midpoint method ExplicitSystem MidpointStepper ExplicitSolver
Runge-Kutta method (order 4) ExplicitSystem RungeKuttaStepper ExplicitSolver
Trapezoidal rule ImplicitSystem TrapezoidStepper ImplicitSolver It is Adams - Moulton method of order 2