Welcome to the Haiku shell. ~/src/build-portmidi-Unbenannt-Debug/pm_test> fastrcv Apparently this is a 64-bit machine. Usage: fastrcv [-h] [-v] [-d device], where device is the PortMidi device number, -h means help, -v means verbose (print messages) 2: Haiku MIDI kit, MidiSynth 1.8 (Haiku) (input) 4: Haiku MIDI kit, midithru (input) 5: Create virtual port named "fastrcv" (input) Input device number: 4 Midi Input opened. 0 msgs/sec 0 msgs/sec 0 msgs/sec 0 msgs/sec 0 msgs/sec 0 msgs/sec 0 msgs/sec 0 msgs/sec ~/src/build-portmidi-Unbenannt-Debug/pm_test> testio Usage: test [-h] [-l latency-in-ms] [-v] -h for this help message (only) -l for latency -v for verbose (enables more output) Apparently this is a 64-bit machine. Latency in ms: 10 begin portMidi test... enter your choice... 1: test input 2: test input (fail w/assert) 3: test input (fail w/NULL assign) 4: test output 5: test both 6: stream test (for WinMM) 7. isochronous out 5 0: Haiku MIDI kit, Soft Synth (default output) 1: Haiku MIDI kit, MidiSynth 1.8 (Haiku) (output) 2: Haiku MIDI kit, MidiSynth 1.8 (Haiku) (default input) 3: Haiku MIDI kit, portmidi1 (output) 4: Haiku MIDI kit, portmidi1 (input) 5: Haiku MIDI kit, portmidi2 (output) 6: Haiku MIDI kit, portmidi2 (input) Type input number: 6 Type output number: 5 Midi Output opened with 10 ms latency. Midi Input opened. Reading 11 Midi messages... ~/src/build-portmidi-Unbenannt-Debug/pm_test>