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- Add example for extracting applications from iTop CMDB to vRNI
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smitmartijn committed Mar 23, 2019
1 parent fead6ad commit 0c7f647
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 0 deletions.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions examples/cmdb-import-from-itop.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
$CONFIG_URL = "http://itop.lab/webservices/rest.php?version=1.3"
$CONFIG_USER = "api"
$CONFIG_PASS = "VMware1!"
$CONFIG_VRNI_HOST = "network-insight.platform.lab"
$CONFIG_VRNI_USER = "admin@local"

$vrni_connection = Connect-vRNIServer -Server $CONFIG_VRNI_HOST -User $CONFIG_VRNI_USER -Password $CONFIG_VRNI_PASS
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Green' "Connected to Network Insight with PowervRNI!"
Write-Host "Connecting to CMDB to get a list of applications..."

# Select all applications from the iTop API
$app_request_json = @{
'operation' = 'core/get' ;
'class'= 'ApplicationSolution' ;
'key' = "SELECT ApplicationSolution" ;
'output_fields' = '*'
} | ConvertTo-Json

# Format the POST payload
$postParams = @{
auth_user = $CONFIG_USER;
auth_pwd = $CONFIG_PASS;
json_data = $app_request_json;

# Execute web request and translate the incoming result to a PowerShell object
$res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $CONFIG_URL -Method POST -Body $postParams -UseBasicParsing
# The actual content is hidden is key 'Content' (surprise!)
$json = ConvertFrom-Json $res.Content

# Go through all applications
foreach ($info in $json.objects.PSObject.Properties)
$appName = $
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Magenta' "Found Application: $($appName)"
$fields = $info.Value

# First, see if the application exists (otherwise create it)
$application = Get-vRNIApplication -Name $appName -Connection $vrni_connection

# Application doesn't exist in vRNI, create it
if($null -eq $application) {
Write-Host "Application $($appName) not found in Network Insight, so creating it.." -ForegroundColor "Yellow"
$application = New-vRNIApplication -Name $appName
Write-Host "Application $($appName) created!" -ForegroundColor "Green"

# Array for holding the tier/VM combo
$appTiers = @{}

Write-Host "Looking for VMs attached to this application..."
# This is only going to supply us with the VM name and ID
foreach ($field in $info.Value.fields.functionalcis_list)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'Magenta' "Found a VM attached to $($appName): "
#Write-Host "VM: $($field.functionalci_name)"

# we need to request more details around this VM.
$vm_request_json = @{
'operation' = 'core/get' ;
'class'= 'VirtualMachine' ;
'key' = "SELECT VirtualMachine WHERE id = $($field.functionalci_id)" ;
'output_fields' = '*'
} | ConvertTo-Json

$postParams = @{
auth_user = $CONFIG_USER;
auth_pwd = $CONFIG_PASS;
json_data = $vm_request_json
# Execute the VM info request and translate the output to
$res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $CONFIG_URL -Method POST -Body $postParams -UseBasicParsing

$json = ConvertFrom-Json $res.Content
foreach ($info in $json.objects.PSObject.Properties)
$fields = $info.Value
$tier = $($fields.fields.description)

if($null -eq $appTiers.$tier) {
$appTiers.$tier = @()
$appTiers.$tier += $
Write-Host "VM: $($ - Tier: $($tier)"
#Write-Host "OS: $($fields.fields.osfamily_name) - $($fields.fields.osversion_name)"
#Write-Host "IP Address: $($fields.fields.managementip)"

Write-Host "Adding tiers and VMs to Network Insight.."

foreach($tier in $appTiers.Keys)
$filters = @()
$filter_vm = ""
foreach($vm in $appTiers.$tier) {
$filter_vm += "name = '$($vm)' or "
$filter_vm = $filter_vm.Substring(0, $filter_vm.Length - 4)
$filters += $filter_vm

$vrni_tier = New-vRNIApplicationTier -Application $application -Name $tier -Filters $filters
Write-Host "Added Tier '$($tier)' to application '$($appname)' to Network Insight!" -ForegroundColor "green"


Write-Host "All done."

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