diff --git a/components.js b/components.js index 2b2cc96044..f868e99b7e 100644 --- a/components.js +++ b/components.js @@ -438,6 +438,10 @@ var components = { "require": "javascript", "owner": "vkbansal" }, + "verilog": { + "title": "Verilog & System Verilog", + "owner": "a-rey" + }, "vhdl": { "title": "VHDL", "owner": "a-rey" diff --git a/components/prism-verilog.js b/components/prism-verilog.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..868b88693f --- /dev/null +++ b/components/prism-verilog.js @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +Prism.languages.verilog = { + 'comment': /\/\/.*|\/\*[\w\W]*?\*\//, + 'string': /"(\\(?:\r\n?|\n)|\\?.)*?"/, + // support for any kernel function (ex: $display()) + 'property': /\B\$\w+\b/, + // support for user defined constants (ex: `define) + 'constant': /\B`\w+\b/, + 'function': /[a-z\d_]+(?=\()/i, + // support for verilog and system verilog keywords + 'keyword': /\b(alias|and|assert|assign|assume|automatic|before|begin|bind|bins|binsof|bit|break|buf|bufif0|bufif1|byte|class|case|casex|casez|cell|chandle|clocking|cmos|config|const|constraint|context|continue|cover|covergroup|coverpoint|cross|deassign|default|defparam|design|disable|dist|do|edge|else|end|endcase|endclass|endclocking|endconfig|endfunction|endgenerate|endgroup|endinterface|endmodule|endpackage|endprimitive|endprogram|endproperty|endspecify|endsequence|endtable|endtask|enum|event|expect|export|extends|extern|final|first_match|for|force|foreach|forever|fork|forkjoin|function|generate|genvar|highz0|highz1|if|iff|ifnone|ignore_bins|illegal_bins|import|incdir|include|initial|inout|input|inside|instance|int|integer|interface|intersect|join|join_any|join_none|large|liblist|library|local|localparam|logic|longint|macromodule|matches|medium|modport|module|nand|negedge|new|nmos|nor|noshowcancelled|not|notif0|notif1|null|or|output|package|packed|parameter|pmos|posedge|primitive|priority|program|property|protected|pull0|pull1|pulldown|pullup|pulsestyle_onevent|pulsestyle_ondetect|pure|rand|randc|randcase|randsequence|rcmos|real|realtime|ref|reg|release|repeat|return|rnmos|rpmos|rtran|rtranif0|rtranif1|scalared|sequence|shortint|shortreal|showcancelled|signed|small|solve|specify|specparam|static|string|strong0|strong1|struct|super|supply0|supply1|table|tagged|task|this|throughout|time|timeprecision|timeunit|tran|tranif0|tranif1|tri|tri0|tri1|triand|trior|trireg|type|typedef|union|unique|unsigned|use|uwire|var|vectored|virtual|void|wait|wait_order|wand|weak0|weak1|while|wildcard|wire|with|within|wor|xnor|xor)\b/, + // bold highlighting for all verilog and system verilog logic blocks + 'important': /\b(always_latch|always_comb|always_ff|always) ?@?/, + // support for time ticks, vectors, and real numbers + 'number': /\B##?\d+|(\b\d+)?'[odbh] ?[\da-fzx_?]+|\b\d*[._]?\d+(e[-+]?\d+)?/i, + 'operator': /[-+{}^~%*\/?=!<>&|]+/, + 'punctuation': /[[\];(),.:]/, +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/components/prism-verilog.min.js b/components/prism-verilog.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bb11cc5a80 --- /dev/null +++ b/components/prism-verilog.min.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Prism.languages.verilog={comment:/\/\/.*|\/\*[\w\W]*?\*\//,string:/"(\\(?:\r\n?|\n)|\\?.)*?"/,property:/\B\$\w+\b/,constant:/\B`\w+\b/,"function":/[a-z\d_]+(?=\()/i,keyword:/\b(alias|and|assert|assign|assume|automatic|before|begin|bind|bins|binsof|bit|break|buf|bufif0|bufif1|byte|class|case|casex|casez|cell|chandle|clocking|cmos|config|const|constraint|context|continue|cover|covergroup|coverpoint|cross|deassign|default|defparam|design|disable|dist|do|edge|else|end|endcase|endclass|endclocking|endconfig|endfunction|endgenerate|endgroup|endinterface|endmodule|endpackage|endprimitive|endprogram|endproperty|endspecify|endsequence|endtable|endtask|enum|event|expect|export|extends|extern|final|first_match|for|force|foreach|forever|fork|forkjoin|function|generate|genvar|highz0|highz1|if|iff|ifnone|ignore_bins|illegal_bins|import|incdir|include|initial|inout|input|inside|instance|int|integer|interface|intersect|join|join_any|join_none|large|liblist|library|local|localparam|logic|longint|macromodule|matches|medium|modport|module|nand|negedge|new|nmos|nor|noshowcancelled|not|notif0|notif1|null|or|output|package|packed|parameter|pmos|posedge|primitive|priority|program|property|protected|pull0|pull1|pulldown|pullup|pulsestyle_onevent|pulsestyle_ondetect|pure|rand|randc|randcase|randsequence|rcmos|real|realtime|ref|reg|release|repeat|return|rnmos|rpmos|rtran|rtranif0|rtranif1|scalared|sequence|shortint|shortreal|showcancelled|signed|small|solve|specify|specparam|static|string|strong0|strong1|struct|super|supply0|supply1|table|tagged|task|this|throughout|time|timeprecision|timeunit|tran|tranif0|tranif1|tri|tri0|tri1|triand|trior|trireg|type|typedef|union|unique|unsigned|use|uwire|var|vectored|virtual|void|wait|wait_order|wand|weak0|weak1|while|wildcard|wire|with|within|wor|xnor|xor)\b/,important:/\b(always_latch|always_comb|always_ff|always) ?@?/,number:/\B##?\d+|(\b\d+)?'[odbh] ?[\da-fzx_?]+|\b\d*[._]?\d+(e[-+]?\d+)?/i,operator:/[-+{}^~%*\/?=!<>&|]+/,punctuation:/[[\];(),.:]/}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/prism-verilog.html b/examples/prism-verilog.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..315d3852e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/prism-verilog.html @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +

Verilog & System Verilog


To use this language, use the class "language-verilog". Note that this package supports syntax highlighting for both Verilog and System Verilog.

+ +


/* Multiline comments in Verilog
+   look like C comments and // is OK in here. */
+// Single-line comment in Verilog.
+ +


// example code from: http://iroi.seu.edu.cn/books/asics/Book2/CH11/CH11.02.htm
+module declarations;
+  parameter H12_UNSIZED = 'h 12;
+  parameter H12_SIZED = 6'h 12;
+  parameter D42 = 8'B0010_1010;
+  parameter D123 = 123;
+  parameter D63 = 8'o 77;
+  parameter A = 'h x, B = 'o x, C = 8'b x, D = 'h z, E = 16'h ????;
+  reg [3:0] B0011,Bxxx1,Bzzz1;
+  real R1,R2,R3;
+  integer I1,I3,I_3;
+  parameter BXZ = 8'b1x0x1z0z;
+  initial begin
+    B0011 = 4'b11; Bxxx1 = 4'bx1; Bzzz1 = 4'bz1;
+    R1 = 0.1e1; R2 = 2.0; R3 = 30E-01;
+    I1 = 1.1; I3 = 2.5; I_3 = -2.5;
+  end
+  initial begin #1;
+    $display("H12_UNSIZED, H12_SIZED (hex) = %h, %h",H12_UNSIZED, H12_SIZED);
+    $display("D42 (bin) = %b",D42," (dec) = %d",D42);
+    $display("D123 (hex) = %h",D123," (dec) = %d",D123);
+    $display("D63 (oct) = %o",D63);
+    $display("A (hex) = %h",A," B (hex) = %h",B);
+    $display("C (hex) = %h",C," D (hex) = %h",D," E (hex) = %h",E);
+    $display("BXZ (bin) = %b",BXZ," (hex) = %h",BXZ);
+    $display("B0011, Bxxx1, Bzzz1 (bin) = %b, %b, %b",B0011,Bxxx1,Bzzz1);
+    $display("R1, R2, R3 (e, f, g) = %e, %f, %g", R1, R2, R3);
+    $display("I1, I3, I_3 (d) = %d, %d, %d", I1, I3, I_3);
+  end
+ +

Full example

`include "internal_defines.vh"
+// memory_decoder: a custom module used to handle memory transactions
+// out_mem (output) - The output to memory
+// out_reg (output) - The output to the register file
+// mem_we  (output) - Which byte in the word to write too
+// mem_in  (input)  - The input from memory
+// addr_in (input)  - The lowest 2 bits of byte offset to store in memory
+// data_in (input)  - The input from the register file to be stored
+// l_bit   (input)  - The load bit signal (control)
+// b_bit   (input)  - The byte bit signal (control)
+module memory_decoder(out_mem, out_reg, mem_in, data_in, l_bit, b_bit, addr_in,
+                      mem_we);
+  output reg  [31:0]  out_mem, out_reg;
+  output reg  [3:0]   mem_we;
+  input       [31:0]  mem_in, data_in;
+  input       [1:0]   addr_in;
+  input               l_bit, b_bit;
+  always_comb begin
+    mem_we = 4'b0000;     // dont write memory by default
+    if (l_bit == 1) begin // ldr and ldrb
+      out_mem = mem_in;   // dont change memory!
+      if (b_bit == 1) begin
+        /* figure out which byte to load from memory */
+        case (addr_in)
+          2'b00: out_reg = {24'b00, mem_in[7:0]};
+          2'b01: out_reg = {24'b00, mem_in[15:8]};
+          2'b10: out_reg = {24'b00, mem_in[23:16]};
+          2'b11: out_reg = {24'b00, mem_in[31:24]};
+        endcase
+      end
+      else begin
+        out_reg = mem_in;
+      end
+    end
+    else begin            // str and strb
+      out_reg = `UNKNOWN; // We are not reading from mem
+      if (b_bit == 1) begin
+        /* figure out which byte to write to in memory */
+        out_mem = {4{data_in[7:0]}};
+        case (addr_in)
+          2'b00: mem_we = 4'b1000;
+          2'b01: mem_we = 4'b0100;
+          2'b10: mem_we = 4'b0010;
+          2'b11: mem_we = 4'b0001;
+        endcase
+      end
+      else begin
+        mem_we = 4'b1111; // write to all channels
+        out_mem = data_in;
+      end
+    end
+  end
\ No newline at end of file