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On the Effectiveness of Unified Debugging: An Extensive Study on 16 Program Repair Systems

This repository contains the dataset and scripts for On the Effectiveness of Unified Debugging: An Extensive Study on 16 Program Repair Systems - Automated Software Engineering (ASE'20).

1. Content

1.1 Data

  • ExperimentalData: The raw experimental dataset.
    • ProFL-[toolName]/[d4j-project]/: The data for each APR tool per project.

      • generalSusInfo.profl: Spectrum-based fault localization based on Ochiai and aggregation strategy. (Methods with zero suspiciousness are excluded and tied methods all receive worse rank).
      [MethodRank 1] | [Suspiciousness Score 1] | [MethodSignature 1]; 
      [MethodRank 2] | [Suspiciousness Score 2] | [MethodSignature 2];
      [MethodRank N] | [Suspiciousness Score N] | [MethodSignature N];
      • aggregatedSusInfo.profl: unified debugging fault localization. Patch caregory (i.e., CleanFix, NoisyFix, NoneFix, NegFix, or Unmodified) refers to the highest priority patch category associated with each method.
      [MethodRank 1] | [Suspiciousness Score 1] | Patch Category 1 | [MethodSignature 1];
      [MethodRank 2] | [Suspiciousness Score 2] | Patch Category 2 | [MethodSignature 2];
      [MethodRank N] | [Suspiciousness Score N] | Patch Category N | [MethodSignature N];
  • FaultyMethods: The ground truth of faulty methods per project.

Includes all scripts needed to reproduce results, table, and figures from the paper.

  • RQ1_1: Contains data and script to generate data corresponding to Figure 3.
  • RQ1_2: Contains the data and script to generate Figure 7.
  • RQ2: Contains the data and script to generate Figure 8.
  • RQ3: Contains the data and script to generate Figure 9.
  • RQ4_1: Contains the script to generate the result of UniDebug+ and UniDebug++.
  • RQ4_2: Contains the data and script to generate Figure 10.
  • An all-in-one script to run other scripts. Described in Section 2.

The structure of this folder is as follows.

  • FinalResults: Final results generated from the scripts folder.
  • IntermediateResults: Intermediate results used to generate final results.
  • SBFLResults: Ground truth results from spectrum-based fault localization via Ochiai.

2. How to Reproduce Tables & Figures

2.1 Requirements

To run this repository please ensure your environment satisfies the following requirements.

  • Python 3
  • R with packages "ggpubr", "ggplot2", "reshape2", and "cowplot"

2.2 Commands

To recreate the paper's tables and figures, run the following command:

cd Scripts
bash $RQ

$RQ represents a research question and the results will be generated in Results/FinalResults. (Note See RQ4_1 for specific configurable parameters for RQ4_1. Running RQ4_1 will output UniDebug++ results from Table 5.) Output for different arguments of $RQ:

  • RQ1_1: RQ1_1.csv, corresponding to Figure 3.
  • RQ1_2: RQ1_2.pdf, corresponding to Figure 7.
  • RQ2: RQ2.pdf, corresponding to Figure 8.
  • RQ3: RQ3_*.pdf, corresponding to Figure 9.
  • RQ4_1: *.result files, corresponding to the specific combination of tools. Output generated in RQ4_1 instead of Results/FinalResults.
  • RQ4_2: RQ4_2.pdf, corresponding to Figure 10.

2.3 Configuring RQ4_1

Table 5's results can be reproduced with the main script, generating the results of UniDebug+ and UniDebug++.

This file can be executed with the following command:

python <Tool Combination File> [CleanFix | NoisyFix | NoneFix | NegFix]

After running such a command, a *.result file will be generated in Scripts/RQ4_1, describing the metrics for each combination.

The Tool Combination File is a file containing a line delimited list of attempted project combinations. A list of available names can be found in IndividualCombinations.txt. The supplied Tool Combination File should be located within the Scripts/RQ4_1/ directory.

The script's second argument represents which patch category Non-Modify code elements (methods which are unmodified by a repair tool) fall into.

Running the following command will reflect the UniDebug++ results in the ASE'20 paper and generate a GreedyTop1.txt.result file in Scripts/RQ4_1/.

python GreedyTop1.txt NegFix

If you wish to obtain UniDebug+ results, instead of UniDebug++, you may provde a third argument as follows:

python GreedyTop1.txt NegFix False

Running the following command will exhaustively attempt all combinations of the 16 repair tools and generate a ExhaustiveCombinations.txt.result file in Scripts/RQ4_1/, reflecting the UniDebug++ technique.

python ExhaustiveCombinations.txt NegFix

**Note that each successful run of appends data to the existing file. Thus, you may wish to clear or move the results after every run

3. Additional Information

For additional information, such as tables / figures, view the project wiki.


Raw Experimental Results + Script for UnifiedDebugging







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